Monday, 16 October 2023

THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL - SOLVED! - (Shocking revelation) and what this video does NOT reveal to you

This film reveals something so nefarious, so evil, so baffling that many will find it hard to believe. It's still true.

This film could deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity.

The shocking secrets revealed by this incredible documentary will shine a bright light on those who have always hid behind the State of Israel and Hamas.

Discover even more secrets:


The people who run this site really think they can stop God's prophetic word and in doing so they are just as deluded as those they expose!

This video also has a high replacement theology character.

I also saw the 'globe' on their site so they really believe that the earth is a spinning ball that revolves around the sun, which is also a lie from the devil and the Vatican.

They also reflect the views of a senior CATHOLIC cleric...and of people known to hold New Age-style philosophies.

But above all: this site does NOT preach the saving gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4!


The History & Purpose of the Present War in Israel - 10/09/23 (Don't listen to this if you want to stay dumb)

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Geeske
    2 uren geleden

    David Sorensen; voor fraude en oplichting in Nederland veroordeeld. Zoals het een wolf in schaapsklederen betaamd; veel waarheid met een beetje leugen….brengt mensen alleen maar van t pad van de waarheid af. Let wel. Waarheid is geen mening. Waarheid is een persoon.

    1. Geeske
      2 hours ago

      David Sorensen; convicted of fraud and swindling in the Netherlands. As befits a wolf in sheep's clothing; a lot of truth with a little lie...only leads people off the path of truth. Please note. Truth is not an opinion. Truth is a person.


  2. Er is in dit land geen plek voor censuur

    2 uren geleden

    Pas heel goed op, deze video begint met feiten en gaat dan over in evangelisatie.

    Deze kwast beweert zelfs dat Israël zoiets zou betekenen als “royal child of God” dus “Prins van God”.

    Israël betekent Ish(man) ra(redetwisten/oneens zijn met/strijden, van resh ; alles dat met het hoofd te maken heeft in negatieve zin) el(god of één van de goden).

    Dus Israël = Mens die tegen God vecht of met God redetwist.

    En dus NIET mens die samen met God vecht.

    En al helemaal NIET ; prins van God of kind van God.

    Dat is hoe die moderne evangelisten het iedere keer weer doen hè : Ze beginnen met feiten en dingen die actueel zijn en zodra ze jouw aandacht hebben gevangen dan komen ze met HUN EIGEN feiten.

    Hoe was het ook alweer : Hoed U voor valse profeten…

    1. There is no place for censorship in this country
      2 hours ago

      Be very careful, this video starts with facts and then moves into evangelism.

      This weirdo even claims that Israel would mean something like “royal child of God”, i.e. “Prince of God”.

      Israel means Ish(man) ra(to argue/disagree with/struggle, from resh; everything that has to do with the head in a negative sense) el(god or one of the gods).

      So Israel = Man who fights against God or argues with God.

      And therefore NOT a human being who fights together with God.

      And certainly NOT; prince of God or child of God.

      That's how those modern evangelists do it every time: They start with facts and things that are current and as soon as they get your attention they come up with THEIR OWN facts.

      How was it again: Beware of false prophets...

  3. Replies
    1. Netanyahu doesn't want a 'Palestinian' state!

  4. Suppose all 'Palestinians' were atheists.
    Would they still demand that all of 'Palestine' belongs to them and that Israel should disappear?
    Because the 'Palestinians want nothing less than all of 'Palestine'!'
    They are not satisfied with their own state that they would have to share with a Jewish state.
    That's a fact!
    Why then do they demand that all of 'Palestine' belongs to them?
    Because their RELIGION says so! Islam.
    Their religion is fabricated by the Vatican: that is a fact and Jay Smith has shown that this religion is based on LIES and pure FANTASY.
    So the 'Palestinians' and the ENTIRE Muslim world are demanding that Israel cease to exist based on LIES!
    If the 'Palestinians' were all atheists they would not demand this, but they would be satisfied with the division of 'Palestine' between them and the Jews.
    They would of course find the God of Israel nonsense, because atheists do not believe in the existence of God, but they could agree with many Israelis because they are ALSO atheists, and the latter is (unfortunately) also a fact.
    But those leading the conflict are religious fanatics on both sides and there is NO compromise possible.
    That is also a fact.
    So then it is 'just' the right of the strongest' and that is what is happening now.
    The 'Palestinian' Muslim fanatics try to get the entire Muslim world behind them, while the state of Israel tries to get the entire 'democratic' world behind them, because Israel as a state most resembles 'Western countries'.
    So it is a battle of political Islam against the 'Western system', and that 'Western system' is dominated by the ROMAN EMPIRE that once disguised itself as the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican.
    The Vatican once created Islam itself and now it wants to get rid of that religion!
    To this end, the Vatican uses the state of Israel, over the heads of its inhabitants, and the Vatican does not care how many victims there are because the real boss of the Vatican is SATAN!
    The goal is SIMPLE: one religion may ultimately remain and that is the WORSHIP of LUCIFER, for Satan does not wish to be honored with the name or designation that God gave him after his rebellion and that is 'Adversary' and from the Hebrew , Satan.
    Lucifer means 'bringer of light' and he was given that name by God when he was created, along with a few other names, and when he was still a GOOD angel = servant of God.
    Satan cannot accept the fact that he is God's 'adversary' forever and that his former high position among the angels can and will NEVER be restored.
    And that is why he constantly tries to take revenge on God, and he does this through Islam, among other things.
    And ultimately he does so in his personal capacity and through his servants the Antichrist (the Pope) and the False Prophet, and it is still unclear who that last person will be, although I personally think of 'Obama'.

  5. Replies
    1. In this piece nothing at all about the sinister role of the Jesuits who, on behalf of main Jesuits Bergoglio (the Pope) and Soza ('black pope'), direct the evil Zionists (as a matter of fact there are also not bad Zionists), and the goal is always the same : let the whole world believe that 'the Jews' are to blame for everything and stay out of sight yourself and then an even greater Holocaust can be unleashed on the Jews in the future, because the boss of the Jesuits is their hero Lucifer who hates the Jews because of the one who stands at the origin of the Jewish people: the God of Israel, who came to earth through Christ.
      Evil Jews like Netanyahu are being used by God just as He did with Judas Iscariot to fulfill His prophetic program.
      Because it is not Lucifer who sets the agenda, but God!

  6. Replies
    1. The Christian-run Al-Ahli Hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital, was destroyed in an apparent missile strike on Tuesday. Palestinian officials accused Israel of targeting the facility, while Israel blamed the blast on a wayward rocket fired by the Islamic Jihad militant group, despite a government spokesman seemingly taking responsibility immediately after the strike.

    2. It's a fact that Hamas uses civilians as human shields just like the Ukrainian Nazis do.

    3. In WO2 de German Nazis used the Dutch as human shields when they fired their V-2 missiles on London and when the British retaliated they killed a lot of Dutch civilians and caused enormous destruction in The Hague.

  7. Replies
    1. Scott Ritter's opinion, who has become quite pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel

  8. Replies
    1. There is no entity called 'Palestine' and 'the Palestinian people' does not exist.
      They are people living in the wrong country with the wrong religion based on a chimera, because the Mohammed of Islam never existed!
      Jay (Smith) DESTROYS THE BIOGRAPHY OF MUHAMMAD in 20 minutes!
      But that religion does command them to hate Jews and Christians and to claim all of 'Palestine' for themselves.
      Only a devilish person could have it on his conscience to have created such a religion so that people say 'Hamas, Hamas, all Jews must be gassed!'.
      The problem would be solved today if the Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” would recognize that Israel was given to the Jews by the God of Israel (originally the patriarch Jacob) and that they, like the Israeli Arabs, should live in peace together with the Jews and that they should break with the horrible Islam that is a curse on themselves and their children and everyone.
      Many Muslims have already changed their minds and left satanic Islam because of Jay Smith's work.

    2. Among others Jordan has had very bad experiences with the “Palestinians” at the time led by the late Yasser Arafat, who was born in Egypt, btw, but this also applies to Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.

  9. Replies
    1. The reaction of a JEW KILLER below this article:
      All Christrian Churches are being flatted by Israel so it seems the Israeli regime is to wipe out anything Christian


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