Tuesday, 31 October 2023

US blew up Nord Stream gas pipelines – Moscow

Nikolay Patrushev

Washington used Ukraine to separate Russia and the EU and fix its own economic problems, Nikolay Patrushev has claimed 

The US has used the ongoing Ukrainian crisis to drive a wedge between Russia and the EU while alleviating its own economic troubles at their expense, Nikolay Patrushev, the head of Russia’s National Security Council, has said.

The security chef made the remarks on Tuesday during an offsite meeting of the council in the Siberian city of Tomsk. Patrushev squarely assigned blame for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines last fall to Washington, pointing out that the incident has greatly benefited the US.



The latest lies from the empire of evil

Former British colony sabotaged Nord Stream 1 & 2

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. ohn_Wick2
    Yes 💯% correct and that’s because the US thinks that might is always right. They also own the media so they can write their own narrative. The ordinary sheeple in this world never question anything but obediently believe all the bullshit that’s published or televised

  2. Replies
    1. Take revenge for the Moskva: Russia supplied Hezbollah P-800 Oniks supersonic anti-ship missiles! – And Chinese C-802s in his arsenal! (Videos)

  3. Replies
    1. Read: the Roman empire could be preparing a Ukraine-style scenario for Mongolia

  4. Replies
    1. Sir Alfred Humperdinkel
      America is no longer the Land of the Free and Brave. If you posted a mocking meme about Killary Klintwon, you could receive a prison sentence. That's no joke, Douglas Mackey posting a funny mocking meme about Killary Klintwon during the US 2016 election cycle and never thought anything about it. Fours years later and seven days after Joe Biden was sworn in as the US president, a FBI squad of 7 or 8 heavily armed agents showed up with guns-a-blazing to arrest Douglas Mackey. There are hundreds of January 6, 2021 protestors in prison now, without a trial, in solitary confinement because they attended President Trumps "Stop The Steal" rally. President Trump himself is under something like 172 indictments from the FBI. The was one of the greastest presidents ever, and the left is attempting to put him in jail for the rest of his life, on insanely ridiculous charges. If they can do that to President Trump, no one is safe in the US, the Land where you can now take a poop on the streets of San Francisco in front of restaurants, sell drugs out in the open, steal up to $950 from any store in California and many other democratic states, and face no charges. But how dare you if stand against the current Joe Biden administration or post funny memes mocking these leftist politicians. For your own safety, stay out!

  5. Replies
    1. The West decided to destroy the world economy for the sake of teaching Russia a lesson,” Lavrov told a roundtable of Russian ambassadors in Moscow.

  6. Replies
    1. Everybody knows the US blew up Nord Stream gas pipelines

  7. Replies
    1. And immediately a Jew hater blamed it all on the Jews: 128Highstreet
      Indeed Mr. Trenin. One group has since the end of WW2 had an increasing influence and stranglehold on US foreign and domestic policy. This is the one in the same that pushed for war by proxy with Russia, pushing for war with China and Iran. This is the 'chosen' that think they are to rule the world using US military power to achieve their dastardly goal.These criminal infiltrators are only going to accomplish the destruction of mankind...........if not stopped. Look at ALL top positions in US government and you will know it is festering with these nasty evil beings.

  8. Mijn gratis advies aan Poetin: verleg de Nord Stream pijpleidingen naar Kaliningrad en geef de mensen daar gratis gas en als de Europeanen zich ooit mochten bedenken dan kunnen ze van daaruit gas kopen van Rusland.
    En als de VS ook die pijpleiding vernietigd dan is het gewoon oorlog en dan mag Rusland alles op de VS smijten wat ze hebben en dat zijn dus geen 'kernwapens' want die bestaan niet.

    1. My free advice to Putin: move the Nord Stream pipelines to Kaliningrad and give the people there free gas and if the Europeans ever change their minds they can buy gas from Russia from there.
      And if the US also destroys that pipeline then it will just be war and then Russia can throw everything they have at the US and those are not 'nuclear weapons' because they do not exist.

    2. Мой бесплатный совет Путину: перенесите трубопровод «Северный поток» в Калининград и дайте там людям бесплатный газ, и если европейцы когда-нибудь передумают, они смогут покупать газ у России оттуда.
      И если США также уничтожат этот трубопровод, тогда это будет просто война, и тогда Россия сможет бросить в США все, что у нее есть, и это не «ядерное оружие», потому что его не существует.

  9. Russians become main tourists on luxury islands
    The Maldives has received more than 180,000 visitors from Russia since the start of the year

  10. West ‘struggling’ with sanctions – Kremlin
    International restrictions do not work in the way they were intended, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said

  11. Replies
    1. “So far, the alliance has not abandoned its plans to contain Russia and slaughter the Ukrainian people as ritual victims in the fight against Russia,” Peskov said, noting that Moscow was planning its course of action taking these realities into account.

    2. All deaths in Ukraine are a blood sacrifice to Satan!

    3. The real war is the vax war of the governments against their OWN populations with millions of dead and injured.

    4. The jabs are BIO WEAPONS!

  12. Replies
    1. In almost all NATO states SATANISM and NAZISM is on the rise, and that's because NATO is the military arm of the disguised Luciferian Roman empire, aka the Vatican and its disguise is the true church of Satan, the Roman Catholic church.
      It's not a coincidence that 'Biden' is a Roman Catholic, as it was no coincidence that Hitler was a Roman Catholic and 'Stalin' even a Jesuit Priest, and that communism was invented by the Jesuits, and that the Vatican always sides with fascism.

  13. Kremlin questions NATO state’s military buildup
    Poland has announced sending “military advisors” to Finland’s border with Russia

    1. NATO is the military arm of the satanic Roman empire = the Vatican, causing problems everywhere

  14. Replies
    1. Late last month, President Putin said that “Russophobia… has become almost the official ideology of the Western ruling elites,” adding that it is directed not only at ethnic Russians, but also at all the other peoples inhabiting the country.

      The Russian head of state went on to claim that the West wants to dismember Russia by attempting to sow discord among its population.

  15. Scholz lying about gas – Medvedev
    The ex-Russian president slammed the German chancellor over claims Moscow was to blame for stopping the supply of natural gas to Europe

    1. The German is lying through his teeth! They rejected it themselves, they screwed over their own people because of the hatred for Russia, and now they are dodging and lying!

  16. Russia can hold elections in new regions – officials
    It is “possible” to stage a presidential election in the four formerly Ukrainian territories, Russia’s electoral authority says

  17. West wants to replace Zelensky – Russia’s top spy
    The Ukrainian president is seen by Kiev’s backers as a potential barrier to peace negotiations, Moscow’s intelligence chief has claimed

  18. US has to ‘understand responsibility’ for Ukraine conflict – Kremlin
    Washington is basically telling Kiev’s soldiers to “go and die” while knowing they cannot win, Dmitry Peskov has told NBC

    1. Russia still hasn't learned the US is NEVER to be trusted

  19. Replies
    1. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has claimed that US, UK, and Polish military personnel are operating air defense and multiple launch rocket systems

  20. Replies
    1. Washington is advising the EU on how to find a legal loophole to steal Russian assets, Russia's foreign minister has said

  21. Biden’s attack on Nord Stream pipelines was aimed at Germany – Seymour Hersh
    The idea that a US president commissioned a move aimed at a close ally, however, remains taboo in the West

    1. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March that he “fully agrees” with Hersh’s findings, suggesting the attack only benefited Washington to reinforce its position as a competing gas supplier to Europe.

  22. Christian leader calls for ‘extraordinary’ demographic measures
    Russia must take urgent action to ensure the “proliferation” of its people, Patriarch Kirill believes

  23. Zelensky plan is ‘figment of a sick imagination’ – Russian FM
    Under the current circumstances, demands for Ukraine to reclaim its 1991 borders are a call “for genocide,” Sergey Lavrov argues

    1. Western support for the ‘Zelensky formula’ is now becoming part of an effort to find an off-ramp, the diplomat argued, adding that the US and its allies want to wind down the conflict and declare Kiev the winner. Western officials do not care that such a declaration would not be grounded in reality, not unlike Soviet officials, who declared unrealistic production plans and cooked their books to falsify achievements, Lavrov said.

      “What the West is doing now resembles the worst examples of gaslighting by officials [in the USSR],” the foreign minister concluded.

  24. 'Everyone is tired of the dollar' – Lavrov
    The US currency is used to undermine the competitive rights of other countries, Russia’s foreign minister says

  25. US opening ‘second front’ against Russia – Moscow
    Western meddling in other countries’ affairs has always left only scorched earth behind, a deputy FM has said

  26. Trump won’t change anything – Lavrov
    US-Russia relations have deteriorated beyond the point of repair, even if the Republican frontrunner reaches the White House, the top diplomat has said

  27. West ‘tired’ of Ukraine – Top Russian spy
    Faced with growing resistance, the US and its allies have turned to fear-mongering, Sergey Naryshkin has said

  28. Replies
    1. The fact that Russia allows representatives of hostile nations to visit Kiev proves that Russia is playing along the new world order game.

  29. Replies
    1. His comments came after CIA Director William Burns told a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Monday that additional funding to Ukraine would allow it to conduct “deep penetration strikes in Crimea,” while targeting the Russian Black Sea Fleet and eventually “regain[ing] the offensive initiative.”

  30. Replies
    1. Ukrainian company linked to Hunter Biden used for terrorist attacks in Russia

  31. Replies
    1. Dima Poliakov
      Bluffing bluffing and more bluffing from the Kremlin. The Crimean bridge has been blown up twice, families have died and nothing has been done. Were they really that committed to revenge, they would have responded by literally blowing up all government buildings in Kiev, the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Education etc. IF that had been done, the Kiev regime would have gone pale, the citizens would have gone pale and that would have been the end of terrorist attacks. BUT since the Kremlin is doing NOTHING, the Ukrainians are seeing they have free bar and can go on without a problem.

    2. Russia, as a superpower, could have destroyed the Nazi regime in Kiev long ago, but that did not happen, which proves that the war in Ukraine is part of the 'great reset' and is intended to last a long time until the NWO becomes a reality with a one world government.
      The war in Gaza is part of the plan.
      Everything is controlled from the Vatican = the Luciferian ROMAN EMPIRE in disguise!

  32. EU state rules out international Nord Stream probe – RIA
    Such an investigation would “achieve nothing,” the Swedish Foreign Ministry told the agency

  33. Replies
    1. The Hidden Secrets of Nord Stream: ‘Zelensky Thrown Under the Bus, Real Culprits Remain Unscathed’

  34. Replies
    1. According to this Czech idiot, it was also legitimate to attack the interests of NATO allies Germany and the Netherlands, among others?

  35. Replies
    1. Anglo-Americans attacked ally with Nord Stream sabotage – Russian intelligence

  36. Christiansø is een Deens eiland vlak bij de plaats waar de aanslagen op de Nordstream pijplijn plaats vonden. De havenmeester vertelt nu over Amerikaanse marineschepen vlak in de buurt, in de dagen voorafgaand, waarvan de transponders waren uitgezet. Niemand mocht in de buurt komen. Dit is een dappere man.

  37. Replies
    1. Harbor master breaks silence and makes striking revelation about Nord Stream


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”