Monday, 30 May 2022

Altar Boys - I'm Not Talking About Religion (HQ)

Aug 22, 2019

This is Track #3 from the 1986 Altar Boys album, Gut Level Music 

Listen to the whole album here - 

The Altar Boys are back with their 3 album and their best up to that point. It is a rockin album with no silly ballads to spoil it. Of interest is the Donna Summer "Unconditional Love" cover. Whoever had this idea nailed it. The song works fantastic in their style. I actually went back to listen to the Donna Summer version and it was actually pretty good too but this version tops all other versions. Strangely the song was originally written by Michael Omartian who I guarantee never imagined a version like this. Probably the best track on the album was You Found Me and it was a staple on most mixed tapes of the period.


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