Eva K Bartlett YouTube deleted this video...watch it on odysee:
Veteran of the CIA & State Department, Larry C Johnson, on Ukraine, Donbass & Russia
Eva K Bartlett YouTube deleted this video...watch it on odysee:
May 28, 2022
I recently spoke with Larry C Johnson, formerly with the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years.
See his bio: https://sonar21.com/about-larry/
Alternative videos....
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”
Schimmige praktijken in Oekraïne: ‘Rode Kruis houdt lijst bij van kinderen met gezonde organen’
ReplyDeleteShady practices in Ukraine: 'Red Cross keeps list of children with healthy organs'
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Westerse “Inlichtingen”: Poetin is ziek, dood, of nog erger
ReplyDeleteA consortium of Western intelligence agencies has issued an assessment claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin is sick, dead, or even worse.
Delete“Based on the fact that his face looks kind of puffy and he doesn’t smile as much as he didn’t used to, we assess with a high degree of confidence that Putin either has cancer, heart disease, AIDS, leprosy, ebola, rabies, smallpox, anthrax, or plague, or most likely some combination of those conditions; or that he is dead and just hasn’t realized it yet; or that he died and has been replaced by the fat guy who pretended to be Osama Bin Laden in the CIA’s fake confession video; or that he died and was brought back to half-life by a secret Russian zombification process that makes corpses walk and talk more or less like they did when they were alive, except that their faces are kind of puffy and they don’t smile as much as they didn’t used to when they were alive, and, most horrifically of all, they stumble around with glazed eyes chasing people and catching them and eating their brains. Since the final option is the most vile and horrific thing we can think of, we assess that it is most likely the truth: PUTIN IS A ROTTING, FESTERING ZOMBIE AND HE IS COMING TO EAT YOUR BRAINS!”
Oekraïne ontslaat eigen Mensenrechtencommissaris wegens het beweren van “systematische verkrachtingen” door Russische troepen
ReplyDeleteUkraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief For Perpetuating Russian Troop 'Systematic Rape' Stories
DeleteOekraïense mensenrechtencommissaris kan niet bewijzen dat Russische soldaten burgers verkrachten, en wordt ontslagen
DeleteUkraine's human rights commissioner can't prove Russian soldiers rape civilians, and is fired
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Westerse vertelsels vol leugens en hopium nu Oekraïne de oorlog verliest
ReplyDeleteWestern Narratives Full Of Lies And Hopium As Ukraine Is Losing The War
DeleteAzovstal’s neonazi militanten zullen als misdadigers vervolgd worden
ReplyDeleteAzovstal’s neo-Nazi Fighters Will Be Prosecuted As Criminals
DeleteUS confirms new heavy weapons for Ukraine
ReplyDeleteNAZI Ukraine gave ‘assurances’ about US-supplied weapons – Blinken
ReplyDeleteIn ommezwaai stuurt Biden raketsysteem naar Oekraïne – en geeft nucleaire waarschuwing aan Rusland
ReplyDeleteBiden to send missile system to Ukraine in U-turn – and issues nuclear warning to Russia
DeleteBreuklijnen en factievorming escaleren in de Oekraïense regering
ReplyDeleteFault Lines And Factionalism Escalate In Ukrainian Government
DeleteScott Ritter: Fase drie in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteSCOTT RITTER: Phase Three in Ukraine
DeleteOekraïne berichten: Russische artillerie – Tegenaanvallen – Nieuwe Raketsystemen
ReplyDeleteUkraine Bits: Russian Artillery - Counter Attacks - New Missile Systems
DeleteOm “maximale druk op te bouwen”: EU legt olie-embargo op aan Rusland (maar niet heus)
ReplyDeleteTo “build maximum pressure”: EU imposes oil embargo on Russia (but not really)
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Oekraïense burgers die door hun eigen regering worden gebombardeerd, zijn doodsbang om zich uit te spreken
ReplyDeleteAlexander Nepogodin: Modern Ukraine was built on an anti-Russia foundation, but a large part of the country refused to play along
ReplyDeleteUkraine will break up just like former Yugoslavia, whether the satanic west likes it or not.
DeleteAs sanctions fail to work and Russia's advance continues, Western media changes its tune on Ukraine
ReplyDeleteKremlin describes current relations with US
ReplyDeleteThere is no contact between the US and Russia, Putin’s spokesman has revealed
Russische senator dringt aan op raketaanvallen op V.S.-bases in Europa
ReplyDeleteRussian senator urges missile strikes on U.S. bases in Europe
DeleteThe Guardian: “Rusland is de economische oorlog aan het winnen en Poetin is niet dichter bij het terugtrekken van troepen”
ReplyDeleteFake stream media: Russia is winning the economic war - and Putin is no closer to withdrawing troops Larry Elliott The Guardian
DeletePoetin roept het Oekraïense leger op om Zelensky-regime omver te werpen – “Terroristen en een bende drugsverslaafden en neonazi’s”
ReplyDeleteRussisch Ministerie van Defensie onthult gegevens over buitenlandse huurlingen in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteRussian Defence Ministry Revealed Data On Foreign Mercenaries In Ukraine
DeleteDoodvriezen in het donker is te verkiezen boven de eis dat Oekraïne neutraal blijft en ophoudt etnische Russen in het oosten uit te moorden? Is dat het “principe” dat Europa verdedigt?
ReplyDeleteFreezing to death in the dark is preferable to demanding that Ukraine remain neutral and stop massacring ethnic Russians in the east? Is that the "principle" that Europe defends?
DeleteUkrainian military at odds with Zelensky – Belarus
ReplyDeleteRussische Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken zegt dat 3e land “betrokken zou kunnen raken” bij Oekraïne conflict
ReplyDeleteRussian Foreign Minister Says 3rd Country "Could Become Involved" in Ukraine Conflict
DeleteOfficial Warning: "Direct US-Russia Conflict"
ReplyDeleteEurope Bans Insuring any Oil Tankers Carrying Russian Oil; Russia Responds with Inert Gas cut-off (Argon, Neon, etc.)
ReplyDeleteUh Oh! Medvedev: "The Horsemen of the Apocalypse are galloping ahead"
ReplyDeleteHoelang moeten wij nog elke dag naar die lul Zelensky op televisie en kranten en internet staren zonder misselijk te worden?
ReplyDeleteHow much longer do we have to stare at that prick Zelensky on television and newspapers and the internet every day without getting sick?
DeleteUS to Send "Game-Changer" HIMARS to Ukraine: The Rest of the Story
DeleteFirst French fighter killed in Ukraine – media (fighting for Satan and the Pope!)
ReplyDeletePropaganda from the Ukrainian front.... German News 1944
ReplyDeleteOops it's from 1944.....but NOTHING has changed and it's the SAME satanic Vatican that is playing ALL SIDES!
DeleteOekraïense militaire eenheden blijven in opstand komen tegen hun bevelhebbers (Video’s)
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Military Units Continue Rebelling against Their Commanders
Delete13-jarige Faina uit Oekraïne: ‘Jullie media spreken niet de waarheid’
ReplyDelete13-year-old Faina from Ukraine: 'Your media are not telling the truth'
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NAZI UK to supply long-range missiles to Ukraine
ReplyDeleteThe British NAZIS are helping their Ukrainian fellow MASS MURDERERS
DeletePutin warns Ukraine against long-range missiles
ReplyDeleteRussian FM reacts to being barred from foreign visit
ReplyDeleteOperatie Z+: Over het omhoogtrekken van het IJzeren Gordijn dat over Europa hangt
ReplyDeleteOperation Z+: On Raising the Iron Curtain Which Hangs Over Europe
DeleteAmerican roulette (4)
Delete4. This is the correct name for so-called ‘Russian roulette’. It never existed in Russia, but was invented by a US writer for a work of fiction in 1937. Presumably he gave it the Russian name as it sounded ‘exotic’ to him. Another crazy and racist Russophobic invention that only gun-obsessed cowboys with their cult of violence could think up.
2022.06.05 What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins
Delete"The west only understands force!"
DeleteUkrainian ‘barrier troops’ blow up bridge to prevent retreat – Russian MoD
ReplyDeleteOekraïne steekt veroordeelde misdadigers in “Kraken” uniformen om los te laten op Oekraïense burgers
ReplyDeleteUkraine puts uniforms on ‘Kraken’ Convicts to let loose on Ukraine Civilians
DeleteAnd these thieves, terrorists, rapists, sadists and murderers are supported by the Biden regime and the west and the Vatican and Satan!
DeleteZelensky klaagt dat velen een einde aan de oorlog willen zien
ReplyDeleteZelensky complains that many want to see an end to the war
DeleteHoe Poetin de schuld geven Poetin helpt
DeleteHow blaming Putin is helping Putin
Opiniepeiling: Meeste Amerikanen aanvaarden “Oekraïense nederlaag”
ReplyDeleteMost Americans Accept “Ukrainian Defeat”: Opinion Poll
DeleteNederlandse journalist op Oekraïense ‘dodenlijst’ gezet na onthullingen: ‘Ik blijf voorlopig in Rusland’
ReplyDeleteDutch journalist put on Ukrainian 'death list' after revelations: 'I will stay in Russia for the time being'
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US violates international law – Russia
ReplyDeleteUS-Generaal Stephen Twitty: “AFU verliezen kunnen oplopen tot 200.000 soldaten”
ReplyDeleteUS General Stephen Twitty: “AFU losses could be up to 200,000 soldiers”
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Oekraïense nazi’s verbrandden 50.000 ton graan in Mariupol
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Nazis Burned 50,000 Tons of Grain in Mariupol
DeleteAmerikaanse “Javelin” anti-tankraketten naar Oekraïne gezonden, zijn nu TE KOOP op het Dark Web
ReplyDeleteAmerican "Javelin" Anti-Tank Missiles Sent to Ukraine, Are Now FOR SALE on the Dark Web
DeleteGigantische cijfers van Oekraïense verliezen beginnen nu eindelijk bij het Westerse establishment door te dringen
ReplyDeleteMassive figures of Ukrainian losses are finally beginning to penetrate the Western establishment
DeleteWesterse inlichtingendiensten: Oekraïne vreest massale desertie wegens zware inferioriteit
ReplyDeleteWestern intelligence services: Ukraine fears mass desertion due to severe inferiority
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Pentagon divulges number of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine
ReplyDeleteBritish men who fought for Ukraine sentenced to death
ReplyDeleteBritse journalist komt terug uit westen van Oekraïne en doet heftige onthullingen: ‘Het stikt er van de nazi’s’
ReplyDeleteBritish journalist returns from western Ukraine and makes vehement revelations: 'It's crowded with Nazis'
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The journalist said that Lviv is swarming with fascists, Nazis and mercenaries, and that people in army uniforms from Poland simply take the bus or train to Ukraine. They say they "come to kill Russians" and are welcomed with open arms. A red carpet is rolled out for them, they are patted on the back and treated like heroes, Sweeney said.
DeleteHe himself was treated very differently by the Ukrainian authorities. They asked him what he was up to, was told he was a spy and that he would be arrested and tortured. They might even have killed me, said Sweeney, who quickly turned around.
The media claims that the Azov battalion has no influence in Ukraine or that they are nationalists who are not understood. He called the BBC's coverage of this battalion "a masterclass in denying fascism."
Britse pers: Het huidige tempo van de verliezen van het Oekraïense leger doen vragen rijzen of Oekraïne nog tot de herfst volhoudt
ReplyDeleteBritish press: With the current rate of losses of the Ukrainian army, questions arise about the state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine if the war drags on until autumn
DeleteNiet in staat om succes te boeken, vermoorden Oekraïense troepen burgers in Donbass
ReplyDeleteUnable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)
DeleteErger dan in de Tweede Wereldoorlog: Zelensky beveelt de dienstplicht voor vrouwen tussen 18 en 60 jaar
ReplyDeleteWorse than World War II: Zelensky orders conscription for women aged 18 to 60
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De show is voorbij, mensen: Jens Stoltenberg zegt dat Oekraïne zich moet overgeven
ReplyDeleteShow’s Over, Folk: Jens Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Must Surrender
DeleteUkraine to decide how much territory it trades for peace – NATO
DeleteHet Ministerie van Defensie van de VS geeft eindelijk toe in een openbaar document dat er 46 door het VS leger gefinancierde biolabs in Oekraïne zijn
ReplyDeleteUS Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean – Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine
DeleteDe kadavergeur van Azovstal – Wat de catacomben van Azovstal verbergen
ReplyDeleteConsequences of denazification: what the Azovstal catacombs hide
DeleteSituatierapport Operatie Z: De Grote Terugtocht
ReplyDeleteSitrep Operation Z: The Great WalkBack
DeletePentagon geeft ‘onder druk’ toe dat het tientallen biolabs in Oekraïne heeft ondersteund: ‘Alwéér krijgen we gelijk’
ReplyDeletePentagon admits 'under pressure' that it has supported dozens of biolabs in Ukraine: 'Once again we're right'
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Zelensky’s aide explains firing positions in urban areas
ReplyDeleteUS to send heavy guided missiles to Ukraine
ReplyDeleteOn Monday, the authorities in the Donetsk People’s Republic reported the heaviest Ukrainian shelling since 2015, with “indiscriminate” strikes on the city of Donetsk resulting in five fatalities and almost 40 civilian injuries. Among the incoming shells were 155mm munitions used by howitzers provided to Ukraine by the US and other NATO allies, authorities in the Donbass republic said, requesting additional military assistance from Russia.
DeleteMoscow has condemned the shelling of Donbass civilians as “absolutely barbaric.” A spokesman for the UN secretary-general called the shelling of a maternity hospital in Donetsk “an obvious breach of international humanitarian law.”
Mariupol II: Ongeveer 2.500 Oekraïense krijgslieden omsingeld in chemische fabriek “Asot” van Severodonetsk, onder hen honderden buitenlanders
ReplyDeleteMariupol II: About 2,500 Ukrainian warriors surrounded in Severodonetsk chemical plant “Asot”, among them hundreds of foreigners
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Zelensky, die in een T-shirt verschijnt na een dag gruweldaden te hebben begaan, kondigt aan dat hij Donbass en de Krim zal terugnemen
ReplyDeleteAppearing in a T-Shirt After a Day Committing Atrocities, Zelensky Announces He’s Taking Back Donbass and Crimea
DeleteOekraïense leger bestookt kraamziekenhuis met ‘onze’ wapens terwijl vrouwen bevallen
ReplyDeleteUkrainian army bombards maternity hospital with 'our' weapons as women give birth
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NAZISTISCHE Duitse overheid maakt jacht op journalist die verslag doet van oorlog in Oekraïne, dreigt met celstraf
ReplyDeleteNazistical German government hunts journalist reporting war in Ukraine, threatens jail time
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US to give Ukraine another billon dollar weapons boost
ReplyDeleteWashington will send artillery and advanced rockets to Kiev
Kremlin comments on EU leaders’ visit to Kiev
ReplyDeleteWestern media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth about civilians killed in Donetsk shelling
ReplyDeleteHet Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Rusland dreigt de EU met een nucleaire aanval
ReplyDeleteRussia's foreign ministry threatens the EU with a nuclear attack
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But Russia is also NOT HONEST because
DeleteNUCLEAR WEAPONS DON'T EXIST https://ezekiel38departure.blogspot.com/2021/12/nuclear-weapons-dont-exist.html
De Russen leggen in eenvoudige bewoordingen uit waaraan Groot-Brittannië zich schuldig maakt – Er zullen consequenties zijn
ReplyDeleteRussians explain in simple terms what Britain is guilty of. There will be consequences.
DeleteNieuwe verbijsterende slachtoffercijfers van Oekraïne: nu sterven er 500 soldaten per dag!
ReplyDeleteUkraine's new staggering casualty figures: now 500 soldiers die a day!
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Kiev’s dagelijkse slachtoffercijfers en belachelijke eisen om wapens bevestigen dat het verloren heeft
ReplyDeleteKiev's daily casualty figures and ridiculous demands for weapons confirm it's lost
DeleteVan de DUIVEL bezeten Rutte zegt dat de NAVO Oekraïne gebruikt als proxy tegen Rusland
ReplyDeleteDevil-possessed Rutte says NATO is using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia
DeleteMass murderer and sadist Mark Rutte likes to see more dead Russians to tickle his sick ego.
DeletePresident Poetin, wist u dat u de oorlog in Oekraïne aan het verliezen bent?
ReplyDeletePresident Putin, did You Know You Are Losing the War in Ukraine?
DeleteUkraine ‘de facto in NATO’ already – Zelensky adviser
ReplyDeleteYes, they're in the same camp of the SATAN WORSHIPERS
DeleteAls het Kremlin ooit wakker wordt, zal het slecht aflopen met het Westen
ReplyDeleteIf the Kremlin ever Wakes Up Things Will Go Badly for the West
DeletePaul Craig Roberts doesn't understand a few things:
DeleteNew documents expose secret US wars – The Intercept
ReplyDeletePentagon - The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the war machine of the Jesuits
DeleteDecision reached on sanctioned Russian turbine – media
ReplyDeleteRT visits neo-Nazi torture dungeon in Ukraine (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteHow many Russian and Russian-Ukrainian parents are now just as sad as you due to Bryan's actions in Ukraine? I hope none.
This war is indeed very wrong and it already started in 2014 when 'Obama' committed regime-change in Ukraine with Joe Biden as his Vice President.
And it was done on behalf of the Vatican and the Jesuits.
Russia lost about 27 million people in their fight against the Vatican controlled Nazis* in the 2nd world war and now they're fighting against such Nazis again, aided by the entire west.
God-the Lord JESUS knows what Bryan was thinking of moments before he passed away.
Comfort yourself that you did the right thing when you raised Bryan and leave the judgment to God-the Lord JESUS.
We know He wants to save everybody, while nobody deserves to be saved.
* also because their leader was a Jesuit priest himself, Joseph Stalin, but most people didn't know that and also not that communism was invented by the Jesuits.
Adolf Hitler was Jesuit-trained and Roosevelt and Truman and Churchill were 33rd degree Freemasons =secret servants of the Vatican and the whole '2nd world war' was the previous 'great reset' and it never ended because then came the 'cold war' which was part of the plan.
Shirl Nancy Drew • 7 hours ago
Thank you so much for the wonderful caring and love I feel through our spirts united in Christ🙏 yes they did cover my son very nicely and even though his dad and I didn't agree with him being there nor did we agree with this Ukraine war Bryan was doing what he believed he needed to do and it is what it is now and I will use this for Gods glory to share Christ with others. NBC also had a nice clip with pictures of Bryan and his story that it was done also very good, news media hasn't contacted us but it looks like Bryans patoono leader gave the info that was needed. Again thank yo for your outpouring of wonderful words
Sincerely in Christ my Saviour
The US keeps reneging on arms control agreements, so why should Russia trust Joe Biden’s latest overtures?
ReplyDeleteSpanish analyst calls US a sponsor of terrorism
ReplyDeleteEen dodelijke blik op het bombardement van Rusland op Oekraïense troepen
ReplyDeleteA Deadly Glimpse of Russia’s Bombardment of Ukrainian troops
Delete‘Amerika verplaatst biolabs van Oekraïne naar Tsjechië en Bulgarije’
ReplyDelete'America moves biolabs from Ukraine to the Czech Republic and Bulgaria'
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Deconstructie van Westerse waanideeën van Oekraïne en Rusland
ReplyDeleteDeconstructing Western Delusions on Ukraine and Russia
Delete"Maybe we should call this “Flat Earth Syndrome?” It consists of embracing as fact assertions that are contradicted by actual evidence."
DeleteSo Larry C Johnson believes that water has the miraculous capacity to attach itself to a spinning ball in 'Space'....
DeleteWater always seeks its own level: the earth is FLAT!
DeleteOekraïne betaalt een zware prijs voor zijn totale afhankelijkheid van het Westen
ReplyDeleteUkraine Is Paying A Heavy Price for Its Total Dependence on the West
Delete"Ex-CIA: ""Zelensky is finished, prepare for the CIA to remove him"" | Redacted News"
DeleteI didn't hear "Zelensky is finished, prepare for the CIA to remove him".
CIA stands for Catholics In Action and it's a state within a state controlled by the Vatican and the Catholic church is the disguise of the Luciferian Roman empire.
Biden is a Catholic.
Hitler was a Catholic.
Mussolini and Franco were Catholics.
Washington D.C.'s original name was Rome, Maryland, and a branch of the Potomac River was called Tiber Creek, which was named after the Tiber river in Rome. Like Rome, Washington D.C. has 7 hills, whose names are: Capitol Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills, Hillbrook, Hillcrest, and Knox Hill.
The EU flag is the Roman Catholic Mary flag.
Inlichtingendiensten van de VS sturen gemengde boodschappen over Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteU.S. Intelligence Community Sending Mixed Messages on Ukraine