Thursday, 2 December 2021

Australia Has Turned Into a Dystopian Police State

The Hated One  Oct 7, 2021
348K subscribers
Australia is lost. It's no longer a liberal democracy with government accountability. It's a surveillance state with unlimited police powers and eradicated civil rights.
IMPORTANT!!! Sources wouldn't fit in the description. They are in the pinned comment of the video: 
This is how Australia, once a much appraised liberal democracy, descended into a full-blown police state.

Australian intelligence is one of the most powerful entities in the world. Yet it has the least amount of oversight out of all democratic nations. The law doesn’t grant Australian public the right to know about any intelligence operation, current or past ones.

Disclosing information about operations is done solely at the discretion of Australian intelligence. Any unauthorized disclosure from public servants or intelligence officers, can lead to 10 years of imprisonment.  

No Edward Snowden or Julian Assange could ever come out of Australia, because even reporting journalists would be charged with the same crimes as whistleblowers. All attempts to limit intelligence powers have been quickly shut down before they could even reach parliamentary hearings. During the two years of the pandemic, Australian government expanded its powers to the point it rivals those behind the Great Firewall of China.

In 2014, Australian parliament passed an amendment to the National Security Legislation with a new wording that allows ASIO to obtain a single warrant to wiretap the entire Internet.

The amendment intentionally defines a computer such that it includes all computers operating in a network of a target. Any target person using the Internet is using a network of computers. Which makes the whole Internet the target of intelligence operations.

Australian spies can now legally access, modify and delete files, install malware, gain higher privileges and monitor or impersonate people on any device connected to the Internet anywhere in the world.

Since 2015, a new amendment now mandates data retention for telecommunication and Internet service providers. All of your browsing history, phone calls, text and email metadata have to be stored in Australia for two years.

But all of that is nothing compared to what came next. Dubbed as the “anti-encryption law”, a new act now enables any law enforcement or intelligence agency in Australia to request data collection from companies under threat of hefty fines or imprisonment.

A technical assistance notice can mandate a company to give access to customer data they already hold. This means any company can be required to secretly log data on any user without a warrant.

If a government agency needs additional data a specific company cannot provide yet, a technical capability notice will mandate them to build new surveillance tools to collect that data.

The technical assistance request is the only voluntary form of cooperation on the bill. This one, however, means companies can willingly provide special access to their customer data in absolute secrecy. It would never be a matter of any record. No systemic weakness limits apply to these requests.
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The footage and images featured in the video were for critical analysis, commentary and parody, which are protected under the Fair Use laws of the United States Copyright act of 1976.
Pinned by The Hated One
Sources (wouldn't fit in the description): About Timor-Leste: The Spying of East Timor The Unfair Trial of Witness K and His Lawyer New Surveillance Powers Approved During The Pandemic Identify and Disrupt: Limited oversight: ASIO: Compulsory Questioning of Children: Drone Surveillance: Facial Recognition Trial in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia, Pandemic restrictions Travel Bans: Military Deployment: Lockdowns Quarantine camps: Roll-out Failure The Descend of Victoria State of Emergency/Disaster: Empty Shelves: Staff Shortages: Wiretapping the Entire Internet Data Retention Law Anti-encryption Law Full Legal Text: The Global Impact: Global weak point: The True Scope: Opposition:

The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
All vaccinations carried out prior to the rapture^^ are not the mark of the beast but preparations, and they are also intended to determine who does and who does not want to be vaccinated, but the 'tests' are already dangerous because the test cotton swabs contain nanoparticles and this can already be considered a 'vaccine' and those tests are also harmful to the upper nasal cavity, near the brain.
The 'vaccinations' also contain substances with which they want to sterilize and reduce the world population as part of the depopulation program and for this purpose there is graphene (hydr)oxide in the 'vaccines' that work like very destructive mini razor blades in the bloodstreams of the victims.
The fear is kept high by the high number of 'infections' that have been 'detected' by the totally unsuitable PCR test.
Many people who became ill from the current 'vaccines' were immediately listed as' victims of COVID-19' and that's exactly what they aim to keep people anxious and many people have already died shortly after they were 'vaccinated'.
Through current vaccinations, they also ensure that people who refuse will be isolated in order to force them to participate.
And those who absolutely don't want to be vaccinated can so easily be filtered out, characterized as a 'danger to humanity' and 'cleaned up'.
Also, the pre-rapture vaccinations are meant to ridicule people who claim that the current vaccinations are "the mark of the beast."
As explained above, it is true that current vaccinations are NOT YET the mark because they have a preparatory and different purpose.
The current purpose of the 'vaccinations' is 1) depopulation and 2) the 'vaccination' passport and 3) total control in preparation for what will happen next.

Now read what the real mark disguised as a 'vaccine' is all about:

They plan to 'vaccinate' us in the context of the 'great reset' so that we're (supposedly) resistant to the Corona (crown)-virus, and that will be done in such a way by substances that enter our body that are changing our DNA (so that we turn into willing biological robots) and other substances that interact with the 5G system that they're now rapidly establishing worldwide DURING THE LOCKDOWN, and that is why we're already learning to be 1½ meters or 6 feet apart from each other, or else that system won't be able to accurately track and monitor us, and establish evidence of 'vaccination', which will be a type of tattoo that will be applied to our bodies through tiny needles, containing that 'vaccine', and that is according to Revelation 13:16-18 which is about the mark of the beast, and that says whoever does not have that mark, that evidence of 'vaccination', will not be able to buy and sell and thus won't be able to enter the supermarket or other shops or shop online ... and thus will starve because by then the food banks will also cooperate with that system. Then all the 'vaccine' refusers will be arrested and given one more choice to be 'vaccinated', and whoever will refuse will be beheaded with a modern guillotine, and the 'vaccinated' will even applaud it because it will be said that these people stand in the way of 'progress' and the 'great solutions' of the leader of the world government, who will prove to be antichrist=instead of Christ, such as against human-induced climate change and the global redistribution of prosperity through the principle of communism, invented by the Jesuits of the Vatican, and the 'threat of an 'alien' invasion. That Vatican is the disguised Roman Empire with its true god Lucifer, and the Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor and all 'great' world leaders serve him, which is demonstrably, because Biden and Putin, Merkel, the British queen, Macron etc. know WHO he is, but they don't tell their subjects, and that the Pope is the real ruler on earth. The Pope is the 'Crown' = Corona! He will lead everyone to Lucifer worship, as he does himself.
But those who are saved by the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4* don't have to  worry, because the Lord JESUS is going to take them away to where He is before the revelation of the Antichrist and the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
PS: the MASK TERROR is the prelude to the MARK of the Beast....Incidentally, those masks are very harmful to health.
PS 2: the needles of the 'vaccine' are made so SMALL that they fit in a kind of BAND-AID and insert 'the vaccine' PAINLESS! "The final vaccine" is for those who are left behind. A 'quantum dot tattoo'.
That mark will be applied without injection in (optionally ) the right hand or forehead, and one will be able to do it themselves, for it will be presented as that quantum dot tattoo in the attractive and deceptive shape of a round little band-aid that barely will hurt and which can be removed after some time, because then that 'vaccine' is already under the skin and in the body by means of those small needles, after which the 'Luciferase' will do its job and will make the 'vaccinee' the property of 'the beast' and the devil.
With a special lamp it can be checked whether one has actually been marked, because soon after that tattoo has been applied it will no longer be visible with the naked eye, which many people will find very attractive.
The patent number of 'Luciferase' contains the numbers 666!

*Just believe that God became man in JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, was buried and rose from the dead after three days.
If you believe this you're not only saved^ but also sealed with the Holy Spirit=JESUS in spiritual capacity and then you're rapture-ready.
^Saved from the Lake of Fire = God's eternal wrath upon sin and His created beings who hate Him or who are indifferent to Him.

^^The rapture is the Apostle Paul's revelation of the sudden removal of the members of the 'Body of Christ', which is all people worldwide who believe in the right gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Bible texts related to the rapture are: 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-52, Philippians 3:20-21, Titus 2:13.


  1. Australia is now Prison Land

  2. Replies
    1. Austrian government may want to enforce mandatory vaccination through detention

  3. Replies
    1. Hayley (26) was locked up in a corona camp for 14 days: 'It is inhumane what they do'

  4. Replies
    1. Totally unhinged: Bill Gates calls for punishments for critics of masks and vaccines


    2. Satan: 'Bill is one of my useful idiots'

      We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.


    3. We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire
      , because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
      So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
      If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.

  5. Replies
    1. Holocaust survivor (97) pleads: 'Wake up, please! Step by step we are losing our freedoms'

      Nick Hope (97) is a Holocaust survivor. He was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camp Dachau. “When I see the Austrian news, I see the spirit of Hitler, of power, rise there,” he says in a video message.

      He says he fears that this will also blow over to the United States, where he now lives. “Because step by step we are losing our freedoms. Wake up, please!” begs Hope.

      Nick Hope (97): "I am a holocaust survivor from Dachau concentration camp. When I see the Austrian news, I see the spirit of Hitler, of power, rise there.. Step by step we are losing our freedoms.. Wake up, please!" #covid19nl #coronapas #usa


      Several years ago, he met his American liberator after 73 years. In the camp, Hope was just a number. He wore a number plate and had to work in a factory.

      “I looked like a skeleton. I weighed 36 kilos. But I had hope. I had hope in my heart," he told ABC7. Some 30,000 prisoners were killed in Dachau, but Hope, who was born Nikolai Choprenko in Ukraine in 1924, was rescued by American soldiers.

      Not again

      Henry Stuehmeyer was one of the soldiers who helped liberate the camp on April 29, 1945. He doesn't like to talk about that day. “It was overwhelming. I couldn't go through something like that again.”

  6. Replies
    1. Julian Assange is an AUSTRALIAN, imprisoned in BRITAIN, waiting to be extradited to NAZI-AMERICA, controlled by the satanic VATICAN

  7. Replies
    1. CIA: Catholics In Action, servants of the satanic Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire

  8. British prevent NGO from visiting Assange
    Reporters Without Borders representatives were turned away for “spurious reasons,” its director has claimed

  9. Russian MP suggests swapping WSJ reporter for Assange
    The Wall Street Journal’s Evan Gershkovich and the WikiLeaks publisher are both facing espionage charges

  10. Julian Assange makes ‘Kingly Proposal’ to Charles III
    In a letter ahead of his coronation, the WikiLeaks founder urged Britain’s new monarch to visit the prison that bears his name

    1. “I implore you, King Charles, to visit His Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh, for it is an honour befitting a king,” Assange’s letter concluded. “As you embark upon your reign, may you always remember the words of the King James Bible: ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy’ (Matthew 5:7). And may mercy be the guiding light of your kingdom, both within and without the walls of Belmarsh.”

    2. The child rapists and cannibals that rule Washington need to be protected against Julian Assange....

    3. MB_
      Sorry Julian but pedophiles don't read...

  11. Replies
    1. Anthony Albanese refused to ask the US to release him

  12. ‘Crazy thing’ – Lula criticizes imprisonment of Assange
    The Brazilian president described the prolonged detention of the WikiLeaks founder as an affront to freedom of expression

  13. Replies
    1. What's now the US was the first penal colony of Britain and then what is now Australia became Britain's penal colony, after they lost the US as such to the 'American' immigrants.
      In both continents the British had no respect for the indigenous peoples who live(d) there for THOUSANDS of years.
      The same goes for 'Canada', 'New Zealand', South Africa etc.
      Concentration camps weren't invented by the Nazis but by the British in South Africa.
      Britain became part of the FASCIST Roman empire after the invasion by Claudius.
      The City of London is the financial arm of the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire and MONEY is POWER in this satanic world!
      That's why Britain can afford to stay outside the EU because it sits on top of the MONEY....on behalf of the Vatican and Satan.........

    2. Now you know why the language of the satanic West is ENGLISH!

    3. English is a strange mixture of Germanic and Latin and Latin was the language of the Roman empire

    4. Example: language from the French (Latin language) word langue. The Germanic word is tongue

    5. Before the British conquered Australia it was called New Holland, but the Dutch didn't want to colonize it because they already had the (former) Dutch indies where there was much more to get.

  14. Julian Assange: “The goal is to use Ukraine to wash money out of the US and Europe through Ukraine and back into the hands of of a transnational elite (BlackRock). The goal is an endless war, not a successful war”🇺🇦

    1. And I say the war in Ukraine is used by Satan as a distraction from the Covid-19 INQUISITION til the rapture, because he knows he's being restrained by God-the Lord JESUS Christ, which means he'll have to WAIT, because he is not in control but God!
      God's prophetic word will be fulfilled!

  15. ‘Aussie Cossack’ gets Russian citizenship
    Activist Simeon Boikov is a wanted man in his home country

    1. Remington Jill
      Australia is a complete tyranny. Always has been. This especially became evident during covid. I wouldn't live there if you payed me. Good on Aussie Cossack for leaving that dystopia nightmare.

  16. No to new privileges for the dumbest people in the world
    In a historic vote, Australia has voted against introducing special privileges for its indigenous population, the Aboriginal people, who have the lowest IQ in the world.

    The result is a heavy defeat for those who advocate strict political correctness in the Western country, Friatider reports.

    The result is binding and means, among other things, that the proposal for a body for the indigenous population, reminiscent of the Swedish Sami parliament, will not become reality.

    – This is about respect for Aboriginal Australians, said the Prime Minister of Australia, who supported the proposal, before the referendum.

    At the same time, he did not deny that it was partly about the ambition to shine in international contexts.

    – It's about how we see ourselves as a nation, but it's also about how the world sees us, said Anthony Albanese.

    Aboriginal people make up less than 4 percent of the population in Australia and have so far been difficult to integrate into mainstream society.

    The problems are often attributed to discrimination, but may also be related to the fact that Aboriginal people have an average IQ of 62 points, which is the lowest in the world and significantly lower than the average of 104 points measured among white Australians.

  17. Assange to become honorary citizen of major EU capital – officials
    Rome will confer the recognition on the jailed WikiLeaks founder, a city councilor has said

    1. In June, Assange’s wife Stella visited the Vatican and met with Pope Francis. Later, in an interview with the Catholic Herald magazine, she said that Francis had sent a letter to her husband in March 2021, which was a “significant event” at a particularly low point for him. At the time, a lower court in Britain had ruled that Assange’s treatment in the US “would not be humane,” but decided not to grant him bail.

    2. The Assange-Vatican the Pope can play the hero by getting Assange free.

    3. After all, he is the Antichrist...

  18. Australian state bans Nazi salute
    The gesture can now land an offender in prison for a year in Victoria or with a major fine

    1. Sunterralacus
      Funny isn’t it as during the scandemic Australia was looking very much like a Nazi state itself

  19. Replies
    1. The US wants to punish Julian Assange for having disclosed their crimes

    2. This proves the US is an evil and rotten country

    3. And Julian Assange isn't even an American but an Australian

    4. This proves that the US believes it can punish anyone on earth who they don't like

    5. This also proves the US think they are GOD!

    6. So this means the US will be punished by God for their crimes!

    7. The US is a former British colony and Britain is complicit: Britain will also be punished by God

    8. For example: Britain and the US secretly financed both Hitler and Stalin...

    9. Britain is the former military arm of the ROMAN EMPIRE and the US is the current one.

    10. The real god of the ROMAN EMPIRE is LUCIFER the DEVIL!

    11. Lucifer the devil doesn't like the be exposed. That's why Assange 'needs' to punished...

  20. Replies

    1. They want to keep us addicted to the internet and also because they use the internet to spy on us and control us
      , so they need the electricity to work again and the internet to work again...and of course they need electricity and the internet for their cashless society plans.
      We live in a world that doesn't work without electricity!
      Without electricity everything collapses and to destroy a country it is therefore important to first attack the electricity supply.
      That is exactly what Russia is doing in Nazi Ukraine and what Israel is doing in Gaza!
      But humanity has been without electricity since creation and for thousands of years!


      x hours ago
      I can't see how on earth we are going to end up with a cashless society .These things have happened in all major banks ,private health insurance ,Medicare, and now all our communication networks.

      x hour ago
      Watch the old Flintstones cartoons to know how to survive.
      I say read the Bible if you want to know that the endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13.

  21. Replies
    1. It has a total area of 26 square kilometers and a population of 11,426....

    2. And all because there is no man-made climate change...

  22. Australian war crimes whistleblower pleads guilty
    Material leaked to journalists by David McBride led to an inquiry which found that soldiers had unlawfully killed Afghan civilians

    1. KD2021
      Another demonstration of the government is the criminal, period.

  23. 🚨🌎🇦🇺 Victoria, Australia - Covid ‼️

    Great news as Victorian Police are set to stand trial for their Covid crimes.

    Dictator Dan Andrews state of Victoria imposed the most tyrannical authoritarian rules throughout Covid.

    People arrested on beaches for exercising
    Homes raided for social media posts
    Mandatory vaccines for employment
    Physical abuse by police for non-mask compliance
    Police checking coffee in cups
    Police checking distance from home

    Physical force & police brutality was often common place in Victoria

  24. Replies
    1. TruthAboveAII
      "He called the police himself, warning that he was about to commit an unspecified “act of violence.”"

      How many radicals do you know picks up the phone and announces to the police that they are about to commit a violent act?? Of course this is a setup, and the real caller was the ASIO, the Australian Intelligence, something is going on !!

  25. Replies
    1. Clark
      Expose CIA's crimes to the world is unforgivable. You can committ any crime but that. US Army operations in the Middle East R CIA Ops. N CIA is execution arm for Jesuit Rome. Forgive Julian, despite no crime, except the ones he exposed, n others will begin exposing Gesu Rome. Can't have that, despite any laws. Gesu's Vatican govern's earth, although incognito to those ignorant of history. Rome cud care less Assange dies awaiting justice. What kind of justice is continuous prison without conviction??? Only Rome does that! It's history us filled with it.

      "Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past."
      George Orwell
      Who controlled the dark ages?
      Who controls the present?
      1st question answers the 2nd!

  26. Replies
    1. hlmax
      Albanese is spineless as usual. How about demanding that an Australian citizen be set free? Take none of this US long arm jurisdiction 🐂💩. 😩🤡🤦‍♂️
      6:18 PM

      Junk Camel
      why doesn't he actually do something about it, instead of just blather and hand-wring?
      6:06 PM

      Mere words Aussie, start an anti American global movement, boycot all US business ect, demonstrate riot, the Evil Empire needs its fat uncouth Corpo-rat MIC
      ran arse kicked over and over and over.
      5:59 PM

      Beam Me Up
      Voiceless nation.

    2. AnthonyRaymond
      David McBride was locked up last week for 5 years for whistleblowing War Crimes in Afghanistan in which it only confirmed what Julian Assange published. The Australien PM is talking out of both sides of his mouth, again. Stop the BS And Free Assange now!

  27. Replies
    1. Rutte, boss of NATO, does not want to support Julian Assange. He is doomed. He fled from my question with the ON microphone…


    Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

    This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

    After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

    WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know.

    As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

    Julian's freedom is our freedom.

    [More details to follow]

  29. Replies
    1. This is what Hillary Clinton wanted to do in 2010 with recently released Julian Assange

  30. Replies
    1. 10x: the worst filth that WikiLeaks founder Assange unearthed

  31. Nicola, I'm 64 and I'm a former atheist.
    The endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast and even a Dutch SECULAR presenter called Robert Jensen knows this
    Know more:
    https://ezekiel38departure.blogspot. com/2021/11/the-truth-is-beautiful-4.html

  32. Replies
    1. Monica Smit was arrested 3 times during anti-lockdown protest, sued police and WON


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”