Last Updated on September 20, 2023
A nonprofit organization honored by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky manufactures military uniforms for pregnant Ukrainian soldiers. With the Joe Biden regime and Zelensky refusing to negotiate a ceasefire with Russia, the world is beginning to notice that pro-Ukraine globalist political forces are prolonging the costly Satanic war.
Clown Prince Zelensky’s Nero Decree: Destroy Ukraine
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Oekraïense uniformen voor zwangere soldaten benadrukken de absurde gruwel van de satanische oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s Pregnant Soldier Uniforms Highlight The Absurd Horror of The Satanic War In Ukraine
DeleteBREAKING! Ukraine just got some DEVASTATING news, and Zelensky knows it
ReplyDeleteZelensky vliegt naar New York om wereld de les te lezen over ‘klimaatverandering’: ‘Je verzint het niet’
ReplyDeleteZelensky flies to New York to lecture the world about 'climate change': 'You're not making it up'
DeleteWest preparing to ‘dump’ Zelensky – Lukashenko
ReplyDeleteZelensky vraagt sataniste Marina Abramovic om ambassadeur voor Oekraïne te worden
ReplyDeleteZelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to become ambassador to Ukraine
DeleteDe sataniste is ook goede vrienden met het Nederlands Koningshuis.
DeleteThe Satanist is also good friends with the Dutch Royal Family.
DeleteZelenskyy Names 'Spirit Cooking' Satanist Marina Abramović AMBASSADOR for Ukraine, BUILD Schools 😬
DeleteRusland beweert een Leopard-tank te hebben vernietigd met een Duitse bemanning – Bunderswehr-soldaten geliquideerd
ReplyDeleteRussia claims to have destroyed a Leopard tank with a German crew – Bunderswehr soldiers liquidated
Delete🚨‼️ BREAKING: Russia claims to have destroyed a Leopard tank with a German regular army crew and captured the German mechanic, who then died shortly after.
DeleteRussian soldier tells the story:
"When we stopped another ‘meat’ assault and hit with an ATGM a Leopard, we moved towards the burned armor in the hope of taking a ‘talker’.
We found that the mechanic-driver of the tank was seriously injured, and the rest has died.
The mechanic, when he woke up and saw us, started shouting "nicht schießen" (don't shoot - in German).
‘The legend’ stressed that the mechanic of the damaged tank ‘said several times that he was not a mercenary, but a Bundeswehr serviceman and the entire crew is from one company.’
The scout specified that while the German serviceman was being provided with first aid, he named his brigade and the place of its deployment.”
De NYT onthult: “Amerikanen vechten in Oekraïne – ze worden behandeld in Duitsland”
ReplyDeleteThe NYT Reveals: “Americans Fight in Ukraine – They Are Treated in Germany”
DeleteKiev suffering heavy armor losses on Zaporozhye front – WaPo
ReplyDeleteConflict in Ukraine to last until 2035 – ex-Zelensky aide
ReplyDeleteThis is what Julian Assange had to say about it
DeleteFemale pharmacists fleeing Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s wife unsure if he will seek re-election – CBS
ReplyDeleteOorlogsmisdaad: Kiev regime dwingt Russische krijgsgevangenen over mijnenvelden te lopen
ReplyDeleteWar Crime: Ukrainian Nazis Force Russian POWs To Walk On Minefields
DeleteOpnieuw een leugen van Kiev ontmaskerd
ReplyDeleteAnother Kiev’s Lie Exposed
DeleteUkraine offered to strike Iran and Syria – The Guardian
DeleteIt is very possible that Ukraine would have offered to bomb Iran and Syria since it has lost the war and wants to get the US directly involved in the conflict. Ukraine has nothing to lose now and, also, since EU and US are finding ways to back out and save face at the same time.
The EU and the US badly under estimated the Russian power and resilience. While Russian was able to successfully overcome the Western initiated sanctions, the EU and the US are sinking deeper into an economic abyss and scrambling for ways to restart their economies but know that it will not happen without Russia's cooperation.
Satanische pedofiel Marina Abramovic wordt hoofd van Oekraïense adrenochroomfabrieken
ReplyDeleteSatanic Pedophile Marina Abramovic Becomes Head of Ukraine’s Adrenochrome Factories
DeleteUkraine suffering ‘big problems’ with improvised hardware – Forbes
ReplyDeleteMissile that killed two Poles was Ukrainian – Warsaw
DeleteThis only came out because the poles & ukies are now hostile to each other .. the investigation outcome would have been different if they had remained buddies
Gregory Bradley
DeleteThe only doubt there ever was, is whether the missile was an accident, or a deliberate attempt by Ukraine to bring Poland, and with it NATO, into the war.
Ukraine F-16 training jeopardized by US government shutdown
ReplyDeleteMensen sterven voor centimeters in Oekraïne, ’s werelds grootste wapenbeurs
ReplyDeletePeople Are Dying For Inches In Ukraine, The "World's Largest Arms Fair"
DeleteNATO hardware not designed to fight Russia – WSJ
ReplyDeleteWest can’t define Ukraine ‘victory’ – security chief
ReplyDeleteRivers M
DeleteUkraine is like an aging prostitute, there are less and less clients 😄
Oekraïense soldaten geven zich massaal over: ‘De westerse media willen niet dat je dit ziet’
ReplyDeleteUkrainian soldiers surrender en masse: 'The Western media don't want you to see this'
DeleteRapport van de Britse leider aan Zelenski: “Oekraïne zal nog vijf gebieden verliezen – Rusland zal aanvallen met 1 miljoen soldaten – Vergeet Tokmak”
ReplyDeleteKiev Escorts Spill Shocking Bombshell - Saw Zelensky Blowing Dudes At Orgy 🤨😒🤠🧐😉😶
DeleteBritish defense chief wants to send UK troops to Ukraine
ReplyDeleteUkraine has ‘no chance’ without US – MP
ReplyDeleteUkraine must mobilize younger people – ex-UK defense minister
ReplyDeleteZelensky names battalion after former terrorist leader
ReplyDeleteUS-made armor pierced by regular AK round – Rostec (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteBREAKING! Blackrock destroying Ukraine, Forcing Women to Fight Russia | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteNo weapons left for Ukraine in Europe – Politico
ReplyDeleteUkrainian SS Memorials UK
ReplyDeleteWe verliezen de oorlog: Oekraïne verbijsterd als beloofde levering van 1 miljoen artilleriegranaten Kiev ontgaat
ReplyDelete‘We Are Losing The War’: Ukraine Aghast As Promised Supply Of 1M Artillery Rounds Evade Kyiv
DeleteWARNING something BIG is happening in Ukraine, Putin stays quiet
ReplyDeleteWoke and war-crazed: Why Western liberals support Ukraine’s atrocities
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s speech to EU state’s parliament canceled – media
ReplyDeleteThe official appeared to be referring to statements made by Deputy Diana Sosoaca, who had told the Romanian Parliament on Tuesday that Zelensky “has no business in Romania” and accused the Ukrainian leader of being a Nazi.
DeleteShe also brought out a map depicting the “real” Romania with lands “stolen” by Ukraine. “Return our territory, Mr. Zelensky,” Sosoaca demanded, adding that Kiev had been cracking down on Romanian nationals in Ukraine by banning the Romanian language, prohibiting Romanian churches, and “killing” Romanian children.
Zelensky is a Jewish Nazi and a pervert and a piece of shit!
DeleteMeer bewijs van een bloedbad onder valse vlag op een begrafenis in een dorp door het Kievse regime
ReplyDeleteMore Proof of a False-Flag Massacre at Village Funeral by Kiev Regime
DeleteGruwelijke choreografie van het bloedbad in het dorp terwijl Zelensky om meer wapens smeekt tijdens de EU-top
DeleteHeinous Choreography of Village Massacre as Zelensky Begs for More Weapons at EU Summit
DeleteUS announces more military aid for Ukraine
ReplyDeleteNazisme, wokisme en de vreemde wereld van Zelensky’s Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteNazism, Wokism and the Strange World of Zelensky’s Ukraine
DeleteUkraine’s top spy admits counteroffensive failure
ReplyDelete‘Hundreds of thousands’ dodging draft in Ukraine – minister
ReplyDeleteTop Zelensky aide blames West for counteroffensive slowdown
ReplyDeleteEx-Zelensky aide calls for new government in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteZelensky gags media on corruption – editor-in-chief
ReplyDeleteOnly 15% of Kiev preschoolers ‘actively speak’ Ukrainian – NGO
ReplyDelete‘You owe us’ – Ukrainian Foreign Minister to Germany
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s vrouw geeft uit aan luxe in het buitenland terwijl haar volk lijdt onder het conflict
ReplyDeleteZelensky's wife spends on luxury abroad while her people suffer in the conflict
DeleteWest 'tired' of Ukraine, Zelensky's finance minister admits
ReplyDeleteKiev’s donors are increasingly distracted by domestic problems and tensions in the Middle East, according to Sergey Marchenko
All eligble Ukrainians told to report to conscription offices
ReplyDeletePoliticoloog legt in 1 minuut uit waarom het afgelopen is met Oekraïne
ReplyDeletePolitical scientist explains in 1 minute why Ukraine is over
DeleteZelensky reveals secret US long-range missile delivery
ReplyDeleteWhite House proposes to cut Ukraine financial support
ReplyDelete2 Ukrainian Tanks Blown Away - Turret Toss Award - Some Say It's Leopard 2
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Soldier Says All Disabled Now Being Mobilized
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Soldier Can't Take the War Anymore - All Her Units Destroyed
ReplyDeleteFemale soldier...
DeleteZelensky orders Ukrainian army to advance ‘500 meters a day’
ReplyDeleteEU state may limit housing for Ukrainians – media
ReplyDeleteKiev’s top university bans Russian language courses
ReplyDeleteZelensky's mother tongue is RUSSIAN!
DeleteSo this EVIL man is betraying his own MOTHER!
DeleteNo more military aid for Ukraine – EU state’s new PM
ReplyDeleteZelensky losing support in Ukraine – poll
ReplyDeleteOver 2,000 Ukrainian officials have attempted to flee this year – border service
ReplyDeleteChina to snub Zelensky’s ‘peace’ meeting – Bloomberg
ReplyDeleteExperts fear Ukraine will run out of ammo in 2024 – Le Monde
ReplyDeleteVermist: Zelensky, voor het laatst gezien toen Oekraïne het favoriete speelterrein van het Westen was
ReplyDeleteMissing: Zelensky, Last Seen When Ukraine Was The West's Favourite Playground
DeleteJonge Oekraïners vluchten: Zelensky laat grenzen bewaken met drones
ReplyDeleteYoung Ukrainians flee: Zelensky has borders monitored with drones
DeleteZelensky ‘feels betrayed’ by West – Time
ReplyDeleteWhen Satan no longer needs you, he will drop you like a brick
DeleteUS politicians deliver wake up call to Zelensky
ReplyDeleteZelensky to search for scapegoats over failed counteroffensive – Time
ReplyDeleteTime Magazine deelde een “politiek ongemakkelijke” waarheid over Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteTime Magazine Shared Some “Politically Inconvenient” Truths About Ukraine
DeleteZelensky’s chief of staff deletes link to scathing Time article – media
ReplyDeleteZelensky apartment sale proceeds to be given to Russian soldiers
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s top general admits Russia has the advantage
ReplyDeleteEveryone in Ukraine must serve – security chief
ReplyDeleteUS House speaker refuses to meet Ukrainian religious lobbyists – WaPo
ReplyDeleteZelensky will be Ukraine’s last president – exiled opposition leader
ReplyDelete“Having betrayed everyone, [Zelensky] is now alone. He has no allies, only a flock of flatterers, who will sell him out if given a reasonable price,” he wrote. Zelensky has built “a criminal dictatorship of Nazism and militarism, and that is why he will be the last president of the nation, which he had betrayed with such cynicism.”
Delete“In fact, Zelensky betrayed the interests of not only Ukraine but also the EU,”
DeleteZelensky is also a traitor to his own people, the JEWS.
DeleteBreaking News! Overgave Oekraïne besproken
ReplyDeleteBreaking News! Ukraine surrender discussed
DeleteKiev dismantles symbol of Nazi defeat
ReplyDeleteWe won’t talk to Russia – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteSays the JEWISH leader of Nazi Ukraine...
DeleteUkraine can’t solely depend on US – FM
ReplyDeleteKiev is looking to the EU for support in conflict with Russia, Dmitry Kuleba has said
Dmitry Kuleba, the Von Ribbentrop of Ukraine
DeleteUkraine facing ‘worst winter ever’ – FM
ReplyDeleteUkraine increasingly conscripting older men – media
ReplyDeleteThe average age of a Ukrainian soldier has risen to around 43, Time magazine reported in a cover story posted last week.
DeleteEen zwangere Oekraïense vrouwelijke soldaat werd krijgsgevangen genomen door Russische soldaten
ReplyDeleteA pregnant Ukrainian female soldier was captured by Russian soldiers
DeleteWalgelijk – Steeds meer video’s dat Zelenksi vrouwen stuurt om te sterven in de loopgraven voor de ‘Westerse waarden’
ReplyDeleteDisgusting – More and more videos of Zelensky sending women to die in the trenches for 'Western values'
Delete'Kiev besloot echter het voorbeeld van het joodse Westen te volgen en het Oekraïense leger volgt de NAVO-normen.' wordt gemaakt door een Joden- en 'neger'hater en dit is een leugen want Israël zet geen vrouwelijke soldaten in in frontfuncties, al zijn ze daar wel toe in staat, en ze worden net zo goed getraind als de mannelijke soldaten.
Alleen als Israël echt in doodsnood zou zijn dan zet Israël ook vrouwelijke soldaten in.
Dat Oekraïne nu vrouwelijke soldaten inzet laat zien dat Oekraïne in doodsnood is!
"However, Kiev decided to follow the example of the Jewish West and the Ukrainian army follows NATO standards." is made by a Jew and 'Negro' hater and this is a lie because Israel does not use female soldiers in front positions, although they are capable of doing so, and they are trained just as well as the male soldiers.
Only if Israel were really in dire straits would Israel also use female soldiers.
The fact that Ukraine is now deploying female soldiers shows that Ukraine is in dire straits!
Neonazistische junta militaire dienstplichtcommissies nu achter zwangere vrouwen aan
ReplyDeleteNeo-Nazi junta draft commissions now after pregnant women
DeleteDie zwangere vrouwen vechten voor Ollongren zodat zij in Nederland ongestoord lesbisch kan zijn
DeleteThose pregnant women fight for Ollongren so that she can be a lesbian in the Netherlands without any problems
DeleteWest wants younger blood in Ukraine’s army – Moscow
ReplyDeleteThe US and its allies expect Kiev to refill the depleted ranks with teenagers, the elderly, and women, Russia's SVR intelligence agency has said
The actions of Kiev show that it is “ready to continue to fight ‘till the last Ukrainian’ in the name of Western interests,” the SVR concluded, regarding the developments.
Delete“Ik ben gewond, help”: vrouwen, Zelensky’s laatste verdedigingslinie in Avdiifka – Russen bombarderen hun bolwerk en trekken de stad binnen
ReplyDelete“I am wounded, help”: women, Zelensky's last line of defense in Avdiifka – Russians bomb their stronghold and enter the city
DeleteUK special forces secretly operated in Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteUkraine reveals new weapons wish list – Reuters
ReplyDeleteUkraine promises to ‘jump and dance’ for EU
ReplyDeleteForeign Minister Dmitry Kuleba says Kiev has fulfilled the preconditions for joining the bloc and urged Brussels to “play fairly”
Ukrainian security chief blasts NATO
ReplyDeleteMore Ukrainians willing to trade land for peace – poll
ReplyDeleteOekraïense president Zelensky vertelt westerse landen ‘bouw geen wegen’, ‘geef al uw geld uit’ aan Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Tells Western Countries ‘Don’t Build Roads’, ‘Spend All Your Money’ on Ukraine
DeleteJimmy Dore summarizes the great lie that has kept this war afloat.
ReplyDeleteThe West have fooled the public to believe Russia are the aggressors, when it was the US CIA/State Dept who funded literal nazi militant groups and overthrew a sovereign nation, then took control of it via proxy. AND funded an created a massive army, with Western equipment, right on Russia’s border. AND they were slaughtering ethnic Russians in the Donbas. AND they were conducting nefarious ILLEGAL biological research and pathogen production.
Putin did what he had to do, and rightfully so.
The majority of Americans STILL do not know this, which allows the US and Ukraine to maintain their status as the victims, when they are the ones who brought war to Russia’s doorstep.
The sooner the public realize this reality, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
Zelensky naar Duitsland geëvacueerd na aanval van Kinzhal-raketten op Patriot-systeem nabij Kiev
ReplyDeleteZelensky evacuated as Kinzhal missiles strike Patriot system near Kyiv
DeleteEx-Soviet leader canceled by Ukrainian home city
ReplyDeleteThe city of Dnepr has decided to strip Leonid Brezhnev of his honorary citizen title as part of the “de-communization” campaign
‘The Boy’s Word’: How a phenomenally successful Russian TV series has taken Ukraine by storm and infuriated its nationalists
ReplyDeleteAll Ukrainians must fight – security chief
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian security chief himself is not willing to fight...
Delete‘Russia stopped us from buying fighter jets’ – Ukrainian arms firm
ReplyDeleteEU nation to send first batch of F-16 jets to Kiev
ReplyDeleteAmsterdam has started preparations for the delivery of 18 combat aircraft to Ukraine, Prime Minister Mark Rutte has said
In November, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that the entire fleet of F-16s pledged to Kiev by Western donors could be destroyed in less than three weeks. The task of shooting down all those jets would amount to “roughly 20 days of work,” he said.
Delete‘Old Ukraine’ is dead – ex-Zelensky aide
ReplyDeleteFew would fight for a suppressive state that treats minorities as second-rate citizens, Aleksey Arestovich has argued
“We live in a country of prohibitions, a country where freedoms are suppressed… where you are caught and forced into the army. Who would want to fight for such a nation?” Arestovich asked.
DeleteNewspaper apologizes for 'anti-semitic' Zelensky cartoon
ReplyDeleteWestern Europe ‘doesn’t know how to fight’ – Ukrainian FM
ReplyDeleteLet’s get those tax dollars ready, ladies.
ReplyDeleteThat physique doesn’t run on fumes.
Ukraine has no ‘plan B’ for US aid – foreign minister
ReplyDeleteHoe de ‘hulp’ en ‘steun’ aan Oekraïne in de zakken van dit ene bedrijf belandt
ReplyDeleteHow the 'aid' and 'support' to Ukraine ends up in the pockets of this one company
DeleteUkraine buys 50,000 women’s military uniforms
DeleteThe men are finished now it's time for their widows and then the kid's will follow.
Oekraïners in Groot-Brittannië moeten zich registreren voor militaire dienst
ReplyDeleteUkrainians in UK told to register for military service
DeleteUkrainian army mostly ‘very old men’ – commander
ReplyDeleteTrump Jr. suggests ‘only way’ to end Ukraine conflict
ReplyDelete‘Time is running out’ for US aid approval – Kiev
ReplyDeleteUkraine openly asks West to use its army as a proxy
ReplyDeleteZelensky threatens to fire Ukraine’s top general – media
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s new delusion: Why has the Ukrainian leader decided to claim multiple regions of Russia?
ReplyDeleteUkrainians ‘zombified’ by Zelensky’s propaganda – ex-PM
ReplyDeleteEuroparlementariërs willen opheldering over ‘walgelijke’ beelden van Oekraïense soldaten met downsyndroom
ReplyDeleteMEPs want clarification about 'disgusting' images of Ukrainian soldiers with Down syndrome
DeleteAvdeevka Revenge? Fatal Consequences Of Nato Weapons
DeleteSame video on YouTube, but YouTube deliberately made the video 'age restricted' so that as few people as possible can see the video because Google-YouTube is run by the same kind of scoundrels who murder the Russians in Ukraine.
DeleteHowever, this video does have a Russian/English translation.
Zelenski op video met . . . een kind . . .
ReplyDeleteZelensky on Video with . . . a Child . . .
DeleteZelensky could fire foreign minister – Ukrainian media
ReplyDeleteDmitry Kuleba may soon lose his job, as Kiev grows unhappy about the diplomatic service
UK-made tank mired during Ukrainian demo for media (IMAGES)
ReplyDeleteBritish mercenary kills himself after returning from Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteThe man’s decision to fight for Kiev was prompted by ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss, an inquest has heard
Zelensky fires security chief
ReplyDelete‘Day may come’ for EU troops in Ukraine – Kiev
ReplyDeleteUkraine needs air defense to boost birth rate – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteUkraine currently has the lowest fertility rate in the world.
DeleteZelensky changes stance on talks with Russia
ReplyDeleteUkraine lectures India on relations with Russia
ReplyDeleteUkraine moves closer to drafting convicts
ReplyDeleteZelensky is Pinocchio, officer tells The New Yorker
ReplyDeleteThe president’s claim that just 31,000 Ukrainian troops were killed in action obfuscates reality, according to magazine interview
Zelensky pledges another counteroffensive
ReplyDeleteUkraine is using this simple trick to hurt the EU
ReplyDeleteUkrainian FM publicly blackmails West over oil prices
ReplyDeleteKiev asks to ‘lease’ Patriot missile systems
ReplyDeleteUkrainian foreign minister agrees with Kremlin
ReplyDeleteUkraine brings first female prisoners into army
ReplyDeleteKiev politicians salute Zelensky’s White House blunder