Friday, 12 May 2023

The Man We LOVE To Hate

Obama is still active on the scene (on behalf of the Pope)

Thursday, April 11, 2013



Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama - The Man We Love To Hate

you think you're gonna live your life alone
in darkness
and seclusion
yeah I know
you've been out there
tried to mix with those animals
and it just left you full of humiliated confusion
so you stagger back home
and wait for nothing
but the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the street
and now you're desperate
and in need of human contact
and then
you meet me
and your whole world changes
because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
so you drop all your defenses and you drop all your fears
and you trust me completely
I'm perfect
in every way
cause I make you feel so strong and so powerful inside
you feel so lucky
but your ego obscures reality
and you never bother to wonder why
things are going so well
you wanna know why?
cause I'm a liar
yeah I'm a liar
I'll tear your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me
cause I'm a liar, a liar
a liar, a liar

I'll hide behind a smile
and understanding eyes
and I'll tell you things that you already know
so you can say
I really identify with you, so much
and all the time that you're needing me
is just the time that I'm bleeding you
don't you get it yet?
I'll come to you like an affliction
and I'll leave you like an addiction
you'll never forget me
you wanna know why?
cause I'm a liar
yeah I'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out
I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me
I'll turn you into me
cause I'm a liar, a liar
liar, liar, liar, liar

I don't know why I feel the need to lie
and cause you so much pain
maybe it's something inside
maybe it's something I can't explain
cause all I do
is mess you up and lie to you
I'm a liar
oh, I am a liar

but if you'd give me just one more chance
I swear I will never lie to you again
because now I see the destructive power of a lie
is stronger than truth
I can't believe I've ever hurt you
I swear
I will never lie
to you again, please
just give me one more chance
I will never lie to you again
I swear
I will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie
no, no
ha ha ha ha ha hah haa haa haa
oh, sucker
I am a liar
yeah, I am a liar
yeah I like it
I feel good
ohh I am a liar
I lie
I lie
I lie
oh, I lie
oh I lie
I lie
ohhh I'm a liar
I lie
I like it
I feel good
I'll lie again
and again
I'll lie again and again
and I'll keep lying
I promise

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Obama Code

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama's Brand New "1961" Birth Certificate

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Obama's Diabolical Dilemmas About Intervening in Syria

Diabolical dilemmas? Options? I have only diabolical intentions regarding Syria and Russia

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Barack Obama Super Star

Barack Obama Singing Can't Touch This by MC Hammer

Friday, December 9, 2011

Obama Has Found Jesus!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Obama = it SEEMS...

The presidency of the US is the 2nd beast of Revelation 13

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

OBAMA is STILL in charge of the US on behalf of the POPE and SATAN!

Barack Obama will be Back | Obama is not done yet | Obama is the ANTI CHRIST (2017)

Published on Feb 22, 2017
Barack Hussein Obama is widely recognized as the "Son of perdition and the "anti christ" by prophets and saints world-wide... His impact on the world stage has just started. I have combined many clips from several sources to produce this video and i hope it would help someone further understand who the anti-Christ really is.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


9/11 WAS IN THE BIBLE TWICE. These new revelations expose the truth behind the Antichrist and his Kingdom.


Common misconceptions:
The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns (+ 1 other King, the Antichrist) that the Statue of Liberty rides is metaphoric for the new Kingdom that she will rule (America riding the New World Order) over, with the 7 continents, and the 10 Kings.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

BREAKING!!!!! Michelle Obama is really Baracks longtime transvestite lover!!!!!!

This really explains a lot!
I have pictures of him/her during the transition.




The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - The truth about 'Obama' and Angela 'Merkel'




The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - And they all serve the ANTICHRIST...The disguised Luciferian Roman Emperor...




The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL - The Truth About The so called ANTICHRIST



The Statue of Liberty is Lucifer


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. He probably said that on behalf of satan Obama

  2. Replies
    1. The Indian-born Mehta, appointed by the Democrat president Barack Obama in 2014, has so far handed out the longest sentences in relation to the January 6 riot.

    2. Adonis Cirillo
      Complete Top-to-Bottom Regime Change of America is 'REQUIRED'

      In 1776 just 56 Colonists submitted to King George, 27 Grievances, the basis of the Declaration of Independence.

      Today America has more than 500,000 Rules, Regulations, and Laws … 99% of which were NEVER 'Voted' on by the general public … and that directly or indirectly affect virtually every aspect of their lives.

      Democrats & Republicans are indistinguishable, cast in the same Corruption, and offering the same Economic Slavery, the same Inequality, and the same Poverty…

      America is not free!

  3. Replies
    1. sanctionedsoldier
      Thats how you start to clear out California jail everyone who wants to hang Pelosi.............Plenty of room for the couple of hundred people left.

    2. GarageSailor
      Trump won the 2020 usa presidential election is a legal landslide victory. There wer eonly 135 million registered voters. Look at previous presidential election voting counts and you will see. Democrats illegally flipped Trump votes to Biden. Trump got 95+ million votes. Democrats stole 24+ million trump votes. Also, 135 million minus 95 million leaves only 40+ million votes for Biden. Also, The Election was officially over at 11/3/2020 11pm est, trump was winning in almost all states, biden refused to accept defeat and at that point in time when clearly Trump was winning, and therefore Biden became a terrorist stealing the election with fraudulent votes, and illegal after election vote manipulation/dumping.

    3. Mark M
      Jan 6th was no insurrection, just a protest that got out of control and resulted in broken windows and doors. A real insurrection would involve guns and pitchforks, which apparently everyone forgot to bring to this bs insurrection. :)

    4. Ulla Lenhardt
      Wonder how much Biden gets for wanting to blow the civil infrastructure, the gas pipeline between Russia and one is above the law...!! He declared it publicly! He threatened to bring this pipeline to an end!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Philip Reid
      I think he meant satanist.

    2. mimimi
      That's too many mistakes in "satanist" word :/

    3. alci
      Stalinist I don't know but SATANIST for sure! ;-)

    4. Onlinebills02
      In the title they misspelled the word 'satanist'

    5. TruthAboveAll
      "Biden is ‘Stalinist’ - Trump"

      I think he meant "Biden is Satanist" !

    6. Navigator
      Ole potato is a bloody satanist.

    7. B & B
      At first I thought the headline said "Biden is Satanist" but then I notice it was "Stalinist." Well I guess either one would work.

    8. White German Shepherd
      Did he say "satanist"? It could have been satanist you know. I'd like to think it was satanist. ;^)

    9. Ronald Geremy
      Not Stalinist, but more like a Satanist.

    10. PutinsRedLine
      Joe Biden is the Nord Stream Bomber

    11. Gmatch
      Most of the time Biden doesn't even know where he is and what he is. Trump continued Obama's policies! Trump supplied Ukraine with weapons! Trump sanctioned China! Trump didn't want the NS 2 pipeline operational and Biden blew them up. Is there anybody here who thinks that Trump means hope and peace? The same applies to the Kennedy candidate - he is just another shill who uses the Bernie Sanders template, in order to rake in campaign money for the Democrats.

    12. MSM_LIES
      Biden is more like Caligula
      15 hr

      MSM_LIES, No, Biden is more like Barack Hussein Obama's puppet with a lobotomy. Why do you think Barack's backchannel, Susan Rice, recently left the Biden Administration to go into hiding?

    13. Tom_Sansone
      If Trump wins, he's going to support the current radical Israel 200%. The Abraham Accords were not about peace and trade. They were a lie to facilitate US arms sales, after Trump's Iran sanctions backfired bringing China into the Middle East with Iran. Fortunately, Beijing has since clarified reality, through the Iran-Saudi agreement, while the Biden Administration has been revealing the Obama/Biden Administration via Ukraine and Taiwan.
      16 hr

      Stop over
      General Solemain spirit hunting Donald duck

    14. Biden is more like Barack Hussein Obama's puppet with a lobotomy


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