Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Moscow names condition for resuming arms control talks with US

Washington must stop arming Kiev first, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says 

Russia sees no possibility of resuming talks with Washington on the cornerstone New START arms control treaty while the US continues to arm Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.


Speaking in a live interview on radio Sputnik, Maria Zakharova said: “The US intends to supply even more weapons to the conflict region, in which the Russian Federation is directly involved. That is, they will supply all these weapons, they will encourage the Kiev regime to cause even more bloodshed, they will allocate money for extremist activities that are carried out under the auspices of these delusional people [in the Ukrainian presidency], and we will sit with them at the same table and discuss issues of mutual security with them, including those in their interest?"



WHY do they LIE about the RIGHT SHAPE of the earth?

Because they're all on the SAME SIDE: of the LYING VATICAN, which is LUCIFER'S disguised Roman Empire through which he controls the ENTIRE world!


We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Replies
    1. Explosive statement EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen: Ukrainian army collapsed – 100,000 dead and at least 200,000 injured

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  2. Replies
    1. Slip of the tongue Ursula von der Leyen: 'More than 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have already been killed'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  3. Replies
    1. “They are telling us about the ‘Holodomor’, about something else. It’s a shame to listen to all this coming from the lips of high-ranking officials, they should repent for three generations to come,” he stated.

  4. Replies
    1. The EU and the US are criminal organizations so they STEAL

  5. Replies
    1. Scott Ritter Revelations: The US Is Waging War “Not Only To The Last Ukrainian, But To The Last German Factory”

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. What is happening in Ukraine is a war crime, a war crime committed by the West, not the Russians!”

    3. The Vatican = Luciferian Roman empire controlled West

  6. Replies
    1. The Ukrainian army is lost! “I discussed with Biden the new security architecture in Europe; Russia gets guarantees”

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  7. Replies
    1. Massive Russian retaliatory strike: First Russian wave of more than 100 missiles has hit: No water and electricity in Ukraine (Videos)

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  8. Replies
    1. On top of the huge fuel prices: Now also ridicule and ridicule from Russia (Video)

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  9. Replies
    1. Surprise in NATO Ukraine: 150,000 Russians entered Donetsk with 300 new (!) T-90M and T-72B4 tanks – Russian industry in full swing (Videos)

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  10. Replies
    1. OnTheRazorsEdge
      So much hypocrisy. NATO says they want to prevent escalation, while the US gives the go ahead to escalate.

  11. Replies
    1. The Russian businessman described “inhuman” conditions in US jails and ridiculed claims that he armed the Taliban
      ‘Nazi’-inspired US prison guards, American ‘revolution’ and Ukraine conflict: Highlights from Viktor Bout’s RT interview

      In his first major interview since his release, Viktor Bout, whom the US claimed was an arms dealer, spoke to RT on Saturday. Bout was returned to Russia in a high-profile prisoner swap for basketball player Brittney Griner on Thursday.

      During the conversation, the businessman revealed his techniques to stay sane while behind bars, spoke about the conflict in Ukraine and on whether he believed the US might be on the verge of an uprising.

      Arming the Taliban

      Bout served 12 years in American prisons on arms-trafficking charges that he denies. Despite evading Taliban captivity in the mid-1990s, several American media outlets reported this week that he supplied up to 200 Soviet T-90 tanks to the Afghan Islamists. This claim apparently originated in an anonymously-sourced report by Germany’s Der Spiegel in 2002.

      “No, I did not have any relations with the Taliban,” he told RT. “The Taliban put a bounty on my head. How can anyone say I worked with the Taliban?”

      Regarding the supposed delivery of tanks to the militants, Bout asked how he could have possibly pulled off “200 flights to Afghanistan” and hammered the US media for not providing any evidence to back up this claim.

      “Even Soviet propaganda understood that there are some limits,” he said. “You had to at least say some truths."

      The plea deal 

      While Bout maintains his innocence, he said that he accepted a plea deal to serve 25 years because “what was one supposed to do?” However, he said that his attempts to switch lawyers before signing the deal were thwarted by his public defender, who misled him into sticking with her and admitting guilt.

      “How can you trust this system when it works against you?” he argued.

    2. Prison conditions

      Bout said that guards would withhold food from troublesome inmates and leave harsh cell lighting on overnight, all in what he called a Nazi-inspired bid to “break a person’s will.” He described the quality of food served to prisoners as “inhuman” and said that he “lost a lot of weight” while incarcerated in the US.

      However, the “biggest challenge” he faced behind bars was being granted only a single phone call every month.

      The prison population

      Bout spent much of his time at the United States Penitentiary, Marion in Illinois in solitary confinement, before he was housed with the general population of the facility from 2016 onwards.

      The majority of inmates were African-American and Hispanic, Bout told RT. He added that “mostly my fellow inmates were sympathetic towards Russia. Or at least if they knew nothing about it, they would ask me questions.”

      Bout passed the time by reading and learning several foreign languages, but recalled that drug use was rife among his fellow prisoners. “If it happens in a prison, just imagine what is happening out there on the street,” he said.

      On Ukraine

      Bout told RT that he sees the sanctions placed against him by the US as an “experiment,” and a warning to his fellow Russians. As such he was not surprised when the West responded to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine with economic penalties.

      “I fully support the special military operation,” he stated, arguing that Russia should have sent its troops into Donbass in 2014. 

      “If I could, I would share the skills I have and I would readily volunteer,” he declared.

      Meeting Griner

      When Bout learned of Griner’s arrest on television, he recalled that an inmate approached him and told him “this is your ticket back home.” While the businessman said that he didn’t get his hopes up, the two would meet on the tarmac in Abu Dhabi on Thursday during the exchange.

      “She wanted to shake my hand,” Bout said of Griner. “You could feel that she was really positive.”

      An American revolution?

      Asked whether he’d prefer to see Joe Biden or Donald Trump in the White House, Bout compared the two to “Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi,” adding that Russians “pay too much attention to US politics.”

      “I don’t believe they’ll have a revolution in the United States,” he said, referring to political division in the country. Bout elaborated, arguing that excessive drug use is making young Americans too passive “to do anything,” while Washington ruthlessly punishes dissent, as it did when it jailed the Trump supporters who protested against Biden’s electoral victory on Capitol Hill last January.

  12. Replies
    1. Terrified, the Ukrainian General Staff asks for help: “200,000 Russian soldiers will arrive at the gates of Kiev” – War fever in Belarus

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  13. Replies
    1. This proves that Nazi-US is calling the shots in Nazi-Ukraine on behalf of Satan and the Vatican = Roman Empire

    2. And why isn't Putin destroying Washington D.C. and the Pentagon...and the Vatican?

    3. Because Putin cooperates with the POPE!

  14. Replies
    1. The Biden administration is lying about maintaining contacts between the two countries, the Foreign Ministry says

    2. The USA = United Satans of the Antichrist

  15. Replies
    1. Damien Francois
      And then think of the MORGENTHAU, the HALLSTEIN and KALERGI plans!
      2 hr

      Damien Francois
      Again, Russia is being very diplomatic... "US seeks to make the EU its vassal – Moscow". Well, Europistan has been a US vassal for 75 years now. The proto EU was already conceived as a tool to put the European nations on a US leash, a part of the One World Goivernment plan - in the late 1940s, after WW2, the UN, NATO, etc. were also created to that specific end! Teleology, teleology... The destruction of the European Nations, governments and religion is already the topic of a book publsihed in... 1798 (!!!) by a famous FreeMason, John Robison: "Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe" .
      2 hr

      Here is a short list of our Dire World:

      -US just finished unleashing Covid19 virus on the world.
      - Now we are at war again. A war that US started.

      - We've also recently reported that US has been in 57 undeclared wars since WW2 and over 250 military incidents in past four decades.

      -Inflation is raging. Food costs up 40%, housing up over 50%, gas has doubled.

      -US debt is over 31 Trillion. Unfunded liabilities over 167 Trillion.

      -Food shortages

      -Energy shortages

      -Massive Layoffs have started

      -The Fed is hiking rates into a recession (never happened before)

      Here is Greg Mannarino's take on our situation.

      Greg writes:

    2. If central banks do not find another mechanism to continue to inflate, IMMEDIATELY, the entire global financial system will melt down.
      The current central bank run financial system is 100% debt based. What this means is a debt based financial/economic system can only function if more debt is constantly added/borrowed into existence- and the moment this stops, the financial system in its entirety implodes.
      War, expanding wars, Congressional acts/policies, disease processes, warp speed vaccines, drugs, engineered crisis after crisis, etc. are all mechanisms pushed upon an unsuspecting public to pull debt relentlessly and exponentially into the system.
      Not only does the system demand that more debt by created, and henceforth pulled into existence, but it must also do so on an ever-increasing basis just to sustain the current environment. The borrowing of debt into existence, which at its core demands that the currency expand/inflate, is MASSIVELY inflationary.
      Currently the world is being sold a lie, which is inflation is running rampant because rates are too low. The fact here is simple: raising rates is meant to KILL demand, not lower inflation.
      To lower inflation, all the Federal Reserve or any central bank must do is contract the money supply. If in fact the Federal Reserve really wanted to lower inflation, they would increase the capital reserve requirement of the banks, which currently sits at zero, this would contract the money supply.
      The last thing that ANY central bank, especially the Federal Reserve wants to do in this environment is to contract the money supply, in fact, that want to expand it/inflate it.
      The power of any central bank resides in ONE THING, its ability to inflate… PERIOD.
      How do you kill a central bank? Simple, prevent them from issuing A SINGLE DOLLAR OF MORE DEBT.
      Central banks will NEVER give up their ability to inflate, it would take a full-on revolution of the people against central banking to make that happen. As it stands, central banks are the most powerful organizations on the planet, none more so than the Federal Reserve which has the FULL backing of the US Armed Forces, which includes its nuclear arsenal- henceforth the petrodollar.
      What we can fully expect moving forward is yet again some other kind of mechanism which will allow the Federal Reserve to continue to inflate.
      Another disease processes possibly… Expanding war… Some new Congressional act/policy… ANOTHER CRISIS… Some new way to borrow/buy debt.

      Watch this epic interview between Daniela Cambone and Greg Mannarino.

      Greg trots out his thesis that the Federal Reserve and central banks are marshaling in their wicked plan to wipe out an entire class of people. Mannarino is the first to promote what he is calling Central Bank's "Final Solution" meaning central banks mission to return to a two-tier system (feudalism: Kings & Peasants)

      Many would believe his paradigm is exaggerated or alarmist but take a look around everyone....

  16. Replies
    1. "The advent of nuclear weapons is the result of the intervention of the Almighty"

    2. The non-existence of 'nukes' are NOTHING compared to what God can do!

    3. God uses the earth as His footstool and He only has to kick it a bit and we're all DEAD!

    4. By failing internally, Western elites have actively fed the weeds that have taken root in the soil of seventy years of prosperity, satiation and peace. Those comprise of anti-human ideologies: the denial of family, homeland, history, love between men and women, faith, service to higher ideals, everything that is human. Their philosophy is to weed out those who resist. The aim is to neuter people in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, which is becoming more and more obviously unjust and harmful to man and humanity.

    5. Thus, the trajectory of most Western countries clearly points towards a new fascism, which could be called “liberal” totalitarianism.’

    6. This vector of Western movement is a clear sign of the drift towards the outbreak of World War Three.

    7. it is necessary for the West to simply "piss off" and end its interference in the direction of Russia and the rest of the world.

    8. That's plain language! That's the only language dangerous BEASTS understand!

    9. The enemy must know that we are ready to launch a preemptive retaliatory strike in response to its current and past aggression in order to prevent a slide into a global thermonuclear war.

    10. I know that the late Chancellors Helmut Kohl and Helmut Schmidt fled from their bunkers as soon as the question of such use came up in an exercise.

    11. But what if the present Western leaders refuse to back down? Perhaps they have lost all sense of self-preservation? Then we will have to hit a group of targets in a number of countries to bring those who have lost their senses back to their senses.

    12. It’s a morally frightening choice – we would be using God's weapon and condemning ourselves to great spiritual loss. But if this is not done, not only may Russia perish, but most likely the whole of human civilization will end.

    13. Again: The non-existence of 'nukes' are NOTHING compared to what God can do!
      God uses the earth as His footstool and He only has to kick it a bit and we're all DEAD!

    14. 'NUCLEAR WEAPONS' are (intercontinental) missiles with a large conventional explosive force

    15. The fear of DEATH is NOT the same as the fear of God: God can BOTH kill us and cast us FOREVER into His SUPERNATURAL lake of fire where we will be TORMENTED FOREVER for being a REBELLIOUS entity, just like SATAN.....ALL humans are meant to be LIKE the ANGELS!

    16. Do we want to be FALLEN ANGELS or JUSTIFIED HUMANS promoted to RIGHTEOUS ANGELIC beings?

      It's very hard not to agree with this masterpiece of an article. But...

      One particular point that bothers me is the assumption that the Western elites who basically have no values whatsoever other than their own continued enrichment, will simply stop, submit, retreat and capitulate at the sight of a tactical nuke going off somewhere in Europe. This sounds like a very faulty assumption to me.

      I know Americans very, very well. Lived among them for years. Let me tell you. Unless the heat is turned up (somehow) in US SOIL and their lives and/or interests are directly threatened, they won't give a rat's ass about nukes going off thousands of miles from their mansions on 1000-acre lands. Being as sick and indifferent as they are, they might even enjoy and encourage more of it -- as long as it happens anywhere but the US.

    18. Yes, many 'American's, living in the land of LUCIFER, are the most ARROGANT people that ever lived on earth

    19. Scott Morisson
      As an old guy I can still remember the terror many people had back in 1963 over the Cuban missile crisis. I was only a small child back then but the fear and sense of mortality and helplessness that that caused in people remains with me even to this day. For a small child seeing that sense of fear in adults was quite alarming and I clearly remember my uncle saying to my dad, "by the time we see each other again we'll be at war"..... the memories.......

      But I tell you this folks. Fear not for there is no need to fear. Mortal life is limited in its span in any case. Everyone of you has a limited number of days upon this Earth and not one of you will depart before your time is due. That time being already pre-ordained by the creator that you either believe in or not. All we have to do is prepare ourselves for that event when it happens and try to meet it in a state of grace. And of course it will happen, we just do not know when and when it does happen we cannot do anything about it anyway so as such there is nothing to worry about.

      Back in 1963 there were President's Kennedy and Khrushchev, both behaved like adults and where capable of working things out. President Putin is also adult enough to work things out in this present time. As for President Biden - well I'm not even sure that this moron is even in control of his own bowel movements to be quite honest, but I am sure that things will work themselves out one way or the other.

      Either which way I have survived at least one nuclear war and for that I thank my creator.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”