Friday, June 26, 2020 (from my FORBIDDEN BLOG)
Satan on smoking, abortion and depopulation - Our behavior has nothing to with Salvation!
The Black Lung Lie
2 Samuel 22;9 | |||
The Black Lung Lie
A discussion of ‘smokers’ black lungs’ started in the comments today. It’s the widespread belief that smokers’ lungs turn black. Rose pointed out that it all started with James I about four centuries ago. She also dug up some refutations:Satan over abortus (provocatus) - Satan about abortion
Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills Operating At Full Capacity, Diverting Needed Personal Protective Equipment Away From Coronavirus Outbreak
ReplyDeleteBe Prepared To Be Booted From Facebook As Company Agrees To Begin Blocking Conservative And Christian Articles And Videos In Massive Purge
ReplyDeleteUnited Nations Combining The World’s Largest Abortion Providers To Create A Unified Global Network To Slaughter Children As A ‘Human Right’
ReplyDeleteLET THERE BE BLOOD: Biden And Fauci Team Up To Revoke Trump Policy Protecting The Unborn To Create Massive International US Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Scheme
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Friday, November 25, 2016
New studies prove that human embryos are NOT like animal embryos
Friday, September 16, 2016
Friday, April 12, 2013
1945-nu-now, enig verschil? any difference? Or When Jesus died? Of toen Jezus stierf?
Abortion. The second Holocaust
Evil Acts _ The Vatican Jesuit Holocaust _ The Great Pentagram of Evil
Get saved by the Gospel that SAVES FOREVER!
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Voorstanders vaccinatiedwang roepen hardst om zelfbeschikkingsrecht in relatie tot abortus: ‘Ronduit hypocriet’
ReplyDeleteProponents of compulsory vaccination call the loudest for self-determination in relation to abortion: 'Downright hypocritical'
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Australia Is The Only Democratic Nation That Tracks Its Citizens By Their ‘Faceprint’ For COVID Containment Procedures, But That’s About To Change
ReplyDeleteThis is an older video and I made a topic about the original video in the past on my now forbidden blog.
DeleteMany people have now forgotten about this, but it's coming back, the mask terror, because they want to force the 'unvaccinated' (normal and healthy) people to be poisoned by the JESUIT SHOT.
Waarom is er een aanzienlijke daling van het aantal geboorten in Duitsland, Zwitserland en andere landen – negen maanden na het begin van de massale COVID-19 vaccinaties?
ReplyDeleteWhy is there a substantial decrease in births in Germany, Switzerland, and other countries – nine months after the beginning of covid mass vaccinations?
DeleteGeert Vanden Bossche voorspelt totale chaos: ‘Dit kan het einde van de westerse beschaving betekenen’
ReplyDeleteGeert Vanden Bossche predicts total chaos: 'This could mean the end of Western civilization'
Delete“Iedereen die vaccinletsel meldt, wordt ontslagen” – Piloten beginnen terug te vechten
ReplyDelete"Everyone who reports vaccine injury will be fired" - pilots are starting to fight back
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Top 7 ENGSTE COVID-19 na-vaccin “ongewenste bijwerkingen” die steeds vaker voorkomen
ReplyDeleteTop 7 SCARIEST COVID-19 post-vaccine “adverse events” that are becoming more common, even though the vaccine industrial complex and MSM won’t cover them at all
DeleteNieuw onderzoek laat zien dat coronavaccins een ramp zijn: 750.000 doden en 30 miljoen letselgevallen in VS
ReplyDeleteNew study shows corona vaccines are a disaster: 750,000 deaths and 30 million injuries in US
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Hongaars parlementslid brengt drastische daling van geboortecijfers in verband met massale “vaccinaties” tegen Covid (Video)
ReplyDeleteHungarian MP Links Drastic Fall in Birth Rates to Mass 'Vaccinations' Against Covid (Video)/a>
DeleteSinds de invoering van het COVID vaccin zijn allerlei ziekten weer de kop gaan opsteken. Waarom? Omdat de COVID vaccins AIDS veroorzaken
ReplyDeleteSince the COVID Vaccine roll-out, all sorts of diseases have started to reappear. Why? Because the COVID Vaccines cause AIDS
DeleteZoals Pol Pot, Mao Zedong en Stalin vĆ³Ć³r hen, heeft de regering een massamoordcampagne ontketend om de menselijke bevolking uit te roeien
ReplyDeleteWijlen Dr. Zev Zelenko: COVID-19 vaccins zijn bedoeld om mensen in een staat van massapsychose te houden
ReplyDeleteThe late Dr. Zev Zelenko: COVID-19 vaccines were meant to keep people in state of mass psychosis
DeleteArts Pierre Kory over sterfte onder jonge mensen: dit is een grote horrorshow, ze vegen het onder het tapijt
ReplyDeleteDoctor Pierre Kory on mortality among young people: this is a big horror show, they sweep it under the rug
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Arts 6 maanden geschorst vanwege videoreeks over coronavaccins: ‘Hallucinant’
ReplyDeleteDoctor suspended for 6 months because of video series about corona vaccines: 'Hallucinant'
DeleteMost 'doctors' are hitmen!
DeleteUruguayaanse justitie eist van Pfizer opheldering over samenstelling van Covid-19 vaccins, inclusief eventuele aanwezigheid van “grafeenoxide” of “nanotechnologische elementen”
ReplyDeletePfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements”
DeleteSoftware ontwikkeld om “ongevaccineerde” personen op te sporen
ReplyDeleteSoftware developed to detect ‘non-vaccinated’ individuals
DeleteZwaar gestoorde Australische minister: wie zich niet 3 keer heeft laten vaccineren, is gek
ReplyDeleteHeavily disturbed Australian minister: anyone who has not been vaccinated 3 times is crazy
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Trudeau in paniek nu zijn regering onthult dat de volledig gevaccineerden sinds februari goed zijn voor 4 op de 5 COVID-doden in Canada
ReplyDeleteTrudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February
DeleteBegrafenisondernemer laat zien: deze ’troep’ wordt uit de aderen van gevaccineerden gehaald
ReplyDeleteFuneral director shows: this 'junk' is taken from the veins of vaccinated people
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In HaĆÆti worden mensen niet gevaccineerd en is de sterfte schokkend laag: hoe kan dat?
ReplyDeleteIn Haiti people are not vaccinated and mortality is shockingly low: how is that possible?
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Dus u denkt er nog over om het vaccin te nemen om uw omgeving een plezier te doen?
ReplyDeleteSo You Are Still Thinking About Taking the Vaccine to Please Your Employer?
DeleteEuropean clubs ‘snubbing’ unvaccinated players in transfer market - media
ReplyDeleteFootball clubs are not keen on signing players who aren't vaccinated against Covid-19
The 'unvaccinated' (normal healthy people) are the new 'Jews'.
DeleteThe plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
Britse regeringsstatistieken: Gevaccineerde kinderen hebben 30.200% meer kans om te sterven dan ongevaccineerde kinderen
ReplyDeleteArtsen over de hele wereld zien vreemde dingen bij jonge mensen
ReplyDeleteDoctors around the world see strange things in young people
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Coronavaccin komt ook in DNA terecht: ‘Er werd gezegd dat dit niet kon gebeuren’
ReplyDeleteCorona vaccine also ends up in DNA: 'It was said that this couldn't happen
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Ivana Trump Has Died (Yes, It Was Probably the Vax)
ReplyDeleteBij bijna 50% vrouwen heeft coronavaccin invloed op menstruatie: ‘Dit was toch een complottheorie?’
ReplyDeleteCorona vaccine affects menstruation in almost 50% of women: 'Wasn't this a conspiracy theory?'
DeleteThe Controlled Demolition of Everything
ReplyDeleteAussie Cossack jailed for political activism
DeleteDODGY DAN: IBAC Exposes Broad Corruption
DeleteWoman arrested while ‘praying’ near abortion clinic
ReplyDeleteBekijk hier de feiten die Gideon van Meijeren in de Tweede Kamer niet mocht tonen
ReplyDeleteView here the facts that Gideon van Meijeren was not allowed to show in the House of Representatives
DeleteBekijk hier de feiten die ik in de Tweede Kamer niet mocht tonen!
DeleteDeze week wilde ik in een debat de zeer lange abortustermijn in Nederland (24 weken) ter discussie stellen.
Toen ik ter illustratie een anatomisch model van een foetus van 22 weken wilde laten zien, werden direct de camera's uitgezet.
Om verantwoord besluiten te kunnen nemen over leven en dood, is noodzakelijk om de harde realiteit daarvan onder ogen te komen. Hoe schokkend en ongemakkelijk de feiten soms ook zijn.
Daarom hierbij alsnog het volledige verhaal dat ik had willen inbrengen.
Deel deze video massaal, zodat niemand zijn ogen er nog voor kan sluiten!
#FVD #Abortus
Check out the facts I was not allowed to show in the House of Representatives!
This week I wanted to discuss the very long abortion period in the Netherlands (24 weeks) in a debate.
When I tried to show an anatomical model of a 22-week fetus for illustration purposes, the cameras were immediately turned off.
In order to make responsible decisions about life and death, it is necessary to face the harsh reality of it. No matter how shocking and uncomfortable the facts may sometimes be.
So here is the full story that I wanted to tell.
Share this video en masse so that no one can close their eyes to it anymore!
#FVD #Abortus
Van die 'voorzitter' zou je dit ook niet mogen laten zien (en ook geen voorbeelden van mensen die bezweken/beschadigd zijn door de 'onfeilbare' coronaprikken..).
DeleteNederland is in de greep van de meest gruwelijke MISDADIGERS en dat zijn OOK de meeste parlementariƫrs!
You wouldn't be allowed to show this also from that 'chairman' (nor any examples of people who succumbed/were damaged by the 'infallible' corona vaccinations..).
The Netherlands is in the grip of the most horrible CRIMINALS and that includes most parliamentarians!
This is the FIRST federal election where abortion up to birth is legal across Australia. The federal government pays every person who kills their baby in a late term abortion $4225. Make sure the person you vote for is prepared to stop this late term abortion payment scam.
ReplyDeleteKijk: Gideon van Meijeren geschorst van het debat omdat hij een T-shirt met een foetus draagt
ReplyDeleteWatch: Gideon van Meijeren suspended from debate for wearing a T-shirt with a fetus
DeleteVan de duivelse massamoordenaars in de Tweede Kamer mocht deze afbeelding van een ongeboren kind van 22 maanden niet worden getoond, zoals ze ook fanatiek iedereen bestrijden die kritiek heeft op de moorddadige corona-prikken en zoals ze enthousiast stonden te klappen voor oorlogscrimineel en cokeverslaafde Zelensky en als volslagen idioten een niet-bestaande door mensen veroorzaakte klimaatverandering propageren en aanverwante 'stikstofmaatregelen'.
DeleteNiet alleen de Nederlandse regering is van God los maar ook bijna de hele Tweede en Eerste Kamer.
The devilish mass murderers in the House of Representatives did not allow this image of an unborn child of 22 months to be shown, just as they fanatically fight anyone who criticizes the murderous corona vaccinations and just as they enthusiastically applauded war criminal and coke addict Zelensky and, like complete idiots, propagate a non-existent man-made climate change and related 'nitrogen measures'. Not only the Dutch government has lost touch with God, but also almost the entire House of Representatives and Senate.
DeleteSATANIC Doctors Told Parents Twice to Have Abortion Because Their Baby Would Die at Birth, Now She’s 2