Sunday, 8 October 2023

Israeli envoy vows to wipe out Hamas ‘savages’ - Jew KILLERS on RT Russia in the comment section

Israel's Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan speaks ahead of the UN Security Council on October 8, 2023

Israel will “obliterate” Hamas, the country’s envoy to the UN Gilad Erdan has said, ruling out any prospects of negotiating with the Palestinian militant group.

Speaking ahead of an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council on Sunday, the diplomat denounced Hamas as “a genocidal Islamist terror organization,” comparing it to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and al-Qaeda.

Read more.... 


Most comments below this article were made by JEW KILLERS:


Bob Sankofa
"“The era of reasoning with these savages is over,” Erdan announced [infront of a dressing mirror] 😅
1 m
Russia, North Korea, Iran, Hamas…. Axis of Evil
1 m
The Zionists have had great success turning Arab against Arab and Muslim against Muslim - wake up and fight your common foe - the cancerous Zionist cult.
3 m
steve drake
I hope Hamas wins Mr Gilad Erdan.
3 m
The Zionist always screams murder when he stabs you in the back. I'm so over these empty cans in Tel Aviv.
3 m
As a Mescalero Apache, I surely recall the USA calling us "savages" as we fought for our land, culture, and right to exist! I stand firmly with the Nation of Palestine!!!
4 m
government and military don't create any WEALTH $$$$$ didn't build anything nationwide,freeways, roads, bridges hotels, resorts, golf courses, stadiums, commercial property, houses, amusement parks, hospitals, Manufactured nothing semi trucks, automobiles, motorcycles, planes, bicycles, mobile homes, motorhomes, 5th wheel trailers, haul trailers etc, produce nothing food, seafood, beef, produce , gasoline, steel, lumber, glass, plastic, rubber, cement, etc, sell , service , repair, maintain nothing nationwide not 1 public restroom nationwide, THEY CREATE NOTHING ANYWHERE IN AMERICA .
4 m
No worry the terrorist state of Israel will implode soon.
5 m
government and military don't create any WEALTH $$$$$ didn't build anything nationwide,freeways, roads, bridges hotels, resorts, golf courses, stadiums, commercial property, houses, amusement parks, hospitals, Manufactured nothing semi trucks, automobiles, motorcycles, planes, bicycles, mobile homes, motorhomes, 5th wheel trailers, haul trailers etc, produce nothing food, seafood, beef, produce , gasoline, steel, lumber, glass, plastic, rubber, cement, etc, sell , service , repair, maintain nothing nationwide not 1 public restroom nationwide, THEY CREATE NOTHING ANYWHERE IN AMERICA .
1 m
1 reply
Jews seem to have bad memories…let’s refresh there memories…THE JEWS STOLE THE LAND FROM THE PALESTINIANS ‼️
6 m
AND by the Zionists very own definition all Palestinians are born terrorists with no more rights than an animal. ~sick people these supremacists, self chosennite ones. Incredible arrogance, no sense of guilt at all, never apologizes ever cause they don't make mistakes you do....oh to choose yourselves huh???
7 m
It is what they've wanted to do all along . . .wipe out all Palistinians and with the US self made organizations giving the blessing.
7 m
The silly little zio makes threats to "obliterate" our forces... They are not in a good position to threaten us. Corrupt usa will be very little help, since their bases will be destroyed along with their thug navy.
10 m
Lodi de Charro
first dehumanisation, then ethnical cleansing. Right out of mein kampf...
11 m
Jew parasites showing their true colors
12 m
Mikhail Yakunkin
This Sick zio-nazi envoy from Israel reminds Hitler on tribune, when he was sending his troops to kill jews of Europe and Russians of Soviet Union. Now he sends jews to kill Palestinians, knowing that in reality Jews people will be dying for Western Criminal Values and money in pockets of Netanyahu, Biden and Zelenski. Zionism is anti-semite number 1 of the World. Zionism has almost seized the whole Western World.
14 m
And in reality the Zionist state of Israel received a day of atonement like no other and is observed by the world and the cosmos as demonstrably weak and divided .
15 m
Isn't "God" supposed to be protecting Israel? Did he fall asleep? 🤣
15 m
boris valencia
Jajaja, the ambassador is a savage too.
18 m
Are they so stupid or do they think that we are so stupid that they always pop up at the UN with some infantile cartoon cardboard as if this kindergarten stuff would back up their lies?!?
19 m
Si Si
Salix, Well said... remember Iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' and the cartoon picture that was shown ahahaaa.
17 m
2 more replies
Savages that is a very contentious term indeed. Savages, savages, savages. How do you defend from them. They are f… everywhere
21 m
Israel needs to look in the mirror and see who the REAL SAVAGES ARE ! Israel needs to be Liquidated!
22 m
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1 reply
A jew talking about genocide. This must be the endtime..
22 m
Taliban~ send 1000 of your finest warriors...
22 m
02011977, 100,000
21 m
1 more reply
The Zionist cries out in pain as it strikes you
24 m
Wasn't he just asking the UN to intervene? I am sure he will make his stay at the UN indefinite...
24 m
They made the same vows years ago not only with Hamas ... but also with Hezbollah, Iran ... Just empty talk of a rogue state in full collapse. In the mean time what they are really doing is calling everybody on earth begging for a cease fire ... It will NOT be coming this time
27 m
The scramble-headed Zios were first contacting Egypt to "negotiate" the release of the the zio prisoners. How is it that they will not negotiate?? hahaha
28 m
Foolish ambassador of a terrorist country known as Isreal
28 m
Jeremy Kidwell
Nonso, Only terrorist involved are Hamas, you, and the humans living in gaza who stayed after the borders change in the 6 day war when all of the Arab world tried to wipe Israel off the map. the name Palestine proves the point since emperor Hadrian renamed Judea to Palestine when he tried to wipe out the Jews after the third Bokar rebellion.
25 m
2 more replies
Someone has to pull a nuke on Jerusalem with these genocide threats
28 m
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. You have been warned. (this is directed to Israel)
29 m
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1 reply
Jeremy Kidwell
Good wipe them out all of them and remove Gaza from the map.
29 m


And many more EVIL COMMENTS are to be expected, made by ROTTEN humans who won't rest until all the Jews are MURDERED. 

They HATE the JEWS because they are known as 'God's people' so they HATE GOD, their OWN MAKER!!!

So they all all want to BURN FOREVER in GOD's lake of fire!


If you DON'T want to be CONDEMNED by the GOD OF ISRAEL and OUR MAKER and want to escape the MOST HORRIFIC FATE of having to spend your ETERNITY in God's lake of fire = His eternal WRATH then you only have to BELIEVE the following:

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others. 

The most controversial little piece of land on earth

This picture is showing what it's all about and what Satan is up to:

The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - The Truth about Islam



  1. Replies
    1. I've been inside that mosque in October 1993.

    2. I've also touched the The Holy of Holies back then, beneath the 'Dome of the Rock'.

    3. Israel is MY COUNTRY because the God of ISRAEL is MY FATHER!

      Get to know Him as your BEST FRIEND or stay His ENEMY and PERISH!

    5. Criticize the STATE of Israel as much as you want but don't criticize the GOD OF ISRAEL or you'll play with FIRE!

  2. During the Nazi occupation of my country about 103.000 of the 140.000 Jews, back then, were MURDERED by the Nazis and most of them were BURNED ALIVE in the Nazi ovens after they were NUMBED by the Zyklon-B gas.

    Nazis are servants of the Vatican and the Vatican invented Islam and 'allah' is Satan!

  3. Replies
    1. Temple of Satan destroyed....of course the commentator didn't mention the provocations of the 'Palestinians'.

  4. Replies
    1. Read: the ROMAN EMPIRE issues warning to Hezbollah

  5. Replies
    1. Turkey supports the JEW KILLERS of Hamas!

  6. Replies
    1. M. H
      Taking civilians hostages and killing them is a new low, however it is not really new because that's what the prophet of islam did to the jews 1500 years ago. The hatred that muslims have for the jews is extreme 😔😔😡

    2. This response received dislikes from the Jew haters in the comment section of RT

  7. Pentagon sends naval armada in support of Israel
    The US also vowed to provide the IDF with ammunition during its conflict with Hamas

    1. Although the IDF thanked the US for its support, Marwan Bishar, Al Jazeera’s top political analyst, argued that dispatching a carrier group would lead to a “major escalation.”

      “The idea of this arms build-up in the Middle East at this point in time, it’s dangerous,” Bishar said on Sunday.

    2. AlfiRudolfer
      This move has nothing to do with Gaza. It’s aimed at Russia and Syria. Simple as that.
      30 m

      AlfiRudolfer, This is what I'm seeing as well plus I'm very concerned for Syria and Lebanon. The Russian bases in Syria needs to go to full alert.

  8. Replies
    1. Israeli officials have shown no signs of backing down. “Human animals must be treated as such,” Israeli Major General Ghassan Alian said on Tuesday, referring to residents of the Palestinian enclave. “There will be no electricity and no water [in Gaza], there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell,” he warned in a video message.

  9. Replies
    1. At least 11 Americans were among those killed, including many dual nationals, the White House said on Monday.

      Ten Nepalese nationals were killed in a Hamas attack on Kibbutz Alumim, four were injured and being treated in Tel Aviv, while one remained missing, the Nepalese embassy said.

      Argentina reported seven of its nationals had been killed and 15 more remain missing. At least two French nationals were killed and a 12-year-old is among the 14 who remain missing and were “highly likely” abducted, according to the foreign ministry in Paris.

      Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania, Thailand, the UK and Ukraine have all reported at least one of their nationals among the casualties or missing. Another British national was killed in the fighting with Hamas while serving in the Israel Defense Forces.

    2. Stupid Muslims murder anyone who doesn't shout 'allah u akbar'

  10. Replies
    1. Watch: Israeli Ambassador Claims Hamas Attack “10 Times Worse Than 9/11”

    2. The man is right because 9/11 resulted in almost NO fatalities and the recent Hamas terror attack on Israel resulted in hundreds of casualties.
      EVERYTHING about 9/11 was FAKE: 'planes' were cruise missiles (which eyewitnesses saw) that had been turned into planes using computer animation techniques, because with IMAGES you can manipulate ANYTHING.
      And the IMAGES of people in the Twin Towers and 'many of whom committed suicide' by jumping off those buildings were also FAKE because those buildings were EMPTY, because they would 'simply' be taken down through controlled demolition, because they had a long time decided in advance, in collaboration with the owner of those buildings, to get rid of them because the Twin Towers in particular were full of asbestos, making it much too expensive to renovate them, so they blew it all up.
      World Trade Center 7 is the best evidence because it collapsed neatly due to controlled demolition while it was not hit at all by an 'airplane' = cruise missile.
      And they 'simply' used that as a cover for a so-called attack by 'Muslim terrorists'.
      All 'family members' of the 'victims' were 'crisis actors' as they have often used them, and of course the Main Stream Media had already been fully aligned to effectively deliver the big LIE, just like later during 'Corona' and the FAKE pandemic.
      There have been REAL victims in Israel and the CYNICAL thing about this is that the Israeli government plus allies (particularly the US) have deliberately SACRIFICED those people in order to bring about a bigger conflict.

    3. On 9/11 there were only a few INDIRECT deaths: among others, a woman suffered a heart attack from the fright...
      But keep believing the lies of the MSM...

    4. Ever heard of the Jesuits? Or do you think it is a coincidence that Pope Francis is a Jesuit?
      The History & Purpose of the Present War in Israel – 10/09/23

    5. Israel is so 'demonic' that God will GUARANTEED save a THIRD of His people, and He does not give that GUARANTEE to any other people!
      Just read Zechariah 13 verses 8 and 9.
      Fun fact: at the beginning of the fake pandemic, a third of Israeli Jews indicated that they did not want to be jabbed.

  11. Replies
    1. US green light for Israel: “Hit any target anywhere you want in the Middle East” – Heavy fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon – Reuters operator dead

  12. Iran a ‘Nazi regime’ – Israel
    Iran’s support for Hamas makes it culpable in last Saturday’s attack, Israel’s envoy to the UN says

  13. Replies
    1. The Israeli official, whose parents were Holocaust survivors, called the Hamas raid on October 7 a “Nazi attack” and described the ongoing hostilities as a “third world war against radical Islam – with Russian involvement.”

    2. While he didn’t delve into the alleged connection to Moscow, Katz pointed out that Iran is the primary adversary of Israel in what he perceives as a global conflict. He described how Tehran employs proxy forces, some of which, Katz asserted, have infiltrated Western nations.

      “The war is also within Europe. In radical communities,” he said. “Today, this world war is being waged by Iran.”

  14. Replies
    1. “The Hamas terror group took the festival as an opportunity to show their violence and their true agenda,” Livni said. “They say it [out] loud. Their agenda is to erase Israel and the Jewish population, and they are not coming for peace.”

    2. And Scott Ritter calls these terrorists 'courageous'...

  15. Replies
    1. And no one takes to the streets to protest their own sinfulness...

    2. What should God do with people who say 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'?

    3. 'Palestine' is God's country and He gives it to whom He will

    4. And He doesn't give it to the 'Palestinians' even if the whole world wanted to

    5. People often say that Israel has turned the 'Palestinian territories' into a ghetto

    6. And that Israel treats the inhabitants of that ghetto as the Nazis did to them

    7. No, the world turned little Israel into a ghetto in which the Jews have to accept that they are locked up in that ghetto together with people who want to exterminate them on behalf of their god 'allah' and Islam, which was invented by the satanic Vatican = the Luciferian Roman Empire that crucified JESUS Christ.

    8. This is the devil's plan, because Satan allowed the creation of the secular state 'Israel' so that he can later destroy the Jews in one fell swoop.

    9. At least, that is his plan and that of his Vatican world order, and he even has Jews on his side who help to realize those plans, Jewish traitors like 'George Soros' and Volodymyr Zelensky and Henry Kissinger.

    10. But Satan will fail because God will save a third of his people and not let the whole nation perish as Satan would want, and God does not give this guarantee of saving a third to any other people on earth!


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”