Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Message and latest news

Satan found something new to annoy me, by making it impossible to comment on my 'own' site...

He owns Google-Blogger and YouTube and more... 

 So in the meantime you can help yourself:

News from Russia:  https://swentr.site/

The latest GREAT RESET related news via frontnieuws.com

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

The latest GREAT RESET related news via ninefornews.nl

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
These are not Christian sites, so eat the fish and leave the bones. 

 Latest news:



Shameless: German Chancellor openly mocks citizens' energy fears

In a personal conversation, many politicians come across very differently than on television. Just like the illusory giant Tur-Tur in the novel "Jim Knopf...

Fall of Vaccine Deaths: Excess Mortality Explodes to 20%

Since the start of the mRNA vaccination campaign, the death rate in the affected countries has risen alarmingly. This is now also the case in Germany. man...

Heritage Foundation: US military unable to win a single war

A very detailed and damning study by a conservative US think tank on the state of the US military can be summarized as follows. According to...

Ukraine – The US is misleading its allies to keep them in line

The Biden administration launches a mock campaign to calm Europe's "allies" who are pushing for peace talks over Ukraine. But, as the Washington Post reports,…

Flemish government must cancel its partnership with the WEF, which costs more than 175,763 euros per year

This year, the Flemish government will pay almost 200,000 euros in membership fees for the World Economic Forum and around 27,000 euros in participation costs for the...

Clear words in the EU Parliament: The house of cards is collapsing!

Recently my esteemed colleague Virginie Joron invited the well-known French tropical doctor and vaccination expert Professor Christian Perronne to the EU Parliament for a joint event...

Why does the Western narrative sound so stupid and unrealistic?

The question of why the Western talking heads seem to make such ridiculous statements, and seem totally misinformed, has been raised in countless…

The roles are reversed, COVID dictators now VERY nervous

As the lies come to light at an exponential rate, some of those who have been proven wrong are getting nervous - so nervous in fact...

UK 'war game' contingency plans: Government planning for prolonged power, transport cuts and food shortages

It is virtually certain that Britain will face a "lights out" scenario this winter, as evidenced by the "war game" contingency plans that...

The Trojan Horse Presidency

The US midterm elections are near and since I happen to be a good and patriotic Russian citizen, my job is to help me with it…

EU mired in screeching contradictions: No to Russian pipeline gas, yes to Russian liquefied gas

How does this fit together? As the EU, as part of its punitive measures against Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, massively…

Russian television on the 'painful death' of the European economy

The European economy is dying a painful death, according to Russian television, as companies look for new production locations and the middle class does not ...







  1. Go away Satan, in JESUS' name!

  2. Het 'nieuws' brengt de opname en de komst van JEZUS geen stap dichterbij

    1. The 'news' doesn't bring the rapture and the coming of JESUS one step closer


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”