''Suddenly & Unexpectedly'' -The new way to express a death from the Covid Kill Shot
The Illuminati. Learn or die there is no safety in ignorance
Father Alexis Bugnolo says 2 billion dead in the next year. Are you ready?
BREAKING - Vaxx vials marked 1, 2 & 3. 1 = Saline, 2 = mRNA, 3 = Cancer or worse
Head of German Hospital Commits Suicide-''There's no virus, it's a Dictatorship, disguised.''
5 Creepiest Sightings of the Men in Black
Recently Fully Vaccinated Priest Dies On Live Stream
More on the black eyed babies (Pandemic vaccinated babies)
Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired
Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels - The Government Knows Aliens Are Really Demons
Karma Alert - Doctor Who Said He Wanted To Punch Aniti Vaxers Dead From Covid Vaccine
This man has a message for the politicians, cops and especially for the haters (hilarious)
There is a living creature inside the vaccine. It is immortal. The "Hydra Vulgaris" See description.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
ALL 'satellites' are High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites
ALL governments are LYING! This info is not new, but because Google(YouTube) is cooperating with the Vatican-Jesuit world order, and because they do anything to make this info hard to find I put it in the spotlight on my blog.
The LIARS who rule this world for Satan and the Vatican=the disguised Luciferian Roman Empire SUGGEST that High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites are an 'alternative' to 'normal satellites', brought into 'space' and into orbit 'around the earth' with rockets, but the truth is that High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites are the ONLY option they have, because these LIARS know the earth is FLAT and that 'space' doesn't exist!
This vid is no longer available and here are alternatives...
Here are two sites that SUGGEST that High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites are an 'alternative' to 'normal satellites':
High-altitude Pseudosatellites, the future of Earth observation?
High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites
This video is telling the truth, though I warn you that the maker of this video used the F-word a lot, angry as he was of course at the people who lied to us about the existence of 'satellites':
The sound of the video starts at 4 minutes 55 seconds.
ALL SATELLITES ARE ON BALLOONS & 50K ft. Altitude Flight Restriction
Then there's this video in which a fellow flat earther confronts passers-by with flat earth (related) truths:
Satellites are High Altitude Balloons
Of course this video has been removed by YouTube and when you do a YouTube search you get this...
The links to my former main blog will be restored later
The SATELLITE-HOAX is an important issue because one of the things I discovered, before I became a convinced flat earther was this:
It's important to EXPOSE this LIE and back then I was still a believer in the earth as a globe, though I already believed since 2013 that the earth doesn't spin and that the earth is the center of the 'universe'.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Heliocentrism - False Science

This was also an important video in my search for the truth:
Friday, October 31, 2014
ISS Space Station hoax yes the iss and pretty much everything else to do with NASA
Click on picture
The flat earth TRUTH won't get anyone SAVED so get saved in case you aren't:
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist!
Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist!
The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Paperback:
The Flat-Earth Conspiracy PDF:
The Flat-Earth Conspiracy EPub:
Nee, ik reageerde hierop: "This does not prove the earth is flat..."
Ik dacht dat je dat wel had begrepen.
Ik zeg dus dat de aarde niet plat is en dat zijn zandkorrels ook niet.+joggler66
Tja, als je dat zelf al niet eens meer weet....je zei het toch echt zelf, als reactie op bovenstaande video.
Fijn dat het je niet interesseert wat mijn standpunt is over Bijbelse zaken zoals het feit dat de aarde rond is, daar is JEZUS ook ontzetend gelukkig mee en dat mensen die in Hem geloven en dankij Hem niet zullen branden in de hel, zo ongeĆÆnteresseerd en respectloos met elkaar omgaan.
Kijk, jij gelooft dat je hier nog wel een tijdje zal zijn tot aan de wederkomst van de HEER JEZUS Christus, terwijl ik geloof dat ik elk moment verdwenen kan zijn, en zeker nu de Paus als Antichrist geopenbaard is, en Satan in zijn hemd staat, samen met die andere kwast, genaamd 'Obama', de uitvoerder van het duivelse Vaticaan.
En ach, ik ben pas meer dan 31 een volgeling van JEZUS, dus wat weet ik nou, hĆØ?
Heel jammer dat we het niet eens zijn over de Bijbelse pre-tijd van Jakobs benauwdheid-opname, maar gelukkig ken ik zat mensen die het wel met me eens zijn, en die niet in die onzin geloven dat dit Bijbelse (nabije) toekomstige gegeven een uitvinding van de JezuĆÆeten zou zijn.
Maar weet je wat?
De Heer JEZUS Christus zij met ons.The earth is NOT flat: Watch this and then you'll see the curvature of the horizon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8wWQWfcyeI
ReplyDelete+Johan Gildenhuys Amos 9:6 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
6 He buildeth his spheres in the heaven, and hath laid the foundation of his globe of elements in the earth: he calleth the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the open earth: the Lord* is his Name.
*I AM (who I AM)
Hans S
6:17 PM
+Johan Gildenhuys The earth is NOT flat: Watch this and then you'll see the curvature of the horizon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8wWQWfcyeI.+Johan Gildenhuys
My Father, who happens to be God and JESUS, made the world ROUND as a GLOBE, just like the sun and the moon.
Did JESUS tell you to call people who disagree with you 'nassholes'?+Johan Gildenhuys
Why so UNFRIENDLY? Are you saved and do you LOVE JESUS Christ?
I've never said the sun is a star: of course it isn't!
The earth was the first celestial body which JESUS=GOD created, and it's STATIONARY.
On the FOURTH day He created the sun, the moon and the stars and they ALL revolve AROUND Earth.
Heliocentrism - False Science http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.com/2013/11/heliocentrism-false-science.htmlNASA ISS BUSTED Space Station no city Lights space fakery
Computer-generated imagery (CGI) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer-generated_imagery+Rob StGeorge
Yes, of course you've been to Mars and other planets...everybody knows that.....
But we agree on the FACT that the earth is NOT flat but spherical, just like the moon and the sun.+barbie pauly
I think this picture is FAKE!
Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist!
The True History and Purpose of NASA
http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2014/03/the-true-history-and-purpose-of-nasa.html%EF%BB%BFI don't believe in a flat earth, but I do believe in...
Satellite Hoax Ironically proven by the Media, NASA, Google, Facebook+barbie pauly
"honestly just don't have time to look up all the speculative articles"
People also said they saw men on the moon, with their own eyes, or planes slamming into the Twin Towers.
Both were HUGE LIES!
"Satellites are purely science-fiction. All supposed images of satellites in orbit show fake CGI "satellites" orbiting a fake CGI "ball-Earth." First conceived by Freemason science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945, they claim satellites became science-fact soon after. This is impossible for many reasons outlined in the following video, however, including the fact the melting points of the metals used in satellites are far lower than the temperature in the "thermosphere" where satellites supposedly are. Satellites, space stations, the Hubble telescope and space travel in general are absolutely the biggest hoaxes of the century, and NASA the most successful propaganda organization in history." http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2015/03/satellite-hoax-satellites-do-not-exist.html
Satan already knew in Paradise how EASY it is to deceive human beings.
Question: does the earth spin or is it stationary?
Satellite Hoax Ironically proven by the Media, NASA, Google, Facebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAlhhsGkuYU
Believing in JESUS isn't the same as being GULLIBLE!+Alan Lamont NEW Youtube Channel 2 A balloon simply can't get high enough to see that the earth is ROUND and satelilites are a hoax: Satellite Hoax - Satellites Do Not Exist! http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2015/03/satellite-hoax-satellites-do-not-exist.html
ReplyDeleteĪĪÆĪŗĪæĻ ĪĪæĪ±Ī²ĪÆĪ½Ī·Ļ it's not forbidden to believe in fairy tales! Satellites Do Not Exist! And you're lost without JESUS Christ!
ĪĪÆĪŗĪæĻ ĪĪæĪ±Ī²ĪÆĪ½Ī·Ļ55 minutes ago
Its as fake as a real satelite launch.I love the fact that you present absolutely zero evidence to support you insane "truths"Ruler of the Under Sky %5 months ago
Another Sun, and Moon orbiting at same time video; no satellites either: https://youtu.be/41MrZcHF3jE
Hans S
Hans S1 second ago
Great video: thanks!
JESUS is the creator of the flat, circular earth with a dome: are you saved by Him?+Hans S Advancing insight: "Satellites are real", I said that in December 2014, but on March 4, 2015 I published this on my site;
And on October 1, 2016 I finally discovered that the the earth is flat and round, with a firmament, which is Biblical.
Scientific EVIDENCE of a Flat Earth https://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2016/10/scientific-evidence-of-flat-earth.html
+ShantiUniverse+John V Thanks John, and Hans is Dutch/German for John, from Johannes (say Yohannes) and from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning 'I AM* is merciful', so also congratulations with your name!
*God's short name from 'I AM that I AM'
I'm glad you believe in the flat earth and that so many things are in fact lies, but your religion is also a HOAX and know this: How the Vatican created Islam http://ezekiel38rapture.blogspot.nl/2014/07/how-vatican-created-islam-by-alberto.html
3 years ago
now what i've learn so far is kind of mind blowing .not only about moon landing where USA made so called first achivement on mankind's progress about human goes space exploration but it turns out to be their playing scene at the building inside maneuvering via broadcasts to tv every home almost usa watching it and long story short the flag is standing still like in earth waving by wind look like... but moon's gravity very weak to pull object that even that light plus there's no wind in moon bcause atmosphere dont existed there.not only about that...... what majority of human in this world still believe that earth is threatned by climate change namely labelled as Global warming are only just false claim by Unknown authourity telling earth became hot cause by c02?and even know hundreds million money are donor and paid just what they saying everytime for preventing and stoping it ?for more than 20 years..till today..and now about earth is actually not rotates it to the sun just like it was taught on school where galileo galilei and ncolas cprnicus stated sun is centre of the solar system or is it? becasuse i ve seen sun look up from east and set to west ..that is common fact but is it what we saw from our own eyes is the actual sun ..i mean that';s the real one or was it the sunlight but that's quite bright 4 are light that looks like round shape...and now Earth is FLAT and that NASA is only presents picture like a photoshop make it human all to believe..and Quran does say that Earth was flat and after reading it i think it clearly obvious not only to Earth's true shape but also Human forming(baby) inside womens stomach is accurately state and also the meet's between 2 sea but not mixed as soluble ..i accept the religion as faith................... .then so many things like HOLOCAUST is also hoax for the number ..then what again could be lies
Thanks for your comment!
Dew Blanco
5 hours ago
It's all microwave & line of site via frequency. That's exactly what your so called dish TV, cell phones & WiFi work off. Just like old school tv & radio. All used to be analog. Technology increased the frequencies I.e., 4G 5G & convert the analog into digital. There are no satellites. Look at all of the towers around you. 100s of towers sit atop mountains with directional line of site dishes/panels. My info comes from early 90s when l fielded this technology in the military. Wake up people...
1Hunter Becomes the Hunted? NATO General Complains About Russia's 'Stalking' of US Spy Satellites
ReplyDeleteIran Launches Fourth Satellite Into Orbit as US Claims Its Carrier Rocket Can Be Used With Nukes
How a Few Undersea Cables Connect the Entire Internet
ReplyDeleteThe history of submarine communication cables
ReplyDelete'Satellites' DON'T EXIST!
ReplyDeleteYes, the rocket goes up and plunges into the Bermuda Triangle.
ReplyDeleteThen somewhere else on earth, like Antarctica, and off limits to ordinary citizens, they attach a highly technological and very expensive device to a high-flying balloon and, lo and behold, you have a 'satellite'...
But regularly these 'satellites' fall back to Earth, including the balloon, and then they are discovered by civilians anyway and pictures are taken.
Hans • 16 hours ago • edited
And again somebody flagged one of my comments as spam:
So again:
Article for Americans:
Is this our First World War? https://www.frontnieuws.com/is-dit-onze-eerste-wereldoorlog/
Info for believers in the Lord JESUS Christ and the Bible:
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
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BuffaloBillyT Hans • 3 hours ago
Some of your comments/beliefs even insult the product SPAM, Hans. Of course there are satellites. I see them launched from Cape Kennedy from time to time. Explain Google earth, profound one.
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Hans BuffaloBillyT • 3 hours ago
And you really believe that NONSENSE!
It's impossible to convince BRAINWASHED people and you're a severe case.
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BuffaloBillyT Hans • 2 hours ago
Well, I kinda looked up and watched the rocket go up in the air and disappear. So, seeing is surely believing, huh, Hans. As for brainwashed...really, Hans...you of all people make that accusation? Physician, heal thyself.
crashed satellites with balloons
ReplyDeleteSatellites DO NOT EXIST are Unnecessary and Impossible
ReplyDeleteDecoding Satellites, Part 1
DeleteAnd ladies and gentlemen...'satellites' do not exist!
Russia warns West: Hacking our satellites means war
ReplyDeleteStar Wars: Rusland dreigt Westerse satellieten neer te schieten
ReplyDeleteStar Wars: Russia threatens to shoot down Western satellites
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
White House vows response if Russia attacks U.S. satellites
DeleteNASA warns of falling satellite
ReplyDeleteSturm und drang en Chinese ballonnen
ReplyDeleteSturm Und Drang and Chinese Balloons
DeleteUkraine is targeting Russian civilian satellites – Moscow
ReplyDeleteUS warns against North Korean satellite launch – media
ReplyDelete'Satellites' and 'nukes' DO NOT exist!
DeleteAls er astronauten aan boord van het ISS zitten, waarom worden de beelden dan in scĆØne gezet?
ReplyDeleteIf there are astronauts aboard the ISS, why are the images staged?
DeletePut the page in English via the language button at the top right
International Fake Station | Brevard County Commission Meeting 4/4/23
DeleteRussia warns US over space facilities used to help Ukraine
ReplyDeleteRussia launches new military satellite (VIDEO)
DeleteNorth Korean spy satellite photographs White House – Pyongyang
ReplyDeleteKim Jong-un sitting next to a non-existent globe...
DeleteSatellites are very important in a globers day by day.
ReplyDeleteDon’t tell them they’re fake, they come up with the craziest stories.
Footage of a 'satellite'