Thursday, 30 June 2022

Why I am not a Pentecostal!

Robert Breaker May 6, 2015  This Bible Study video, by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, shows why he personally is not a Pentecostal.  In this video he shows what Pentecostals believe, where they come from, and how many of their doctrines are taken from the early part of the book of Acts, which was JEWS preaching to JEWS.  He further shows the transition in the book of Acts to GENTILES, and explains how today we are under the ministry of the Apostle Paul, the apostle to the GENTILES (Rom. 11:13), and how salvation today is different than it was at Pentecost.
Having belonged to an Assembly of God Church for four years before getting saved, Bro. Robert tells of what he experienced first hand in that religious system, and why he now is not part of that group, as he shows from scriptures why he personally cannot be a Pentecostal or a Charismatic. 


Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Abortion and the Bible

Robert Breaker   Jun 27, 2022  Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about "abortion" and show what the Bible says about it.
To see the film: THE SILENT SCREAM, please click the links below:

(Warning.  It might make you cry to see how BRUTAL abortion really is!!!)


Saturday, 25 June 2022

The end of free will: transhumanism and the WEF

Forum for Democracy  Jun 23, 2022 MP Simone Kerseboom warns us of the return of totalitarianism imposed by the globalist elite through transhumanism.


Friday, 24 June 2022

World Economic Forum To “Freeze Bank Accounts” of Meat Eaters To "Educate Them”

The People's Voice   Jun 23, 2022  World Economic Forum Pushing Credit Card That ‘Cuts Off’ Users Who Overspend Carbon Credits

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is pushing a credit card that will track your carbon consumption and cut you off when you have “used up all your carbon credits.”

Doconomy is a credit card endorsed by the fascists at the World Economic Forum that tracks the “environmental impact” of everything you buy (including food) and refuses to let you purchase items when you are deemed to be a net polluter.

Never mind if you have a family at home and you need to put food on the table. The World Economic Forum will track you and cut you off from your hard-earned money if you have been a bad person and used too many carbon credits this week.

It’s presented as an “educational effort,” according to one of the founders.

Mastercard has gone full woke and will “team up” with Doconomy.

Welcome to the “Great Reset” in the world of finance.

Monday, 20 June 2022

Birthday Origins & History with Biblical references - Mother's Day Father's Day

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Birthday Origins & History with Biblical references - Mother's Day Father's Day

Birthday Origins & History with Biblical references

Published on Jan 21, 2011
Birthdays have an ancient origin stemming from magic and paganism, similar to the origins of Christmas and Halloween. This belief in spirits is the reason for many, if not all, of the traditional birthday customs that are practiced today. It was feared that evil spirits were particularly attracted to people on their birthdays. To protect them from harm, friends and family would to come be with the birthday person and bring good thoughts and wishes. Giving gifts brought even more good cheer to ward off the evil spirits. This is how birthday parties began. 

Sunday, 19 June 2022

The Origin of Mother's Day and Father's Day

For most of America, Mother's Day is a day of great celebration. And of course, God has commanded His people to "Honor your father and your mother: Exodus 20:12
1599 Geneva Bible

12 Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged upon the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee.


Thursday, 16 June 2022

Why Does Russia Own This Old Piece of Germany?

Jun 16, 2022


The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

Imperial War Museums  Nov 10, 2021  Japan attacked the U.S Pacific Fleet at its base at Pearl Harbor on the 7th of December 1941, but what led to that decision? Why did the Japanese attack the USA? - The answer is oil.

Japan had been modernising its economy throughout the 20th century and wanted to build an empire of its own. However, Japan lacked the natural resources to make it a reality, with all but 6% of its oil supply being imported. After capturing Manchuria, Japan became bogged down in a full-scale war with China in 1937 and had to look elsewhere for the resources it needed to fight. Meanwhile, the USA was slowly awakening from its isolationism.

When Japan occupied French Indochina in 1941, America retaliated by freezing all Japanese assets in the states, preventing Japan from purchasing oil. Having lost 94% of its oil supply and unwilling to submit to U.S demands, Japan planned to take the oil needed by force. However, striking south into British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies would almost certainly provoke an armed U.S response. To blunt that response, Japan decided to attack the U.S Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, hoping that the U.S would negotiate peace.

The attack at Pearl Harbor was a huge gamble, but one which did not pay off. Though Japan took its objectives in the Pacific and Southeast Asia, the U.S did not respond as expected. Instead of reverting to isolationism, the U.S geared up for total war and Japan's fate was sealed. 


The FIRST SATANIST on earth was a woMAN: EVE!

20,804,559 views Mar 3, 2017 ARCH ENEMY - Nemesis (Live at Wacken 2016). Century Media Records 2017. Taken from the album, "As The Stages Burn!" released on March 31st 2017 // Buy Links Below //


EPICA - Sancta Terra (San Luis Potosi)(20/05/2022)


Tuesday, 14 June 2022

IMPORTANT Mislav Kolakušić: BlackRock and Vanguard - corporations that govern the Western world [ENG]

Mislav Kolakušić, nezavisni zastupnik u EP

Jun 2, 2022 [SHARE] BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street are funds that own all key companies in all areas of life - finance, health, media, military industry and wars. They own assets that are several times larger than the national budgets of countries such as the USA, China, Brazil, India. They are the ones who run the world and appoint presidents and prime ministers. They are the ones who decide our real lives and the world order.


Sunday, 12 June 2022

Former Porn Star Gets Saved and Becomes Pastor's Wife

A PORN star has revealed how she quit her £250,000-a-year job in the adult film industry to become a pastor.
Crystal Bassette, from Clay, New York, starred in over 100 X-rated movies during her 10-year career.

Friday, 10 June 2022


Jun 10, 2022 It's the question you're not allowed to ask. The documentary they don't want you to see.

Banned by Google-YouTube but viewable via Bitchute:


It's the question you're not allowed to ask. The documentary they don't want you to see.


Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Lockdown II The Sequel #Ireland / Hugo Talks

 Hugo Talks 

 Jun 7, 2022  

There is Something Very Strange about This Man! "THE PROPHET": Yuval Noah Harari


Apr 17, 2022 ➤There is Something Very Strange about This Man! "THE PROPHET": Yuval Noah Harari. Transhumanism is a technocratic system that is being pressed by the global elitists and especially by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Form (WEF) and driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is bringing about the WEF’s planned and orchestrated Great Reset a.k.a. the New World Order.


Monday, 6 June 2022

Globus - "Recover" featuring Anneke Van Giersbergen (lyric video)

Globus  Jun 3, 2022  The third single from the forthcoming Globus album Cinematica, “Recover” takes an introspective and emotional look at the mental health challenges the past few years have wrought for so many in our world. Charting familiarly epic Globus sonic landscapes of orchestra, choir and the core Globus band ensemble, the song features the incomparable Anneke Van Giersbergen on lead vocals. In her performance, Anneke brings raw vulnerability and strength to powerful expressions of hardship and hope. Written by composer/producer Yoav Goren, the song recounts a true life experience of trying to find a way to be involved and assist in a family member’s struggles. It is ultimately an affirmation of the real need to support, nourish and love our fellow humans, and ourselves, in times of need.

Globus is an epic rock band founded by award winning composer and producer Yoav Goren. With two studio albums, "Epicon" and "Break From This World", Globus has established itself as one of the world's premier symphonic rock ensembles. Their song "Orchard Of Mines" peaked at no.12 on the Billboard Hot Singles Chart, and their live concert at Wembley in London is available on the DVD "Globus Live from Wembley". The band’s third studio album Cinematica is currently in production and will be released in late 2022. Learn more at


Friday, 3 June 2022

Klaus Schwab, son of a NAZI?

Photo of Klaus Schwab's father, a 'close confidante of Hitler'? .....Untrue

De vader van Klaus Schwab was geen "naaste vertrouweling van Hitler" en is niet de man op deze foto

Klaus Schwab's Father Was Not 'Hitler's Close Confidant'

De onderstaande vergelijking van de twee mannen laat zien dat Eugen Schwab en de Duitse generaal Walter Dybilasz niet dezelfde persoon zijn.
The comparison of the two men below shows that Eugen Schwab and German General Walter Dybilasz are not the same person.

 Maar Klaus Schwab staat wel in relatie tot deze machtige mannen
But Klaus Schwab does have a relationship with these powerful men

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

The BLOODSTAINED Gospel vs 'Asking Jesus Into Your Heart'

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The BLOODSTAINED Gospel vs 'Asking Jesus Into Your Heart'

Asking Jesus Into Your Heart?

Published on Jun 24, 2017

Robert Breaker (42) explains how WRONG it is to 'ask Jesus into your heart'.

So many people THINK they are saved and that they know the right gospel, but in reality this isn't the case.
Watch this video and GET SAVED in case you're one of those who have always believed in the WRONG gospel!

Pastor Charles Lawson Exposed By His Own Words, The Film

This video is among other things against freemasonry and the globe earth lie.

Atheists are INSANE

Monday, February 3, 2014

Atheists are INSANE

UFO~Darker Days~Walk On Water 

'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”