Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Ian Gillan - Mr. Universe


This song turned me from a God-denier into a believer in God at the end of 1980

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mr Universe - my conversion song (actually, my first MAJOR wake-up call)

Mr Universe 

Uploaded on May 12, 2009
Title: Mr Universe
Artist: Gillan

Are you god are you man do you live in fear
Are we trash in your can a bubble in your beer
I just need some information
Tell me what's my destination

If we run will we fall Mr. Universe
Climb your hill climb your wall Mr. Universe
A million years of procreating
Now I'm here don't keep me waiting

Maybe we're going somewhere
If so we can find the end
Everyone's getting nowhere
But not me you'd better understand

Is the wall made of brick what can lay behind
Is the brick very thick is it in my mind
Universe is cruel deception
Freedom is a contradiction

Is your smile just a smile or is it just a trick
To make me walk another mile I must be so thick
I'm going where I've set my eyes on
Way behind that blue horizon.

Maybe we're going somewhere
If so we can find the end
Everyone's getting nowhere
But not me you'd better understand


JESUS is my BEST FRIEND! What about you?


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Your animal brain wants to compete and you don't even know why.

    Why is that?

    Every organism wants to survive and you try to survive, because if you lose you will die.

    That's the game of life for every single celled organism and more complex organisms.

    And on top of that there's the competition of who's the best and which individual has the right to procreate.

    I just gave a description of your existence since the time you started to exist in your mother's womb till now and till death.

    And in the meantime you need to put food and drink in your system in order to stay alive and you need a place to sleep and a shelter and clothes and shoes to protect your body.

    You believe that 'nothing' brought forth everything, which is the 'Big Bang theory' and 'abiogenesis and the theory of evolution'.

    You believe in magical matter that can organize itself into complex structures and building blocks of life.

    It may have taken billions of years but eventually this 'magical matter' brought forth creatures called humans.

    And now you're here on a site of a person who believes in creation by the God of the Bible whose name is JESUS Christ, who's presented in that Bible as our Savior.

    Savior from what?

    From His power to cast us into a supernatural place called the lake of fire in case He rejects us.

    He doesn't want to reject us and cast us into His supernatural lake of fire and therefore He became a sinless male human being on earth in order to be able to forgive us and to save us from His lake of fire in case we only believe He did that for us because He LOVES us, and if we only believe He was buried and rose from death, three days after His death on the cross.

    He is GOD and He has the RIGHT to let us LIVE or let us DIE.

    Compared to Him we're as small as microbes or tiny insects.

    Yet people have such a BIG MOUTH against their own creator that they think they can win a contest with Him.

    And that's because in most cases they don't know there's another god who inspires them to think that way and this god is a fallen angel who used to be called Lucifer = Light bearer and whose name is now Satan = adversary.

    Listen to this song that changed me from a God-denier like you into a person who could no longer deny God's existence:

    1. PS: I don't have to prove anything and if you're HAPPY with your BELIEF that God doesn't exist then so be it.


      Brien • a day ago

      This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods!
      It is not proof for any god(s)
      or of any gay jesus as a god...

      The fables are intertwined within historical places and people...
      eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed,
      whereas Moses and the Exodus did not happen.. !

      A 'global' flood never occurred in Geologic history !

      It is a historical novel
      ie A book of fiction....


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      Hans Brien • 21 hours ago

      Now suppose you are right then I ask you: are you happy with that knowledge?
      And suppose you are then what's the use of going to a site where people believe in the existence of God, creation, the Bible and that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ, who shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later?
      And mind you, I'm a former atheist so this could be fun.



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      Brien Hans • 4 hours ago

      Fake promises without evidence is child abuse!!
      False threats of hells is Child and Elderly Abuse!
      and 'creation'..?.. never proven... and not one science sees the need for any gods...

      Watching you NOT proving a god will be amusing...!


  2. @Θάνος Καρατζιάς Music in combination with the lyrics!


    Hans S
    Hans S
    19 hours ago
    This song turned me from an atheist into a believer in God.
    Highlighted reply
    Θάνος Καρατζιάς
    Θάνος Καρατζιάς
    3 hours ago
    Finally, Music can achieve the ,,,, impossible !!! Thank you very much for your comment my friend !!!


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