Thursday 26 September 2024

Emotional court hearing in Leeuwarden against Gates: 'The people behind this terrible nightmare must be punished'

Emotional court hearing in Leeuwarden against Gates: 'The people behind this terrible nightmare must be punished'

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Bill Gates: It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Gods vonnis staat al lang vast: alle verantwoordelijken voor het "project-Covid-19 The Great Reset" zullen voor eeuwig worden gepijnigd in de poel van vuur, tenzij ze zich laten redden door God middels het geloof in wat de Heer JEZUS Christus voor ons gedaan heeft, overeenkomstig 1 Korinthe 15:1-4.

    1. God's verdict has long been determined: all those responsible for the "project Covid-19 The Great Reset" will be tormented forever in the lake of fire, unless they allow themselves to be saved by God through faith in what the Lord JESUS ​​Christ has done for us, according to 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

  2. Replies
    1. Journalist closely follows legal case against Bill Gates and his associates and is 'very shocked': 'Very creepy'

  3. Replies
    1. Pathologist can hardly believe what she's experiencing: 'I've never seen anything like this before!'

  4. Replies
    1. A total of three 'awake': Watch here the lecture by lawyer Jeroen Pols for brainwashed Utrecht law students

    2. De 'Coronapandemie' was een machtsgreep The 'Corona Pandemic' Was a Power Grab

  5. Replies
    1. Resurfaced email about COVID-19 vaccine ‘safeguarding’ stirs controversy: ‘No words, really no words’

  6. Replies
    1. Draft final report of the Parliamentary Committee on Corona Mortality has just been released: it's even worse than you thought

  7. Replies
    1. Ballast Nedam director alludes to CO2 lockdown: 'That was a conspiracy theory, wasn't it?'

  8. Replies
    1. Revealed WhatsApp conversation between Hugo de Jonge and Jaap van Dissel raises questions

  9. Replies
    1. Parliament refuses debate on flood of reports of side effects at Lareb: 'Apparently everyone thinks it's fine'


    2. Bezorgd burger 1
      1 uur geleden

      Zelfs Gideon kan de corona leugens en het gevaar van de daar opvolgende prikken niet doorbreken en hoe komt dat nou ??

      Ondanks dat er zoveel bewijs is, dat heel de corona – waanzin en de daaruit volgende injecties 1 grote grove leugen is krijg men niet doorbroken. Het blijf maar doorgaan. Mensen blijven in de rij staan voor een spuitje, ondanks de waarschuwingen die o.a Gideon geeft…

      Hoe sterk is deze leugen, dat de waarheid maar niet boven komt???
      Dan kan maar 1 reden hebben, omdat dit een geestelijke oorlog is. Een oorlog die door geestelijke kwade machten wordt aangestuurd, die uit zijn op dood en verderf.
      ( ps : de meeste oorlogen zijn aangestuurd door boze machten) en die deze corona leugen in staand houden, ondanks dat er mensen wakker zijn.

      En hoe kan het dat deze geestelijke machten de mensen zo een rad voor de ogen kunnen blijven draaien??

      Heel simpel omdat velen geen geestelijke grond( inzicht) meer onder de voeten hebben, geen besef meer hebben dat we met een geestelijke wereld van doen hebben, welke alleen beschreven wordt in de Bijbel. Het woord van God die ons verteld het verschil tussen goed en kwaad en wat er tegen te doen is.

      Want God is door velen verlaten en de valse evolutie theorie ( weer een leugen) nam zijn opmars. Het woord werd aan de kant gelegd, mensen hadden geen relatie meer met hun Hemelse Vader en de machten van Satan wonnen terrein. En hiervan zien we dus de uitwerking, dat op alle fronten nu de leugen overwint. Wereldwijd…

      En wat er ook zal gebeuren, of er een Trump opstaat die ons ogenschijnlijk zal redden, niets zal afdoen aan t woord van God: we staan voor de grote verdrukking van 7 jaar vermeld in de Bijbel ; Jacobs trouble.

      Maar eerst voordat die verschrikkelijke periode aanbreekt zal God de Zijne tot zich nemen : de opname van de gemeente genoemd , hier een simpele uitleg;

      En daarna breekt de hel uit op aarde met een grote dictator aan de macht, waarvan wij denken dat Trump wel eens kandidaat zou kunnen zijn of een voorbereider ervan: hij is net zo lid van t cluppie, net zoals de meeste andere wereldleiders.

      Want Trump is mede oprichter van de derde Tempel in Israƫl ;

      Wordt ook het Joodse volk niet zwaar misleidt ?

      Want wie gaat plaats nemen in de derde tempel in Jeruzalem? De Bijbel spreekt van het gruwel der verwoesting : de Anti Christ !

      “Wanneer gij dan de gruwel der verwoesting, waarvan door de profeet DaniĆ«l gesproken is (DaniĆ«l 9:27), op de heilige plaats ziet staan – wie het leest geeft er acht op – laten dan wie in Judea zijn vluchten naar de bergen.” (Matt 24:15)

      Alles zal nog vorm krijgen, ook wij weten nog niet precies hoe de precieze puzzelstukjes in mekaar zullen passen. Maar de grove stukken zijn al redelijk zichtbaar.

      Wat wij hiermee willen zeggen is, zoek uw enige heil die gelegen is in de ware redder van deze wereld : de Here Jezus Christus. En laat dit een bemoediging zijn voor velen, want velen zullen nog tot geloof komen tijdens de grote verdrukking en hun leven aan de liefdevolle vredevorst geven : de Here Jezus Christus. Ik hoop u ook …

    3. Concerned citizen 1
      1 hour ago

      Even Gideon cannot break through the corona lies and the danger of the subsequent injections and how come??

      Despite the fact that there is so much evidence that the entire corona madness and the resulting injections are 1 big gross lie, people cannot break through. It just keeps going on. People keep queuing for an injection, despite the warnings that Gideon gives, among others...

      How strong is this lie, that the truth just does not come out???

      Then there can only be 1 reason, because this is a spiritual war. A war that is driven by spiritual evil powers, who are out for death and destruction.
      (ps: most wars are driven by evil powers) and who keep this corona lie going, despite the fact that people are awake.

      And how is it possible that these spiritual powers can continue to pull the wool over people's eyes??

      Very simply because many no longer have spiritual ground (insight) under their feet, no longer have any awareness that we are dealing with a spiritual world, which is only described in the Bible. The word of God that tells us the difference between good and evil and what to do about it.

      Because God has been abandoned by many and the false theory of evolution (another lie) took its rise. The word was put aside, people no longer had a relationship with their Heavenly Father and the powers of Satan gained ground. And of this we see the effect, that on all fronts the lie is now winning. Worldwide…

      And whatever will happen, whether a Trump will arise who will apparently save us, nothing will detract from the word of God: we are facing the great tribulation of 7 years mentioned in the Bible; Jacob's trouble.

      But first before that terrible period begins, God will take His own: called the rapture of the church, here is a simple explanation;

      And then hell breaks loose on earth with a great dictator in power, of which we think Trump could be a candidate or a preparer: he is just as much a member of the club, just like most other world leaders.

      Because Trump is co-founder of the third Temple in Israel;

      Isn't the Jewish people also being seriously deceived?

      Because who will take a seat in the third temple in Jerusalem? The Bible speaks of the abomination of desolation: the Anti Christ!

      Matthew 15:20
      “When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Daniel 9:27), standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” (Matt 24:15)

      Everything will still take shape, we also do not yet know exactly how the precise puzzle pieces will fit together. But the rough pieces are already reasonably visible.

      What we want to say with this is, seek your only salvation which lies in the true savior of this world: the Lord Jesus Christ. And let this be an encouragement to many, because many will still come to faith during the great tribulation and give their lives to the loving prince of peace: the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you too …

  10. Replies
    1. Anger over ‘worthless’ report on Covid vaccinations and excess mortality: ‘This can’t be right?!’

    2. Het doel van deze schoften is het opwekken van machteloze woede, dus boosheid waar je niets mee kan, en waar je alleen jezelf schade mee berokkend. Zie het juist positief en geloof dat God deze smeerlappen hard zal straffen en dat gerechtigheid zal geschieden.

    3. The goal of these bastards is to arouse impotent anger, anger that you can do nothing with, and that only harms yourself. Look at it positively and believe that God will punish these bastards severely and that justice will be done.

  11. Replies
    1. This letter invites unsuspecting elderly people for a corona vaccination: 'This won't make you feel well, will it?'

  12. Replies
    1. The Netherlands was offered as a testing ground for phase 3 research into corona vaccinations: 'Red carpet strategy at the request of the cabinet'

  13. Replies
    1. Dr. Rogier Louwen sent this email to the Members of Parliament in 2021 to express his concerns about the corona shots

  14. Replies
    1. 'The cesspool of Lareb and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is much deeper than thought and far from empty'

  15. Replies
    1. Professor Capel ‘shocked’ by self-replicating mRNA vaccines: ‘I can already see the disasters unfolding’

  16. Replies
    1. Frits Barend shares a striking anecdote after the sudden death of football icon Neeskens: 'I don't want any more injections'

  17. Replies
    1. Released Emails: Journalist Proudly Notifies Marion Koopmans That He Has Debunked 'Conspiracy Theory'

  18. Replies
    1. Former Minister Kuipers incorrectly informed the House of Representatives: 'Why are these tapes still a state secret?'

    2. Nederland wordt bestuurd totaal verrotte, corrupte en door God vervloekte misdadigers!

    3. The Netherlands is governed by totally rotten, corrupt and God-cursed criminals!

  19. Replies
    1. Alternative media trumped 'trusted channels' during corona time, government scored poorly

  20. Replies
    1. Urgent email from Lareb to the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport shows: it was much worse

  21. Replies
    1. Harsh attack on D66 MP Paulusma: 'Shameless stupid advertising'

  22. Replies
    1. Video: Serious clash between Van Haga and De Jonge suddenly appears in a completely different light

  23. Replies
    1. Experts from around the world gathered in Sarajevo last week for this important conference

    2. Ondertussen gaat de massamoord via de prikken 'gewoon' door Meanwhile, the mass murder via the injections continues 'as usual'

  24. Replies
    1. De overheid wil ons UITROEIEN! The government wants to EXTERMINATE us!

  25. Replies
    1. ‘Hospitals want to rake in as much as possible’: What you shouldn’t have known about the first wave

    2. Misdadige ambtenaren! Criminal civil servants!

  26. Replies
    1. The first victory is a fact: lawsuit against Bill Gates in Leeuwarden continues

  27. Replies
    1. BOOM: Another outbreak of excess mortality, coinciding with vaccination


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