Sunday, 26 June 2022

Lavrov: “The way of the Europeans is reminiscent of the beginning of the Second World War”

 Lavrov: “The way of the Europeans is reminiscent of the beginning of the Second World War”

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 Why Does Russia Own This Old Piece of Germany?

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  1. Replies
    1. Lavrov: “The way of the Europeans is reminiscent of the beginning of the Second World War”

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  2. Replies
    1. These are the totally irresponsible 'leaders' of the west who are busy destroying the world so that afterwards a 'build back better' one world order can be realized according to the 'great reset.
      And they all work for the Vatican and the Pope = Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise and Luciferian Roman Emperor in disguise.

  3. Of course the satanic western media reported this as an attack by Russia...

  4. Replies
    1. The US as a former British colony itself, wants to colonize Russia, just as it did with Germany and Japan after the 'second world war' and many other parts of the world.

      The USA was a project of the Vatican from day one.

      All the wars the US fought were NOT fought on behalf of the American people but on behalf of the Vatican.

      Take for example Vietnam:

      Vietnam Why Did We Go? The shocking Story of the Catholic "Church's" Role in Starting the Vietnam War

  5. Replies
    1. German "gas emergency plan": now even Brussels is getting nervous

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  6. Replies
    1. Frozen = stolen in support of the Nazis in Ukraine.

  7. Vladimir Putin comments on Boris Johnson’s remarks
    Naked G7 leaders would be a ‘pretty disgusting sight,’ the Russian leader said

    1. Some people think Putin has no sense of humor

  8. Replies
    1. They HATE Russia because the Russians haven't been POISONED by the mRNA jabs!

  9. Replies
    1. Now this is PROPHETIC NEWS (even though no prophecies are being fulfilled in this dispensation of Grace)

    2. One of the last attempts by major European states to rebuild or claim heir to the Roman Empire was carried out by the German Nazi and Italian fascist leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. It ended with a crushing defeat in 1945.

  10. Replies
    1. The goal of the rest of the world now needs to be to seek to minimize the damage done by this beast and find a way to dispose of it before it can do any more harm to the global community.

  11. Replies
    1. NATO is the military arm of the Pope, the Vatican and Satan

  12. Replies
    1. Russian troops voluntarily leave Snake Island out of “good will for the organization of humanitarian corridors” – Zelensky pretends a “great victory”

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  13. Replies
    1. West deliberately provokes nuclear World War III as part of the Elite's Great Reset

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  14. Replies
    1. However, Macron has sided with his fellow G7 leaders in agreeing to support Kiev’s military “for as long as it takes,” and after dismissing rumors that he suggested Ukraine trade some land for peace with Russia, Macron now insists that “Ukraine will decide when the conditions are met to build peace,” an open-ended stance that mirrors that of the US, UK, and other NATO countries.

      Putin has accused European leaders of sacrificing their own economies to bolster Ukraine’s war effort, claiming that they are committing economic “suicide” under “pressure from their American overlord.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently said that while Macron “is still talking about the strategic independence of the EU,” he is “certain that they will not be allowed to have it.”

  15. Replies
    1. Negative Feelings About Russia - misplaced

      I believe one of the reasons many Americans carry such negative feelings about the Russians is our collective failure to understand the price Russians paid to defeat Hitler. The sad truth is that most Americans have trouble identifying the warring parties in World War II and generally believe that terrible conflict was settled because of what America did….

      So let me share with you some surprising facts. What were the five bloodiest campaign battles in World War II that cost the United States the most fatalities?

      Battle of Normandy–June 6 to August 25, 1944. The United States lost 29,204 killed in action.

      Battle of the Bulge–December 16, 1944 to January 28, 1945. KIA, 19,276.

      Central Europe Campaign–March 22 to May 8, 1945. Fatalities totaled 15,009.

      Battle of Okinawa–April 1 to June 22, 1945. Deaths are estimated between 14,000 and 20,000.

      Philippines Campaign–December 8, 1941 to May 6, 1942. Approximately 13,000 KIA.

      Here are the top five Russian campaigns. They only fought the Germans. But the price in blood is staggering:

      Battle of Leningrad–8 September 1941 – 27 January 1944. Total killed numbered 1,017,881.

      Battle of Moscow–2 October 1941 – 7 January 1942. Russia lost 653,924 killed and missing.

      Operation Barbarossa–22 June 1941 – 5 December 1941. Russia lost 566,852 killed in action

      Battle of Stalingrad–23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943. Russia lost 478,741 killed or missing.

      Battle of Kursk–5 July 1943 – 23 August 1943. Total fatalities were 432,317 killed or missing.

      Let me state the difference in another way. Total U.S. killed in action in World War II in both the European, North African and Pacific Theaters totaled 472,000. The Russians lost more troops in four separate battles than the United States lost in the entire war.”

      The Russian people did not fight because Stalin had a gun pointed at their back. They rallied in a remarkable way against the Nazi invasion. Most military analysts at the time predicted the Soviet Union would collapse under the weight of the Nazi steamroller. The Russian people defied those expectations and rallied to defeat the best of the German armies.

      The horrific death toll touched almost every family in Russia. That is why the Russians still remember and commemorate that sacrifice every May. It has nothing to do with communism. World War II scarred the Russians to the bone. That is the primary reason that Vladimir Putin enjoys widespread public support in taking on the threat from Ukraine. Ukraine has been a de facto NATO ally since 2014.

      The United States and NATO are grossly mistaken if they believe that flexing military muscle by deploying troops on Russia’s borders will cow the Russian people. This perceived threat goes beyond Putin. It is something most Russians see and fear. My hope is that once the American people appreciate the legitimate paranoia of the Russians, they will reject calls to treat Russia as an intractable enemy.

    2. They only fought the Germans*.

      *and their allies and many collaborators from the Nazi-occupied European countries (Hans)

  16. Replies
    1. Donetsk on fire: More civilians killed in bombing by Ukrainian Nazis

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  17. Replies
    1. Ukrainian woman begs western countries: 'Don't send weapons, the Ukrainian army is shooting at us'

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  18. Replies
    1. Ukraine wants Europe to be permanently cut off from gas supply

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  19. Replies
    1. Jordan Peterson: The Russians are fighting not to be as degenerate as we are

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  20. Replies
    1. How Russian officials make fun of Western politicians

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  21. Replies
    1. Сriminal cases have also been launched against citizens of the UK, the US, Canada, Georgia and the Netherlands for their involvement in the conflict as mercenaries, while Ukrainian nationalist units have been accused of torturing Russian POWs, attacking Russian embassies in foreign countries, and other acts, he said.

  22. Replies
    1. Russia says it is Ukraine, not Russia, scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of replacement troops

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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”