Friday, 17 June 2022

Why Turkey is Transforming Istanbul Into an Island


Jun 19, 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Salix
      That's the way how the Neocon & Neoliberals used to run the planet in the unipolar world since the collapse of the Soviet Union. They will use every dirty trick to prevent the new multipolar world Russia, China, Iran and other partners are currently working to establish. Western elite's including their socalled intellectuals still live in the colonial age, where they issued orders which "brown" nations had to follow or be bombed into submission.

  2. Replies
    1. Turks increasingly perceive the US as a threat and Russia as a friend, vice-chair of Vatan Party Ethem Sancak argues

  3. Russian oil imports by NATO state hit historic high
    Türkiye has been ramping up purchases despite the Western sanctions, according to Reuters

    1. Despite the US warnings that Türkiye could face penalties if it is proven to be helping Russia bypass Western restrictions, Ankara has insisted it had no plans to support the sanction policy on Moscow, arguing that “our own benefit and prosperity come first.”

  4. NATO state won't let UK send minesweepers to Ukraine
    Citing international law, Türkiye has said it will block the vessels from entering the Black Sea


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