Sunday, 8 October 2023

Israeli journalist about Hamas attack: 'Something is wrong, this is very strange'

Israeli journalist about Hamas attack: 'Something is wrong, this is very strange'

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This video starts with the non-existent globe earth and satellite(s)....

Israel is now siding with Nazi-Ukraine, the place where the Holocaust started in WW2


Israel caves in to US pressure over Ukraine – Haaretz

Kiev reportedly received mysterious “strategic materials” 
Tel Aviv reportedly wants the details of the arrangement kept under wraps to avoid irking Moscow.
With a change in government set to bring Benjamin Netanyahu back into power in Israel, Haaretz’ sources said that it would be up to the veteran right-winger whether to repeat the “strategic materials” deal.
Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons
Benjamin Netanyahu

Moscow and Kiev react to Israel-Palestine escalation
Russia has urged both sides to stick to diplomacy, while
Ukraine has proclaimed its support for Israel 


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Israeli journalist about Hamas attack: 'Something is wrong, this is very strange'

  2. Replies
    1. 'Sea of corpses' in Israel, many dead in Gaza as Hamas shock attack unleashes war

  3. Replies
    1. Another distraction from what really matters: the 'vaccines' and depopulation and the future implementation of the Mark of the Beast, which Robert Jensen has already talked about (briefly) at least five times in his shows, and about which he promised more to tell, but he doesn't.
      And again Robert Jensen talked about The Mark of the Beast at 18 minutes and 40 seconds

  4. Replies
    1. I said it before and this is mainly a distraction from what is really going on: the worldwide mass murder and depopulation through the 'vaccines' and the future implementation of the mark of the beast and of course the establishment of a world government.
      All evil roads lead to the Vatican, which is the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire that never ceased to exist but disguised itself as the Roman Catholic Church with its important corollaries in the past: the CATHOLIC Mussolini, Hitler and Franco and the Jesuit(!) 'Stalin and now the CATHOLIC 'Biden'.
      It is also no coincidence that 'Queen' Máxima is a CATHOLIC.

      Churchill and Roosevelt and Truman were 33rd degree Freemasons and so is Netanyahu: servants (secretly) of the Vatican.

    2. ALL world leaders serve the POPE = the ANTICHRIST = the Roman EMPEROR in disguise who really serves LUCIFER.
      They ALL shake hands with him, including Putin and the leadership of Iran.
      They are ALL in cahoots and that is why the fake pandemic was also worldwide and still going on.
      It is no coincidence that the current Pope is a Jesuit.

    3. But Zelensky has given his support to ISRAEL and not Hamas.
      Countries such as Iran and Pakistan stand firmly behind Hamas and do not forget Turkey, although they represent different Islamic movements.

  5. Replies
    1. Escalation in the Middle East: War on multiple fronts? Hezbollah fires rockets at Israel

      Updates on the escalation in the Middle East: Israeli death toll rises to at least 600

  6. Replies
    1. Journalist on 'surprise attack' Hamas: 'The Israeli government allowed this to happen'

  7. Replies
    1. More than 250 bodies found at Israel festival attacked, death toll still rising

  8. Replies
    1. Mirjam was only freed by the Israeli army after 7 hours: 'There is really no one who understands this'

  9. Replies
    1. David Icke explains in 2 minutes why the Hamas raid was not a 'surprise attack'

  10. Replies
    1. CNN caught staging fake attack in Israel

  11. Replies
    1. Front News Film Scoop – Full video of attack on Fiji IDF base south of Gaza City

  12. Replies
    1. Member of Parliament on Israel: 'Every life lost only serves the interests of the Worldwide rulers'

  13. Replies
    1. Israeli journalist: 'The people of Israel have been betrayed'

  14. Replies
    1. Nobody complained when during WW2 the allies bombed all cities of Nazi Germany, while in 1933 only one third had voted for Adolf Hitler.
      There were even people who called for the annihilation of ALL Germans back then....

    2. ROMAN CATHOLIC Kroatia murdered a lot of Jews and Serbians during the most unimaginable ways.....

  15. Replies
    1. Israeli intelligence suddenly knows exactly where Hamas is

  16. Replies
    1. 'Netanyahu ordered Israeli army not to intervene for 7 hours during Hamas raid'

  17. Replies
    1. New eyewitness reports: Israeli hostages killed by own army on October 7

  18. Replies
    1. Helicopter footage raises questions about attack on Israel

  19. Replies
    1. Hamas 'Mass Rape' Hoax Disintegrates: Israeli Newspaper Admits 'Evidence' of Alleged Rapes Has 'Disappeared'

  20. Replies
    1. 'The true story of the events of October 7 has yet to be told'

    2. Eén ding is zeer verdacht: dat de grootste schoften van deze wereld zoals Biden, Rutte en Zelensky direct hun volledige steun gaven aan Israël

    3. One thing is very suspicious: that the biggest bastards in this world such as Biden, Rutte and Zelensky immediately gave their full support to Israel

    4. Het hele duivelse westen stond als één man achter Israel, behalve Turkijë, dat duidelijk niet tot het Westen behoort, ook al zit Turkijë in de NAVO

    5. The entire devilish West stood united behind Israel, except Turkey, which clearly does not belong to the West, even though Turkey is in NATO

    6. Het is duidelijk dat het duivelse Westen van Turkijë afwil en Turkijë stuurt tot een confrontatie met Israël....en het Westen

    7. It is clear that the devilish West wants to get rid of Turkey and is sending Turkey into a confrontation with Israel... and the West

    8. Turkije werd eerder door een 'aardbeving' getroffen die duideljk kunstmatig was opgewekt als straf voor het niet in de pas lopen met het Westen = het Vaticaan = het vemomde Luciferaanse Romeinse rijk, dat achter alle kwaadaardigheid zit zoals de Great Reset, de klimaarleugen en de nep-pandemie en de mRNA prikken = depopulatie en de opstap naar de implementatie van het Merkteken van het Beest, Openbaring 13.
      Turkijë wordt klaargemaakt om te fungeren als de leider van 'Gog en Magog' samen met Iran (Perzië) om in de nabije toekomst Israël aan te vallen als alles weer rustig en vreedzaam lijkt. Turkijë is het grote land met dat grote leger dat ten noorden van Israël ligt...en het is ISLAMITISCH en op de hand van Hamas en de 'Palestijnen'.
      Rusland zal in dit conflict worden meegezogen omdat Rusland militair aanwezig is in Syrië.
      Rusland ligt in het uiterste noorden ten opzichte van Israël.
      15 Gij zult dan komen uit uw plaats, uit de zijden van het noorden, gij en vele volken met u; die altemaal op paarden zullen rijden, een grote vergadering, en een machtig heir
      EZECHIËL 38
      De opname MOET vóór Ezechiël 38/39 plaatsvinden, omdat Israël nadien ZEVEN JAREN vuren zal stoken* van het achtergelaten oorlogsmateriaal van Gog en Magog, terwijl Israël na de Wederkomst van de Heer JEZUS Christus de wapens zal omsmeden tot ploegscharen...
      (*en dit zal gebuiken voor Israëls energiebehoefte.)
      Dit laat tevens zien dat Ezechiël 38/39 direct na de opname zal plaatsvinden.
      Momenteel wordt 'Gog' (een demonenkoning) tegengehouden door de Heer JEZUS Christus middels de Heilige Geest, de weerhouder.
      Als die weerhouder plots zal zijn weggenomen zal de hel losbreken.

    9. Turkey was previously hit by an 'earthquake' that was clearly artificially induced as punishment for not keeping up with the West = the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire, which is behind all the evil such as the Great Reset, the climate lie and the fake pandemic and the mRNA shots = depopulation and the stepping stone to the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13.
      Turkey is being prepared to act as the leader of 'Gog and Magog' together with Iran (Persia) to attack Israel in the near future when everything seems calm and peaceful again. Turkey is the big country with that big army that lies north of Israel...and it is ISLAMIC and at the side of Hamas and the 'Palestinians'.
      Russia will be drawn into this conflict because Russia has a military presence in Syria.
      Russia is located in the far north relative to Israel.
      15 And thou shalt come out of thy place, from the sides of the north, thou, and many nations with thee; all of them shall ride on horses, a great assembly, and a mighty army
      EZEKIEL 38
      The rapture MUST take place before Ezekiel 38/39, because afterwards Israel will stoke fires for SEVEN YEARS* from the left behind war materials of Gog and Magog, while after the Second Coming of the Lord JESUS Christ, Israel will beat the weapons into plowshares...
      (*and this will be used for Israel's energy needs.)
      This also shows that Ezekiel 38/39 will take place immediately after the rapture.
      Currently 'Gog' (a demon king) is being restrained by the Lord JESUS Christ through the Holy Spirit, the restrainer.
      If that restrainer is suddenly removed, all hell will break loose.

    10. Turkijë (Erdogan) wil eerst zeker weten dat Israël geen 'kernwapens' heeft!
      Als blijkt dat dat niet zo is, omdat kernwapens niet bestaan, dan zal Turkijë, en Iran ook en al de andere islamitsche bondgenoten van 'Gog en Magog', Israël durven aanvallen.

    11. Turkey (Erdogan) first wants to make sure that Israel doesn't have 'nuclear weapons'!
      If it turns out that this is not the case, because nuclear weapons don't exist, then Turkey, and Iran and all the other Islamic allies of 'Gog and Magog', will dare to attack Israel.

    12. En dan zal God ze allemaal vernietigen zodra ze in Israël komen.
      De Antichrist zal nadien de overwinning naar zich toetrekken en de wereld en met name Israël overtuigen dat hij hierachter zat met zijn bovennatuurlijke krachten met als doel om Israël van de totale ondergang te redden.
      En hierom zal Israël hem aanvaarden als hun MESSIAS!
      Antichrist betekent 'in plaats van Christus'.
      Dat is de titel van de Paus:

      V =5........F = 0........D = 500
      I = 1.........I = 1.........E = 0
      C =100....L = 50.......I = 1
      A = 0........I = 1............------
      R = 0........I = 1..............501
      I .= 1.........------
      U = 5.............53
      S = 0

      = 666

    13. And then God will destroy them all as soon as they get into Israel.
      The Antichrist will afterwards claim victory and convince the world and especially Israel that he was behind this with his supernatural powers with the aim of saving Israel from total destruction.
      And for this reason Israel will accept him as their MESSIAH!
      Antichrist means 'in place of Christ'.
      That is the Pope's title:

      V =5........F = 0........D = 500
      I = 1.........I = 1.........E = 0
      C =100....L = 50.......I = 1
      A = 0........I = 1............------
      R = 0........I = 1............501
      I .= 1.........------
      U = 5..........53

      = 666

    14. Het land dat het meest 'getroffen' zal worden door de opname is de VS want daar wonen de meeste mensen die gered zijn door JEZUS Christus.
      Dit zal de VS INEENS in CHAOS veranderen en het land als leider van het Westen onttronen. Een extra teken voor satan via 'Gog' om de kans te wagen om Israël te vernietigen.

    15. The country that will be most 'affected' by the rapture is the USA because that is where most of the people who have been saved by JESUS Christ live.
      This will SUDDENLY turn the US into CHAOS and dethrone the country as leader of the West. An extra sign for Satan via 'Gog' to take the chance to destroy Israel.

    16. En degene die dit alles arrangeert is GOD en Hij zit in de hemel en hij LACHT:
      4 Die in den hemel woont, zal lachen; de Heere zal hen bespotten.
      5 Dan zal Hij tot hen spreken in Zijn toorn, en in Zijn grimmigheid zal Hij hen verschrikken.
      6 Ik toch heb Mijn Koning gezalfd over Sion, den berg Mijner heiligheid.
      PSALMEN 2

    17. And the one who arranges all this is GOD and He sits in heaven and he LAUGHS:
      4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh; the Lord will mock them.
      5 Then he will speak to them in his anger, and in his wrath he will make them afraid.
      6 I have anointed my king over Zion, my holy mountain.
      PSALMS 2

    18. God zal alle anti-Zionisten en Jodenhaters vernederen! God will humiliate all anti-Zionists and Jew haters!

    19. Maar velen van hen zullen nadien ook de Antichrist aanvaarden als held en zijn god vereren: Lucifer die God satan = tegenstand had genoemd.
      Dat doen ze omdat ze het verdommen om in GOD te geloven!!

    20. But many of them will afterwards also accept the Antichrist as a hero and worship his god: Lucifer, whom God had called Satan = adversary.
      They do that because they rather be damned than to believe in GOD!!

    21. God zal deze duivelse mensen teisteren met zijn plagen en schalen van gramschap en ze zullen zich niet bekeren en bij de wederkomst van JEZUS Christus zullen ze allen worden vernietigd en worden bewaard in het dodenrijk voor het Laatste Oordeel.

    22. God will afflict these devilish people with his plagues and bowls of wrath and they will not repent and at the return of JESUS Christ they will all be destroyed and kept in Hades for the Last Judgment.

    23. Als je dit leest en nog niet gered bent, wees dan niet dwaas en GELOOF slechts het volgende:
      We dienen allemaal gered te zijn van dat we onze eeuwigheid in Gods poel van vuur moeten doorbrengen, want dat is een lot dat we ALLEN verdienen.
      Dus wees GERED en geloof dat God zo VEEL van ons HOUDT dat Hij Zich op aarde manifesteerde als de Heer JEZUS Christus die Zijn zondeloze bloed vergoot voor de vergeving van onze zonden, die werd begraven en opstond uit de dood, drie dagen later, 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4.
      Als je dit gelooft, ben je niet alleen gered, maar verzegeld met de Heilige Geest en opname gereed.
      Lees elke dag je Bijbel en praat met onze Schepper over alles en maak Hem je beste Vriend en deel dit GOEDE NIEUWS = EVANGELIE met anderen.

  21. Sexism enabled Hamas attack – Haaretz
    Female Israeli soldiers reportedly said their warnings of increased activity by the militants were ignored

  22. Replies
    1. Those are things you cannot understand': Report sheds new light on Hamas attack on Israel

  23. Replies
    1. Irrefutable evidence that Israeli soldiers knowingly kill unarmed civilians

  24. Replies
    1. The story about Hamas' terror attacks on Israel is getting stranger and stranger


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”