Tuesday, 7 March 2023

The latest lies from the empire of evil

US 'spies' say ‘pro-Ukrainian group’ bombed Nord Stream – NYT

Anonymous agents cited unspecified intelligence to deny US responsibility for the pipeline attack 
And the very latest LIE:  Investigators find vessel involved in Nord Stream sabotage – media

The US of Antichrist was behind this terror attack!


TERROR ATTACK on pipeline exposed and CONFIRMED, Putin's next move


We Will End Nord Stream 2

 Sep 30, 2022


Former British colony sabotaged Nord Stream 1 & 2

Pres. Biden: "If Russia invades...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." Reporter: "But how will you do that, exactly, since...the project is in Germany's control?" Biden: "I promise you, we will be able to do that."


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  1. Replies
    1. “I know that they want to drag us into the war on the order of the Americans,” Lukashenko said.

  2. Replies
    1. The sabotage attempt on the Belarusian airfield was carefully planned and involved “state-of-the-art” technologies, including “control software developed by the CIA,” the president pointed out.

  3. Replies
    1. Viktor Federov
      More lies from the American terrorists and their minions.

    2. Perspectives
      This is all you need to now as to the group who sabotaged Nord Stream II Pipeline -
      Victoria Nuland in January 2022: "If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward". Biden in February 2022 ""If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." When asked how, the president says, "I promise you, we will be able do that.". September 2022 Nord stream blown up in an act of international terrorism. In September 2022 instead of calling for an investigation into finding the culprit, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggested halting Nord Stream is a "tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy". October 2022, Germany forced to increase imports of US LNG from 28% to 45% at 4 times the price they were getting Russian gas for. German politicians proceed to do nothing about an investigation or to help their businesses and people from exploding costs.

    3. TomBradley
      This is a distraction from the fact that the US did it. Now the US (via Germany) is backtracking and claiming that it was Ukraine. The US is afraid of retaliation on its soft underbelly.

    4. AcaZ
      Funny how scholz flys to the white house unattended for a 1 on 1 meeting, and then flys back to Germany and this story breaks out. Lolll Biden & his administration REALLY are f#cking dumb to think people will believe this CRAP!

    5. Martinos
      It's bull. Diving to the depth of the pipeline required military involvement and specialized decompression facilities. I believe Sy Hersh.

    6. James Webster
      Omg the depth was 290 meters. A couple divers could not do it. They would need to stop every 10 meters so not to wreck thier lungs, they definitely would need more than oxygen, wonder where they got the explosives, Walmart? Talk about tossing the ukraine under the bus this is just to comical.

    7. AlfiRudolfer
      So it looks like the U.S. is throwing Ukies under a bus. Mission accomplished. Pipeline destroyed, Russia made a villain never to do business with Europe, Germany on its back, Ukraine in a forever debt, and no nuclear war. It’s time to wrap it up and pretend like nothing ever happened. Good job Langley! 👍

    8. MHC
      What a pantload. The investigation went nowhere for months but as soon as the Seymour Hersh story took off and became inconvenient the west suddenly discovered this "new revelation". Uncle Sam did it, everyone knows. They had the motive, the means and they promised to do it followed by practically bragging about it after the fact.

    9. Michael Hinks
      What a smokescreen! This news (original speculation piece) coming out in the New York Times right after Chancellor Scholz's visit to the Biden's Whitehouse! Coincidence? Mmm! Probably not! Biden and Scholz are in panic mode now. Biden will be disgraced and impeached by the Republicans and Scholz will be tossed out of the Bundestag for being implicit to an act of international terrorism if "any" substantive evidence at all comes out in the near future about the true saboteurs. The world knows the Americans perpetrated this act of 'international terrorism,' but I am now starting to think that Scholz's government knew about it and went along with it. This Western based "international rules-based order" is a sham and I hope Biden, Scholz, and the rest of their 'gang of bullies' - get what is coming to them!

    10. Rhinoskerous
      This is a cover up on behalf of the Americans to look like Ukraine did it. It took tonnes of explosives to do that. This was an industrial military operation.

  4. Ukraine considers LGBTQ breakthrough
    Legalizing same-sex unions for soldiers would also please Kiev’s “Western allies”

    1. wakamoli
      it presumes a denial of biblical text... people may not follow it, but at the very least they should acknowledge and comprehend its wisdom... there is much history, science, philosophy, especially law and ethics... It's crystal clear... all these pro sexual deviance groups... have zero to no comprehension... they are the first generation to fall victim to the idea one can substitute political correctness for a basic fundamental moral code of values... it's like reading science fiction than mistaking it for reality... they live in world of false notions... And they don't see it has been an intentional agenda by the elites for many, many decades now... what is scary is it's coming to fruition... thanks to all these confused, mindless, superficial millennials et, al. You can't 'fake' real values, govts create political correctness from arbitrary needs, which change like the winds and are all really small manipulative steps toward often hidden longer term agendas... (like people giving up various rights, from gun ownership. free speech, privacy, etc., etc., ad nauseum) What David Icke called Tip Toe Totalitarians.. Granted I've talked to a few millennials (the smart ones...) and they get it, they appreciate the confirmation that what they are seeing is real (and horrifying)... some still know a lie when they see it...

    2. Voice_of_the_White_Nation
      The "Ukraine" is the spearhead of Globohomo capitalism! They willingly take the mark of the Beast!

  5. Replies
    1. “Trails Lead to Ukraine”: A US Government “Nord Stream Show”?

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  6. Replies
    1. Brassens
      One word DAVOS. Now Switzerland is not part of NATO and has an urgent need to be denazified.

    2. AnonID
      Switzerland stated their own version of neutrality.

  7. Replies
    1. notonazis
      Ukraine banned everything but, shows appreciation for "free speech"??? hahahaha

    2. Rakoni Zivkovic
      Well, I'll be damned !! Ukraine supporting the CIA coup in Georgia !! You don't say !??

    3. Rakoni Zivkovic
      Well, I'll be damned !! Ukraine supporting the CIA coup in Georgia !! You don't say !??

  8. Replies
    1. The Russian Defense Ministry insists that its Geran-2 drones are produced at home, just like all the other hardware used in the military operation against Kiev.

    2. The US is like that bully who bumps into you and says 'you touched me, are you looking for a fight?' and then starts hitting you.

    3. The US is a former British penal colony before they lost it after the 'war of independence' and after that the British used Australia for that purpose.

  9. Replies
    1. 5Kuca101
      Good luck with it but evidence has probably been removed and/or destroyed. Also, any UN-backed investigation is never independent or unbiased. And yes, it was "an extreme act of sabotage" and it will open a dangerous new chapter in international relations. The sabotage of gas pipe, lies of Merkel and Hollande, bombing of Serbia, lies about Iraq, etc. have all open a dangerous new chapter in international relations. We have now US and most of the EU countries that are not even considering any negotiations about anything, their way is the only way and they don't care about the cost or dangers.

  10. Replies
    1. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it is “shameful” for journalists to attempt to pin the attack “on some Ukrainian oligarch.” The Kremlin mocked the latest claims surrounding the sabotage, suggesting that they implied that fictional villain ‘Dr. Evil’ was somehow the mastermind.

  11. Replies
    1. BrotherMa
      Yes of course… Japan doesnt know who bombed Hiroshima , and the UK doesnt know who bombed London in the Blitz either.

  12. Replies
    1. YukonJack
      LOL, are these not some of the same nations that gave us the Minsk accord, and they should be believed after the last time..."UP YOURS"!

  13. Replies
    1. Biden Continues to Play with the Apocalypse: Another B-52 Nuclear Bomber Approach to St. Petersburg!

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  14. Replies
    1. Mysterious object discovered at Nord Stream pipelines

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  15. Biden sought to ‘threaten’ Putin – Seymour Hersh
    The US wanted to leverage a potential attack on Nord Stream to deter Moscow from an offensive against Ukraine, the journalist has claimed

    1. Darkness
      No need to SUGAR COAT this SABOTAGE. For what ever REASON, It was a TERRORIST ACT. A CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR by the United States and it's allies. They also SABOTAGED the peace talks in March/April 2022. They are CRIMINALS and that is it.

  16. Replies
    1. Mark McLean
      The World knows that the United Snakes of America blew up Nord stream...Biden stated last year that Nord Stream will be put out of commission.💯💯

  17. Replies
    1. Chancellor Scholz agreed to the blowing up of Nord Stream by the US 3 weeks before the outbreak of war, which has now permanently destroyed Germany

  18. Replies
    1. novoXYZ
      Poland knows the US did it. Their relations with Zelenski are very poor right now. They are going to cause problems for this stupid contrived story MI6 and the CIA invented to muddy the waters.

  19. Replies
    1. New revelations: Forget everything you've heard about the Nord Stream pipeline attack

  20. A large majority of the House of Representatives has just voted AGAINST our motion in which we state that blowing up the Nord Stream (vital for our energy supply and 9% owned by the Dutch state) was “an act of aggression”…..

  21. Replies
    1. 'How then?' Large majority in parliament votes AGAINST FVD motion stating that blowing up Nord Stream was an act of aggression

  22. German expert doesn’t believe Ukrainians blew up Nord Stream
    Explosions of such scale require heavy equipment, including a large ship with a loader crane, a renowned diver has told Bild


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”