Friday, 20 October 2023

'GET OUT NOW!' Biden HORRIFIED as Hezbollah Fires Rockets On Israel

Who is this MORON? It's NOT Joe Biden!

 Oct 20, 2023 #biden #trump #israel


It Was Obama The Whole Time

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. And then they were also injected with the 'vaccine'

  2. Replies
    1. There are no 'Palestinians' at all because they are just Arabs from the surrounding Arab countries.

    2. But the problem is that they are majority Muslim and their religion commands them to hate the Jews, while their religion is based on a never-existent 'prophet' who started in a city (Mecca) that didn't even exist at the time of the emergence of Islam.
      This foolish religion was manufactured by the Vatican as an extreme version of Roman Catholicism.
      The Vatican wants to get rid of this religion and replace it with Luciferianism: worship of Lucifer.
      This is achieved when all people, including Muslims, are provided with the mark of the beast.
      Then it no longer matters which religion you have because then you simply belong to Satan.

  3. Replies
    1. Former special agent CIA operative, Andrew Bustamante sees Israel committing war crimes in Gaza as Russia does in Ukraine.
      When he said that I knew he was lying, because Russia is not committing war crimes in Ukraine, but Ukraine is committing war crimes against Russia, and Hamas is committing war crimes against Israel, because Hamas may not have an official army, but every male member of the community from 16 years old is a fighter, supported by their families, so Israel is not dealing with just 'innocent children' who are present in large numbers in Gaza, but with an unofficial army of dangerous (young) guerrilla fighters, just like the Nazis in the end used Hitler Youth soldiers and as Ukraine does the same, plus the elderly and veterans were also forced to fight, and in Hitler Germany even women were given Panzerfausts against the Allied tanks.
      Israel cannot help but see the entire people in Gaza as potentially dangerous, except of course the smallest and the weak, because the people living in Gaza have had this Hamas government since 2006 that is hostile to Israel, instead of having chosen a government that wants to work together with Israel to make Gaza something beautiful, which could have happened a long time ago, and then tourists would also have wanted to go to Gaza to enjoy the sun and the Mediterranean Sea, and foreign companies could have settled there.
      But Hamas wants only one thing: the total destruction of Israel, just as Ukraine wants the total destruction of Russia and both Israel and Russia of course find that totally reprehensible and Russia wants to rid Ukraine of Nazis and Israel wants to rid Gaza of Muslim fanatics whom they compare to ISIS.
      So in this respect Israel and Russia are actually equal.

    2. Now it is completely crazy that Zelensky, who is to Russia what Hamas is to Israel, expresses support for Israel, while Russia wants to keep both Israel and the Muslim world friendly.
      However, this is part of the plan through the schemer of Jewish descent, Zelensky, because he is an agent of the West = the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire.
      The goal is to draw both Iran and Russia into the conflict so that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38/39 can be fulfilled.
      The West cannot defeat Russia and Iran and then another important player comes into the picture: Turkey.
      Turkey's Erdogan is playing doubles and on the one hand Turkey is a member of NATO, therefore of 'the West', and on the other hand Turkey is pursuing its own agenda that is at odds with the West.
      Turkey also seems to be a friend of Russia and Iran, but that is only an appearance.
      In Syria, the Turks and the Russians are not really friends with each other and in Azerbaijan it recently became clear that Turkey and Russia are not friends with each other when it came to the Christian Armenians, who have now been expelled from Turkish-minded Azerbaijan, which is an ethnic cleansing and which is certainly seen that way by the EU.
      So the Muslims can get away with ethnic cleansing in Azerbaijan, so why shouldn't Israel get away with ethnic cleansing in Gaza?
      That is not allowed by the hypocritical Muslims, because only they are allowed to ethnically cleanse and Jews and Christians are not allowed to do that.
      Turkey is also being used to draw Russia into the conflict, because if Ezekiel 38/39 is fulfilled then GOD will destroy ALL of Israel's enemies in one fell swoop and play them against each other, and if by then Russia has also become part of a large anti-Israel coalition, supposedly to 'correct' Israel, then Satan and his Vatican West will manage to get God to 'do the dirty work' and defeat Russia as a world power, which the West itself cannot do, and then China will too be neutralized and then a world government can be established, because then BRICS will also be over and there will only be one player left who will have the monopoly: the devilish Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire, with the disguised Luciferian Roman EMPEROR as leader = the POPE = the ANTICHRIST!

    3. Of course, God does not do 'the dirty work' for Satan and his Vatican!
      It is precisely GOD who plays ALL sides so that HIS prophetic program will be fulfilled and that will DEFINITELY happen.
      How this will all end is stated in the Bible.
      From God's perspective, it has already happened.

    4. Keep this in mind: the US is the military arm of the Vatican = the Roman Empire.
      The US APPEARS to be weak now, but that is part of the plan so other powers think they can exploit it.
      The US will even be 'fatally affected' in the coming world war, but because 'nukes' do not exist it will recover and 'rise from the dead'.
      And then this risen arm of the Vatican will strike hard so that the whole world will say 'who can make war against this?', just as it says in the Bible.
      By then (= soon) the US will have become fully part of the WEF's plans ON BEHALF of the Vatican, and this also applies to the EU, the 'heartland of the Roman Empire'.
      The whole world will follow this 'beast' in amazement, because in this devilish world everything that is strong is always adored.
      The US had that status at the end of WWII and regained it after the Vietnam debacle under Reagan and Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.
      But then 'Obama' came along and he made a mess of it... completely according to plan....
      And now under 'Biden' (the real Biden is dead) he is still doing that, but in the background, so that he can later emerge as the strong man and as the great world leader, while the Pope will play the role of False Prophet, who, however, is the real Antichrist.

  4. Jewish leader stabbed to death in US city
    Samantha Woll was killed amid a recent rise in antisemitic crime in several nations

    1. Our MAKER and SAVIOR, God-the Lord JESUS Christ NEVER KILLED anyone during His FIRST COMING

    2. But during His SECOND COMING He will KILL BILLIONS of people without making His hands dirty

    3. And out of his mouth went out a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the heathen: for he shall rule them with a rod of iron, for he it is that treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
      Revelation 19:15

    4. He's the inventor of DEATH and He also invented the SECOND DEATH

    5. Death is SEPARATION from God and the Second Death is ETERNAL separation from God

    6. So what do you want? The choice is YOURS! REJECT JESUS and BURN FOREVER

  5. Biden admits to influencing Israel’s invasion timing
    The US president said that he wants the IDF’s Gaza operation postponed to secure the release of more hostages

  6. Replies
    1. Biden: United States will build 'New World Order'

  7. Rapper 50 Cent slams Biden’s beach vacation
    Estimates earlier this year suggested that the US president had spent as much as 40% of his presidency on vacation

  8. Replies
    1. What is the US interfering with it? Because the US is the military arm of the ROMAN EMPIRE

  9. Replies
    1. Get ready we could be about to see a major false flag operation? The Israeli government knows that a massive ground operation in Gaza would destroy the Israeli military thanks to booby traps and a massive cave structure. So how do they get rid of Hamas in Gaza? Ex CIA analyst Larry Johnson says that over the past 24 hours we've seen some really troubling rhetoric coming from mainstream media and the Israeli government telling us that Hamas has been preparing chemical weapons. In other words weapons of mass destruction. Under that false flag the Israeli government could launch a devastating gas attack on the cave and tunnels of Gaza.

  10. SATAN Obama! Pope Francis's sweetheart...

  11. Replies
    1. Man asks Hillary Clinton why Bill visited Epstein's 'pedo island' and is dragged away

  12. Replies
    1. When thousands protested against the Covid-19 terror measures it was NOT big news.....

  13. Replies
    1. the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, told Al-Mayadeen that the attacks are a response to US support for Israel’s ongoing air and ground campaign against Gaza.

  14. Replies
    1. Col. Macgregor is completely unencumbered by knowledge of the prophetic word. He may be right about the STATE of Israel, but not about the plan that the God of Israel has for HIS country and see Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38/39.

  15. Replies
    1. Of course a civil war in the US would be in the interest of Russia....

  16. Replies
    1. Animal welfare group Viva! Said on Tuesday that, while it is “deeply distraught” at the loss of life in the Middle East, “using poor mice and rats and setting them free in a McDonald’s is not the way to make a political point.” It added that the stunt amounts to nothing more than “animal cruelty, plain and simple.”

      Gary Mond, chairman of the National Jewish Assembly, added to the Jerusalem Post that “from a political perspective, [the demonstration] is totally futile.”

      “It will do nothing to bring any support to the ‘Free Palestine’ cause,” Mond added, claiming the movement was based on “Jew-hatred.”

  17. Replies
    1. The latest madness from the most insane country in the world

  18. Replies
    1. Read: the ROMAN EMPIRE tells Israel to use ‘smaller bombs’ – NYT

  19. Replies
    1. Netanyahu, who met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday morning, said later in the day that Hamas would have to release its Israeli hostages before any pauses to the offensive.

  20. Replies
    1. Sunterralacus
      I think everyone sees it as a political witch hunt don’t they?

  21. Replies
    1. A ceasefire would hinder efforts to free more hostages, Netanyahu told ABC. “The only thing that works on these criminals in Hamas is the military pressure that we’re exerting,” he said.

  22. Replies
    1. Read: the Roman empire wants Israel to clarify Netanyahu’s comments – media

  23. Replies
    1. There are no 'settlers' in Israel! There are Jews who live in their God-given land and Satan and satanic people don't like that.
      They want to force the Jews to live in their God-given land with their enemies and they call it 'peaceful coexistence'....
      Judea and Samaria are part of Israel but the satanic world calls it the 'west bank'...

  24. Replies

    1. The US is controlled by the Vatican, the most evil mafia organization in history
      and the disguised Luciferian Roman empire. It's not a coincidence that 'Biden' is a Catholic just like it was no coincidence that Mussolini and Hitler were Catholics. Stalin was even a Jesuit priest and the current Pope is a Jesuit. CIA means Catholics In Action. It's the Gestapo of the Roman empire. Netanyahu is a 33rd degree Freemason and a servant of the Papacy.
      The flag of the EU is the blue Catholic Mary flag with the circle of twelve yellow stars.

  25. Replies
    1. Stephen Gardner and Tyrus discuss the state of the United States. Will Joe Biden step down or step forward. Will Kamala Harris replace him? Will Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama attempt to win his delegates? Why does Congress routinely do the opposite of what their voters want? How do we become a more moderate and conservative country? How do the two parties get along again?

  26. Replies

    1. This is what happens when Obama tells Biden what to do and say.
      We're just getting started folks. Thank goodness, karma ALWAYS comes back to bite you in the ass.

      11 hours ago

    2. And 'Obama' acts at the behest of the Vatican...

  27. Replies
    1. Stephen Gardner doesn't realize that both Trump and Argentina's Milei are friends of Klaus Schwab and he really believes that on 9/11 planes flew into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, causing about 3,000 deaths, while it were cruise missiles that flew into the empty Twin Towers that came down as planned a short time later through controlled demolition to suggest that it was by those 'planes' on behalf of Osama Bin Laden.
      Those 'planes' were transformed with computer technology because they were cruise missiles, which eyewitnesses had seen, but these kinds of testimonies were quickly taken off the internet by the villains who control the mass media, and they then 'showed' the whole world via their manipulated images that 'hijacked planes' had flown into the Twin Towers.
      The images of 'desperate people' jumping to their deaths from the Twin Towers were also fake, because once again those buildings were empty because they were scheduled to be demolished in a controlled manner and the images of that were also fake.
      Everything that happened on 9/11 was fake, just like the "pandemic" was fake.

    2. When you control the mass media you can make people believe anything like the fake 'manned moon landings'.

    3. Then you can make people believe that 'nukes' exist, because the other 'nuclear' states like Russia are complicit in this lie.

    4. Then you can make people believe there's a 'life threatening man-made climate change'.

    5. Then you can make people believe that 'UFOs' exist and that we're 'threatened by aliens'.

    6. Then you can make people believe the Pope is the 'Savior of the world'....while he's the ANTICHRIST...

  28. Replies
    1. Biden suggests he was the reason for the Hamas attack

  29. Foreign-born percentage of US population reaches record high – think tank
    15% of people living in the country were not born there, which could increase to 17.3% if Biden is reelected, the report said

  30. Replies
    1. In all the US wars, the government didn't care how many civilians died...

    2. But when it comes to Israel, Israel must control itself...

    3. This shows that the US hates the Jews, because the goal is to harass all Jews into Israel so that they can be destroyed in one go...

    4. The US is the military arm of the satanic Vatican that orchestrated the Holocaust...

    5. The Vatican is the disguised Luciferian Roman many ignorant people still don't acknowledge this..

    6. The Vatican is behind the fake pandemic and the jabs and the great reset and the current wars

    7. The boss of the Vatican is not even the devilish Pope but Satan himself.

    8. The Pope is simply Satan's most important useful idiot.....

  31. Russia will attack NATO – Biden
    The US president’s remarks are “provocative rhetoric… unacceptable for a responsible nuclear state,” Moscow has said

  32. Replies
    1. Gruesome aftermath of AFU grenade attack on city council by disabled veteran (18+) and other war images

  33. Replies
    1. Trump removed from ballot in Colorado? 'It's not what you think, it doesn't mean much'

  34. US senator vows to make Iran’s ‘worst nightmare’ come true
    Doing so is “essential” for Israel’s security, Lindsey Graham argued during his visit to Tel Aviv


  35. “You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask,
    and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state should have the power to take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm.”

    - alan dershowitz (PURE NAZI)

  36. Biden privately disses Netanyahu – media
    US president Joe Biden has reportedly called Israeli PM an ‘assh*le’ over Israeli intransigence on Gaza

  37. Replies
    1. Stephen Gardner sits down with investigative journalist Lara Logan to discuss the real reason President Joe Biden is flooding the USA with illegal immigrants. Poverty and control of government power are at the heart of this dark mission.

  38. Jihad Joe Biden Threatens Netanyahu, Says Israeli Surrender is Required – Taking Hamas’ Side

    The Democrat party has declared itself the enemy of the Jewish nation. Any Jew that stands with or votes for the neo-Nazi party is my foe.

    1. Bari Shabazz aka 'Obama' is the man behind fake Biden and he's a Muslim

  39. Replies
    1. 'Deep State' = the Jesuits on behalf of the Vatican and Satan


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”