Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Scientific EVIDENCE of a DIFFERENT Earth



Sunday, October 2, 2016

Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth - This video convinced me the Earth is Flat and Round with a Firmament on October 1, 2016

Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth

download the video and rename it into  Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth


Published on Mar 6, 2016
_My latest 'humble' video contribution to the Flat Earth Truth.
_Pandora's 'Flat Earth' Box has been opened. You cannot deny this video, nor the damning-evidence it presents PROVING we live on a "Flat Earth". DEBUNK it! I can't wait for the comments on this one fellow 'Flat Earthers';)
_For those of us whose eyes have been opened, this video will only reaffirm your belief in a Flat Earth & our *Creator*. {PLEASE CHECK & VERIFY ALL LINKS} 

-Ptolemaic system:
-Occam's Razor:
*Pythagoras-N.Copernicus-N.A.S.A-Bill Nye-Neil deGrasse Tyson & ALL pseudo-science textbooks/professors have taught the following "UNPROVEN" theories since the 15th Century when there were NO airplanes, NO high-altitude balloons, NO rockets to verify anything. However, throughout the world classrooms, for over 500+ years, Heliocentrism has been taught / INDOCTRINATED to EVERY child since BIRTH without ever actually viewing the earth from space until the middle of the 20th century.*
-*How fast is earth spinning on it's AXIS?* 1000 m.p.h._1,675 km/hour: Then we divide the length of a day into the distance a point on the equator travels in that period: 40,075 km/23.93 hours = 1,675 km/hour, 465 meters/second. *UNPROVEN*
-*How fast is the earth spinning around the Sun?* The Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of about 18.5 miles/sec (30 km/sec). The Earth orbits, on average, 93 million miles (149,600,000 km) from the Sun (this distance is defined as one Astronomical Unit (AU)), taking one year to complete an orbit. *UNPROVEN*
-*How fast is our solar system moving within the Milky Way Galaxy?* Earth (and the rest of the Solar System) are traveling at a velocity of about 155 miles/sec (250 km/sec). *UNPROVEN*
-*How fast is the Milky Way Galaxy Moving within the Local Group of Galaxies?* The Milky Way Galaxy is moving about 185 miles/sec (300 km/sec).The Milky way Galaxy is just one galaxy in a group of galaxies called the Local Group. *UNPROVEN* =C.G.I.
_you & I are UNIQUE, SPECIAL, the CENTER of ALL creation. Your life is NOT random, it means something! Before our Father in heaven created His Flat Earth, He KNEW you:_[Jeremiah 1:5]_"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
-Meaning: He KNEW all of the SINS you would commit BEFORE He created all things.
-and_God still chose to "CREATE"{chief amongst sinners}, all of us...we are ALL Guilty, we are ALL Sinners...however...We have a "SAVIOUR"...His name is Christ Jesus & He, God, came "in the flesh", to this evil world: to LOVE us, to Teach & Instruct us, to HEAL us, to EXPERIENCE us as "Human Beings in the FLESH" while being tempted by Lucifer himself_[Matthew 4: 1-11 ] & He-Christ Jesus-committed NO SIN [1st Peter 2:22-25 ] ,and finally, Christ SAVED us, for by His grace we are SAVED, Not by works, so that no one may boast [Ephesians2: 8-9]_"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast."
-Accept the GIFT of Eternal salvation through Christ Jesus! Repent of your sins! Spread the Gospel & His Creation, His Flat Earth!
*Your decision to 'reject' His Son, His wisdom, His knowledge, will determine "where" you spend ETERNITY*
_As Always, You Decide.
_Christ Jesus Be w/ ALL of You!
_FAIR USE: This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.


  1. Replies
    1. Armored Saint5 days ago "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -William Casey CIA Director (1981) 🚀
      Silent Witness5 days ago
      Indeed so. I watched a portion of the Presidential debate tonight and I had to leave. Liars spewing lies. This world is getting no better. Worse and worse. I feel so bad for the little children.
      Hans S1 second ago
      CIA means CATHOLIC Intelligence Agency: the Pope is the hidden Roman Emperor and the ANTICHRIST, which is the literal meaning of his title VICAR of CHRIST
      Hans S1 second ago
      Dear Sister, now I have a revelation for you: 'nuclear weapons' DON'T EXIST! Check out my site under BUSTED (left column) or Google search; Ezekiel38Rapture: NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST
      Hans S1 second ago
      I was also deceived by Carl Sagan when I was an atheist myself.

    2. +Armored Saint
      The JESUITS are such a bunch of DIRTY LIARS for SaTaN!
      But God-the Lord JESUS ALLOWS it to happen, because MOST people aren't INTERESTED in Him!

      So they'll get the DEVIL instead and all his DIRTY LIES!

      JESUS is with us!
      PS: what's you first name?
      Hans S
      8:11 PM

      +Silent Witness
      God-the Lord JESUS is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than ALL the so called nukes combined!
      We're serving the God of the UNIVERSE...and He happens to be JESUS!


      Armored Saint
      commented on a video on YouTube.
      Shared publicly - Sep 27, 2016

      "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -William Casey CIA Director (1981) 🚀
      Flat Earth: Moon Landings Were Faked; Waters Are Over Van Allen Belt Dome, Not Outer Space
      Armored Saint's profile photoSilent Witness's profile photo
      Hide comments
      Silent Witness
      Sep 27, 2016

      Indeed so. I watched a portion of the Presidential debate tonight and I had to leave. Liars spewing lies. This world is getting no better. Worse and worse. I feel so bad for the little children.
      Hans S
      9:24 AM

      CIA means CATHOLIC Intelligence Agency: the Pope is the hidden Roman Emperor and the ANTICHRIST, which is the literal meaning of his title VICAR of CHRIST
      Hans S
      9:28 AM

      Dear Sister, now I have a revelation for you: 'nuclear weapons' DON'T EXIST!
      Check out my site under BUSTED (left column) or Google search; Ezekiel38Rapture: NUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST
      Hans S
      9:35 AM

      I was also deceived by Carl Sagan when I was an atheist myself.
      Armored Saint
      3:44 PM

      Hi Hans, always good to see you. Yeah, I have looked into that before as well and would not doubt it one bit, with how they lie about everything else. Jesus is the answer and our only hope.
      Silent Witness
      6:57 PM

      If anything "nuclear" happens it will most likely be the Lord's wrath in the plagues He foretold of in His Word. That's more horrifying than anything man can dish up.

  2. Bob Buckingham (if it's your real name), you need JESUS Christ if you want to be saved.
    Hans S
    Hans S1 second ago
    † Ephesians_6:12 † Bob Buckingham (if it's his real name) is a man and he's not saved and he uses a picture of a young woman who lights a cigar or a big fat joint. GREAT MUSIC: Deep Purple's Child in Time! God-the Lord JESUS used singer Ian Gillan to save me while he was an apostate...which he still is. Thanks for your video: I'm CONVINCED now! The other music is also great!


    Great Video, sorry for that background weird music
    † Ephesians_6:12 †
    † Ephesians_6:12 †4 weeks ago
    TY4W mam †
    Bob Buckingham
    Bob Buckingham4 weeks ago
    It could be Charlie Chaplin playing the banjo for all I care, it is disturbing all the same, and I wanted to sharpen my senses with the juice of the message.
    † Ephesians_6:12 †
    † Ephesians_6:12 †4 weeks ago
    perhaps 1 of the other 65+ films on my channel may interest you, including 30+ pertaining to the Flat Earth † Again, TY4W
    Bob Buckingham
    Bob Buckingham3 weeks ago
    Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing your video, I only find the background music disturbing. It's like hearing a cricket out there while someone is trying to tune his violin.
    † Ephesians_6:12 †
    † Ephesians_6:12 †2 weeks ago
    Sorry m8! Was & is NOT my intention! You can always hit the mute button right;) TY4W & GBU & Yours. btw, who tunes a violin with crickets around? ;)

    1. +Bob Buckingham
      Paul (Shaul, or Saul) was himself a JEW.

      Get to know the BEST JEW in history: JESUS-YESHUA (His Hebrew name) Christ.

      God's name is I AM that I AM and in short I AM.

      JESUS means I AM Salvation.

      He's OUR creator in the capacity of Savior and He rose from the dead:

      Revelation 1:18 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
      18 And am alive, but I was dead: and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen: and I have the keys of hell and of death.

      Revelation 1:18 World English Bible (WEB)
      18 and the Living one. I was dead, and behold, I am alive forever more. Amen. I have the keys of Death and of Hades.

      Watch this testimony by an EXTREME former atheist (I'm an ex-atheist myself):
      Hans S
      10:12 PM

      +† Ephesians_6:12 †
      God-the Lord JESUS is with us! ;)


      Bob Buckingham
      commented on a video on YouTube.
      Shared publicly - Sep 4, 2016

      Great Video, sorry for that background weird music
      ┤ Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth ├
      Hans S's profile photo† Ephesians_6:12 †'s profile photoBob Buckingham's profile photo
      Hide comments
      † Ephesians_6:12 †
      Sep 4, 2016

      TY4W mam †
      Bob Buckingham
      Sep 4, 2016

      It could be Charlie Chaplin playing the banjo for all I care, it is disturbing all the same, and I wanted to sharpen my senses with the juice of the message.
      † Ephesians_6:12 †
      Sep 4, 2016

      perhaps 1 of the other 65+ films on my channel may interest you, including 30+ pertaining to the Flat Earth † Again, TY4W
      Bob Buckingham
      Sep 11, 2016

      Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing your video, I only find the background music disturbing. It's like hearing a cricket out there while someone is trying to tune his violin.
      † Ephesians_6:12 †
      Sep 11, 2016

      Sorry m8! Was & is NOT my intention! You can always hit the mute button right;) TY4W & GBU & Yours.
      btw, who tunes a violin with crickets around? ;)
      Hans S
      9:57 AM

      Bob Buckingham (if it's your real name), you need JESUS Christ if you want to be saved.
      Hans S
      9:58 AM

      † Ephesians_6:12 †
      Bob Buckingham (if it's his real name) is a man and he's not saved and
      he uses a picture of a young woman who lights a cigar or a big fat
      GREAT MUSIC: Deep Purple's Child in Time!
      God-the Lord JESUS used singer Ian Gillan to save me while he was an
      apostate...which he still is.
      Thanks for your video: I'm CONVINCED now!
      The other music is also great!
      † Ephesians_6:12 †
      3:45 PM

      thank you sir for watching & the kind words! God's blessing's be upon you & yours †
      Bob Buckingham
      6:00 PM

      I seldom read "The Book", except to check historical facts. The Old Testament I find it spurious, to say the least. But I get impacted with the New Testament. Therefore Ephesians is another of Paul's constant condemnation to the powers that were and the powers that be of the eternal Jewry. But are they solely to be blamed for the black forces operating in heaven and earth?

    2. +Bob Buckingham I told +† Ephesians_6:12 † 'JESUS is with us'.
      He's not yet with you, because you don't believe He's your creator and potential Savior.
      People believed in JESUS long before America existed as a country.
      He's GOD, manifested in the flesh/perfect, sinless human capacity who died for you and me on the Babylonian symbol for the false SUN-god, the CROSS, and who rose from the dead.
      He wants to save you from His wrath, because He can destroy us all in a zero second if He wants.
      But He doesn't want to destroy us, even though NO ONE deserves to be saved from His wrath on us.
      That's why He allowed His enemy Satan to kill Him on Satan's EVIL CROSS through his instrument, the ROMAN EMPIRE, which is now the Roman Catholic 'church'/DEATH CULT.
      The Pope is the disguised ROMAN EMPEROR who pretends to be the 'instead of Christ', the 'Vicar of Christ', which is the EXACT meaning of the word ANTICHRIST.

      All people on earth must endure the coming TERROR of the foretold Antichrist, except those who have surrendered to JESUS, and they will be forced to accept the Mark of the Beast or they will be beheaded.
      Those who will accept the Mark will be LOST forever, though they can buy or sell during the coming first period of the tribulation.
      Those who will refuse to accept the Mark will be saved by JESUS, but the majority of them will be killed through beheading, but they will be resurrected from the dead at JESUS' second coming.

      Those who are currently saved and BORN AGAIN, by having surrendered to JESUS, will be EVACUATED to heaven BEFORE the tribulation will start.
      This evacuation is called the RAPTURE of the Body of Christ.

      So you have a clear choice: surrender to JESUS and He will save you from His coming WRATH on the ENTIRE world because of His people and country ISRAEL, which the world wants to DIVIDE into Israel and 'Palestine'.

      As soon as this will happen, He will become so ANGRY at the WHOLE world that His wrath will be poured out on earth.
      Read the book of Revelation about it.

      The Body of Christ will be GONE/EVACUATED to heaven AFTER chapter 3 of Revelation.

      But suppose you DIE before this will take place: then you'll die in your sins and you won't be FORGIVEN.
      So if you want to be saved then you must surrender to JESUS, and He wants it because He wants to love you forever and make you HAPPY.

      Satan doesn't want you to believe in JESUS: he wants you to be LOST, like him.

      So check YOURSELF out: what kind of SPIRIT is motivating you;
      The KIND and BOLD and HAPPY spirit of JESUS=GOD or the NEGATIVE and PROUD spirit of ADVERSARY=Satan?

      You'll RECEIVE what you BELIEVE.


      Bob Buckingham
      Yesterday 11:34 PM

      Is He with us, who cares? Is also with Hillary and Trump? Jesus is an American fiction. Jesus saves you from what? Has he saved humanity since he showed up or condemning it?

    3. +Bob Buckingham
      You talk like a demonic JESUIT.

      I won't give you any chance when you'll stand NAKED for this 'tyrant' on JUDGEMENT DAY before you will be TRASHED in the LAKE of FIRE, where you belong!

      PS: JESUS is the GOD of the Old and the New Testament!


      Bob Buckingham
      Yesterday 9:26 PM

      I'm not in the mood to rebuke your "better than thou" beliefs. You seem to be an honest individual with a craving desire to validate that vindictive human concoction the Semites called Jehovah. Even in the New Testament that deity was rebuked by Jesus himself, or at least, with all his fanatical fervor by Paul. Who as matter of fact, was the first apostle to contradict the idea, that when the Man was talking about his father, he referred to that celestial Tyrant. But anyway, that convoluted situation is not the object of my piece. Americans have created a better image of God, a more suitable to the times and culture, a figure with a lot more market acceptance. That Jewish export had to be smeared with scented oils, lest the stench of blood and smoke of the sacrificial burning offerings would linger too long in our modern nostrils. We would never obey God’s orders to eliminate the Muslims –let alone to kill their women and children– to consolidate His sacrosanct commands. Therefore which vindictive God are you referring to is going to punish with fire and brimstone all of us sinners for our trespasses, the rabid Jehovah of the desert Jews, the somehow milder, bored and loaded with the ocean of teas of the Jewish Diaspora, or the tycoon Lord of our days, product of the most successful religious franchise in the world?

    4. +Bob Buckingham
      Satan is NOT a NAME! Satan means ADVERSARY!

      You're my ADVERSARY!
      And now I COMMAND you to have the last STUPID word, in the name of JESUS Christ and OBEY ME!


      Hans S
      Yesterday 3:53 AM

      +Bob Buckingham
      You talk like a demonic JESUIT.
      I won't give you any chance when you'll stand NAKED for this 'tyrant' on JUDGEMENT DAY before you will be TRASHED in the LAKE of FIRE, where you belong!

      PS: JESUS is the GOD of the Old and the New Testament!
      Bob Buckingham
      5:06 AM

      You certainly want an urgent need to water the withered branches of the history of that fallacious Book, man. Jesus was never mentioned in the Old Testament, neither the idea of an upcoming messiah. That was solely bread of the New Testament. C'mon man, stop spreading crap. You sound like a pastor of a cheap old colonial Baptist church. The "Rapture", give me a break. Another of Paul's concoctions. I bet you 2000 years ago those gullible Greeks of Thessaloniki farted dust in their effort to be part of the chosen ones to be raised to heaven with the Lord. Every generation of Christians –at least since Luther–, has been waiting for that holy trip. At the head of that crowd of saints Jesus will show the way. But what will happen with the rest of us chickens, those not in Salt Lake City or the USA in particular? Are we liable to be annihilated or left behind by a command of the Teacher of love and peace? What a fucking contradiction! Is He coming to save mankind, what has been tooted since the beginning, or to obey the Mosaic dictum of ‘an eye for an eye’? If you are a true disciple of Jesus, then you should forgive all sinners. You get entangle in your own ropes, like a drunk spider. What an honor to be called Satan and being treated in the process with the kind indulgence of a glorified soul like yours.

    5. +Bob Buckingham I AM is MERCIFUL is the meaning of my name Hans (John in English), and 'I AM' is God's NAME.
      I am a former atheist and I though somewhat the same like you in the past.
      But your idea about God is wrong, because you PROJECT your own way of thinking on Him, while God has revealed Himself to us humans in the capacity of a SINLESS man, called JESUS Christ.

      I dare you to watch this testimony of a former EXTREME ATHEIST who wanted to ANNIHILATE EVERYBODY, beginning with his OWN father, whom he almost killed, but who miraculously survived the ONSLAUGHT by his OWN 'sweet' son: Sociopathic Atheist to a Christian Apologist. David Wood's Testimony
      Why do I dare you to watch this testimony?
      Because David Wood had somewhat the same ideas like me in the past...and like YOU!
      But then he was confronted by the 'issue' JESUS....


      Bob Buckingham
      12:20 AM

      Hans, I am tired of this pong-pong game. God is a maniac playing chess alone in his room in front of a big mirror. There are no other adversaries that himself. Tonite he will play the whites against the blacks and he‘ll use Capablanca‘s opening. But tomorrow he will choose to be the Devil and play Lasker himself. God cannot be defeated, and never by man‘s shenanigans, like Kasparov and his computer. For man is his eternal master game. Therefore is no need to send his only begotten son to save humanly from destruction. What for? To destroy what he created? That is absurd and a fatal blunder. Definitely not God-like at all.

  3. +Steve Boyce
    Thank you for your intelligent response.

    Very interesting!
    I'm glad you agree that the earth is FLAT.


    Steve “DBT” Boyce
    - Sep 30, 2016

    CYB3R- R4T (M4st3r splint3r)'s profile photoItzabsolutelyme's profile photoSteve “DBT” Boyce's profile photoHans S's profile photo
    CYB3R- R4T (M4st3r splint3r)
    Sep 30, 2016

    Sep 30, 2016

    Hey I'm religious
    Phahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That's all I can hahaha. T_T
    Hans S
    Yesterday 11:13 PM

    Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth
    Steve “DBT” Boyce
    Yesterday 11:17 PM

    +Hans S BWAHAHAHA!!!!! Flat earthers are such idiots. 😂😂😂😂

    1. +Steve Boyce
      You're right!
      For too long people have believed in a globe or a sphere concerning the shape of the earth, and I used to be such a person too, but it can no longer be denied that the earth is as flat as a pancake.


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      12:48 AM

      +Hans S sorry that's simply ridiculous! 😂

    2. +Steve Boyce
      If you don't want to watch the video, you can listen to it
      : Deep Purple - Child in Time! ┤ Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth ├


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      1:00 AM

      +Hans S Bwahahaha!!!! 😂😂😂😂

    3. +Steve Boyce
      Listen: I'm an ex-atheist from the Netherlands and nobody could convince me of God's existence but God Himself.

      So I won't even try to convince you of His existence and of divine creation.
      It was only yesterday that I came to the conclusion that the earth is indeed flat, based on the evidence.
      I already believed that Heliocentrism is false, and that was many years after my surrender to God-JESUS Christ-the Bible-creation.
      That strong was the delusion I was poisoned with though the school system.
      The school system doesn't teach children/adolescents/students to think for themselves, but they're being brainwashed into obedient slaves of the MONEY system which is coming forth from the satanic Vatican=the hidden Roman EMPIRE.
      NASA is all about SELLING LIES to the world, on behalf of the Vatican NWO.
      The founders were FASCISTS!
      The same goes for the CIA and the NSA and the FBI.
      CIA means CATHOLIC Intelligence Agency.
      The word 'CENTRAL' is a deliberate deception.
      Catholic means UNIVERSAL.
      The goal is a ONE (universal) world government and a ONE (universal) religion.
      Satanists and atheists are all WELCOME.....says JESUIT Pope Francis!

      Real believers in JESUS Christ must be ELIMINATED..and the religious JEWS.
      The JESUITS are the inventors of COMMUNISM and EVOLUTIONISM and FASCISM too.

      Do some research and don't be a member of a stupid tribe of believers in fairy tales.
      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      1:41 AM

      +Hans S​ you see, the problem with you flat Earth nutballs is that even if you see indisputable physical evidence, you call it faked and make it all about a conspiracy to hide the truth. You're a troglodyte dude and the world will simply carry on without you. 😂

    4. +Steve Boyce
      See what I mean?

      You're not talking to me, but to your imaginary audience of fellow atheists/God deniers: "Ooooh.... the delusions are stroooong in this one!"

      The earth is a spheroid....yes, I used to believe in this madness too in the very recent past.

      Provide proof or a picture of earth from outer space, but I'm SURE you can't.

      It's the 21st century and you've been lied too and we know things like the earth is flat.

      PS: lol has become a meaningless abbreviation and I'm Dutch and the word 'lol' means 'fun' in my language.


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      3:17 AM

      +Hans S oh trust me. I don't want to be part of your tribe.

      Ooooh.... the delusions are stroooong in this one!

      Bwahahaha!!! 😀

      Remember, it's the 21st century. We know things. Like the earth is a spheroid. Lol.

    5. +Steve Boyce
      So you also see things flying?

      Is everything alright with your brain?

      It's all about our brain

      You believe in an intelligent explosion that generated our brain.
      You believe in MAGIC!

      It doesn't matter how LONG it took because time is an ILLUSION.

      You just don't want to believe in the possibility that there could be a person called God....a creator.

      This would mean that you aren't original and not God.

      Satanism is the worship of 'me, myself and I': being one's own 'god'.

      That's how it all went wrong in Paradise.

      Get rid of your stupid GOD COMPLEX!

    6. +Steve Boyce
      How old are you?
      I'm 56.

      Can you tell me please why many men think that it's cool to be rude.
      It doesn't work on the internet, because this is written communication and thinking from one's testicles doesn't help.
      It's also very boring to hear from atheists 'You really do need professional help' or things like that, as if you're not the crazy one.

      Are you able to look at yourself from a distance as if you're God?
      Can you watch the biological robot called Steve “DBT” Boyce who thinks he knows it all?

      Can you laugh about yourself?

      Are you able to think for yourself, or are you always living under the pressure of the group/tribe of atheists you belong to?

      When I was an atheist with almost no religious background, I never wanted to belong to a group of people.

      I like to think for myself.

      I don't believe in 'scientists' or 'professionals'.


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      4:56 AM

      +Hans S​ you speak nonsense. There isn't one shred of evidence to support a god figure. Especially your god figure. I know far more about ancient history than you can imagine so you won't be able to bullshit me.

      I don't need to read your bullshit blog and I certainly don't need a crystal ball to know you are full of shit. Lol.

      Satanism is a christian concept. There is no satan any more than there is a yhwh.

      You really do need professional help. Your indoctrination has left you dull and delusional.

    7. +Steve Boyce
      Okay let's see it from your point of view: we're both the product of millions of years of evolution
      , and I've evolved into someone who believes (not just assumes) that we're the result of a creator and not of evolution, while you still believe in the concept of abiogenesis and evolution.

      Now you assert that there's something wrong with me.

      WHY is there something wrong with me and WHO determines what is normal and what is abnormal?

      Can you explain why we think in words and images, because words can be translated into images and vice versa?

      Why don't we all speak and think in the same language and language is a code in order to be able to communicate with fellow human beings?

      From my point of view I know the answer: the Babylonian confusion of tongues, but that's nonsense to you, because from your point of view there is no God of the Bible who has been responsible for this phenomenon.

      From my point of view all people spoke the same language before the Babylonian confusion of tongues.

      You haven't answered my question: how old are you?


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      5:23 AM

      +Hans S I do think for myself to be certain. I think you are an obvious nutball and I'm serious as a heart attack when I suggest you seek help.

      Me? I don't believe in theists or religion. It's all unproven bullshit. Your hypothesis is bogus. They say the weak minded are the most susceptible to indictrination. Well if the shoe fits...

    8. +Steve Boyce Too late, Steve, and you're a bad loser and my SAVED comments can be read here:

      and here:

      Get rid of your stupid god-complex!
      You're lost without JESUS Christ and evolution is a proven LIE.


      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      5:28 PM

      Comment deleted. Spamming a post is not acceptable. Please keep your replies shorter than 500 pages.
      Steve “DBT” Boyce
      5:31 PM

      +Hans S I have answered your fallacies and now you have become irrational. Angry spamming posts are not acceptable.


  4. +Honey Pie Just a few days ago I would have agreed with you!
    This video is only 13 minutes long
    and the Bible verse you've quoted is in this video, and it's in agreement with a ROUND, FLAT earth: The Bible Does Say FLAT EARTH
    Give it it try, and you'll see that it's NO JOKE or NONSENSE!

    I'm 56 years old and I'm an ex-atheist and a former adherent of the theory of evolution, and when I was 53 I finally discovered that the earth doesn't spin and that the sun and the moon and the stars revolve 'around' earth: Heliocentrism - False Science

    I was on the right track...but it goes further, and now I'm convinced that the earth is flat, and that it's the BIBLICAL TRUTH.

    A sister from New York was the one who gave me the final push to ACCEPT the fact that I had a WRONG concept in my mind of a GLOBE.

    Flat Earth playlist by sister Denise from New York


    Honey Pie
    10:14 PM

    +Hans S I do not believe in a flat earth. Here is Your God!
    …21Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? 22It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. 23He it is who reduces rulers to nothing, Who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.…BELIEVE THE BIBLE.

    1. +Honey Pie
      No, you have not seriously looked into it!
      You believe in the JESUIT lie of a GLOBE.

      I was already afraid you would react in a HOSTILE way like this and not in a friendly way, so I'm praying for you now that JESUS will soften your heart, because I feel you are ANGRY and that's NOT GOOD!

      The flat, round earth is completely in agreement with God's WORD=JESUS and it has nothing to do with a satanic book called the Qu'ran.


      Honey Pie
      10:42 PM

      I already looked into it. This is a teaching from the QURAN. I get my knowledge from God's word, not man. Dont buy into this flat earth theory it's a joke, just another popular ...

    2. +Honey Pie
      And you call this GARBAGE proof against the flat, round earth truth?

      This is 'knowledge' of UNBELIEVERS!
      I was glad to see you again and I said 'hi' and you said 'hi' to me and we both believe in the pre-Jacob's Trouble-rapture, and it's NOT about the rapture, but about longing to be where JESUS is.

      What's your first name, Honey Pie?
      I'm Hans, from the Netherlands, 56 years old and I'm not ashamed to belong to JESUS with my face and identity.

      Every eye shall see JESUS at ONCE when He returns: now try to explain this from YOUR point of view as a believer in the concept that earth is a BALL, a SPHERE?

      You can't!

      I always had problems with this Biblical fact, and NOW I know WHY!

      JESUS will have NO PROBLEM in showing Himself to the ENTIRE world at ONCE from the point of view of a ROUND, FLAT earth.

      That's PURE LOGIC!


      Shared publicly - Aug 24, 2016

      ����Dont buy into this flat earth theory it's a joke, just another popular garbage that's on the internet people are buying into.

      Just like that 7 years for gum to digest lie.
      Honey Pie's profile photo
      Honey Pie
      10:50 PM

      The flat earth myth
      by Jonathan Sarfati

      Flat earth
      © | Nebula: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L. Townsley et al.
      For the last 200 years or so, many anti-Christians have resorted to a scurrilous lie (acting consistently with their worldview1): that the early and medieval Christian Church taught that the earth is flat.2

      One of the most prominent recent examples is probably the most powerful man in the world, the US President Barack Hussein Obama:

      “Let me tell you something. If some of these folks [sic] were around when Columbus set sail–[laughter]–they must have been founding members of the Flat Earth Society [laughter]. They would not have believed that the world was round [applause]. We’ve heard these folks in the past.”3
      Since President Obama also supports infanticide and gay ‘marriage’,4 which are clearly out of line with biblical teaching, should it be surprising that he would also repeat one of the commonest anti-Christian fables?

      We hope you enjoy this sneak preview from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. You can subscribe here.
      What did the early church really teach?

      Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell (1934–) thoroughly demolished the flat earth myth over 20 years ago in his definitive study Inventing the Flat Earth.5

      The famous evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould (1941–2002) favourably reviewed this masterpiece:

    3. “There never was a period of ‘flat earth darkness’ among scholars (regardless of how the public at large may have conceptualized our planet both then and now). Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the earth’s roundness as an established fact of cosmology.”6
      Russell showed that flat-earth belief was extremely rare in the Church. The flat earth’s two main proponents were obscure figures named Lactantius (c. 240 – c. 320) and Cosmas Indicopleustes (6th century; the last name means “voyager to India”). However, they were hugely outweighed by tens of thousands of Christian theologians, poets, artists, scientists, and rulers who unambiguously affirmed that the earth was round. Russell documents accounts supporting earth’s sphericity from numerous medieval church scholars such as friar Roger Bacon (1220–1292), inventor of spectacles; leading medieval scientists such as John Buridan (1301–1358) and Nicholas Oresme (1320–1382); the monk John of Sacrobosco (c. 1195–c. 1256) who wrote Treatise on the Sphere, and many more.

      One of the best-known proponents of a globe-shaped earth was the early English monk, theologian and historian, the Venerable Bede (673–735), who popularized the common BC/ AD dating system. Less well known was that he was also a leading astronomer of his day.7

      In his book On the Reckoning of Time (De temporum ratione), among other things he calculated the creation of the world to be in 3952 BC, showed how to calculate the date of Easter, and explicitly taught that the earth was round. From this, he showed why the length of days and nights changed with the seasons, and how tides were dragged by the moon. Bede was the first with this insight, while Galileo explained the tides wrongly centuries later.8

      Here is what Bede said about the shape of the earth—round “like a ball” not “like a shield”:

      “We call the earth a globe, not as if the shape of a sphere were expressed in the diversity of plains and mountains, but because, if all things are included in the outline, the earth’s circumference will represent the figure of a perfect globe. … For truly it is an orb placed in the centre of the universe; in its width it is like a circle, and not circular like a shield but rather like a ball, and it extends from its centre with perfect roundness on all sides.”
      And the leading church theologian and philosopher of the Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), wrote in his greatest work Summa Theologica/Theologiae:

      “The physicist proves the earth to be round by one means, the astronomer by another: for the latter proves this by means of mathematics, e.g. by the shapes of eclipses, or something of the sort; while the former proves it by means of physics, e.g. by the movement of heavy bodies towards the centre, and so forth.”

    4. +Honey Pie
      You believe in satanic lies yourself!
      The earth is NOT a GLOBE.

      That's a JESUIT LIE and these people are worshipers of LUCIFER!
      Hans S
      11:16 PM

      +Honey Pie
      Do you love JESUS?
      I asked you what your fist name is, but you seem to be too proud to tell me.
      Do you really want to be where JESUS is?
      I'll be there so you can never avoid me.
      I do NOT believe in a Qu'ran lie: what a DISGUSTING accusation!


      Honey Pie
      11:10 PM

      +Hans S Not gonna argue with you. You are free to believe a Quran lie if you wish, but don't try to teach me those fables. I'm not buying it.

    5. +Honey Pie
      So you're a COWARD who's not willing to die for JESUS?

      This is out in the open, so to speak and in PUBLIC, but you say 'I prefer to LIE about my identity, pretending to be a follower of JESUS'.
      It's a BIG FAT LIE that the flat earth concept derives from the VATICAN concocted piece of GARBAGE called the Qu'ran!

      What NONSENSE!


      Honey Pie
      11:21 PM

      +Hans S Flat earth idea comes from the Quran. Go do ur research. And I don't give my name out on social media. I showed you also in the article I shared how Obama himself promotes a flat earth theory and bad mouths believers who do not believe it. Obama is the enemy speaking lies.

    6. +Honey Pie
      Only proud people get insulted, because they've got a lot to lose, like their 'reputation'.

      I've been called WORSE than SATAN by church people and so called Christians, and PIG, and DEMON and SATANIST, by 'sweet believers in Jesus', but you know what?

      I'm GLAD you're not a WITCH or a SATAN worshiper or a STUPID atheist!


      Honey Pie
      11:35 PM

      +Hans S Thanks for the insult. You don't know me so don't assume you do.

    7. I love Yashua with all my heart....

      Dear 'Honey Pie' has deleted her comments and she has blocked me, thanks to the possibilities given by satanic Google+YouTube...

      Yes, it's always a 'big party' with proud so called followers of JESUS on the internet....and in real life...

  5. +Dave Klebt
    and you ate your own shit and had a brain implosion


    Dave Klebt
    Mentioned you: +Hans S you ate a bad mushroom and had an hallucination.
    Stephan Vayda
    commented on a video on YouTube.
    Shared publicly - Apr 18, 2016

    First video tying the Jesuits and the globe earth deception and it is awesome thank you! Praise Yah!
    Flat Earth: Exposing the Jesuit Agenda!
    Hans S's profile photoPeter Lee's profile photoDave Klebt's profile photo
    Hide comments
    Dave Klebt
    Jun 30, 2016

    hmmm. a "christian" order, devoted to christ, conspires to destroy christianity?
    Eric Green
    Sep 4, 2016

    The devil's greatest trick is deceit, the Jesuits are using Jesus's name in the work of the devil. I believe they that deceive and try to trick people away from true salvation in Jesus have a very nasty fate in store for them! God bless!!
    Dave Klebt
    Sep 4, 2016

    +Eric Green nah, the second to last person one should trust is a used car salesperson, and the least trustworthy is anyone who claims they know the mind of god. whether someone ends up in hell is not up to you, fortunately...

    whether hell actually exists cannot be proven. so why worry about it?

    at a certain point it becomes obvious that belief fails us in understanding reality.

    it is just as likely that your belief is the result of deceit, and that which you are worshiping is hiding the the opposite of what you think it is.

    anyhow, if there was/is a jesus he/she/it is a sign that points to god and not god itself. why worship a sign along the way?
    Eric Green
    Sep 4, 2016

    +Dave Klebt I don't "trust" in any man aside from Jesus and really don't worry or think much on hell as I believe I'm saved by the blood (not literal as the Catholic believe) of Jesus! ~The lake of fire is also called the “second death” (Rev. 20:14; 21:8). In the Bible, death always speaks of separation, not cessation of existence.
    The idea behind death is not annihilation but rather the concept of eternal separation from God. Physical death is the first, where a person suffers because he is separated from his loved ones. The second death is the separation of a person from God. So I believe.
    YHWH bless you!!
    Dave Klebt
    Sep 5, 2016

    oh, Revelations! that was not the words of "jesus." It may help to read only those words by this jesus dude and leave these other man-made inclusions where they belong - as speculative fiction.

    If god created all of this universe, then there is no way to have separation, this is impossible. if all is created by god and it is all of god, it is all god.

    you are free to believe, as any of the other 6 + billion people on this little round ball, along with all those the came before that believed in a 1000+ other ways to worship their conception of deity.
    Hans S
    Oct 3, 2016

    Stephan Vayda
    Revelation 19:6 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
    6 And I heard like
    a voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as
    the voice of strong thunderings, saying, Hallelujah: for the Lord that
    God that Almighty one hath reigned.
    PRAISE YAH= I AM (that I AM)
    JESUS-YESHUA is I AM Salvation
    Peter Lee
    Oct 3, 2016

    second time you are too happy, for spurious reasons.....found your hobby, have you?¿
    Dave Klebt
    10:36 PM

    +Hans S you ate a bad mushroom and had an hallucination.

    1. +Dave Klebt
      You said something stupid and I gave a stupid response..that's all.

      But did you actually watch the video 'Flat Earth: Exposing the Jesuit Agenda!'?


      Dave Klebt
      12:47 AM

      +Hans S once again, you let your fantasy get the better of you.

  6. Scientists say earth makes it's own water.

    The Bible says: God is our creator and...
    Genesis 1: 2, 6, 7.
    And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
    And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

  7. +Tech7four You're not really FREE yet, and you need to believe the Gospel of Grace (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Roman 8 and more) so that you aren't focused on people and Satan anymore but on JESUS alone through faith alone by Grace alone.
    And then you won't be afraid to tell me your name and age and then you won't be afraid anymore of what the devil says, because is the lawless one himself, but he loves to pin us down on the very laws he despises.

    Romans 8:2 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

    2 For the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus, hath FREED me from the Law of sin and of death.

  8. Planets in the Bible:

    1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

    King James Version (KJV)

    1. +Marc Ferry The Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) uses the word constellations instead of planets:

      Yeshayah 13:10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
      10 For the kokhavim of Shomayim and the constellations thereof shall not give their ohr (light); the shemesh shall be darkened in its rising and the yarei’ach shall not cause its ohr to shine.

      Isaiah 13:10 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      10 For the stars of heaven and the planets thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

      Melachim Bais 23:5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

      5 And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the Melachim of Yehudah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the towns of Yehudah, and in the places around Yerushalayim; them also that burned ketoret unto Ba’al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei’ach, and to the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

      2 Kings 23:5 King James Version (KJV)

      5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

  9. The ancient Jews were RIGHT about the FLAT earth: ancient Jewish depictions of the flat earth

  10. I became a 'flat earther' on October 1, 2016, and it's so normal to me now to realize we're living in an enclosed system, instead of living on a tiny dot in a vast 'universe', that I can't imagine I used to believe in this globe earth lie, but I know it is true, just as I can't believe I used to believe in 'the big bang' and 'evolution'.
    I'm very grateful I know the truth now, but I also realize that there are flat earthers who don't believe in the God of the Bible, who's JESUS Christ, or that there are fellow believers in JESUS, who aren't yet saved according to the gospel of grace, because they believe in the wrong gospel for the Jews concerning salvation and the prophetic word, because this gospel will be the right gospel AFTER the rapture, but not at the moment.
    Our gospel is the gospel of GRACE through FAITH in the atoning BLOOD of JESUS Christ by Paul ON BEHALF OF JESUS!
    So many believers in JESUS are still UNSAVED!
    They believe for example in 'Lordshp Salvation' or they follow the wrong 'Pentecost' doctrines, but all of them think they must DO something to get saved and to remain saved, while the gospel of GRACE through FAITH in the atoning BLOOD of JESUS gives ETERNAL REST and ETERNAL SALVATION!

    The flat earth TRUTH and even the pre-Jacob's Trouble-rapture TRUTH is NOT salvation, but ONLY the gospel of GRACE through FAITH in the atoning BLOOD of our SAVIO(U)R JESUS Christ.

    1. The Gospel that SAVES FOREVER!

      1 Corinthians 15:1-4 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      1 Moreover brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which ye have also received, and wherein ye continue,

      2 And whereby ye ARE saved, if ye keep in memory, after what manner I preached it unto you, except ye have believed in vain.

      3 For first of all, I delivered unto you that which I received, how* that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,

      4 And that he was buried, and that he arose the third day, according to the Scriptures

      *through the shed BLOOD of JESUS!

      Ephesians 2:8-9 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      8 For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God,

      9 Not of works, lest any man should boast himself.

      Ephesians 1:13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

      13 In whom also ye have trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, even the Gospel of your salvation, wherein also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise


  11. +Gyöngyi djurdja This was the video that convinced me on October 1, 2016: Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth

  12. Replies
    1. Lies from Russia and the 'scientific world'

  13. Replies

    1. Hi Mae!

      Mae M
      Mae M
      3 hours ago (edited)
      Hans S,
      Hello, Hans. Hope you are doing well and God bless you, and yours, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen ! "
      Hans S
      Hans S
      2 hours ago (edited)
      @Mae M I'm doing fine thanks to JESUS! He's with us and we're with Him!
      PS: you show globes in your comment....the earth is flat and round with a firmament.


      Mae M
      Mae M
      3 hours ago
      🌏🌎🌍" O LORD, our LORD, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. "
      PSALM 8:9 🌍🌎🌏


    2. Please try to convince this ATHEIST that the earth is a GLOBE
      Hans S
      Hans S
      1 hour ago
      Please try to convince this FORMER ATHEIST who became a SAVED believer in JESUS after he had discovered the flat earth truth that the earth is a GLOBE:


      2 hours ago
      Please brother do not go there. Let me tell you a short history: I was in high school in 1979 in a country in the Southern Hemisphere. One day, the teacher said: "When the moom makes a C, it is Crescent, when it makes a D, it is Decrescent". There was a Portuguese girl in the classroom and she went to talk with the teacher after class. She said: "I'm sure it is the other way around, because from where I came, we have a saying that goes like that: The moon is a lier, when it makes a C, it is Decrescent and when it makes a D, it is Crescent". The teacher didn't know she was from a country in the Northern Hemisphere but said: "It is like you said in the Northern Hemisphere". Later in the day we understood why it was so.


    3. @Frank Dust IV Yes, of course but now you're Frank
      on the internet and to be frank: that's much better!


      Frank Dust IV
      Frank Dust IV
      2 months ago
      I came to agree
      Hans S
      Hans S
      2 months ago
      Ducks have flat feet and that works better on a flat earth!
      Hans S
      Hans S
      6 hours ago
      I see you changed your former username Fethry Duck.
      Frank Dust IV
      Frank Dust IV
      3 hours ago
      @Hans S because Frank is my real name.
      Frank Dust IV
      Frank Dust IV
      3 hours ago
      @Hans S I just used my former name because it was my nickname when I was young and friends (who are not my friends anymore tho after I came to Christ) used to call me like a comic figure
      Hans S
      Hans S
      2 hours ago
      @Frank Dust IV And now you are Frank and (y)our best friend is JESUS.
      Frank Dust IV
      Frank Dust IV
      2 hours ago
      @Hans S I been Frank ever since I was born 30 years ago


    4. Download the video and share it with others.
      I didn't make this video myself but this is the video that convinced me of the flat earth truth in 2016.
      The flat earth truth is not about salvation, so keep that in mind, and it's not the absolute truth, though it is the truth.
      JESUS is the TRUTH and God manifested in the flesh and He shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins and He rose from the dead.
      This is ALL we need to BELIEVE in order to get saved forever because we can't DO anything to save ourselves from eternal damnation.


      CJ CJ
      32 minutes ago
      Amen and AMEN to this absolute truth!!! And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free from the POWER of sin and death. The power of sin and death is the devil who is the father of all lies.
      Our God is faithful and true and is not a liar! One either believes Gods Word and His description of how He made the earth, which is throughout the scriptures... or they go with the lies of the devil. Cant be both ways! Emmanuel... Amen!


    5. LAMO
      Common mis-spelling of the acronym LMAO
      which means "laughing my ass off"

      I said I delete stupid comments but I give you a chance. I checked out your channel and you call yourself ICYTHEWOLF 95, so I assume you're about 24 years old, and ADULT person.
      As far as I know ALL people who now believe the earth is flat and round with a dome, aka firmament are former believers in the earth as a globe.
      If you're REALLY interested you will also come to the conclusion that it's IMPOSSIBLE the earth is what 'official science' says it is.
      Check out my description box and follow the links.


      Icy Wolf
      Icy Wolf
      37 minutes ago
      Wow you believe in the Earth lamo


    6. @fillie is real NASA means Never A Straight Answer or Not A Space Agency.

      Now show me that undoctered PHOTO from 'space' of the earth as a BALL.


      Hans S
      Hans S
      5 months ago (edited)
      6 people can show me an undoctered PHOTO from 'space' of the earth as a BALL...
      fillie is real
      fillie is real
      2 weeks ago
      NASA provides thousands a year

      But I guess nasa is a "fraud" right?

  14. Ah, ik ken meer mensen die via dat traject op het spoor kwamen van JEZUS, en die later ook het juiste Genade-evangelie, 1 Korinthe 15:1-4, hebben ontdekt.
    Ik zal het vertalen in het Engels:
    You said:
    people really don't realize how much nonsense you get shoved down your throat. when I realized that the earth is flat. then I started to study the Bible and became a believer.
    I said:
    Ah, I know more people who discovered JESUS through that process, and who later also discovered the correct Gospel of Grace, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4.
    I will translate it in English:


    emmleonietje van der Weide
    1 hour ago
    mensen hebben echt niet door hoeveel nonsens door je strot geduwd krijgt. toen ik besefte dat de aarde plat is. toen ben ik me gaan verdiepen in de bijbel en een gelover geworden.


  15. That's right! (zo is dat!)

    Check out my BUSTED topics on my blog and then you'll see that one of the first things I discovered was that the manned moon missions were fake:


    emmleonietje van der Weide
    emmleonietje van der Weide
    1 hour ago
    if people only would look up who guided the moon misions that should be ringing bells right.

The video that turned me into a flat earther because of the first song and due to what I saw

This topic is from my blocked former main blog and I became a flat earther on October 1, 2016

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth


  1. @Fujii M If you search for this through DuckDuckGo
    you will get various opinions and mostly from opponents of the Flat Earth:

    lunar eclipse explained flat earth

    According to the BIBLE, the sun and moon were created by God as lights in the sky.
    A light for the day and a light for the night.
    The moon is a light with very special properties because it's in different phases in the sky and because it is itself a light, the moon's light is not caused by the sun, which "science" says.
    A 'lunar eclipse' is therefore also such a special feature of the moon that God made.
    He can even make the moon blood red!
    One can waste a long time trying to find an explanation for this, but I won't.
    I believe that God Himself created the moon with those special properties.
    People who always want to know better than God don't accept any statement from biblical believers in the flat earth.
    I don't waste my time on such people because they also don't want to believe that JESUS ​​could walk on water and that He rose from the dead and that He shed His blood for the forgiveness of their sins, and that's because they want to be God themselves, as their father, Satan.


    Fujii M
    Fujii M
    4 days ago
    Why does a lunar eclipse occur?
    Highlighted reply
    Hans S
    Hans S
    2 days ago
    Fujii M
    Fujii M
    45 minutes ago
    @Hans S I see.😄

    The most frequently asked question on Flat Earth

    One was a lunar eclipse.

    Even around me, quite a few people doubted it.

  2. Replies
    1. I don't agree with them claiming that the Jesuits are 'crypto jews', but apart from that it's a good video.
      I was surprised that ODD TV made a video WITHOUT annoying background 'music'


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