Monday, 27 December 2021


Saturday, January 10, 2015


NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST The New Documentary By Edmund Matthews

 Friday, October 31, 2014

The Jesuits Fake Nukes on Hiroshima ( Japan )

The Jesuits Fake Nukes on Hiroshima ( Japan )

Published on Aug 6, 2013
The Jesuit history in Japan, and the psyop and fakery behind the so-called "nuking" destruction of Hiroshima (and Nagasaki).

There is yet another fact proving the Jesuit Order protected its Soviet-Socialist-Communist government in Moscow during the final phase of the Company of Jesus' Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945). The event is "The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Agreement" of April, 1941, between Hirohito, the Masonic Emperor of Jesuit-ruled Japan, and Fr. Josef Stalin S.J., the Jesuit/Masonic military dictator of the Jesuit-ruled USSR. The Order's purpose for both nations was simple: use the Japanese military to destroy every vestige of the risen Son of God's Bible-based, Protestant Reformation in the Far East (especially in the Philippines and China) and use the Soviet military to destroy every vestige of the risen Son of God's Bible-based, Protestant Reformation in Germany (especially in Lutheran Prussia). Subsequently, Buddhist Japan would then be destroyed (the Japan that had righteously expelled the Order for over 200 years), upon which fire-bombed/atomic-bombed ruins the Company to then build a massive commercial colony subordinated to the Order's "Holy Roman" 14th Amendment American Empire in preparation for the unification of the Asian Far East under "the kings of the east" (Revelation 16 :12). While the "heretic" Christian Orthodox Russian people were being "extirpated from the face of the earth" in accordance with the Jesuit Oath of the Fourth Vow via both Adolph Hitler, SJ, and Josef Stalin, SJ—acting in secret unison—, the Communists of the USSR would be built up by Jesuit Georgetown University-directed, pro-Communist/"New Deal," Masonic American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, SJ, via the Lend-Lease giveaway and the Yalta Agreement (overseen by CFR/Jesuit Coadjutors Harry Hopkins and W. Averell Harriman), further building the Russian military colossus later to be commanded by "Gog," the Russian prince of "Magog" (Ezekiel 38:1-3). Indeed, "mass-extirpate" the devotedly nationalist, Buddhist Japanese and Orthodox Christian Russian peoples while using the military powers of both nations to destroy "heretic and liberal," targeted populations in obedience to the Order's Counter-Reformation Council of Trent!

To appreciate "The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Agreement" of 1941 we must review the chain of events leading to this outrageous and infamous agreement, an agreement just as treasonous as the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939. The history of such a morbid agreement commences with a train of events beginning with the formal expulsion of the Jesuits from Japan in 1614.

MUCH MORE info on nuke fakery here: 




Forget the "Manhattan Project", the Atom Bomb came straight out of Lookout Mountain, a Hollywood style film studio built for the United States Air Force.

Atomic Filmmakers

"The studio contained staff from many prominent studios alongside its military staff. Civilian personnel from Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer and RKO Pictures worked at the studio in functions such as producers, cameramen and directors. W. Donn Hayes (1893--1973), coiner of the American Cinema Editors (ACE) title and past president of the Motion Picture Editors Guild, worked at Lookout Mountain as his last career assignment; he had been in the film and television industries since 1916."

Jesse Waugh, of 'Nuke Lies' made me aware of this.

What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Check out...

The Nuke Hoax:

The Atlantean Conspiracy Nuclear Weapons Do Not Exist!

The LIE your grandparents were told about the bombing of Hiroshima


Witness the nuclear fear scam. Scientist eats uranium.


The Nuclear Scare Scam _ Galen Winsor 


+Philippe Rockholt Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by firebombs and not by 'nukes'.

Quote: "Much of the Western Hiroshima narrative regarding the blast was developed by a single Jesuit priest who, along with other Jesuits, had survived at the epicenter of the blast through the intervention of the Virgin Mary".


Philippe Rockholt
Makes sense since those Jesuits got out without a scratch and radiation while being in the epicenter of the Hiroshima atomic blast according to historical records.


+Too'` No, but they're nothing but huge steam engines

And about the danger of radiation: Nuclear danger is a HOAX!!! It is only heat!


+Hans S What about Nuclear Power plants, are they fake too?


The Nuclear Hoax: Some Reasons Why I Don't Believe Nuclear Weapons Exist


Atomic bombs are a complete con job – they don’t even exist



  1. RT-Russia LIES just as much as the USA about the existence of 'nukes'

  2. And the Russians also celebrate 'Christmas', though on another date than the Roman Catholic DEATH CULT church of Satan.

  3. Russia and China play the role of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION in this world

  4. And the controllers are Satan, the Jesuits and the Vatican

Hanss February 10, 2020 at 8:25 PM

LAVROV: US Continues to Ignore Russian Offers to Extend New START Arms Control Treaty

Hanss February 10, 2020 at 8:26 PM

'Nuclear weapons' simply means being able to bomb each other with Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles


Nuclear Bombs do not exist

Nuclear weapons don't exist. Never have, never will.

1. It's communist war propaganda. Do you remember? The COMMUNISTS WON WW2.

2. Splitting atoms does not release energy rapidly, only very very slowly. Fuel Yes, bombs no. DU warheads are real.

3. All Nuke footage you've ever seen was either 1920s style composite scale effects, or just huge TNT explosions. Kids these days can tell the difference, even if you still cannot.

4. Hiroshima + Nagasaki were FIREBOMBED along with 65 OTHER CITIES before anyone had taken up the Nuke rhetoric. You don't find memorials for burning Japanese children alive with gasoline, only for incinerating them with fake 'flash nuclear' bombs.

5. Did you know it's 100% Illegal to deny the existence of Nuclear bombs in USA, UK, Japan, Korea, etc etc etc. WHY IS THAT??

Did you know that Fusion between Hydrogen into Helium has *NEVER* been proven in a lab? Bet you didn’t know that. It might not be possible. Even if it were possible, there’s no guarantee that Fusion (the opposite of Fission) actually releases energy at all!

The bigger picture here is that nuclear weapons DO NOT EXIST. Neither Fission reactions nor the hypothetical Fusion reaction is capable of releasing INSTANTANEOUS energy. Fission is in fact very SLOW, which is why it is used in Nuclear Power Plants.


Thursday, December 20, 2018

NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews

NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews



Saturday, October 3, 2020

Nuclear Weapons Do Not Exist

Nuclear Weapons are FAKE



Nuclear Hoax – Nukes Do Not Exist!


Yes, but, but....

Our governments LIE about EVERYTHING! 




 The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture



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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”