Friday, February 23, 2018
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the war machine of the Jesuits
Here is what we will cover in this study:
The Jesuits were integral in the founding of the United States of America, even signing the founding documents.
The Jesuits were integral in the donation of the land for the capital, which was on a land that used to be called Rome by the previous owner, Francis Pope; and in the states of VIRGINia and MARYland.
The Jesuits were involved in the design of District of Columbia, with all of its Masonic/Satanic symbols; such as the upside-down pentagram, the Freemasonry compass, the owl, etc.; all of which attracts Satanic energy into D.C.
The Jesuits setup educational institutions, such as Georgetown University; to shape the minds of Americans, and to find people to use for their agenda.
The Jesuit caused the Civil War to bankrupt the United States Of America; which lead to the treasonous congressional Act of 1871, which created a new entity called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which is a city-state corporation, which has a new Constitution.
The Jesuits fulfilled their evil Jesuit Oath, by killing Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy; who had stood up to them.
The Jesuits caused the stock market crash of 1929, so that they could have their people buy up the corporations for pennies on the Dollar.
The Jesuits caused the Titanic (actually it was the RMS Olympic) to sink, killing Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, and John Jacob Astor; who were very wealthy and opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The Jesuit setup their IRS, which was never ratified by all of the states; to collect interest on their Federal Reserve Notes.
The Jesuits use the Rothschild’s, Rockefellers, etc; to steal the wealth of Americans via the Federal Reserve Bank, money printing and inflation; through fractional reserve lending; through stock market manipulation, etc.
The Jesuit’s setup the CIA, the Catholic Intelligence Agency; not to protect Americans, but to protect the Jesuits.
The Jesuits use over 50% of the U.S. budget for their war machine; which recently helped them take control of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. This is why Syria, Iran and North Korea, are being demonized by American leaders, as they have not bowed down to the authority of the Jesuit General, and do not have a Jesuit-Rothschild central bank.
The Jesuit Vatican New World Order (site)
How to get ETERNALLY SAVED from burning forever in the lake of FIRE
+Alex Sekulic They had already been brainwashed so that they would become lazy and ignorant, despite a wealth of info on the net that could have given them clues.
They have been trained to trust the government and 'authorities' who are in fact sinister CRIMINALS serving the satanic Vatican NWO, and the Vatican is the disguised ROMAN EMPIRE, inspired by LUCIFER himself with the Pope as the disguised ROMAN EMPEROR and as the 'Vicar of Christ'=the 'in place of Christ'=the ANTICHRIST defense stocks skyrocket thanks to America's adventures in the Middle East – RT's Keiser Report
ReplyDeleteUnited States B-2 Stealth Bomber With Call Sign ‘DEATH’ Lands At British RAF Base In Gloucestershire For NATO Training Mission Stunning Onlookers
ReplyDeleteThe American gorilla is flexing its muscles: China & Russia listed as main rivals in new US maritime strategy aimed at shaping ‘balance of power for the rest of the century’
Sunday, November 21, 2021
The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture
Israel calls Pentagon over Gaza strikes
ReplyDeleteChina ignores phone calls from Pentagon – Politico
ReplyDeleteFormer Pentagon chief dies
ReplyDeleteDe VS hebben sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog meer dan 20 miljoen mensen gedood in 37 “slachtofferlanden”
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II
DeleteCIA = CATHOLICS IN ACTION = agents of the Vatican = Luciferian Roman Empire
DeletePentagon misled public on drone strike that killed children – NYT
DeleteThe Pentagon misleads the public on pretty much everything - including cost(s) overruns on weapons procurement and upgrades: so why not this incident too!
2 hr
Now imagine the western uproar if Russia had bombed and killed these poor children. But when the US does it, it's just one of those boring "Oooops, sh! t happens" š¤·♂️ cases.
UFO sightings on the rise – Pentagon
ReplyDeletePentagon confirms new type of combat vehicle for Ukraine
ReplyDeleteTom One
DeleteYou need to read the information on the Stryker fighting vehicles on Wiki. It’s interesting and very comical, sadly like most other US kit badly designed and upgraded to save face. It’s clear they’re sending the older models from the beginning of 2000 to justify newer models with current thinking ie with a laser. It’s definitely not a game changer in term of getting folk to the front line and wouldn’t seem so well armoured to be a safe haven. More target practice MrP.
Pentagon wants Kiev‘s backers to ‘dig deeper’
DeleteAmerica a Nation that Never Misses a War
5 hr
US deserve to go bankrupt. The world would not have pity and help, US financially, even in this dire straits, US still encourage other countries to help Ukraine extending the war. What a Fking evil country. Even resorting to Stealing its citizen's pension fund to help Ukraine.
6 hr
Phill Casedy
Kongling118, The american dream has turned into a nightmare. It could have been a wonderfull country, and it still has wonderfull people. but its been highjacked by a couple warmongers. Their sanctions killed millions of death, in syria alone over 600.000 and if thats not enough they are stealing wheats, valuble resourches and about 66000 Barrels of oil per day. thats 80% of its production. Then sending billion after billion down the drain in urkaine !? Just how? If they want to throw money away then why letting those 15000 people in Skid row sleep in their cars and tents alll over the sidewalks? What civilized nation does this? I tell you, the US is bankrupt as can be. 31 Trillion debt. Its gonne be game over.
Pentagon admits to ‘overdose epidemic’ – media
ReplyDeleteLeaked documents a ‘serious risk’ – Pentagon
ReplyDeleteLike Satan the Pentagon LIES about EVERYTHING
DeleteUS allies seek censorship of Pentagon leak – Politico
ReplyDeleteNumerous countries cast doubt on Pentagon leaks
DeleteNo, it's not a "ploy by Moscow to derail Kiev’s planned counteroffensive, given that the documents detail US and NATO plans to build up Ukraine’s forces before the much-anticipated spring operation."
It's exactly the other way round, namely an US ploy to cancel the much-anticipated and hyped-up Ukrainian spring-offensive without losing face after realizing that Ukraine simply lacks the means and the man-power to start it.
Did the Pentagon just FOOL everyone with this fake document leak story? | Redacted News
ReplyDeleteUS Treasury Secretary Yellen admits: “Russia sanctions endanger the dollar”
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
Pentagon leaker began sharing classified data earlier than thought – NYT
DeleteIt's a set up. Nothing that anyone couldn't have guessed. They will need more censorship on the internet.
Jesuit controlled Pentagon top brass pleased with Carlson exit – Politico
ReplyDeletePentagon unsure how leaker passed security clearance
ReplyDeleteNazi Pentagon announces $1.2 billion Ukraine aid package
ReplyDeletePentagon doesn’t vet proxy fighters for rape and torture – NYT
DeleteThere is nothing new here, just look at their own history, what they did to native Americans!
Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals – Intercept
ReplyDeletePentagon admits disappointment with Ukrainian counteroffensive
ReplyDeletePentagon clearing jungle for new base near China
ReplyDeleteNooit eerder gehoorde geluidsopname bevat bekentenis over moord op JFK
ReplyDeleteNever-Before-Heard Audio Recording Contains JFK Assassination Confession