Tuesday, 31 October 2023

US blew up Nord Stream gas pipelines – Moscow

Nikolay Patrushev

Washington used Ukraine to separate Russia and the EU and fix its own economic problems, Nikolay Patrushev has claimed 

The US has used the ongoing Ukrainian crisis to drive a wedge between Russia and the EU while alleviating its own economic troubles at their expense, Nikolay Patrushev, the head of Russia’s National Security Council, has said.

Ritchie Blackmore Story 2015

Mark Laurie

Jan 28, 2016
Ritchie Blackmore is without a doubt one of the greatest guitar players of all time. Starting with his roots in pop music with The Outlaws and many studio recordings in the sixties via the thrilling hard rock of Deep Purple and Rainbow in the seventies and eighties to the medieval rock with Blackmore's Night, Blackmore has shown that he is a guitar master of all classes. For the first time, "The Richie Blackmore Story" tells us the whole story of his remarkable career, including videos from "Smoke On The Water", "Highway Star”, "Since You've Been Gone”, "Wring That Neck”, "Space Truckin'”, "All Night Long”, "Long Live Rock‘n'Roll”, "Hush”, "Black Night”, "Child In Time”, "Mistreated”, "Burn” etc.. In addition, there are extensive, current interviews with Blackmore and many of his colleagues and admirers, such as Brian May, Glenn Hughes, Lars Ulrich, Steve Lukather, Joe Satriani, the deceased Jon Lord, David Coverdale, Gene Simmons, Joe Lynn Turner, Steve Vai, Graham Bonnet and Ian Anderson. This is the ultimate story of a real guitar hero. The bonus material contains more than 40 minutes of additional interviews with Richie Blackmore and his companions.

Quite a long but entertaining story about my main guitar 'hero' from my youth.

But he wasn't my first guitar 'hero' because that was George Kooymans when I heard him play in 'She Flies On Strange Wings'.
But soon after that I discovered Ritchie Blackmore and the way he played on 'Speed King' and the other songs on 'Deep Purple in Rock' impressed me so much that I wanted to be a guitarist too, and like him I was a high school drop out because I couldn't wrap my head around what those folks were actually trying to teach me, and even though I'm almost 15 years younger than Ritchie, I also didn't have an amplifier at all when I had a cheap electric guitar, and I didn't even have any idea how to play that thing because I had never started on an acoustic guitar, but immediately started with an electric guitar, and I also plugged that thing into a transistor radio because I didn't have a real amplifier, which I only bought later.

I also discovered that I could get a distortion effect by playing the guitar through the radio and through the amplifier, because I didn't know anything about effect pedals yet.

Yes, I also quickly discovered Jimi Hendrix and many other good rock guitarists at that time. 

Why did I make this topic?

Because I want Ritchie (and his wife and children) to be saved!

My 'problem' was that I also wanted to sing like Ian Gillan, and I could do that, and just as loud and high.
But in the band Deep Purple, Blackmore and Gillan were each other's opposites and those two sides were also represented in me, and that is why none of my musical ambitions came to fruition, because you can only excel in one thing!

And besides, I'm way 'too' analytical to be an artist.

In retrospect, it makes sense that I ended up with the greatest artist of all time: God, aka JESUS Christ! 

JESUS Christ really puts everyone in the shade, because He created EVERYTHING and therefore also music!

But I didn't want anything to do with JESUS first because I was an atheist!

‘Saving Grace’ - Clare Cunningham - Behind the song

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: We Are “CIA Psy-Op” To Advance Globalist Agenda

The earths is not a 'globe'.

Hamas is not a terrorist organization determined to fight for the Palestinian people, wage war on Israel and reclaim lost land.  

In reality, the supposedly deadly terrorist group is actually a globalist psy-op created by the CIA and supported by their supposed enemies Israel to help the globalists achieve their goals of more forever wars in the Middle East, and help usher in a ‘New World Order.’


De bezetting - The occupation 3

Klik op afbeelding - Click on picture

13 in de Oorlog - 13 during the War

Dit product van de linkse staatsomroep is uiteraard niet correct want veel wordt weggelaten en onjuist verteld, zoals over de vlucht van 'Koningin' Wilhelmina op 13 mei 1940, maar zelfs kinderen (voor wie deze serie gemaakt werd) snappen de overeenkomst tussen 'Corona' en de 'avondklokken' en thuis van school moeten blijven, de maskers en de anderhalve meter afstand houden met de bezetting van 1940-1945 en ook de overeenkomst tussen het uitsluiten van de Joden met het uitsluiten van de 'ongevaccineerden'.

Het was de bedoeling dat op 5 mei 2020 de 'bevrijding' van Nederland op grootse wijze gevierd zou worden, maar dat ging vanwege 'Corona' niet door...

Velen denken dat het nu voorbij is maar er komt nog veel meer ellende aan!

Het einddoel is de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest.

This product of the left-wing state broadcaster is obviously not correct because much is omitted and told incorrectly, such as about the flight of 'Queen' Wilhelmina on May 13, 1940, but even children (for whom this series was made) understand the similarity between 'Corona' and the 'curfews' and the mandatory staying at home from school, the masks and the six feet distancing with the 1940-1945 occupation and also the similarity between excluding the Jews with excluding the 'unvaccinated'.

The intention was that the 'liberation' of the Netherlands would be celebrated in a grand manner on May 5, 2020, but that was canceled because of 'Corona'...

Many think it is over now, but there is much more misery to come!

The end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.
I don't don't give a damn about you           
to hell with the Chamber and to hell with democracy

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

For the Lord hath chosen Zion, and loved to dwell in it

 Israel - Birth of a state | DW Documentary

DW Documentary May 13, 2023

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel announced its independence. For many, this was a long-time dream come true: "Eretz Israel" - a home for all Jewish people and for survivors of the Holocaust. Palestinians call this period the "catastrophe.”

The State of Israel was founded 75 years ago. The effects can still be felt today in the ongoing Middle East conflict. What are the historical roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? This documentary sheds light on the decisive years from 1897 to 1948. Israeli and Palestinian historians and experts share their reflections and contextualize the global political events of those years.

The pivotal turning point came in November 1947 with the United Nations plan to partition British Mandatory Palestine. For some, it was a dream turned reality - an independent state offering Jews protection, refuge, and a homeland. For others, it marked the beginning of a "catastrophe,” what Palestinians call the "Nakba,” defined by the loss of homeland, displacement, and uncertainty. More than 75 years after the historic UN vote, the conflict between Israel and the now occupied Palestinian territories continues. It is a source of unresolved tension in the region with reverberations in and beyond the Middle East.

This is a Pro Palestinian view of the history.. where is the Israeli perspective. You could have had both.


Those who are anti-ZION are ANTI-GOD!

Psalm 132:13-14

1599 Geneva Bible

13 For the Lord hath chosen Zion, and loved to dwell in it, saying,

14 This is my rest forever: here will I dwell, for I have a delight therein.

The world HATES God and thus the world HATES ZION!


Monday, 23 October 2023

John 3:16 is NOT THE Gospel!

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is THE Gospel!

Who says so?

JESUS Christ, because He revealed THE Gospel to Paul!

John 3.16 can save no one today apart from Paul’s gospel. John 3.16 was the kingdom gospel in which people were to believe in the identity of Christ, that He was the Messiah, the Son of God. Such belief can save no one today. One must believe Christ has died for our sins and risen from the dead. That was not what Jesus told Nicodemus. See my articles, The Gospel, and The Gospel of the Kingdom.

Is John 3:16 THE Gospel?

Sunday, 22 October 2023



God came to earth to become a sinless human being and to die and be punished in our place.
He paid for the forgiveness of our sins with His blood.
He was buried and He rose from the dead after three days.
You believe that?
Then you are saved.
Saved from what? 


No, something MUCH worse...

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Klaus Schwab the singing testicle - Have a Great Reset

 Click on pic


Turkish politician praises Hitler for killing Jews

Atakum Belediyesi

Israel should be destroyed in order to “cleanse” the world, the councillor declared at a public meeting 

A local politician from Türkiye’s Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has publicly praised Adolf Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, adding that he was “praying” for the Nazi leader.

Friday, 20 October 2023

Seductive AI has no rules, will change your life (or end it)

Luv it!

Yes, Satan, I know you love it but this video contains one of your biggest lies: the GLOBE EARTH.

And I saw some of your 'friends' in this video like Harari and Netanyahu....Elon Musk...

Silly Satan....you're so PATHETIC!

Are you sure you're not AI yourself?

'GET OUT NOW!' Biden HORRIFIED as Hezbollah Fires Rockets On Israel

Who is this MORON? It's NOT Joe Biden!

 Oct 20, 2023 #biden #trump #israel

Why are there so many Palestinian casualties? (The Israeli perspective)

Oct 18, 2023

This video has been censored by Google-YouTube

Age-restricted video (based on "community" guidelines)


Why are there so many Palestinian casualties? (The Israeli perspective)


What’s going on with the Israelis Right Now?

Oct 15, 2023 Kibbutz Kfar Azza suffered heavy losses, and the entire nation of Israel stands with the Kibutz and its heroic residents in the most difficult times!The goal of the initiative is to help locate the missing and kidnapped, help families with all their physical and mental needs, and restore our beloved kibbutz. - https://giveback.co.il/project/74858


Free Palestine? No thanks! (The Israeli perspective you’ve probably never heard.)

 3,433,851 views on October 20

Are the Palestinians Wrong about Everything? (An Average Israeli Perspective)

Dec 21, 2021


Real Challange for Israel! Erdogan is Beyond Warning! Turkish Army is Coming for Jihad!

Oct 19, 2023

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Putin Gives U.S. "Tap on the Shoulder" over Middle East Aircraft Carriers (video)

Russian President Vladimir Putin today gave the United States a quiet "tap on the shoulder" with respect to America placing two Aircraft Carriers in the Mediterranean Sea; Russia's Kinzal Hypersonic Missiles can reach them.

Monday, 16 October 2023

THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL - SOLVED! - (Shocking revelation) and what this video does NOT reveal to you

This film reveals something so nefarious, so evil, so baffling that many will find it hard to believe. It's still true.

This film could deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity.

The shocking secrets revealed by this incredible documentary will shine a bright light on those who have always hid behind the State of Israel and Hamas.

Discover even more secrets: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/


The people who run this site really think they can stop God's prophetic word and in doing so they are just as deluded as those they expose!

This video also has a high replacement theology character.

I also saw the 'globe' on their site so they really believe that the earth is a spinning ball that revolves around the sun, which is also a lie from the devil and the Vatican.

They also reflect the views of a senior CATHOLIC cleric...and of people known to hold New Age-style philosophies.

But above all: this site does NOT preach the saving gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4!


Sunday, 15 October 2023

Pleased to meet you, Hope you guess my name

Click on my pic and know more about me....

Rachel about the situation in the Middle East


Click on pic to watch the video


Saturday, 14 October 2023

Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"!

Sep 28, 2023
On September 13, Jack Hibbs from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (in California) asked Jay to debunk the historical Origins of Islam for their Wednesday evening meeting, giving him only one hour to do so...a task which usually takes many hours, considering the subject.

You won't be able to take notes, as he goes through his material tremendously fast, trying to get it all down in record time.

So put your pens down and sit back and watch as Jay debunks the historicity of Mecca, Muhammad and the Qur'an primarily using evidence from the 7th century, to around 2,000 people, and all in just over an hour.

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, September 28, 2023

But this is not the whole story and Mars is not a bone-dry planet like (Saudi) Arbabia is a bone-dry desert as Jay briefly compared it.
All lies come from the Vatican!
For example, Mohammed's first wife was a 15 years older and wealthy Roman Catholic woman!
If the Mohammed of the Quran really existed...
Augustinian monks literally included entire sections of the 'dirty gospels' from Alexandria in the Quran.
The Quran has been fabricated and on the basis of it the Muslims shout 'death to the Jews and the Christians' and have the hobby of amputating bodies from the neck down... of living people that is...




Ian Gillan - Mr. Universe


This song turned me from a God-denier into a believer in God at the end of 1980


Pope Francis Declares Klaus Schwab Is 'More Important' Than Jesus Christ




Thursday, 12 October 2023

Nederland politiestaat! - Netherlands police state! - update

Oct 11, 2023 Op 13 oktober 2020 werd ik op het Binnenhof gearresteerd. Ik demonstreerde die dag bij het ministerie van algemene zaken omdat Minister Dekker op 12 oktober onjuiste informatie over mijn Dossier had verstrekt aan Kamervoorzitter Arib. 

On October 13, 2020, I was arrested at the Binnenhof. That day I demonstrated at the Ministry of General Affairs because Minister Dekker had provided incorrect information about my Dossier to Speaker of the House Arib on October 12.

De ware DICTATORS van Nederland onthuld The true DICTATORS of the Netherlands revealed

NCTV.nl Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid NCTV.nl National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security


12 Oct! Hamas Has Completely Lost Now! Israeli Navy Hit Most Critical Point!

                                  Abbas (WEF)                                             Netanyahu (WEF)  
Oct 12, 2023 The Israeli intelligence aircraft conducted reconnaissance over Gaza for 3 hours. As a result of the reconnaissance, the locations of highly important depots for underground shelters were identified. In this situation, the Israeli Navy directly targeted the area where the depots were located. Additionally, the position of the most important Hamas commander was determined. Israeli fighter jets initiated a major aerial operation directly. Furthermore, tension has significantly increased in northern Israel. There is constant movement in the area where the border posts are located. Unmanned aerial vehicles continue to successfully neutralize their targets in the region.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

The History & Purpose of the Present War in Israel - 10/09/23 (Don't listen to this if you want to stay dumb)

Oct 10, 2023

Biden, Netanyahu foreign policy blinders. Neocons push Iran escalation

Oct 9, 2023 Biden, Netanyahu foreign policy blinders. Neocons push Iran escalation The Duran: Episode 1718


Sunday, 8 October 2023

Israeli envoy vows to wipe out Hamas ‘savages’ - Jew KILLERS on RT Russia in the comment section

Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan speaks ahead of the UN Security Council on October 8, 2023

Israel will “obliterate” Hamas, the country’s envoy to the UN Gilad Erdan has said, ruling out any prospects of negotiating with the Palestinian militant group.

Israeli journalist about Hamas attack: 'Something is wrong, this is very strange'

Israeli journalist about Hamas attack: 'Something is wrong, this is very strange'

 Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

This video starts with the non-existent globe earth and satellite(s)....

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Pope Francis slams climate change skeptics and the 'irresponsible' Western lifestyle

Click on pic
The Catholic Church is once again morally shaming White^ people. This time the Pope claims that we are responsible for the destruction of the planet*.

No one has done more to protect nature and the environment, save endangered species and promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies than people of European descent, and no one else comes close.

'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”