Sunday, 29 October 2023

Watch: this is how the globalists announce their plans in advance

Watch: this is how the globalists announce their plans in advance

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The Economist, which is owned by the Rothschilds, is a key publication where the globalists announce their plans for the decade. 



About "Obama"... 

The earth is not a globe...


Click on image to enlarge
Credits to Eric Jon Phelps for this scheme, updated by me

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Watch: this is how the globalists announce their plans in advance

  2. 30 October 2023
    08:38 GMT

    Israeli tanks have been spotted on the edge of Gaza city amid the country’s “expanded” operation in the enclave, AFP News agency reported, citing an eyewitness. Israel’s military also reportedly managed to cut off a key road to the city.

  3. 05:59 GMT

    Hamas is disappointed at the lack of support from the Arab community
    in the region, Mousa Abu Marzouk, a member of the group's political bureau, told Al Jazeera. He specifically blasted what he called the “shameful position of our brothers in the Palestinian Authority,” referring to the de jure government of Palestine in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority is dominated by Fatah party and enjoys international recognition. It also used to control Gaza until its conflict with Hamas in 2006.

    The official also suggested, citing unnamed “foreigners,” that some members of Palestinian Authority and some Arab countries “were secretly calling on the West to eliminate” Hamas.

    However, Fatah denounced Marzouk’s statement, with its spokesman suggesting that the official “speaks from an ivory tower.” He stressed that Fatah continues to support “the forces and heroes of our people in their legitimate human resistance in the battle for liberation and defeating the [Israeli] occupation.”

    He added, however, that “we call on our brothers in the Hamas movement to form a purely Palestinian front under the umbrella of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of our Palestinian people.”

  4. Replies
    1. Leaked video: This is what Netanyahu said about the Palestinians and the world in 2001

  5. Replies

    1. Scott Ritter, who has turned pro-Palestinian, is completely unencumbered by knowledge of the prophetic word.

      He may be right about the STATE of Israel, but not about the plan that the God of Israel has for HIS country and see Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38/39.


    2. 48:10 The STATE of Israel is a project of the pedophile and perverted Vatican
      = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire and the US and the EU too. Sodomy and pedophilia are the norm for this disgusting satanic empire. This empire is behind ALL evil like the Great Reset and the jabs and the endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13.

  6. Replies
    1. Rockets fired from Lebanon and Yemen at Israeli targets. The military spokesman for the Houthi rebels says they will rain down rockets on Israel and won't stop. Meanwhile Putin says this is the end of the uni-polar order.

  7. Replies
    1. Axis vs. Israel: Jordan recalls its ambassador and expels Israeli ambassador – Turkey and Iran threaten “severe consequences” and general war

    2. 'Allah' himself cannot do anything and that is why this false god needs his 'useful idiots' to fight for him against the representatives of the true God, the Jews, because that is what this conflict is about and not about land.

    3. 'Allah' will be totally defeated!

  8. Replies
    1. Ahead of another major Arab-Israeli war – Egyptian tanks at Rafah – Cairo against Israel: “Forget Sinai – we will sacrifice a million lives if necessary”

  9. Replies
    1. O how they love the Arab 'Palestinians' they don't but they hate the fact that Israel is humiliating their fake god 'allah'....

  10. Replies
    1. It's an age-old tactic of the Vatican, the Jesuits and Satan to use Jews who are on their side as lightning rods so that they themselves can remain in the shadows.
      Most people don't know this or don't want to know this and it is therefore easy for them to always blame 'the Jews', which is exactly the intention.....

  11. Replies
    1. Says a STATE that has POISONED most of its citizens with the mRNA jabs...

    2. Says a STATE that is behind the founding of Hamas...

    3. Says a STATE with a 33rd degree FREEMASON as its prime minister...

    4. Says a STATE that is supported by NAZI AMERICA, the military arm of the VATICAN!

    5. Says a STATE that was and is a project of the Vatican from day one!

    6. The STATE of Israel is NOT the Israel of God!

    7. The STATE of Israel is a project of the DEVIL

    8. But God is using it anyhow.....He's going to use Israel to JUDGE the WHOLE world!

    9. Because the LAND of Israel BELONGS TO HIM!!

    10. So anyone who interferes with HIS country will be DESTROYED

    11. Only those who know the Bible are able to understand this.

    12. God does NOT stand up for the STATE of Israel!

    13. God stands up FOR HIMSELF!!!!

  12. Replies
    1. How the Rockefellers rewrote history and got away with it

  13. Replies
    1. Here's a JEW who does NOT preach THE Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 of OUR apostle Paul, the JEW, on behalf of the JEW the Lord JESUS Christ.
      Yes, he believes in Yeshua-Jesus, but he said he knows 'very spiritual' MUSLIMS who pray to 'God', just like believers in Yeshua-Jesus like himself do.
      THE 'god' of the MUSLIMS is NOT the GOD of the Bible!!
      This man is deceived and he's deceiving others with all his 'knowledge'.
      Knowledge is NOT the same as WISDOM!
      Anyone who doesn't believe in the RIGHT GOSPEL, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is NOT SAVED!
      This guy CAN still be saved, but at the moment he's NOT SAVED.
      His faith system is NEW AGE, because he sees everything as 'energy' and 'radiation' and 'frequencies'.
      He also is a GLOBE earther and so is the interviewer, because they call the earth a 'planet'.

      No, of course it's not about Gog and Magog, because in this dispensation of GRACE there are NO prophecies being fulfilled, so Satan has NO POWER to make it SEEM to be like that, because when Gog and Magog, Ezekiel 38/39, REALLY happens, it will be SUPERNATURAL what God will do, and they can't IMITATE that.
      Just read these two chapters.

      I do agree with Len Horowitz that they want to turn Gaza into a 'Smart City' with total control, because they way it used to be this was impossible due to the dictatorship of Hamas, which rules Gaza since 2006.

      'Zion' is in the Bible:

      What Len Horowitz said about Zion is BULL SHIT!

      People like him are constantly focused on the MATERIAL WORLD and the 'spiritual world' of demons and devils.
      He and Shaun, the interviewer, talked about 'the Lion and the Lamb' referring to Zion, but the Bible says the WOLF and the LAMB:

      I also believe he's under the influence of PENTECOSTALISM.

      We know that Pentecostalism is from the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH!
      It's based on believing in the WRONG GOSPEL, by MIXING Israel's Kingdom Gospel with the teachings of Paul, which is the RIGHT Gospel.

      They talked about Israel and 'Palestine'.

      'Palestine' DOES NOT EXIST, because the entire LAND of ISRAEL belongs to the GOD of ISRAEL!
      And JESUS is that God!
      'Allah' is SATAN and we know Islam was created by the Vatican and the devil.

      Yes, Netanyahu is a 33rd degree Freemason and he cooperates with the Vatican = Roman empire, but he can't control that he's ALSO being used by GOD so that the prophecies CAN BE fulfilled AFTER the RAPTURE.

      Did Len Horowitz talk about our BLESSED HOPE, the RAPTURE?


      Again: he's a typical believer in Yeshua-Jesus who is NOT SAVED!

  14. "Only the billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and all the other people will die."

    Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, on the genocidal consequences of Net Zero.

    "Now they're going into agriculture and threatening to cut off the supply of food, because food is causing global warming."

    "They will cause a ruination the likes of which the Earth has never seen, because there are over eight billion of us, and four billion of us depend on nitrogen fertiliser, which they now say is bad, because it's a greenhouse gas or whatever… It's all completely phoney. And so is the campaign against CO2."

  15. Henry Kissinger dies at age 100
    The former US secretary of state passed away on Wednesday

    1. Matu
      "The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government, a New World Order."

      Henry A. Kissinger

    2. Matu
      "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries"

      Henry A. Kissinger
      11 m

      "Henry Kissinger, America’s Most Notorious War Criminal, Dies At 100
      The titan of American foreign policy was complicit in millions of deaths — and never showed remorse for his decisions.
      Travis Waldron


      George Zornick
      Nov 29, 2023, 08:54 PM EST"...Huffpost....
      13 m

      Kissinger, the writer of the National Security Study Memorandum 200 (1974) laying out strategies for birth control, as his puppet Nixon called demography "the most crucial issue of the 20th century". In his report, he compares the populations of NATO vs Warsaw pact, but he refers the issue for another report. Instead, he prioritises "India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia [sic]" and states that "Perhaps the most significant population from the view point of the United States is the prospect that Mexico's population will increase from 50 million in 1970 to over 130 million by the year 2000." Yet the USA's population raised to 300 million now from 200 million in 1874. Agenda 2030 is nothing new.
      14 m

      "Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies
      The infamy of Nixon's foreign-policy architect sits, eternally, beside that of history's worst mass murderers. A deeper shame attaches to the country that celebrates him
      November 29, 2023 "....Rolling Stone Magazine...
      15 m

      Ano ny Mouse
      Happy birthday, Congratulations everyone who is born this God divine day
      17 m

      one by one these evil creatures will be gone from humanity. There are a few more in line
      18 m

      Henry Kissinger dies at 100 without being indicted or convicted for any of his crimes. According to Ben Kiernan, former head of Yale University's Genocide Studies Program, Kissinger is culpable for the death of as many as 150,000 civilians, up to 6 times the number of civilians killed in US airstrikes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

  16. Replies
    1. Henry Kissinger (100) has died: he has all of this on his record

    2. The World Economic Forum is not the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but emerged from a CIA-funded Harvard program led by Kissinger.
      And the CIA is 'Catholics In Action' = servants of the satanic Vatican, the disguised Luciferian Roman empire.

    3. Henry Kissinger is now in the realm of the dead awaiting the Final Judgment where he will be condemned to be tortured forever in God's lake of fire, and his biggest CRIME is that he didn't give a DAMN about OUR maker and SAVIOR and his MESSIAH, because Kissinger is a JEW, the Lord JESUS Christ!

  17. Replies
    1. Watch: migrant who lives for free in a hotel shows how much money he earns

  18. Replies
    1. Member of Parliament asks what problem the CBDC will solve, listen to the answer

    2. “Basically in his word salad he said 'uh, we want to spy on the citizens uh, and uh have ultimate control over how they get to spend their money'.”

  19. Replies
    1. 'Everything goes wrong for the Deep State': this is what we can expect in 2024

  20. Replies
    1. The municipality tried to force these people to sell their house to make room for asylum seekers

  21. Replies
    1. New British Prime Minister Keir Starmer: Our country needs a BIGGER RESET


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”