Click on pic
The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - Won't take the mark or bow down to the beast!
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
WEF pocht dat MILJOENEN mensen binnenkort zullen worden vervangen door AI-hybriden
ReplyDeleteWEF Boasts BILLIONS of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids
DeleteDe krankzinnige plannen van het World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteMartin Armstrong vertelt Mike Adams: Het Westen koestert zich in zijn waan dat het mega-machtig is
ReplyDeleteMartin Armstrong tells Mike Adams: The West basks in its DELUSION of being mega-powerful
DeleteItalië wordt het eerste land dat het nepvlees van Bill Gates verbiedt vanwege ‘ernstige gezondheidsproblemen’
ReplyDeleteItaly Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To ‘Serious Health Concerns’
DeleteJohn Kerry: De grootste ‘bedreiging’ voor de Aarde is ‘de mensheid zelf’
ReplyDeleteJohn Kerry: Earth’s Greatest ‘Threat’ Is ‘Humanity Itself’
DeleteEarth is not a planet and the biggest threat to the world is people like John Kerry.
DeleteHere you can see how this disgusting Roman Catholic received the Hosti from a Roman priest of the true Church of Satan...
DeleteNot all Catholics are disgusting and many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord JESUS are former Catholics.
DeleteHowever, John Kerry is a disgusting Roman Catholic because he consciously serves the Antichrist (the Pope) and therefore the devil.
DeleteGewaagde documentaire over World Economic Forum: ‘De kop van de slang wordt afgehakt’
ReplyDeleteDaring documentary about World Economic Forum: 'The snake's head is being cut off'
DeleteKijk: WEF-deelnemers krijgen de vraag: ‘Heeft u een elektrische auto?’
ReplyDeleteWatch: WEF participants are asked: 'Do you have an electric car?'
DeleteTopbankier: “Arresteer” WEF voor “Democide” wegens “Biowapen” Covid-prikken
ReplyDeleteTop Banker: ‘Arrest’ WEF for ‘Democide’ over ‘Bioweapon’ Covid Shots
DeleteWEF Founder's Son 'Singing Like a Bird' To Prosecutors in Crimes Against Humanity Case
Delete‘Schwab-stad’ wordt gebouwd in Nederland om te fungeren als hub voor de Great Reset-agenda
ReplyDelete'Schwab City' is being built in the Netherlands to act as a hub for the Great Reset agenda
DeleteWEF beveelt regeringen om te beginnen met sigaretachtige waarschuwingen op vleesproducten
ReplyDeleteWEF Orders Govt’s To Begin Putting ‘Cigarette-Style’ Warnings on Meat Products
DeleteOud-presidentskandidaat legt uit: hierom moet het World Economic Forum verdwijnen
ReplyDeleteFormer presidential candidate explains: this is why the World Economic Forum must disappear
DeletemRNA-uitvinder: ‘WEF orkestreert pandemieën om een nieuwe wereldorde in te luiden’
ReplyDeletemRNA Inventor: ‘WEF Orchestrating Pandemics To Usher In a New World Order’
DeleteG20-leiders verplichten alsnog wereldwijde vaccinatiepaspoorten
DeleteG20 leaders are still mandating global vaccination passports
DeleteEverything is controlled by the disguised Luciferian Roman empire = the Vatican
DeletemRNA-uitvinder: “WEF orkestreert pandemieën om een Nieuwe Wereldorde in te luiden”
ReplyDeletemRNA inventor: “WEF orchestrates pandemics to usher in a New World Order”
DeleteWEF steunt plan om ‘internet van vertrouwen’ te ontwikkelen waar ‘complottheorieën’ taboe zijn
ReplyDeleteWEF supports plan to develop 'internet of trust' where 'conspiracy theories' are taboo
DeleteVN “klimaattop” COP28 laat de kat uit de zak: IMF-chef wil een wereldwijde koolstofbelasting om ons te straffen voor energieverbruik!
ReplyDeleteUN “climate summit” COP28 lets the cat out of the bag: IMF chief wants a global carbon tax to punish us for energy consumption!
DeleteWhy the WEF wants you to drink ALCOHOL so bad | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteJUDAS PRIEST - Painkiller Guitar Cover Xvive u4 | Juliana Wilson
ReplyDeleteWoMEN are very good imitators, but can they play something original that's thrilling?
DeleteYes, some of them can: Lost Paradise - Juliette Valduriez
In the Bible there is no mention of 'daughters of God', only 'sons of God'.
DeleteThis shows that when God created Eve, He "simply" created a different kind of MAN.
A man(nin)* called a woMAN that can give birth to new human beings.
*Adam called Eva that way in the Dutch Bible the first time he saw her.
He saw a man like himself....but different....
Sex between a man and a woman is legalized homosexuality!
Homo = human
It produces more people.
Sex between people of the same sex is illegal homosexuality.
It only produces orgasms and no new people....
Who says so?
He's the inventor of sex and EVERYTHING.
Have a nice day, people!
World Economic Forum waarschuwt voor ‘cataclysmische’ veranderingen in 2024
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum warns of 'cataclysmic' changes in 2024
DeleteWEF beveelt regeringen om klokkenluiders te arresteren die de ontvolkingsagenda onthullen
ReplyDeleteWEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Whistleblowers Who Expose Depopulation Agenda
DeleteEen jaar nadat honden ‘klimaatprobleem’ werden genoemd, duikt ineens een hondenkillervirus op
ReplyDeleteA year after dogs were called a 'climate problem', a dog killer virus suddenly emerged
DeleteDit zijn de knotsgekke plannen die het WEF zojuist heeft bedacht
ReplyDeleteThese are the crazy plans that the WEF just came up with
DeleteWorld Economic Forum demands $3.5 trillion per year to 'decarbonize' the planet, 'reach net-zero and restore nature
DeleteMerry Christmas from our Supreme Leader, Nazi Klaus Schwab, from the World Economic Forum 😂😂😂.
ReplyDeleteThe Uncomfortable Truth Behind CHRISTMAS
DeleteKlaus Schwab wil de terugtocht van globalisering en mondiaal bestuur stoppen met een nieuwe vorm van globalisering en mondiaal bestuur
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance
DeleteThe earth is not a 'globe' so the word should be 'world wide'
DeleteWEF heeft nieuwe en verontrustende manier gevonden om internetcensuur te rechtvaardigen
ReplyDeleteWEF has found a new and disturbing way to justify internet censorship
DeleteKlaus Schwab presents: VaxxMas Hits '23 🎄🎄🎄 Great!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately they wish us "merry christmas" while x-mas is from the same organization that Klaus Schwab serves: the satanic VATICAN
DeleteWorld Economic Forum ziet ‘misinformatie’ en ‘desinformatie’ als grootste risico
ReplyDeleteThe World Economic Forum sees 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' as the greatest risk
DeleteHet World Economic Forum (WEF) voorspelt dat een nieuwe ‘Ziekte X’ miljarden mensen zal uitroeien tegen het jaar 2030
ReplyDeleteWEF Predicts New ‘Disease X’ Will Kill BILLIONS by 2030
DeleteWEF-Globalisten willen “vertrouwen herstellen” – en kondigen een nieuwe plandemie aan
ReplyDeleteWEF Globalists want to “restore trust” – and announce a new plandemic
DeleteSwiss government priced out of Davos – media
ReplyDeleteWaarom houdt het WEF overal ter wereld archeologische opgravingen tegen?
ReplyDeleteWhy is the WEF blocking archaeological excavations around the world?
DeleteSchwab: je avatar zal doorleven nadat je sterft en je brein zal worden nagemaakt met behulp van AI
ReplyDeleteSchwab: Your avatar will live on after you die and your brain will be recreated using AI
DeleteKijk: Zanger neemt Klaus Schwab en Bill Gates op de hak tijdens optreden
ReplyDeleteWatch: Singer mocks Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates during performance
DeleteWEF van Klaus Schwab waarschuwt: bereid je voor op ’tijdperk van schokkende gebeurtenissen’
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab's WEF warns: prepare for 'age of shocking events'
DeleteNieuwe wet… wat zit hier achter? Hoe zouden bijen bijdragen aan een dierziektecrisis of problemen voor de volksgezondheid? Op zijn minst heel merkwaardig dit bericht.
ReplyDeleteNew law… what’s behind this? How would bees contribute to an animal disease crisis or public health problems? This news is very strange to say the least.