The latest of a string of war crimes by the Zelensky junta not stop the fate that awaits their rotten Reich.
Zelensky’s Nero Decree is now live. Zelensky’s Fourth Reich, taking a leaf out of Hitler’s play-book at the Oder and Neisse rivers, has flooded the Dnieper basin, with all the collateral damage German citizens had to suffer during the last weeks of Hitler’s 1000 year Reich. As Zelensky’s Nazis, together with their British SAS and Yankee Navy Seal buddies, have also blown up the Kupyansky ammonia pipeline, the end, perhaps even in the form of countless nuclear mushroom clouds, may well be nigh for all of us. Such is life.
Just as Hitler’s Oder and Neisse war crimes could not stop the Red Army, so also must this latest of a string of war crimes by the Zelensky junta not stop the fate that awaits their rotten Reich. Irrespective of whatever collateral damage the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant suffers and irrespective of whatever loss of human life this indiscriminate flooding causes, Zelensky and all others implicated in this war crime must be held to account, just as Himmler, who commanded the Reich’s Oder forces (before his gross ineptitude caused him to be replaced) was going to be held to account by the hangman’s rope at Nuremberg.
Ukraine is Going Kamikaze
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
This is EXACTLY how NATO is destroying Ukraine | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Delete'NUCLEAR WEAPONS' are (intercontinental) missiles with a large conventional explosive force
Nuclear danger is a HOAX!!! It is only heat!
NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews Worldwide Version
Ukraine attempts to retake Artyomovsk after Prigozhin ‘provocation’ – MOD
ReplyDeleteKiev roept ALGEMENE mobilisatie op – ALLE MANNEN 18-65 moeten binnen 10 dagen het leger in
ReplyDeleteKiev Calls GENERAL Mobilization - ALL Males 18-65 Must enter military within 10 days
DeleteWaarom Scott’s artikel belangrijk is…
ReplyDeleteWesten in ontkenning over mislukking Oekraïens ’tegenoffensief’
ReplyDeleteWest in Denial About Failure of Ukrainian 'Counter-Offensive'
DeleteHet Oekraïense tegenoffensief had geen schijn van kans – De NAVO faalde om dat uit te leggen
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian Counter-Offensive Had No Chance. NATO Failed To Explain That.
DeleteZelensky demands more ‘pressure’ on Moscow
ReplyDeleteDrunken Ukrainian intel operatives beat general – media
ReplyDeleteUkraine failed to exploit Wagner coup attempt – NYT
ReplyDeleteGenoeg van de Oekraïense clownshow!
ReplyDeleteEnough of the Ukrainian Clown Show!
DeleteUkraine must explain how €70 billion was spent – EU state
ReplyDeleteZelensky's Zugzwang: Ukraine's ‘blitzkrieg’ strategy has failed, so where does that leave its much-hyped counteroffensive?
ReplyDeleteRead this as 'entertainment' because Putin is part of the club.....
DeleteKiev considering ‘holding Crimea hostage’ – WaPo
ReplyDelete‘No compromise’ with Moscow, Kiev vows
ReplyDeleteThe US and its allies have already supplied Ukraine with over $100 billion worth of weapons, ammunition and equipment, arguing that Russia “must lose” while insisting they are not actually involved in the conflict.
DeleteZelensky ‘senses’ weakening Western support
ReplyDeleteUkrainians blame Zelensky for corruption – poll
ReplyDeleteZelensky wants to be like Putin – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteDmitry Peskov has revealed what might be behind the Ukrainian leader’s rhetoric
Ukraine to teach its troops to speak Ukrainian
ReplyDeleteUkrainians took $18 billion abroad last year – data
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s generals refuse to accept firing top commander – Bild
ReplyDeleteZelensky removes commander-in-chief of Ukrainian Army
ReplyDeleteUkraine makes threat to EU member state
ReplyDeleteKiev can enact “reciprocal” measures if Polish farmers continue their blockades at the border, the PM said
‘Ik heb een zeer goede relatie met Poetin’: Zichtbare irritatie bij Zelensky tijdens ontmoeting met Trump
ReplyDelete'I have a very good relationship with Putin': Zelensky visibly irritated during meeting with Trump
DeleteZelensky presents ‘victory plan’
ReplyDeleteUkraine must have nukes or NATO – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteUkraine claims it could have nuclear weapons within weeks – Bild
DeleteZelensky: ‘Er zijn twee opties: kernwapens of NAVO-lidmaatschap’
ReplyDeleteZelensky: 'There are two options: nuclear weapons or NATO membership'
DeleteOekraïens parlementslid: Zelensky heeft meer gestolen dan welke andere president dan ook
ReplyDeleteUkrainian MP: Zelensky stole more than any other president
DeleteOud-staatssecretaris: groot deel van de steun aan Oekraïne is VERDUISTERD
ReplyDeleteFormer State Secretary: Large part of the aid to Ukraine is EMBEZZLED
DeleteTrump adviser blasts Zelensky for ‘disrespectful’ attire
ReplyDeleteTrump says Zelensky not invited to inauguration
ReplyDeleteZelensky accused of lying in New Year’s address
ReplyDelete🚨🇺🇦💀 Ukraine is a brutal totalitarian dictatorship
ReplyDeleteBold statement, but 100% accurate.
👇Here’s why (🧵1/15)
‘Too bad’ Ukraine has no nuclear weapons – Zelensky
ReplyDeleteWestern security guarantors “didn’t give a f**k” about Kiev, according to the Ukrainian leader
White House wants Zelensky to hold elections – Trump envoy
ReplyDeleteEr zijn tientallen miljarden verdwenen en Zelensky heeft ze niet gekregen: ‘Ik weet niet waar al dit geld is’
ReplyDeleteTens of billions have disappeared and Zelensky has not received them: 'I don't know where all this money is'
DeleteHet blijkt dat Hollywoodacteurs en -actrices $ MILJOENEN kregen om komedie te gaan spelen bij 🇺🇦Zelensky om zo de publieke opinie te beïnvloeden
ReplyDeleteDe ontmanteling van het frauduleuze USAID door DOGE legt dit allemaal bloot
Ben Stiller kreeg $ 4 miljoen hiervoor
It turns out that Hollywood actors and actresses were paid $MILLIONS to go and play comedies with 🇺🇦 Zelensky in order to influence public opinion
DOGE's dismantling of the fraudulent USAID exposes all this
Ben Stiller got $4 million for this
Cokeverslaafde President Zelensky onder vuur vanwege oproep Europees leger: ‘Knettergek’
ReplyDeleteCocaine addict President Zelensky under fire for calling for European army: 'Crazy'
DeleteSo here we have Zelensky,before he became a puppet of Washington.
ReplyDeleteThis is what he said when he visited Russia:
"I'm in Red Square and can confirm there's no anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Russia, everything's fine here, and honestly, my dislike for you Banderites is growing"
🇺🇦 Meanwhile in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteZelensky’s goons are still literally snatching civilians up off the street against their will to go & die in the meat grinder.
But please keep believing Politicians when they tell you Ukraine is a ‘bastion of democracy’ that must be saved at all costs.
Trump allies believe Zelensky should leave Ukraine ‘immediately’ – media
ReplyDeleteThe Dictator is losing his grip on Power. The blood is in the Water.
ReplyDeleteEven formerly loyal media in Kiev is turning on him. As is the Client Parliament.
The Army is in retreat. He's arresting Generals, and His once biggest funder has woken up to his Scam.
‼️🇺🇲🇺🇦 Zelensky defies Trump by declaring that Ukraine does NOT owe the #USA anything!
ReplyDelete"Ukraine does not owe USA $500 Billion or $350 Billion or even $100 Billoon. There was no such agreement that this money was a loan."
#Trump is going to crush #Zelensky after this outrageous declaration...
How did this idiot end up as President of Ukraine?
ReplyDeleteTrump accuses Zelensky of not wanting ceasefire.
ReplyDeleteWow, Vance and Trump are attacking Zelenskyy in the Oval Office
ReplyDeleteZelensky calls VP JD Vance a сука (bitch) on a hot mic. This is the ‘leader’ who dares to insult our Vice President.
ReplyDeleteZelenskyy asked whether he owes Trump an apology
ReplyDeleteWho is Zelensky?
ReplyDeleteWaarom hebben de Westerse overheden en de media verzwegen dat Donbas ( Oost-Oekraïne ) tussen 2014 en 2022 constant gebombardeerd is door Poroshenko en vervolgens - vanaf 2019 - door Zelensky, en er meer dan 10.000 burgerdoden zijn gevallen ?
Waarom is er tussen 2014 en 2022 met geen woord over gerept over deze verschrikkelijke misdaad en wordt er tot op vandaag niets over gezegd ?
Het is niet dat daar geen bewijzen van bestaan.
Er bestaan overweldigend veel bewijzen van.
Los van de vele beelden op het terrein van het volk, hun vele getuigenverklaringen over de verschrikkingen die ze moesten ondergaan, hebben tal van Franse, Duitse en andere interationale onderzoeksjournalisten, met inbegrip van de befaamde Oliver Stone, er sprekende documenaires over gemaakt, die nooit uitgezonden zijn en geen persaandacht hebben gekregen.
Waarom hebben de Westerse overheden en de media verzwegen dat Poroshenko in 2014 het water, electriciteit en gastoevoer in Donbas EN het Krim hebben afgesloten, de bevoorrading van voedsel, geneesmiddelen en andere noodzakelijke middelen hebben gestopt, burgers hun pensioen en hun loon niet meer kregen en het enkel dankzij de humanitaire hulpkonvooien van Rusland is dat de burgers van Donbas het tussen 2014 en 2022 en tot op vandaag hebben overleefd ?
Ook daarvan bestaan een overvloed van bewijzen en beeldmateriaal waarin, oa, Poroshenko tijdens een toespraak in 2014 letterlijk zegt dat en hoe hij zijn eigen burgers in Donbas zal terroriseren en hun kinderen zal verplichten om in schuilkelders te leven.
Zelensky wordt neergezet als een held die ook onze veiligheid beschermt. Dat is een leugen.
De man is een misdadiger. Alles wat Tucker Carlson over hem zegt en schrijft is evenzo 100% juist. En dat gaat dan nog maar enkel over de afgelopen 3 jaar. Het crimineel palmares van Zelensky is nog veel langer.
DeleteWhy did Western governments and the media fail to mention that Donbas (eastern Ukraine) was constantly bombed between 2014 and 2022 by Poroshenko and then - from 2019 - by Zelensky, and more than 10,000 civilians were killed?
Why was there not a word said about this terrible crime between 2014 and 2022 and why is nothing said about it to this day?
It's not that there isn't any evidence of this.
There is overwhelming evidence of this.
Apart from the many images on the ground of the people, their many testimonies about the horrors they had to endure, many French, German and other international investigative journalists, including the famous Oliver Stone, have made telling documentaries about it, which have never been broadcast and have received no press attention.
Why did the Western governments and the media keep silent about the fact that in 2014 Poroshenko cut off water, electricity and gas supplies in Donbas AND Crimea, stopped the supply of food, medicine and other essentials, citizens stopped receiving their pensions and wages and it was only thanks to humanitarian aid convoys from Russia that the citizens of Donbas survived between 2014 and 2022 and until today?
There is also an abundance of evidence and footage of this, in which, among other things, Poroshenko literally says during a speech in 2014 that and how he will terrorize his own citizens in Donbas and force their children to live in bomb shelters.
Zelensky is portrayed as a hero who also protects our security. That is a lie.
The man is a criminal. Everything Tucker Carlson says and writes about him is also 100% correct. And that is only about the past 3 years. Zelensky's criminal record is much longer.
Ukraine is a hell hole. Justice is coming....
3/3/25 REWIND - Ighor Kolomoisky maakte Zelensky president, Zelensky schonk Kolomoisky zijn bank terug (lag beslag op wegens corruptie). Kolomoisky witte het gestolen fortuin op de Zuidas Amsterdam. Kolomiosky is de financierder van het Azov Nazi Bataljon
ReplyDelete3/3/25 REWIND - Ighor Kolomoisky made Zelensky president, Zelensky gave Kolomoisky his bank back (which was seized for corruption). Kolomoisky laundered the stolen fortune on the Zuidas Amsterdam. Kolomiosky is the financier of the Azov Nazi Battalion
DeleteChurchill’s grandnephew lashes out at Zelensky comparisons
ReplyDeleteUkrainian officials believe Zelensky is ‘childlike’ – Spiegel
ReplyDelete‘Beroemdheden kregen MILJOENEN betaald om Zelensky te steunen’
ReplyDelete‘Celebrities were paid MILLIONS to support Zelensky’
DeleteBy USAID = on behalf of the CIA, the Vatican and SATAN!!!!