Saturday, 24 June 2023

Russia praises Obama’s words on Crimea who SEEMED to tell the truth...for a change

 Former US President Barack Obama

The former US president acknowledged that many residents on the peninsula felt Moscow supported their interests in 2014 

Responding on Friday, Peskov stated that “from time to time such rational thinking finds its way out [in the US].”

There was indeed a sufficiently large faction of politicians who supported the idea of developing good relations with Russia [and] who spoke out against Russophobia being imposed,” he added.

The Kremlin spokesperson, however, took issue with Obama’s estimate on the number of Crimeans who backed unification with Russia.

It’s not a certain part of the Crimean population, but practically the entire Crimean population that wanted to become part of the Russian Federation,” Peskov said.


A Biden his time....

The Man We LOVE To Hate

Jesus Hitler, Adolf Christ

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jesus Hitler, Adolf Christ

And what happens when there is no fear of God?
En wat gebeurt er als de vreze Gods ontbreekt?

satan then let the people believe that they themselves are God
satan laat dan de mensen geloven dat ze zelf God zijn

Barack Obama Describes his Ideal Third Term

Barack Obama elaborates on how he'd like to stay president through a puppet regime.

News concerning 'Obama's father

Fake Biden


Will the Real Joe Biden Please Stand Up?

Not this guy who was the REAL Biden:

Obama returns...

Apr 7, 2022
Obama back at White House as Biden signs executive order.
Video removed by satanic Google-YouTube.


Psaki And Reporter Clash After Questions About Whether This Is "Third Term Of President Obama"

The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - The Truth About The so called ANTICHRIST


This WAS the REAL Vladimir Putin

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'

Oct 3, 2014 

Putin Masonic Handshakes, All in the 'Club'

They're all on the same side as part of the Great Reset of Satan and the Vatican


JESUIT CONTROLLED PUTIN EXPOSED (ALL world leaders are Jesuit controlled....)

Prophecy & Current Events Pt. 1 of 2 (A) - 04/08/22

Put the page in English via the language button at the top right


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. On Friday, Prigozhin accused the Russian Defense Ministry of launching a deadly missile strike on a Wagner Group camp, vowing retaliation. The ministry, however, dismissed the allegation, describing it as “an information provocation.”

    2. David Bailey
      This development has all the hallmarks of a CIA plot.

    3. TruthAboveAll
      When I said that it is GoG AND MAGOG who are in the centers of power in the west, and that the world order that exists now is the WORLD ORDER OF GOG AND MAGOG, no one believed me.

      GOG and MAGOG have PHDs in deception, they are the ones who are spreading corruption on the face of this earth, they are the ones responsible for all the wars and coups and instability in this world. They do that because they are the right hand of the ANTI-CHRIST. No one wanted to believe me when I said it.

      And now look what they have done, they were able to turn the Wagner group into traitors to wage a coup in Russia. NOW DO YOU FINALLY KNOW WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH IN THE WEST??!!

    4. Russia_Will_Win
      There is absolutely NOTHING to see here. This was all fully expected and anticipated in the SMO which has gone entirely according to plan. President Putin knew full well that Mr Prigozhin would act like this and he has a brilliant plan already prepared - ready and waiting. Nothing that has happened in the last 24 hours - or indeed in the last 480 days - has been remotely a surprise. President Putin has calculated everything like a master chess player. Russia is WINNING!!!!!!

    5. Putin the 'master chess player' lies about the existence of 'nukes', the 'globe' and 'space' and he shook hands with the Pope = Antichrist and is friends with Klaus Schwab.....

  2. Replies
    1. Journalist in Rostov: Wagner is not committing a coup here

  3. US delays Wagner sanctions after insurrection – WSJ
    Washington reportedly did not want to be seen as siding with Vladimir Putin

  4. Kremlin reveals details of Wagner deal
    The PMC's founder Evgeniy Prigozhin will "go to Belarus," Dmitry Peskov says

  5. Replies
    1. This is what Wagner fighters themselves say about the “uprising” against Putin

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  6. Replies
    1. Goddard
      It was not a coup and not an insurrection. Americans and their CNN just make up stuff. Makeup or lie.

  7. Replies
    1. The United Satans of America on behalf of the pedo-Pope of Rome!

  8. Replies
    1. The child rapists of Reuters are lying on behalf of the Vatican and Satan

  9. American troops will not fight in Ukraine – Washington
    Both the US and EU have ruled out the deployment of individual NATO members’ forces against Russia

    1. US forces are already operating in the country. The Pentagon acknowledged in November that a “small number” of American troops were guarding the US embassy in Kiev and inspecting weapons deliveries away from the front lines. In April, leaked Pentagon documents suggested that 14 US special forces personnel were deployed in Ukraine as of mid-March, along with 50 from the UK.

      Aside from active-duty troops, there are an unknown number of US citizens fighting alongside Kiev’s forces. Multiple Americans have been captured by Russian soldiers, and several hundred were listed as fighting in Ukraine by Russia last summer.

  10. Replies
    1. Mike Pence is a fake protestant and a servant of the Vatican

  11. Replies
    1. Dit artikel gebruikt het woord 'profetisch' zonder rekening te houden met het ware profetische woord van de Bijbel.
      Het artikel maakt ook niet duidelijk dat Poetin nog tot voor kort bevriend was met zoon-van-een-nazi Klaus Schwab en helemaal niet dat Klaus Schwab een dienstknecht is van het Vaticaan, waar de WARE wereldmacht ligt omdat dit het hoofdkwartier van Satan is, de voormalige aartsengel Lucifer.
      Ook wordt niet verteld dat Poetin minstens drie keer de Paus heeft bezocht en de Paus is de vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse keizer.
      Door hier geen rekening mee te houden snapt men er helemaal NIETS van!
      Wat wil satan?
      Rusland en Poetin staan hem daarbij in de weg, en dus moet met name Poetin weg, want met een ander regime in Rusland kan satan wel zaken doen.
      Hoe komt satan van Rusland af?
      Niet via de de door hem uitgelokte oorlog in Oekraïne....maar WEL via een toekomstige oorlog om ISRAËL.
      De SECULIERE regering van Israël wordt door het Vaticaan en satan gebruikt als lokmiddel om Rusland met veel bondgenoten in de val te strikken omdat de duivel weet dat er één macht is die VEEL sterker is dan Rusland: GOD!
      Satan weet dat wie met Israël solt te maken krijgt met de GOD van Israël en dat is precies in welke richting hij Rusland zal gaan bewegen opdat Ezechiël 38/39 in vervulling zal gaan.
      Na de enorme vernedering door GOD van Rusland en bondgenoten zal China zijn geneutraliseerd en zal de man die de Bijbel de Antichrist noemt de wereldmacht opeisen ALSOF HIJ GOD IS!
      Deze Antichrist is de PAUS, maar hij zal een andere man vooruitschuiven als AFLEIDING: de Valse Profeet.

    2. This article uses the word "prophetic" without regard to the true prophetic word of the Bible.
      Nor does the article make it clear that Putin was friends with son-of-a-Nazi Klaus Schwab until recently, and not at all that Klaus Schwab is a servant of the Vatican, where the TRUE world power lies because this is the headquarters of Satan, the former archangel Lucifer.
      Nor is it told that Putin has visited the Pope at least three times and the Pope is the Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise.
      By not taking this into account, one understands NOTHING at all!
      What does Satan want?
      Russia and Putin stand in his way, and so Putin in particular has to go, because Satan can do business with another regime in Russia.
      How does Satan get rid of Russia?
      Not through the war he provoked in Ukraine...but he CAN achive this through a future war over ISRAEL.
      The SECULAR government of Israel is being used by the Vatican and Satan as a lure to trap Russia with many allies because the devil knows there is one power MUCH stronger than Russia: GOD!
      Satan knows that whoever messes with Israel will have to deal with the GOD of Israel and that is exactly in which direction he will move Russia for Ezekiel 38/39 to be fulfilled.
      After the massive humiliation by GOD of Russia and allies, China will have been neutralized and the man whom the Bible calls the Antichrist will claim world power AS IF HE IS GOD!
      This Antichrist is the POPE, but he will advance another man as a DISTRACTION: the False Prophet.

  12. Replies
    1. Was Putin's whole We Wuz Kang shitshow in St. Petersburg a smokescreen to rob Africa?

    2. Heb je een hoog IQ nodig om in staat te zijn 'nee' te zeggen tegen de 'vaccins' en het merkteken van het beest?

    3. Heb je een hoog IQ nodig om gered te worden door onze schepper, JEZUS Christus?

    4. Veel mensen met een hoog IQ gaan straks branden in de poel van vuur omdat ze te hoogmoedig zijn om te kunnen buigen voor JEZUS.

    5. Do you need a high IQ to be able to say 'no' to the 'vaccines' and the mark of the beast?


      Do you need a high IQ to be saved by our creator, JESUS Christ?


      Many people with a high IQ are going to burn in the lake of fire because they are too proud to bow to JESUS.

    6. En ethnofoben hebben helemaal niets in de hemel te zoeken!

    7. And ethnophobes have no place in heaven at all!

    8. Ja, de reddende reformatie begon in blank Europa, maar dat is een verantwoordelijkheid en niets om trots op te zijn.

    9. Yes, the saving reformation started in 'white' Europe, but that's a responsibility and nothing to be proud of.

  13. Replies
    1. Putin interview will be 'groundbreaking': 'A historic event in the making'


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”