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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”

Artist name: Vera Bergkamp Demonratten '66 Demon Rats '66 Vera Bergkamp COC Gay Objectives - Demolition of the Netherlands - Cove...
Pre-rapture 'news' concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Israel Pre-opname 'nieuws' aangaande de we...
Ernstige ontwikkeling in Oekraïne: DPR-leider zegt dat ze naar Lviv zullen marcheren
ReplyDeleteSerious Development in Ukraine: DPR Leader Says Will March to Lviv
DeleteEU leaders want immediate candidate status for Ukraine
ReplyDelete(meaning that the ROMAN CATHOLIC EU -and the EU flag is the MARY flag!- have no problems with a FASCIST state!)
French President Emmanuel Macron has stated that Germany, France, Italy and Romania are all in favor of granting Ukraine immediate EU-candidate status, following a joint meeting between the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and four EU leaders in Kiev on Thursday.
Macron arrived in Ukraine with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.
After the talks concluded, the visiting leaders held a press conference at which they announced the results of the talks and expressed support for Ukraine amid the ongoing military conflict with Russia.
Macron was first to outline that all present were in support of granting Ukraine immediate candidate status to join the EU.
He added that France will deliver six additional long-range Ceasar guns to Ukraine on top of the twelve that have already been delivered.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that he'd come to Ukraine with a clear message – that Ukraine belongs in the European family and that Germany will support a positive decision on Ukraine and Moldova’s EU membership accession.
Italy’s Draghi also expressed support for Ukraine’s candidate status, stating that "We are at a turning point in our history. The Ukrainian people defend every day the values of democracy and freedom that underpin the European project, our project. We cannot wait. We cannot delay this process."
He was speaking on the same day that Zelensky's regime banned two more of Ukraine's opposition parties.
The Italian leader also addressed the destruction Ukraine has endured during this conflict, stating that “they destroyed the nurseries, the playgrounds”. He vowed, however, that Ukraine will be rebuilt with EU help.
Meanwhile, Zelensky urged the visiting leaders to put more pressure on Russia and accept a new, seventh package of sanctions against Moscow, arguing that its aggression is an attack against all of Europe.
The Ukrainian leader also insisted that the more weapons his country got from Western nations, the faster it will be able to liberate, what he called, its occupied territories.
Russische spionnenchef: “Globalistische elites zijn de doctrine van de Gouden Miljard aan het uitrollen”
ReplyDeleteRussian Spy Chief: ‘Global Elites are Rolling Out the Doctrine of the Golden Billion’
DeleteDuitsland boos: “Krijg niet genoeg Russisch gas – Rusland: “Ons product, onze regels”
ReplyDeleteGermany angry: “Not getting enough Russian gas – Russia: “Our product, our rules”
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Poetin – Westerse “Elites” leven in een “Droomwereld”
ReplyDeletePutin – Western “Elites” Live in a “Dream World”
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Kijk: President Zelenski op heterdaad betrapt bij vernietigen bewijs biolabs?
ReplyDeleteWatch: President Zelensky Caught Red-Handed Destroying Evidence Biolabs?
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Russia doesn’t care about ‘eyes of the West’ – Lavrov
ReplyDeleteAngela Merkel reveals her role in the Ukraine conflict
ReplyDeleteEuropeanen zijn voorstander van vredesakkoord in Oekraïne
ReplyDeletePublic opinion on Ukraine shifts as Europeans back immediate peace over a resounding Russian defeat
DeleteBut most 'peace-loving' Europeans believe that Russia is to blame and not the US and the West.
DeleteZelensky-regime geeft opdracht tot de vernietiging van 100 miljoen boeken
ReplyDeleteZelensky Regime Orders the Destruction of 100 Million Books
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Two lessons can be drawn from these events:
DeleteThere had been no such destruction of books since World War II and the Nazi book burnings.
NATO is fully aware of what is happening, otherwise it would not have tried to cover up the message.
The old world is over: Key takeaways from Putin's first major speech since Russia's military offensive in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteReasons for the Ukraine conflict
DeleteRussia sent troops into Ukraine in February because the West refused to abide by its obligations, and it was “simply impossible to reach any new agreements with them,” Putin said. The decision was “forced, but necessary,” as Russia had every right as a sovereign country to defend its security and protect its citizens and residents of Donbass from “genocide by the Kiev regime and neo-Nazis who received the full protection of the West."
The West spent years turning Ukraine into an “anti-Russia” state and pumping it with weapons and military advisers, Putin said, pointing out they “did not give a damn” about Ukraine’s economy or the lives of its people, but “spared no expense to create a NATO foothold in the east, directed against Russia, to cultivate aggression, hatred and Russophobia."
“All the objectives of the special military operation will be unconditionally achieved,” Putin said.
Putin gives key address at SPIEF 2022 plenary session | FULL SPEECH
DeleteUrsula von der Leyen: “Being ready to die for the European perspective”
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Oekraïense leger lanceert ongekende bommenregen, westerse politici en media zwijgen als het graf
ReplyDeleteUkrainian army launches unprecedented bombardment, western politicians and media are silent as the grave
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‘Zelensky bereid groot deel Oekraïne af te staan aan Rusland in ruil voor EU lidmaatschap’
ReplyDeleteZelensky willing to cede large share of Ukraine to Russia in exchange for EU membership
DeleteLinks to sources below the article
Germany Forgot Angela Merkel Was An East German Communist And Putin Pal
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton has criticized Emmanuel Macron’s policy towards Russia – the French leader should take it as a compliment
ReplyDeleteLitouwen heeft wellicht de lont aangestoken voor de Derde Wereldoorlog
ReplyDeleteLithuania May Have Lit the Fuse on World War III
DeleteIedereen heeft het over Poetin. Wat hij werkelijk zegt, mag niemand weten. Hier is zijn toespraak in het Nederlands
ReplyDeleteEveryone is talking about Putin. Nobody is allowed to know what he really says. Here is his speech in Dutch
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De Russen hebben nu de mogelijkheid om een ongecontroleerde crash in Europa te veroorzaken, en dat is niet wat Davos van plan was
ReplyDeleteThe Russians now have the opportunity to cause an uncontrolled crash in Europe, which is not what Davos intended
DeleteWorld War 3 for dummies
De fluwelen handschoenen gaan uit: Meer dan 50 Oekraïense generaals en officieren gedood bij raketaanval
ReplyDeleteThe velvet gloves are off: More than 50 Ukrainian generals and officers killed in rocket attack
Delete“Wij worden eenvoudigweg naar een zekere dood gestuurd”: Waarom steeds meer Oekraïense militairen weigeren aan de frontlinies van de Donbass te vechten
ReplyDelete'Sent to certain death': Why growing numbers of Ukrainian servicemen are refusing to fight on the Donbass frontlines
DeleteGetuige bloedbad van Boetsja treedt naar buiten: ‘Dit is veel erger dan fascisme, dit is satanisme’
ReplyDeleteWitness of the Bucha massacre comes out: 'This is much worse than fascism, this is Satanism'
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Supported by the west, the Vatican and Satan!
DeleteDe nieuwe regels van Rusland – “Wij interesseren ons niet in wat het Westen denkt”
ReplyDeleteRussia's new rules – “We are not interested in what the West thinks”
DeleteThe Washington Post: Biden zal “een wereldwijde recessie en toenemende honger” aanvaarden om Rusland te stoppen
ReplyDeleteWaPo: Biden Will Accept “A Global Recession and Mounting Hunger” to Stop Russia
DeleteVolgende stap naar Derde Wereldoorlog? Gewonden gemeld na aanval op Russische boorplatforms op de Krim
ReplyDeleteNext step to World War III? Injuries reported after attack on Russian oil rigs in Crimea
DeleteInjuries reported after attack on Russian offshore rigs
Russia threatens Lithuania with ‘serious’ consequences
ReplyDeletePaniekaankopen in Kaliningrad nu Litouwen Russische spoorwegen “sanctioneert”
ReplyDeletePanic Buying in Kaliningrad as Lithuania "Sanctions" Russian Railroad
DeletePutin announces deployment of S-500 air defense systems
ReplyDeleteOekraïne – De reactie van het Westen als het met de werkelijkheid wordt geconfronteerd
ReplyDeleteUkraine – The West’s Response As It Meets With Reality
DeleteZe worden wakker – Duitse televisie: “Rusland heeft deze oorlog gewonnen”
ReplyDeleteNAVO stuurt aan op Kaliningrad CATASTROPHE door Rusland te provoceren tot een wereldwijde atoomoorlog
ReplyDeleteNATO pushing for Kaliningrad CATASTROPHE by provoking Russia into global nuclear war
DeleteBereid u voor op WO III: Het Westen HEEFT OORLOG NODIG, want het hele financiële systeem stort in elkaar
ReplyDeleteArmstrong: Prepare for WWIII: The West NEEDS war because the entire financial system is collapsing
DeleteWesterse militaire analisten, inclusief CIA, verdwaasd en verbijsterd
ReplyDeleteWestern Military Analysts, Including the CIA, Dazed and Confused
Delete'Casus belli': What Kaliningrad blockade means for Russia
ReplyDeleteEU to review Kaliningrad blockade
ReplyDeleteThe granting of EU candidacy to Ukraine is merely a PR stunt, just ask the Turkish who signed the same deal in 1999
ReplyDeleteRussisch succes in de Donbas versnelt
ReplyDeleteRussian success in the Donbas accelerates
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Russisch leger verovert twee Franse houwitsers op Kievse troepen
ReplyDeleteRussian army captures two French howitzers from Kiev troops
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Verbranden Oekrainse strijdkrachten de lijken van gevallen buitenlandse huurlingen? (Video 18+)
ReplyDeleteIn Video 18+: Ukrainian Servicemen Burned Bodies Of Their Comrades In Mirnaya Dolyna
DeleteAfrican leaders shun Zelensky
ReplyDeleteUkraine replenishes combat losses with convicts and women – RT source
ReplyDeleteRussisch parlementslid zegt: “Londen zal eerst gebombardeerd worden”
ReplyDeleteMember of Russian Parliament Says "London will be Bombed first"
DeleteUkraine's neo-Nazi Azov battalion has built a 'state within a state,' and it despises both Russia and the liberal West
ReplyDeleteNAZI UK PM reveals what may force him to resign
ReplyDeleteEU has solution for blockade of Russia’s Kaliningrad – MEP
ReplyDeleteKremlin reacts to Ukraine’s EU-candidate status
ReplyDeleteHow Star Wars dumbs down real-world politics for the masses
ReplyDelete(LOSING) Ukraine will decide ‘what victory looks like’ – US
ReplyDeleteDespite Russian advances and talk of compromise with Moscow, Washington insists that Ukraine should dictate the terms of peace
Duitsland wordt mogelijk gedwongen alle industrieën te sluiten – Duitse minister overtuigd dat dit offers zijn die de Duitsers bereid zijn te brengen om Rusland te straffen voor zijn invasie in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteSyria recognizes Donbass Republics – state media
ReplyDelete'Russian-speakers will be second-class citizens unless they give up their language': A view on Ukraine's future from Donbass
ReplyDeleteThis article will provide great insight into Ukraine and help understand why this part of the historical Russian empire is being used by the Vatican-led west as a battering ram against Russia.
DeleteWetsvoorstel in Rusland ingediend om Poetin noodbevoegdheden te geven; plaatst de defensie-industrie in “staat van oorlog”
ReplyDeleteBill introduced in Russia To Give Emergency Powers to Putin; Puts Defense Industry in "State of War"
DeleteUkraine reiterates threat against Crimean Bridge
ReplyDeleteSerbia says it will not be ‘NATO foot soldier’
ReplyDeleteJINJER - NOT WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE / Metal Country
ReplyDeleteJun 7, 2022 This video is about Ukrainian band Jinjer from Gorlovka, Donetsk Oblast. The members of the group may seem to be representatives of justice, but in reality they are not at all...
Read the comments
DeleteSergey Poletaev: By fall, the result of the first phase of the Ukraine conflict will be clear – what comes next is up to the West
ReplyDeleteRussia hasn’t really even started yet, Putin warns West
ReplyDeleteEen zware maand voor buitenlandse huurlingen in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteHard Month For Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine
DeleteAlle aardgasstroom op pijpleiding Yamal-Europa stopgezet
ReplyDeleteAll Natural Gas Flow on Yamal-Europe Pipeline Halted
DeleteWaarom de Russen heel Oekraïne zullen moeten bezetten – maar niet alles zullen annexeren
ReplyDeleteWhy the Russians will have to occupy the entirety of Ukraine — but won’t annex all of it.
DeleteSnubbed German president got tough on Zelensky in tense phone call, report claims
ReplyDeleteRussia calls out American goal in arming Ukraine
ReplyDeleteUkraine dismisses ambassador to Germany
ReplyDeleteThe diplomat branded German Chancellor Olaf Scholz an “offended liverwurst.”
DeleteEerste Azov-nazistrijders ter dood veroordeeld in Donetsk volksrepubliek
ReplyDeleteFirst Azov Fighters Sentenced To Death In Donetsk People’s Republic
DeleteNon-stop – Russische strijdkrachten rukken op naar Slaviansk, Artiomovsk en Seversk in Donbass
ReplyDeleteDonbass – Allied forces advance towards Slaviansk, Artiomovsk and Seversk
DeleteUkraine has million-strong army to retake South - minister
ReplyDelete“I’m sure that in the next few years we will see a procession of calls for sovereignty on Russian territory. The Russian Federation will finish its life as different countries – Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, etc,” Reznikov said.
The Vatican led satanic west is using Ukraine to try to break up the Russian Federation
ReplyDeleteUkraine's attack on city in Kherson region 'reminiscent of Hiroshima' – official
ReplyDeleteThe strike on Novaya Kakhovka was carried out with American weapons, local administration says
De laatste druppel? Litouwen verscherpt blokkade ondanks Russische waarschuwing
ReplyDeleteThe last drop? Lithuania tightens blockade despite Russian warning
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Zelensky to consider honoring gay porn star
ReplyDeleteJe niet weet wat je mist, totdat het er niet meer is. Het is al te laat, dus neem uw tijd om ervan te leren
ReplyDeleteDon’t it Always Seem to go, That You Don’t Know What You Got ’til it’s Gone? It’s Already too Late, so Take Your Time Wising Up.
DeleteRussia claims it destroyed US-made Harpoon launchers in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteNearly 200 in need of medical help after Ukrainian attack
ReplyDeleteEvgeny Tugolukov: Germany’s prosperity is fueled by Russia, and the Siemens story suggests the penny may be dropping in Berlin
ReplyDeleteUS providing Kiev with intelligence on Donbass targets – Moscow
ReplyDeleteUkraine claims Russia hit city center
ReplyDeleteRussian exclave head hails blockade victory
ReplyDeleteWesterse media en militaire analisten nog steeds verdwaasd en verward over de oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteWestern Media and Military Analysts Still Dazed and Confused About the War in Ukraine
DeleteBritish Falklands War vet captured in Donbass asks for help – media
ReplyDeleteRusland vernietigt weer een HIMARS, Russische opmars gaat door
ReplyDeleteUkraine Loses another HIMARS, Russian Advance Continues
DeleteRussisch Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken: Westerse bedrijfsmedia en Big Tech zijn schuldig aan “Mediacide”
ReplyDeleteRussian Foreign Ministry Accuses US and Big Tech of “Mediacide”e
DeleteDe politieke klasse van Europa: Zij zijn als herten gevangen in de koplampen van een tegemoetkomend snel voertuig
ReplyDeleteThe political class of Europe: They are like deer trapped in the headlights of an oncoming fast vehicle
DeleteNederland heeft na Duitsland de uitputting van de militaire middelen voor Oekraïne aangekondigd: Magazijnen defensie bijna leeg
ReplyDeleteThe Netherlands, following Germany, announced the exhaustion of military resources for Ukraine
DeleteHoe Westerse wapens voor Oekraïne in Russische musea eindigen
ReplyDeleteHow Western Weapons For Ukraine End Up In Russian Museums
DeleteEU member resumes sanctioned goods transit
ReplyDeleteThe transit of sanctioned Russian cargo remains prohibited only by road. However, the transit of sanctioned military and dual use goods is still fully prohibited “regardless of the mode of transport.”
DeleteScandal-plagued UK PM trains with Ukrainian troops (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteKilling people at home through the jabs and killing Russians in Ukraine through British weapons, Boris Johnson can really be proud of himself, being the son of a man who taught him the evil principles of depopulation...
DeleteRussia claims it destroyed American rocket system
ReplyDeleteMaksim Artemyev: Public opinion seems to be turning against the military draft in Ukraine, how will the Zelensky regime respond?
ReplyDeleteUkraine to seek war-crime charges against Western banks
ReplyDeleteRT witnesses Wagner group fighting in Donbass (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteKijk: Russische leger met open armen ontvangen in Lisitsjansk – ‘We hebben elke dag op jullie gewacht’
ReplyDeleteWatch: Russian army welcomed with open arms in Lisichiansk – 'We've been waiting for you every day'
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German mayors want Nord Stream 2 opened
ReplyDeleteRussian gas giant warns it can’t accept key turbine
ReplyDeletePM candidate warns UK to face ‘tough winter’
ReplyDeleteEindelijk wordt de EU wakker – en ontdekt dat zij sowieso verdoemd is
ReplyDeleteAt Last, the EU Wakes Up – And Finds Out It’s Doomed Anyhow
DeleteRussian NATO neighbor boosts snooping effort – WSJ
ReplyDeleteRussia labels Latvian MPs 'Neo-Nazis'
ReplyDeleteEstonia and Finland want to declare WAR on Russia! NATO state mulls closing Baltics for Russian Navy
ReplyDeleteHet machtige Estland… wil werkelijk de Oostzee “sluiten” voor de Russische Oostzee Vloot
DeleteMighty Estonia… Really Wants to “Close” the Baltic Sea to the Russian Baltic Fleet
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Estonian mayor to skip national election in protest of Soviet memorial removal
ReplyDeleteRussians in Latvia should be 'isolated' – president
ReplyDeleteRussian tourists pose ‘security threat’ – EU nation
ReplyDeleteLatvia detains protesters after destruction of Soviet monument
ReplyDeleteGovernment threatens city for not destroying WWII monuments
ReplyDeletePoland warns of EU ‘implosion’ over Ukraine conflict
ReplyDeleteKremlin vows response if EU enacts visa ban for Russians
ReplyDeleteKremlin vows response if EU enacts visa ban for Russians
ReplyDeleteRussia to cut gas supplies to France – Le Figaro
ReplyDeleteRussian speakers protest ‘language genocide’ in Latvia
ReplyDeleteRussian is officially considered a foreign language in Latvia despite the fact that, according to official statistics obtained by Sputnik, about 40% of the population identifies it as their native language.
DeleteEU country blacklists Ukrainian singer because she speaks RUSSIAN....Zelensky too, btw....
ReplyDeleteExiled Russian TV channel sacks host amid pressure from EU member
ReplyDeleteEU state faces criticism for ‘unexpected gift to Kremlin’
ReplyDeleteUS troops deployed near Russian border
ReplyDeleteEU nation explains language policy for Ukrainians
ReplyDeleteEU nation pushes for seizure of Russian assets – Bloomberg
ReplyDeleteExplosion hits Baltic gas pipeline
ReplyDeleteRussia expels EU state’s ambassador
ReplyDeleteMoscow has accused Estonia of making “total Russophobia” its official policy
Polish diplomat warns Germany amid tank standoff
ReplyDeleteTop Russian official assesses relations with Baltic states using GoT quote
ReplyDeletePolish renaming of Russian city is ‘madness’ – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteOfficials have been instructed to call Kaliningrad by its Warsaw-preferred name, ‘Krolewiec’