Thursday, 21 September 2023

Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms Highlight The Absurd Horror of The Satanic War In Ukraine

 Shaking Zelensky

Last Updated on September 20, 2023

A nonprofit organization honored by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky manufactures military uniforms for pregnant Ukrainian soldiers. With the Joe Biden regime and Zelensky refusing to negotiate a ceasefire with Russia, the world is beginning to notice that pro-Ukraine globalist political forces are prolonging the costly Satanic war.

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Clown Prince Zelensky’s Nero Decree: Destroy Ukraine

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Ukraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms Highlight The Absurd Horror of The Satanic War In Ukraine

  2. Replies
    1. Zelensky flies to New York to lecture the world about 'climate change': 'You're not making it up'

  3. Replies
    1. 🚨‼️ BREAKING: Russia claims to have destroyed a Leopard tank with a German regular army crew and captured the German mechanic, who then died shortly after.

      Russian soldier tells the story:

      "When we stopped another ‘meat’ assault and hit with an ATGM a Leopard, we moved towards the burned armor in the hope of taking a ‘talker’.

      We found that the mechanic-driver of the tank was seriously injured, and the rest has died.

      The mechanic, when he woke up and saw us, started shouting "nicht schießen" (don't shoot - in German).

      ‘The legend’ stressed that the mechanic of the damaged tank ‘said several times that he was not a mercenary, but a Bundeswehr serviceman and the entire crew is from one company.’

      The scout specified that while the German serviceman was being provided with first aid, he named his brigade and the place of its deployment.”

  4. Replies
    1. The NYT Reveals: “Americans Fight in Ukraine – They Are Treated in Germany”

  5. Replies
    1. Perspectives
      It is very possible that Ukraine would have offered to bomb Iran and Syria since it has lost the war and wants to get the US directly involved in the conflict. Ukraine has nothing to lose now and, also, since EU and US are finding ways to back out and save face at the same time.
      The EU and the US badly under estimated the Russian power and resilience. While Russian was able to successfully overcome the Western initiated sanctions, the EU and the US are sinking deeper into an economic abyss and scrambling for ways to restart their economies but know that it will not happen without Russia's cooperation.

  6. Replies
    1. TEP
      This only came out because the poles & ukies are now hostile to each other .. the investigation outcome would have been different if they had remained buddies

    2. Gregory Bradley
      The only doubt there ever was, is whether the missile was an accident, or a deliberate attempt by Ukraine to bring Poland, and with it NATO, into the war.

  7. Replies
    1. Rivers M
      Ukraine is like an aging prostitute, there are less and less clients 😄

  8. Replies
    1. Ukrainian soldiers surrender en masse: 'The Western media don't want you to see this'

  9. Replies
    1. The official appeared to be referring to statements made by Deputy Diana Sosoaca, who had told the Romanian Parliament on Tuesday that Zelensky “has no business in Romania” and accused the Ukrainian leader of being a Nazi.
      She also brought out a map depicting the “real” Romania with lands “stolen” by Ukraine. “Return our territory, Mr. Zelensky,” Sosoaca demanded, adding that Kiev had been cracking down on Romanian nationals in Ukraine by banning the Romanian language, prohibiting Romanian churches, and “killing” Romanian children.

    2. Zelensky is a Jewish Nazi and a pervert and a piece of shit!

  10. West 'tired' of Ukraine, Zelensky's finance minister admits
    Kiev’s donors are increasingly distracted by domestic problems and tensions in the Middle East, according to Sergey Marchenko

  11. Replies
    1. Political scientist explains in 1 minute why Ukraine is over

  12. Replies
    1. Zelensky's mother tongue is RUSSIAN!

    2. So this EVIL man is betraying his own MOTHER!

  13. Replies
    1. Young Ukrainians flee: Zelensky has borders monitored with drones

  14. Replies
    1. When Satan no longer needs you, he will drop you like a brick

  15. Replies
    1. “Having betrayed everyone, [Zelensky] is now alone. He has no allies, only a flock of flatterers, who will sell him out if given a reasonable price,” he wrote. Zelensky has built “a criminal dictatorship of Nazism and militarism, and that is why he will be the last president of the nation, which he had betrayed with such cynicism.”

    2. “In fact, Zelensky betrayed the interests of not only Ukraine but also the EU,”

    3. Zelensky is also a traitor to his own people, the JEWS.

  16. Replies
    1. Breaking News! Ukraine surrender discussed

  17. Replies
    1. Says the JEWISH leader of Nazi Ukraine...

  18. Ukraine can’t solely depend on US – FM
    Kiev is looking to the EU for support in conflict with Russia, Dmitry Kuleba has said

    1. Dmitry Kuleba, the Von Ribbentrop of Ukraine

  19. Replies
    1. The average age of a Ukrainian soldier has risen to around 43, Time magazine reported in a cover story posted last week.

  20. Replies
    1. Disgusting – More and more videos of Zelensky sending women to die in the trenches for 'Western values'

    2. 'Kiev besloot echter het voorbeeld van het joodse Westen te volgen en het Oekraïense leger volgt de NAVO-normen.' wordt gemaakt door een Joden- en 'neger'hater en dit is een leugen want Israël zet geen vrouwelijke soldaten in in frontfuncties, al zijn ze daar wel toe in staat, en ze worden net zo goed getraind als de mannelijke soldaten.
      Alleen als Israël echt in doodsnood zou zijn dan zet Israël ook vrouwelijke soldaten in.

      Dat Oekraïne nu vrouwelijke soldaten inzet laat zien dat Oekraïne in doodsnood is!

    3. "However, Kiev decided to follow the example of the Jewish West and the Ukrainian army follows NATO standards." is made by a Jew and 'Negro' hater and this is a lie because Israel does not use female soldiers in front positions, although they are capable of doing so, and they are trained just as well as the male soldiers.
      Only if Israel were really in dire straits would Israel also use female soldiers.

      The fact that Ukraine is now deploying female soldiers shows that Ukraine is in dire straits!

  21. West wants younger blood in Ukraine’s army – Moscow
    The US and its allies expect Kiev to refill the depleted ranks with teenagers, the elderly, and women, Russia's SVR intelligence agency has said

    1. The actions of Kiev show that it is “ready to continue to fight ‘till the last Ukrainian’ in the name of Western interests,” the SVR concluded, regarding the developments.

  22. Replies
    1. “I am wounded, help”: women, Zelensky's last line of defense in Avdiifka – Russians bomb their stronghold and enter the city

  23. Ukraine promises to ‘jump and dance’ for EU
    Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba says Kiev has fulfilled the preconditions for joining the bloc and urged Brussels to “play fairly”

  24. Jimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat.

    The West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.

    Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.

    The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.

    The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.

  25. Ex-Soviet leader canceled by Ukrainian home city
    The city of Dnepr has decided to strip Leonid Brezhnev of his honorary citizen title as part of the “de-communization” campaign

  26. Replies
    1. The Ukrainian security chief himself is not willing to fight...

  27. EU nation to send first batch of F-16 jets to Kiev
    Amsterdam has started preparations for the delivery of 18 combat aircraft to Ukraine, Prime Minister Mark Rutte has said

    1. In November, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that the entire fleet of F-16s pledged to Kiev by Western donors could be destroyed in less than three weeks. The task of shooting down all those jets would amount to “roughly 20 days of work,” he said.

  28. ‘Old Ukraine’ is dead – ex-Zelensky aide
    Few would fight for a suppressive state that treats minorities as second-rate citizens, Aleksey Arestovich has argued

    1. “We live in a country of prohibitions, a country where freedoms are suppressed… where you are caught and forced into the army. Who would want to fight for such a nation?” Arestovich asked.

  29. Replies
    1. How the 'aid' and 'support' to Ukraine ends up in the pockets of this one company

  30. Replies
    1. cassies707
      The men are finished now it's time for their widows and then the kid's will follow.

  31. Replies
    1. MEPs want clarification about 'disgusting' images of Ukrainian soldiers with Down syndrome

    2. Same video on YouTube, but YouTube deliberately made the video 'age restricted' so that as few people as possible can see the video because Google-YouTube is run by the same kind of scoundrels who murder the Russians in Ukraine.
      However, this video does have a Russian/English translation.

  32. Zelensky could fire foreign minister – Ukrainian media
    Dmitry Kuleba may soon lose his job, as Kiev grows unhappy about the diplomatic service

  33. British mercenary kills himself after returning from Ukraine – media
    The man’s decision to fight for Kiev was prompted by ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss, an inquest has heard

  34. Replies
    1. Ukraine currently has the lowest fertility rate in the world.

  35. Zelensky is Pinocchio, officer tells The New Yorker
    The president’s claim that just 31,000 Ukrainian troops were killed in action obfuscates reality, according to magazine interview


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”