Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Moscow names condition for resuming arms control talks with US

Washington must stop arming Kiev first, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says 

Russia sees no possibility of resuming talks with Washington on the cornerstone New START arms control treaty while the US continues to arm Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.


Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Antichrist Pope Francis directs racially charged comment towards Russians

Moscow slammed the pontiff’s description of Chechens and Buryats as a “perversion” 

Chechens, Buryats and others who are “of Russia but are not of the Russian tradition” are acting with “cruelty” in Ukraine, the head of the Roman Catholic Church told the Jesuit magazine America in an interview published on Monday. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said such words go beyond mere Russophobia.


Saturday, 26 November 2022

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’

The People's Voice Nov 24, 2022

God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity.

According to the WEF, a new one world religion has arrived and it unites all of humanity in worshipping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism and eugenics.

If you find it hard to believe Klaus Schwab’s WEF would go this far, you clearly haven’t been paying attention to developments in recent times.

Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Noah Yuval Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.” The blasphemy doesn’t stop there. Harari also promises the WEF will turn humans into gods.

Friday, 25 November 2022

Heliosorcery (2022) | Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism | Full Documentary

 Earthen Vessels

The purpose of this documentary is not to provide scientific, practical, or Biblical evidence against heliocentric doctrine. But rather, to trace the presently raging cosmology dispute back to its ancient heritage.

We will review the hot political and religious climate in which heliocentrism
was reborn.

We will question whether it was more than a love for science which motivated the medieval hierarchy to get behind Copernicus’ new theory.

We will investigate lesser known facts about the celebrated champions of sun-centred cosmology; their powerful associations, and their hidden obsessions.

Gathering the common threads which tie the various players together, we will follow the steady evolution of this paradigm, marking the dramatic effects it has had upon the character of society. And we will ask the question: Who benefits?

Read 'The Cosmology Conflict' by Chris Sparks:


Front News Updates 3

  Front News Updates

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This is not a Christian site, so eat the fish and leave (or spit out) the bones.


Thursday, 24 November 2022

Bye, bye Kiev, hello Cote D'Azur: As Westerners send aid, here's how Ukraine's corrupt elites are profiting from the conflict

The sympathy of Westerners towards a country at war is understandable. But while some countries are doing their upmost to aid Ukraine – even while facing an economic crisis themselves – corrupt Ukrainian officials are using the funding to amass personal fortunes and live the high life at fancy resorts. And all at the expense of taxpayers in the West.

In 2015, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, upon leaving the post of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, openly declared that he had become a billionaire. It is yet to be seen how many new Ukrainian super rich tycoons – nurtured by foreign military aid – will appear in the West by the end of the conflict

Officials and oligarchs have diverted much of the financial support sent to Kiev

Since the beginning of Russia's military offensive in Ukraine, the United States, the European Union – and their allies – have provided Kiev with $126 billion worth of aid, a number almost equal to the country's entire GDP. Moreover, millions of Ukrainians have found refuge in the EU where they were given housing, food, work permits, and emotional support. The scope is huge, even by western standards. Considering that the bloc has been funding Kiev while coping with an economic and energy crisis of its own, the assistance is perhaps especially notable. 

Kiev bases its endless funding requests on the collapse of its economy, due to the war, and its need to “resist Russian aggression.” But is the aid reaching its intended destination?


GIDEON Van Meijeren rekent af met CORRUPTE elite die democratie ondermijnt | FVD

We are in a state of INJUSTICE

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

NAZI NATO assembly urges members to declare Russia ‘terrorist regime’


The consultative body also demanded additional rounds of military assistance to Ukraine 

NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly has adopted a largely symbolic resolution calling on member nations to label Russia a “terrorist” state, claiming Moscow represents a “direct threat” to “Euro-Atlantic security” while demanding more military support to Kiev and an end to restrictions on the “forward deployment of NATO forces.”


Saturday, 19 November 2022

POPE calls for WORLD UNITY, Urges "CLIMATE CONTROL is Top Moral Issue"

Apr 28, 2015
[April 28, 2015/*Exclusive,YouTube 1st] :: 2 huge End Time hoaxes combined to deceive billions. ~
*NEWS/April 22, 2015 : ---POPE Francis places Climate Control as TOP "MORAL Imperative" : 
*VIDEO narrations by founder Rob Conrad :
[Author 6 books, 4 on Bible Prophecies; former Church Pastor
& 6 year Assoc Chaplain @ Los Angeles prison Ministry] ::
*10AM (et) Sun,Wed,Fri -- 'LIVE' Global Broadcast / Prophecies/NEWS :
Rob Conrad claims that the Antichrist and the False Prophet are one and the same, but the Bible clearly states that they are two persons:
Revelation 19:20
1599 Geneva Bible

20 But the beast was taken, and with him that false Prophet that wrought miracles before him, whereby he deceived them that received the beast's mark, and them that worshiped his image. These both were alive cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

How does it work then?
Look how I see it....

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'


Oct 3, 2014 

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'


Friday, 18 November 2022

‘The US won’t sacrifice Chicago for Warsaw’: Russian experts explain why NATO brushed the Poland missile incident under the carpet

 US President Joe Biden speaks about the situation in Poland following a meeting with G7 and European leaders on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on November 16, 2022

How the US-led reaction to a Ukrainian weapon hitting the bloc’s territory exposes the imbalance within its ranks  

...a far-reaching conclusion can be drawn: Ukraine in any shape or form is not wanted by NATO. Vasiliev says it is clear that the US is playing a geopolitical game against Russia by using Ukraine, which is expendable. This allows the vital interests of Washington to remain untouched. According to him, the countries of Eastern Europe are equally considered not to be vital interests, as are Finland and Sweden, and likely Türkiye.

‘The US won’t sacrifice Chicago for Warsaw’: Russian experts explain why NATO brushed the Poland missile incident under the carpet


Israel is now siding with Nazi-Ukraine, the place where the Holocaust started in WW2


Israel caves in to US pressure over Ukraine – Haaretz

Kiev reportedly received mysterious “strategic materials” 
Tel Aviv reportedly wants the details of the arrangement kept under wraps to avoid irking Moscow.
With a change in government set to bring Benjamin Netanyahu back into power in Israel, Haaretz’ sources said that it would be up to the veteran right-winger whether to repeat the “strategic materials” deal.
Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons
Benjamin Netanyahu


Tuesday, 15 November 2022

YouTube Updates

Videos I've watched on YouTube that I want to share through this blog and which Google has made impossible to do through the comments because Google 'loves the truth'...

I also put links here to videos I've watched on other video sites until the retarded Google has made the comment section of my blog work again


Front News Updates 2

 Front News Updates

Put the pages in English (or other languages) via the language button at the top right
This is not a Christian site, so eat the fish and leave (or spit out) the bones.


Latest news from Russia


NAZI-EUROPE: RT and Sputnik sites blocked by largest internet providers

In the context of 'freedom of expression' and 'freedom of the press', RT-Russia is BANNED in the EU and elsewhere

Google-Blogger has again made it impossible for me to update my blog with news via my comments, so I'll do it like this...


Collectieve rechtszaak tegen Rutte, Kaag, Hoekstra en Segers vindt op 6 december plaats: ‘Fantastisch nieuws!’

Collectieve rechtszaak tegen Rutte, Kaag, Hoekstra en Segers vindt op 6 december plaats: ‘Fantastisch nieuws!’

Collective lawsuit against Rutte, Kaag, Hoekstra and Segers will take place on December 6: 'Fantastic news!'

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

Meer nieuws More News...

New satanic rules of Google-Blogger 2

 They've done it again

 If I want to post a new comment I see this:

 Failed to publish comment. Please try again later.

 And if I keep trying to post my comment (even if it's just a dot or a comma) 

I see this:

You have created the maximum number of comments for today; please try again tomorrow.

Welcome to communist the USA..... 

Can't Leave Comments

These are the comments I put on my 'own' blog today, 15 November 2022:

Monday, 14 November 2022


Pre-rapture 'news' concerning
the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ to Israel 

Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande 
de wederkomst van
Jezus Christus naar Israël

Zelfs haar naam is een leugen! - Even her name is a lie!

Artist name:

Vera Bergkamp

Demonratten '66 

Demon Rats '66

Vera Bergkamp COC Gay 


- Demolition of the Netherlands
- Cover up for sexual abuse
- Clemency for pedophiles
- Controlling broadcasters for surreptitious advertising
- Declare travel expenses that are not incurred
- Forcing women to have abortions
-To lie
-Tax increase for ordinary citizens
- Mass migration from safe countries
- Breaking Dutch culture
- Full control over civilians
- Digital passport
- Abolish cash
- Abolish democracy


I will not tolerate any contradiction from anyone!
It goes the way I want it and I decide!
And now stop!
Shit people


Who rules the world and starts wars and pandemics? This MEP has the answer


Who rules the world and starts wars and pandemics? This MEP has the answer

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right


But this is not the whole answer....


Sunday, 13 November 2022


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

UKRAINE COVER-UP: From Obama coup to Democrat impeachment hoax

Thursday, May 24, 2018

NAZI-Netherlands falsely accuses Russia concerning the MH17 HOAX

No Russian missile system ever crossed into Ukraine: MoD rejects Dutch MH17 claims 

The  Netherlands is a land of LIES

Friday, 11 November 2022

Hypocrite globalists enjoy smorgasbord of fine foods while urging regular people to eat BUGS

Whether you don't want to shower too long.

Royal House
The first day of the state visit will be concluded with a state banquet in the Royal Palace Amsterdam. King Willem-Alexander and the Italian President give a speech.
Read the King's speech here: blah, blah, blah, blah....

An utter display of hypocrisy is laid out for the world to see as the globalists enjoy a variety of fine foods at the COP27 climate summit in Egypt, while pushing for regular people to eat insects.


Keep Looking Up!


Wednesday, 9 November 2022

New satanic rules of Google-Blogger

 If I want to post a new comment I see this:

 Failed to publish comment. Please try again later.

 And if I keep trying to post my comment (even if it's just a dot or a comma) 

I see this:

You have created the maximum number of comments for today; please try again tomorrow.

Welcome to communist the USA.....

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Message and latest news

Satan found something new to annoy me, by making it impossible to comment on my 'own' site...

He owns Google-Blogger and YouTube and more... 

 So in the meantime you can help yourself:

News from Russia:

The latest GREAT RESET related news via

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

The latest GREAT RESET related news via

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones. 

 Latest news:

ROAR like a LION and say NO to Satan and YES to JESUS!

Click on pic


Een duidelijk geval van samenwerking tussen Robert Jensen en David Icke inclusief de muziekstemming op de achtergrond en de invoeging van het leeuwengebrul
A clear case of collaboration between Robert Jensen and David Icke including the background music mood and the insertion of the lion roar

Click on pic

It is time for humanity to ROAR!!!

My Name Is JESUS CHRIST Please Take My Hand

Tuesday, January 7, 2014 (from my forbidden blog)

Black Sabbath - N I B - My Name Is Jesus Christ

Black Sabbath - N I B - My Name Is Jesus Christ

Published on Jan 7, 2014
Oh yeah!

Some people say my love cannot be true
Please believe me, my love, and I'll show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal

Oh yeah!

Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me 'till the end of time

Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel

Oh yeah!

Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am
My name is Jesus Christ, please take my hand

Oh yeah!

Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me 'till the end of time

Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel

Oh yeah!

Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am
My name is Jesus Christ, please take my hand

'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”