Sunday, 19 June 2022

The Origin of Mother's Day and Father's Day

For most of America, Mother's Day is a day of great celebration. And of course, God has commanded His people to "Honor your father and your mother: Exodus 20:12
1599 Geneva Bible

12 Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged upon the land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee.



For many of us, keeping this commandment includes the celebrating of these "holidays." But in truth, these worldly so-called holidays and their common practices are not based on scripture, like Christmas and Easter, have roots in paganism.

To begin with, the day set aside to "honor" fathers was merely an afterthought to Mother's Day. And yet, the law says "honor thy father and thy mother." Not mother and father, but father and mother. This subtle reversal of order has led to major confusion and family instability - even in the household of faith.

Rhea the wife of her brother Cronus


Like all western so-called holidays, the origin of a Mother's Day celebration clearly traces back to ancient pagan practices. Beginning at about 250 BC, the Greeks held an annual spring festival in "honor" of 'Rhea', the wife of her brother Cronus, known as the "mother of the gods"(Queen of Heaven), similarly, evidence of a three-day Roman festival in Mid-March called Hilaria, to honor the Roman goddess Magna Mater, or Great Mother. During that same period, the Romans held a similar festival dedicated to the "mother goddess" 'Cybele.' By the 1600's, "Mothering Sunday" was being celebrated by the English on the fourth Sunday of "Lent."

The concept of Mother Earth arose centuries later in Greece. In the 7th century BCE, the poet Hesiod gave the "deep-breasted" earth mother the name Gaea, she who "gave birth" to the sky, sea, and mountains, as well as the ruling gods called the Titans. A few centuries later, Gaea's daughter Rhea, was honored each year with festivals called "Hilaria". The festivities lasted for three days and by all accounts were great family entertainment, with revelers bringing and here the stage was set for one of the great struggles of all time, a battle that the classicist Robert Graves described as one between the pagan Goddess and the Hebrew and Christian God. Known as the Magna Mater (Great Mother), Cybele was widely honored. Her worship, however, was associated with some rather repellent rituals that eventually led to the banishment of her followers from Rome, gravely weakening the goddess religions.


  Triple Goddess


Graves notes that the Christian church declared war on the White Goddess, also known as the Triple Goddess, the ancient European deity who appeared as the new, full, and old moons, representing "The Female Goddess of Birth, Love and Death". The Christian Trinity, said Graves, eventually triumphed over the trinity of the Goddess. The Western male conquered the Eastern and agricultural female. 


In victory, the patriarchal Roman Catholic Church subsumed and welcomed its former opponents by calling itself  ''Mother Church.'' A new variation of Mother's Day, was put in place, this time in honor of the church itself. On the fourth Sunday in Lent, people brought gifts to the church where they had been baptized. This custom changed during late Medieval times when many children had to move away from home in order to find work and were only allowed one holiday a year, and it was on this fourth Sunday that the children went home to see their mothers. Thus the custom of "Mothering Sunday" was begun.


Similarly, in the Celtic countries and the British Isles, the powerful goddess Brigit was transformed into her Christian successor, St. Brigid. Brigit's sacred day, which was connected with the ewes coming into milk, became St. Brigid's Day. Though formal mother worship was never completely eliminated in the British Isles, by the 17th century Mother's Day had been almost completely submerged into Mothering Day. Not surprisingly, with the disappearance of a female deity, the devotion to Mary, Mother of Jesus, would soon emerge as the new Mother cult.



In 1872, Julia Ward Howe, lyricist of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", introduced the idea of a Mother’s Day in the United States. Some 35 years later, Ana Jarvis of Philadelphia started a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. By 1911, Mother's Day was celebrated in nearly every state in the union. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it official - proclaiming Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held each year on the second Sunday of May.


In 1909, Sonora Dodd, a woman from Spokane, Washington, while listening to a Mother's Day sermon, thought about her father William Smart, a Civil War veteran, who had raised his six children by himself after his wife died while giving birth to their last child. Ms. Dodd then decided to show her appreciation for her father by setting aside a special day to "honor" him. His birthday happened to be in June, so she chose that month for the new "Father's Day."


 With the enthusiastic support of the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA, the first Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910. By 1914, President Wilson had personally approved of the idea. Further support came from President Calvin Coolidge in 1924. Finally, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday in June as Father's Day.
As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the celebration of the "Mother Church" replaced the pagan tradition of honoring mythological goddesses. The fourth Sunday in Lent (Weeping for Tammuz), a 40-day fasting period before Easter, became known as Mothering Sunday.

 To show appreciation for their mothers, they often brought gifts or a "mothering cake" (Jeremiah 7:18) and over time, it began to coincide with the celebration of the Mother Church.
Mother's Day always falls on the second Sun-day of May, and like so many other holidays rooted in pagan sun-worship including Father's Day which always falls on the third Sun-day of June, usually fall on the day named in honor of their most powerful god -- The Sun!

But are these "holidays" truly honoring our fathers and mothers in Spirit and in truth?


In the original Hebrew language, the word honor actually means to provide with material substance. It is written, "Honor widows, which are widows indeed." (1 Tim 5:3). The passage goes on to say, "If any faithful man or faithful woman have widows, let them minister unto them, and let not the Church be charged, that there may be sufficient for them that are widows indeed." (1 Tim 5:16).
In TRUTH, the fifth Commandment charges us with the reciprocal responsibility of taking care of our fathers and mothers when they are aged. As the financial systems of this world continue to be shaken, it is simply an imperative that we truly honor our fathers and mothers - with deeds, and not just with days...
Remember this is the first commandment with promise; and therefore we would do well to honor our mothers according to the truth of God - and not the vain traditions of men!

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.



  1. Geoffry Grider of Now The End Begins called this info GARBAGE.
    When I said I don't post GARBAGE on his site and some other things he DELETED our conversation....
    Geoffrey Grider is a 'former' Catholic...


    1. Mother's and Father's Day are UNBIBLICAL
      and people who rely on such artificial days to prove they love their parents are the same people who celebrate the Roman Babylonian Catholic 'Christmas' and 'Easter'.
      Give the devil one finger and he'll take the whole hand.
      The US has become a ROMAN CATHOLIC country and that's why the Roman Catholic Biden is the POTUS.

    2. The Origin of Mother's Day and Father's Day

    3. Why don't you say that to JESUS?


      Hans • a day ago

      The Origin of Mother's Day and Father's Day





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      Knowthetruth Hans • a day ago

      Thank you so much for that article. I have also studied the pagan roots of these holidays and found it liberating to Know The Truth as we serve a Holy God Who is not pleased with our celebrating these traditions rooted in pagan rituals and festivals !! I also found it interesting on another article when I discovered that the whole months of May is dedicated to worshipping Mary queen of heaven with flowers and all the well known gifts of Mother’s Day ! Truly a wonderful thing to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth !


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      Hans Knowthetruth • 15 hours ago

      I discovered that info in 2016 on the internet.

      What they always do with such days is they make it a duty and if you don't keep it then you're a 'bad' person and 'then you don't love your mother and father' and in that order, because according to the pagan "rules" the mother always comes first and the father after it, which is totally unbiblical.

      If you really love your mother and father, you don't need such artificial days to express it.



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      Psalm37 Hans • a day ago

      Everything has a pagan beginning. The alphabet, the days of the week, the days of the months. Books, beds and crochet hooks. Drinking tea and baking cookies. Everything! So we'll throw everything out and go sit on a mountain top and sulk and eat worms. Unless that's also pagan.......🤪


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      Tracy Psalm37 • a day ago

      Agree, Psalm37.
      We all know there are lots of really bad things going on in this world today, however, as Christians, aren't we to be at peace and have joy in our hearts, instead of focusing on all the negative?
      Looking forward to that Blessed Hope, and and keeping my focus on Him.


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      gary Psalm37 • a day ago

      The only thing that should be thrown out is "JUNE PRIDE".


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      Psalm37 gary • 17 hours ago



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      CHAR gary • a day ago

      Now THAT's a sinful so called holiday. No one but the PRIDE people care to celebrate their fake day.


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      gary CHAR • 10 hours ago

      You mean their fake month! I can remember when gay meant happy.


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    4. GardnerKev Psalm37 • a day ago

      It's all about our hearts!

      Bless you!


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      gary GardnerKev • a day ago

      That's correct God wants us to love and respect our parents it's in his word & one of the ten commandments " honor thou father and mother.


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      GardnerKev gary • a day ago

      Amen brother!


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      Content unavailable
      Hans Shannon K • 15 hours ago

      The SUGGESTION that acknowledging that 'Mother and Father's days' are
      pagan and unbiblical and that this has anything to do with SALVATION is
      pagan too!



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      Psalm37 Shannon K • 17 hours ago

      It's ridiculous isn't it, Shannon. Mother's day and father's day are such special days. To discard them because someone believes they are "pagan" is just nit-picky and self-righteous.


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    5. Hans Psalm37 • 15 hours ago

      Satan is always putting things upside down: God created the man first and out of this man He created the first woman.

      First they created 'Mother's Day', so the woman came first to be 'honored' and as an AFTERTHOUGHT they created 'Father's Day'.

      I'm so GLAD my parents aren't in this BABYLONIAN world anymore and at peace where the Lord JESUS is and they don't have to deal with those unbiblical and commercial 'Mother and Father's days' anymore.

      And when my father still lived he didn't care about it anyways and neither did my mother towards the end of her life.

      And the SUGGESTION that acknowledging that 'Mother and Father's days' are pagan and unbiblical and that this has anything to do with SALVATION is pagan too!



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      Psalm37 Hans • 14 hours ago

      Satan has nothing to do with Mother's and Father's Day. He probably hates it because of all the honour bestowed on parents.


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      Hans Psalm37 • 9 hours ago • edited

      Mother's and Father's Day are UNBIBLICAL and people who rely on such artificial days to prove they love their parents are the same people who celebrate the Roman Babylonian Catholic 'Christmas' and 'Easter'.
      Give the devil one finger and he'll take the whole hand.
      The US has become a ROMAN CATHOLIC country and that's why the Roman Catholic Biden is the POTUS.



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      GardnerKev Shannon K • a day ago

      Thank you very much for stating that. I drove 450 miles to be with my blessed mother on mother's day after a few years of not seeing her (due to covid) It gave her great joy and comfort as well as myself.

      Really don't care about the beginnings of these holidays. If I am honoring my parents and giving them joy and love by extra recognition on these days, the Lord will honor my actions. He knows my heart.

      Special blessings to you and Psalm37!


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      gary GardnerKev • a day ago

      Do that while you still can now cause the day will come when you"ll only have tombstones like me.I have no regrets though cause I spent many good moments with mine and now my children do that with me.

  2. Hans > GOING-2-GLORY • 11 minutes ago



    Hans • 7 hours ago

    "Rebekah is a type of the Body of Christ"

    The Body of Christ has nothing to do with anything in the Old Testament or anything in the New Testament, except with what Paul said about this MYSTERY in his epistles.
    And Paul is the apostle of the gentiles.




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    Zouwu Hans • an hour ago


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    Hans Zouwu • 17 minutes ago

    Great image!



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    GOING-2-GLORY Hans • 3 hours ago • edited

    Yep...Amen Hans.
    1 Corinthians 4:1 KJV — Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

    Eph.3:8 ¶Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

    10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
    11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
    12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

    We need to discern the things that EXCEL and DIFFER.

    Philippians 1:10 KJV — That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;.. 🤗💓🙏

  3. Hans > Zouwu • 13 minutes ago

    Exactly for that reason Roman Catholic doctrine was concocted by none other than Satan himself, because he doesn't want any human being to get saved, because OUR creator didn't shed His blood for the forgiveness of his sins, because he was created as a GOOD ANGEL who became a BAD ANGEL FOR NO OTHER REASON than ENVY......envy at Adam and Eve, who were created AFTER the creation of the ANIMALS, and the Lord JESUS was slain for the forgiveness of the sins of creatures who are LIKE the angels and LIKE the animals, called HUMANS, and as if He were an INNOCENT ANIMAL, the LAMB of God!
    At the same time He's also LIKE another STRONG ANIMAL: the LION of JUDAH!
    Satan can't stand the fact that humans can be FORGIVEN and SAVED, because it doesn't apply to him, because he should have known better.
    He has to PAY for his willful revolt.

    Islam was created by the Vatican and in fact also by Satan, and through his Jesuits he created communism, while he's always on the side of fascism.
    Satan invented the 'Big Bang' lie and the 'evolution' lie, the heliocentrism lie, the 'solar system' lie, because he wants people to worship the sun and the moon, because that is so satanic, and he wants people to believe that man was able to land on the lesser LIGHT that God created, three entire days after the creation of heaven and earth and that 'aliens' (his fellow fallen angels) exist in the 'universe', ready to invade and take over the earth.
    This will indeed happen in the second half the Time of Jacob's Trouble, when the fallen angels and Satan will be cast out of heaven to earth without the ability to ever come back to heaven.
    This will make them mad as hell and the rest of the HISTORY of these FUTURE events are in the book of Revelation.
    In Babylon, NUNS were TEMPLE WHORES!


    Zouwu • 2 hours ago


  4. Daniel 11:37
    1599 Geneva Bible

    37 Neither shall he regard the [a]God of his fathers, nor the desires [b]of women, nor care for any God: for he shall magnify himself above all.


    [a] Daniel 11:37 The Romans shall observe no certain form of religion as other nations, but shall change their gods at their pleasures, yea, contemn them and prefer themselves to their gods.
    [b] Daniel 11:37 Signifying that they should be without all humanity: for the love of women is taken for singular or great love, as 2 Sam. 1:26.

    Daniel 11:37 in all English translations

    The Antichrist is the 'in place of Christ' and one person on earth is the 'in place of Christ', because that's the meaning of the title 'Vicar of Christ' and this man is the POPE.
    Every Pope is the disguised Luciferian-Babylonian Roman Emperor and this system began with Roman emperor Constantine in 313.
    The current JESUIT Pope is already BIG FRIENDS with the satanic rabbinical leadership in Israel and accepted as ONE OF THEM!.
    So it's clear that the Antichrist doesn't HAVE TO be a Jew.
    During the reformation ALL reformers were radical former Catholics who knew that the PAPACY is the ANTICHRIST by default.
    Centuries later Satan managed to make many Bible believers believe that 'a mysterious man' will be the Antichrist, and one man helped the devil a lot to achieve this and that was King James, because he hated the Geneva REFORMATION Bible which mentioned in its footnotes that the Papacy is the Antichrist.
    King James BANNED the VERY popular Geneva Bible and he persecuted the owners of it in case they refused too buy and read his 'authorized' version, and this was one of the reasons why the 'Pilgrim Fathers' first fled to the Protestant Netherlands and later to what would become the USA.
    Their Bible of choice was of course the Geneva Bible.
    Satan (the true boss of the Roman Catholic church and the Vatican) managed to make most Americans FORGET about this history.
    When the King James Bible was 400 years old in 2011 is was a huge SECULAR celebration, but of course NOBODY celebrated the fact that the Geneva Bible was 400 years old in 1960.
    Because ROMAN** CATHOLIC* Satan rules this world! Satan HATES the Geneva Bible!
    And that's why the ROMAN CATHOLIC Joseph Biden is now the ILLEGAL US-president.


    Psalm37 • 10 hours ago • edited

    Regarding the Antichrist, Daniel 11.37 says : "neither shall he regard the God of his fathers". This special phrase "the God of his fathers" is used over 100 times in the Old Testament and always , exclusively, every time, refers to the Jews alone - those who are descended from Judah. This means that the AC is, by birth, Jewish. He may not live in Israel, he may not even acknowledge that he is a Jew -but he is a bloodline descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thanks for this study, Geoffrey. Very interesting.


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    Hans Gary33 • 6 hours ago

    Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”

    This verse has nothing to do with a British King and head of the Anglican church.

    Or do you think God only cares about the English speaking world?



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    Psalm37 • 3 hours ago

    Hans please try to understand that the KJV is simply the Gold Standard of God's word. There are bibles in thousands of other languages and that is great and wonderful and these bibles are God's words - BUT there must be a language base standard for the bible and God decided that that standard would be in English - the perfect English of the 16th century, when it was at It's
    flower or height of perfection in every aspect. To give a parallel example, take the simple egg. It is the gold standard by which all protein is measured. Protein from meat, fish, legumes, everything, is measured against the humble egg. In everything, there has to be a gold standard, and the KJV is that standard. If there is any question or controversy about any bible on earth, or even any doctrine, it needs to be checked against the KJV.


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    Raggedtyanne Psalm37 • 3 hours ago

    What about the Martin Luther German translation? It is very similar to KJV, if you can read both languages. Wasn't ancient Greek the baseline language for NT and Hebrew for OT?


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    1. Hans Raggedtyanne • a few seconds ago

      The German Luther Bible 1545 is much older than the KJV 1611.

      And they seem to be the same, but the KJV changed some things and also compared to the older (1560) Geneva Bible.

      For example:

      Matthew 25:46
      1599 Geneva Bible

      46 And these shall go into everlasting pain, and the righteous into life eternal.

      Matthaeus 25:46
      Luther Bibel 1545

      46 Und sie werden in die ewige Pein gehen, aber die Gerechten in das ewige Leben.
      And they will do to the eternal pain, but the righteous in the eternal life.

      The KJV changed PAIN into PUNISHMENT which is NOT the same:

      Matthew 25:46
      King James Version

      46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

      There are more examples of KEY verses that were changed in the KJV compared to older Protestant Bibles.

      Everlasting PAIN can only mean ONE thing: eternal TORMENT in the lake of fire.

      Everlasting PUNISHMENT can ALSO mean ANNIHILATION = an eternal NON-EXISTENCE, and people who believe in the UNBIBLICAL ANNIHILATIONISM love the KJV and DISLIKE the Geneva Bible.



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      Psalm37 Raggedtyanne • 2 hours ago

      Hi Raggedy. You are quite correct about the baseline languages for the OT.
      I don't know much about the Martin Luther German translation, perhaps Geoffrey or someone else can help? Blessings.


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      Hans Psalm37 • an hour ago

      The English language (American version) is NOT the 'gold standard' and just ask the people in Russia and China and even in the former British colony India about it.

      I call it language FASCISM to assert that English (American version) is the most important language on earth, because God created ALL different languages on earth through the MIRACLE of the Babylonian Confusion of Tongues, and WHY?

      To prevent the people from ever again becoming united in REBELLION against Him as in the devilish Babylon!
      I am DUTCH and I read the word of God in DUTCH and when God rescued me He talked to me in DUTCH!


      Gary33 • 13 hours ago • edited

      Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”



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