A PORN star has revealed how she quit her £250,000-a-year job in the adult film industry to become a pastor.
Crystal Bassette, from Clay, New York, starred in over 100 X-rated movies during her 10-year career.But she has turned her life around after finding God and marrying a pastor called David, 26, who she now runs a church with.
Crystal said: “I look back at my past now and you know I can’t say that I really regret anything because it has made me who I am today.”
Falling pregnant at 16, Crystal was determined to give her son the best life she could.
However, after moving to Hollywood from North Carolina she realised that living in a safe neighbourhood came with a sky-high price tag.
Following a few years of modelling, feature dancing and pole competitions, Crystal – now 33 – met with an adult film agent to discuss starring in porn films, who told her that she could make £25,000 a month.
Starstruck by the opportunity to make serious cash to support her son, Justin, Crystal attended her first scene at a house in Malibu soon after the meeting.
She said: “I remember after the scene, I sat in the shower for about two hours crying. Then I stopped after that shoot and didn’t go back for about one month.
“I ended up going back to it again and that’s when I was numbing myself through taking pain medicine and drinking alcohol to get through the scene.
“It just became like this daily routine for me where I would drop my son off to school in the morning, go do a shoot and come home. It was like a regular 9 to 5 job.”
Stuck in a cycle of alcohol abuse and splashing her money on sports cars, a nightclub and a mansion, Crystal was sucked in by the materialistic lifestyle.
She said: “My mind was so messed up and after reading the Bible I know that I was haunted by a spirit of Jezebel.
“I just lived for myself and my son and didn’t really think about the consequences of making films and dancing and everything.”
Shortly before meeting her future husband, Crystal decided to shun the porn world and devote her life to God instead.
She said: “It is definitely the ultimate change. It’s going from one extreme to the next. I had to get away from this whole life.”
The couple married in December 2014, and they were soon joined by their son Carter, who was welcomed by older brothers 16-year-old Justin and seven-year-old Landon.
Crystal credits her reunification with Christ to several life-changing events, including a terrifying car accident in May 2014 and a visit to her sister’s church that encouraged her to leave a volatile relationship with her ex-boyfriend.
She said: “The day I was saved, I felt like the preacher was just speaking to me directly.
“It was like he was preaching to only me and you know that day I felt God was talking to me through his preaching and everything he said felt right.”
Unfortunately, Crystal was not able to drop her life in the porn industry instantly and she had to endure one last film before she could start her life anew.
She said: “I had a contract that had to be fulfilled. I had to fulfil two scenes which was horrible.”
Now on the other side, Crystal believes she knows what led her on a path to the adult film industry.
She said: “I was sexually abused when I was a child by two different people. So I went through a lot of stuff as a kid.
“It’s wordless. I’m alright now but it took me a long time. I went through a few years of therapy and stuff and so I realised why I was choosing the life that I did.”
Crystal turned her life around after leaving the porn industry and soon graduated from college to become a paralegal and trained as a pastor.
After marrying, David and Crystal founded their own church called New Beginnings Christian Life in Fulton, New York where they hope to inspire others.
She said: “It’s like if I grew up as a teacher, I probably wouldn’t be helping people now. I probably would be completely different.
“My past made me who I am today and God has changed my life completely.”
Meanwhile, children whose parents are porn stars have revealed what it was like to grow up with an adult actress mum.
Porn stars have also revealed how much they get paid – and it might be as lucrative as you would expect.
From Porn Star To Pastor
Powerful Heartbreak Demon Jezebel Spirit
Jesus Testimony- Ex Escort Almost Sold Soul to the Devil
RAPED by her OWN dad - Julie Miller testimony - But thank God she dared to trust the MAN JESUS!
Jesus testimony; Annie Lobert- Confessions of a High Class Prostitute
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
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DeleteElke verslaving is slecht want het woord zegt het al: je bent een slaaf van iets en dat kan van alles zijn zoals porno, of gamen, gokken, drank en drugs (waaronder nicotine en cafeïne) en het is eigenlijk een spanningsverslaving.
Eten en drinken moeten we allemaal dus dat is normaal maar ook aan teveel of te lekker eten en drinken kan men verslaafd raken.
De behoefte aan seks en intimiteit hebben we allemaal.
De kunst is dus om nergens aan verslaafd te raken, dus om geen slaaf te worden van iets waarover je niet kunt heersen.
Als je af en toe teveel eet of alcohol drinkt dan ben je niet verslaafd.
Dit principe geldt dus voor alles waar je verslaafd aan kan raken.
Het probleem van porno is dat het wordt gemaakt door mensen die geen gezonde seksuele relatie hebben met een ander, dus dat geldt voor zowel de producenten als de uitvoerders ('acteurs').
Mensen die een gezonde seksuele relatie hebben, hebben geen behoefte dit te delen met anderen want intimiteit is precies wat het zegt: het is iets wat je alleen deelt met je partner.
Mensen die voor geld 'intimiteit' (in welke vorm dan ook) delen met anderen, en er zijn er ook die het niet voor geld doen, die propageren wat een beladen woord omschrijft als hoererij.
Hoererij (buitenechtelijke seks) maakt relaties kapot en als een hele maatschappij zich hieraan overgeeft dan gaat een hele maatschappij kapot, want de 'volwassenen' geven een slecht voorbeeld aan de kinderen.
De miljarden porno-'industrie' zou niet bestaan indien mensen op zouden groeien met seksueel gezonde ouders die die eigenschap zouden doorgeven aan hun kinderen, en die weer aan hun kinderen.
De miljarden porno-'industrie' maakt dus misbruik van het natuurlijke verlangen van ieder mens naar seks en intimiteit en maakt van eerst normale mensen, mensen zoals zijzelf zijn, dus mensen die geen gezonde kijk hebben op seks en intimiteit, liefde en respect.
Wie zou getrouwd willen zijn met een 'pornoster', wetende dat deze persoon het met 'Jan en alleman' doet?
Er zijn gelukkig ook ex-'pornosterren' die nadien wel een gezonde seksuele relatie wisten op te bouwen met een ander en die een gezin stichtten.
Helaas zijn er ook best veel 'pornosterren' die zelfmoord hebben gepleegd, of die aan drugs zijn verslaafd geraakt wat al laat zien dat er iets niet deugt aan porno.
Mijn advies: verbiedt porno niet, want een verbod maakt het alleen maar 'spannender'.
Maak het bespreekbaar en dat haalt de angel eruit.
Het kijken naar porno is geen doodzonde, maar het bedrijven van porno = hoererij is wel potentieel schadelijk.
Mijn held wist van tevoren dat seks de grootste zwakheid van de mens is en daarom is Hij vol van genade voor mensen die het van Zijn kant willen zien.
Daarom zei Hij tot Zijn critici dat ze hypocrieten waren want ze legden mensen wetten op waar ze zich niet aan hielden en Hij zei 'de hoeren en de tollenaars zullen u voorgaan in het Koninkrijk Gods'.
Daarmee praatte Hij hoererij niet goed, maar uit ondervinding bleek dat veel hoeren eerder dan 'vrome mensen' bereid waren om het van Zijn kant te zien omdat ze niet echt gelukkig waren met hun leven.
De trotse hypocrieten maakten zichzelf wijs dat ze wel gelukkig waren met hun (corrupte) leven.
Je kunt de porno-'industrie' ook omschrijven als masturbatie-'industrie'.
Over masturbatie staat helemaal niets in de Bijbel.
Daarmee is niet gezegd dat het niet slecht zou kunnen zijn, want alles waaraan men verslaafd raakt is niet goed.
Over roken staat ook helemaal niets in de Bijbel want die gewoonte komt uit Zuid-Amerika waar de inboorlingen de effecten van de tabaksplant hadden ontdekt en dat was nog niet bekend ten tijde dat de Bijbel werd geschreven.
Daarmee is niet gezegd dat roken niet slecht zou kunnen zijn, want alles waaraan men verslaafd raakt is niet goed.
Every addiction is bad because the word says it already: you are a slave to something and that can be anything such as porn, or gaming, gambling, drinking and drugs (including nicotine and caffeine) and it is actually a tension addiction.
DeleteWe all need to eat and drink, so that is normal, but people can also become addicted to too much or too tasty food and drink.
We all have the need for sex and intimacy.
So the trick is not to become addicted to anything, so not to become a slave to something over which you cannot rule.
If you occasionally eat or drink too much alcohol, you are not addicted.
This principle applies to everything that you can become addicted to.
The problem with porn is that it is made by people who do not have a healthy sexual relationship with another person, so that applies to both the producers and the performers ('actors').
People who have a healthy sexual relationship have no need to share it with others because intimacy is exactly what it says: it is something you only share with your partner.
People who share 'intimacy' (in whatever form) with others for money, and there are also those who don't do it for money, promote what a loaded word describes as fornication.
Fornication (extramarital sex) destroys relationships and if an entire society indulges in this, an entire society will be destroyed, because the 'adults' set a bad example for the children.
The billion-dollar porn "industry" wouldn't exist if people grew up with sexually healthy parents who passed that trait on to their children, and then on to their children.
The billion-dollar porn 'industry' therefore abuses every person's natural desire for sex and intimacy and turns them into normal people, people like themselves, i.e. people who do not have a healthy view of sex and intimacy, love and respect.
Who would want to be married to a 'porn star', knowing that this person is having sex with 'everyone'?
Fortunately, there are also former 'porn stars' who subsequently managed to build a healthy sexual relationship with someone else and who started a family.
Unfortunately, there are also quite a few 'porn stars' who have committed suicide or who have become addicted to drugs, which already shows that there is something wrong with porn.
My advice: don't ban porn, because a ban only makes it more 'exciting'.
Make it a topic of discussion and that will take the sting out of it.
Watching porn is not a mortal sin, but doing porn = fornication is potentially harmful.
My hero knew in advance that sex is man's greatest weakness and that is why He is full of mercy for people who want to see it from His side.
That's why He told His critics that they were hypocrites because they imposed laws on people that they didn't keep and He said 'the harlots and the publicans will go before you into the Kingdom of God'.
This did not justify fornication, but experience showed that many whores were more willing than 'pious people' to see it from His side because they were not really happy with their lives.
The proud hypocrites convinced themselves that they were happy with their (corrupt) lives.
You can also describe the porn 'industry' as a masturbation 'industry'.
There is absolutely nothing in the Bible about masturbation.
This does not mean that it could not be bad, because everything to which one becomes addicted is not good.
There is also nothing in the Bible about smoking because that habit comes from South America where the natives had discovered the effects of the tobacco plant and that was not yet known at the time the Bible was written.
This does not mean that smoking could not be bad, because everything to which one becomes addicted is not good.
Even Satan spit his drink across the room listening to this one