Friday, 20 October 2023

Free Palestine? No thanks! (The Israeli perspective you’ve probably never heard.)

 3,433,851 views on October 20

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Egypt's Major Military Mobilization and Simulation of Conflict with IDF – Cairo vs. Israel: “Expulsion of Palestinians to Sinai is Reason for War”

    2. Many so called 'Palestinians' are of Egyptian descent and for example Yasser Arafat came from Egypt.

    3. The world wants to FORCE Israel to live together with the people that HATE them and who want to annihilate them and STEAL their God-given land!

    4. And all on the basis of their faith in a fictive 'god' called 'allah' and a 'prophet' who never existed!

    5. Why is the world doing this? Because the WHOLE world is run by the DEVIL and Satan HATES the Jews!

    6. Why does Satan HATE the Jews? Because of the GOD OF ISRAEL, God-the Lor JESUS Christ!

    7. And God is going to TORTURE Satan FOREVER in His SUPERNATURAL lake of fire and his fellow fallen angels too.

    8. Satan hopes to KILL all the Jews or to NEUTRALIZE them through his MARK OF THE BEAST

    9. And then JESUS CHRIST has not motive anymore to come back to his DUMB way of thinking.

    10. The only thing he can do is try to take as many people as possible into his fall!

    11. Do YOU want to go DOWN with Satan? Then REJECT God-the Lord JESUS Christ!

    12. You will be TORTURED FOREVER in God's lake of fire together with Satan and his fellow fallen angels.

    13. And you DESERVE TO BURN because GOD says so in His Word.

    14. "But I'm innocent because my mommy told me so"

    15. God CURSED the WHOLE world due to the rebellion of our ancestors Adam and Eve.

    16. There was ONLY ONE innocent person that ever lived on earth: the LORD JESUS Christ!

    17. And ONLY through Him you can get to the FATHER and be SAVED.

    18. And the devil that deceived them, was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, where that beast and that false prophet are, and shall be tormented even day and night for evermore.

      Revelation 20:10
      1599 Geneva Bible

    19. And in the lake of fire Satan will confess that JESUS = LORD = the BOSS...FOREVER!

    20. And ALL the CONDEMNED will do the same and God and His loved ones will IGNORE them FOREVER

    21. Because they'll have BETTER things to do: being JOYFUL forever, PRAISING JESUS Christ.

    22. "Makes Me Wanna Sing"

      [Verse 1]
      We're gonna rock and have a good time
      Tonight's the night, the night we move
      Together we will stand to rock the land
      We're gonna rock for something new
      We're gonna rock for something true
      Tonight's the night so let's lift up our hands

      Jesus, King, King of Kings
      Jesus, makes me wanna sing

      [Verse 2]
      He makes me want to jump around
      He keeps my feet above the ground
      Tonight the night it's best to rock the land
      We're gonna rock for something new
      We're gonna rock for something true
      Tonight's the night so let's lift up our hands

      [Repeat Chorus]

      Writer(s): Michael Sweet

  2. Replies
    1. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict explained | The Evening Show with Arjen Lubach (S4) English subtitles

    2. I could actually watch this left-wing joker, but he did indeed leave out important things, such as that the 'West Bank' is in fact Judea and Samaria which are as Jewish as can be, and that includes all of Jerusalem, even though there also live (mostly) Muslim Arabs who believed they had to place a mosque and a 'Dome of the Rock' above the place where the Jewish temple had stood on the 'Temple Square' and in Hebrew 'the mountain of the House' (of God).
      That is what the WHOLE conflict is about: between the god of Islam and the God of the Jews and the Bible!

      But there is more, because the 'great powers' and in fact the whole world is involved, and that is because the whole world is ruled behind the scenes by the 'big money', and if you follow that money you end up with the most powerful bank on earth, that of the Vatican.
      What many still don't want to know is that the Vatican represents the Roman Empire in disguise and that every Pope is in fact the Roman Emperor, disguised as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
      All world leaders shake hands with the Pope because they know who he really is.
      Now it is a fact that the Vatican invented Islam through the Augustinian monks and this invented religion was intended at the time to gain control over 'the Holy Land'.
      The Vatican is therefore the cause of this conflict!
      The Vatican is also behind the UN and other international organizations and ('detail') Biden of the US is a Roman Catholic.... so was Adolf Hitler and 'Stalin' was even a Jesuit.
      Churchill and Roosevelt and Truman were 33rd degree Freemasons who secretly worked with the Vatican.
      Netanyahu is also a 33rd degree Freemason.
      The EU is getting involved and the EU is basically the revived Roman Empire with the blue flag with 12 yellow stars, which is in fact the Catholic MARY flag!


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