Thursday, March 13, 2014
The FIRST SATANIST on earth was a woMAN: EVE!
I know another 'Christian' woman on YouTube who called me 'dude', the first time we had contact.
Do you also call JESUS 'dude', as if He's one of your boyfriends?
Do you REALLY know Him?
Is JESUS Christ really your LORD?
People who believe in the post-trib-rapture (and the mid-trib too) are DECEIVED.
They'll get what they BELIEVE: GOD'S WRATH!!
They want to be PUNISHED!
They want to experience the Antichrist and the False Prophet and SATAN.
They are looking for trouble!
I don't say this because I hate you, because how could I hate someone I don't know?
I say this because JESUS LOVES YOU!
He doesn't want you to experience HIS WRATH!
It's NOT about the wrath of the devil, but about the wrath of GOD, aka JESUS!
This means that HE WILL BE VERY ANGRY at all people who will consciously choose AGAINST Him.
The SEVEN YEARS tribulation is in the FIRST PLACE meant for the REMNANT (one third) of the people of Israel, so that in the end they will REPENT and BELIEVE that YESHUA (They are Hebrews, so they are allowed to call Him that way) is their MASHIACH (Messiah=Christ) when JESUS Christ returns.
In case you're not without reason, I recommend you to read this: The Rapture of the Church
Hans from the Netherlands, ex-atheist, follower of JESUS Christ.
The WRONG translation;
King James Version (1611)
2 Thessalonians 2:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
The RIGHT translation:
World English Bible 2002
2 Thessalonians 2:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except the departure comes first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition
1 Timothy 2,14
1 Timothy 2
All men are born out of WOMEN, and though women teach their children a lot of GOOD things, they are also the ones who teach their children a lot of BAD THINGS!
In 'Christian' countries they teach their children to celebrate the PAGAN 'Christmas', the PAGAN 'Easter' (Ishtar), the PAGAN 'Santa Claus' (or in my country the PAGAN 'Sinterklaas'), the PAGAN 'birthday' and Roman Catholic mothers teach their children to worship 'Mary'.
Muslim mothers teach their children the SATANIC teachings of Muhammad and Hindu mothers teach their children the HINDU MADNESS, etc.
And where are the MEN in this story?
Well those MEN were mainly raised by their MOTHERS, who taught them those SATANIC things, and SATAN IS LAUGHING!!!
The first SATANIST on earth was a WOMAN, and the first and only person who bore this CURSE on a cross was a MAN: JESUS CHRIST!
The Bible makes an issue of the fact that Eve, the first woman, was deceived by Satan. This is significant. Say what you will, women are more vulnerable to Satanic deceptions than are men. Do you know why there are over one billion hellbound Roman Catholics in this world? It's because of mamas! Do you know why Muslim kids strap dynamite on themselves to go blow up dozens of people? It's because of mamas!
"The spiritual life of a nation, city, town, school, church, or home never rises any higher than the spiritual life of women."
The following links lead to my blocked Blogger blog, blocked by SATAN
The FIRST SATANIST on earth was a WOMAN!
The FIRST evangelist was a WOMAN
Why Satan LOVES to use WOMEN
Why God-the Lord JESUS LOVES to use WOMEN
A sickly jealous morning star
Get saved by the Gospel that SAVES FOREVER!
ALL women 'preachers' are REBELS!
ReplyDelete FALSE 'church' of SATAN (the Roman Catholic CULT) is called a WHORE: the WHORE of BABYLON!
I object to the use of the word 'church': I'm a former atheist and I have nothing with "churches" and "church towers, and did you know that the word 'church is the WRONG word for what our Lord JESUS started?
JESUS started a LIVING ORGANISM, called HIS BODY: the Body of JESUS Christ, and when believers in JESUS gather, this gathering is called an 'assembly' or a congregation, but NOT a 'church'.
The word 'church' is a Roman Catholic invention, meant to associate people's thinking with 'church BUILDINGS' and religion, instead of having a RELATIONSHIP with God through JESUS Christ.
Look here for a comparison:
I searched for the word 'church' and you'll find it in the King James stranslation, but NOT in the World English Bible, because then you'll read the RIGHT word 'assembly', which is in Dutch the word 'gemeente' (say gemaynta), and you'll read the Dutch word for 'church', which is 'kerk' (say kairk) in the ROMAN Catholic Willibrordvertaling=Willibrord translation.
SATAN USED "CHURCHES" (church buildings, with church towers and church bells) AND RELIGION TO KEEP ME AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF JESUS WHEN I WAS AN ATHEIST!
Hans S
1 second ago
ALL women 'preachers' are REBELS!
Michelle Israel
43 minutes ago
Luke 8:1-3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance
Michelle Israel
48 minutes ago
What should a black woman do then 98% of black women have short hair/ IT JUST DON'T GROW - Soo we should be judged as bossy? Luke 2:36-36 And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
37 And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.
38 And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. I will be persuaded if a good explanation is given to me for Jesus's own walk with women there is more verses I have but not the time to garner them. Just a question not trying to be confrontational
Hans S
1 second ago
Michelle, it's all so simple: female followers of JESUS Christ are ALLOWED to PREACH the gospel to UNBELIEVERS!
But within the body of Christ they are NOT allowed to have AUTHORITY over male believers in JESUS Christ!
And that's because if this: The FIRST SATANIST on earth was a woMAN: EVE!
"Black" (you mean BROWN) women are beautiful with long hair:
JESUS be with us!
Hans S
2 seconds ago
+Hans S The FIRST evangelist was a WOMAN ask yourself the question whether it's Biblical.
Beware of DOMINANT women within the Body of Christ!
Women are NOT called to lead, but the male believers.
Many female believers REBEL against this DEVINE principle.Do you really want to be some sort of a 'Christian witch'?
Everything you say is out of context.
And how do you plan to preach to MEN?
Wearing make up, which is meant to emphasize your SEXUAL appearance?
Then go to a muslim country and preach there, and in a matter of minutes you will be gang raped and murdered.
Women are allowed to preach the gospel to UNBELIEVERS, but they are NOT allowed to preach to brothers in Christ when believers in JESUS Christ are gathered in an assembly.
The word 'church' is Roman Catholic and the Catholic CULT is Satan's very own church.
The right word is assembly, from the original Greek manuscripts.
The reason GOD (not a human, but the highest authority) doesn't want women to preach to fellow male believers in Christ, is because the first HUMAN REBEL was a woman; Eve.
Repent and stop being a follower of Satan, disguised as a "Christian".
JESUS loves you,
Satan hates you.It was deliberate rebellion against God, first by Eve and then by Adam:
ReplyDelete+Grace Bride
You don't get it: she WANTED to rebel and disobey, because she wanted to know 'more'.
You don't grasp the CRIME she committed, and she made Adam her accomplice.
That was his fault and his CRIME, and JESUS, being the 'last Adam' wasn't fooled by any woman....not even by His own mother, and he certainly wasn't being fooled by the devil.
He is our example, both to men and women.+Sandra Muhammad
Start reading the Bible and wise up, and God is JESUS is God and He is a MAN.
He's the creator of feMALES, aka woMEN. is one of the MAIN reasons I FLED to JESUS!
The other option was to KILL MYSELF: goodbye CRUEL WORLD!
JESUS is COOL: He NEVER MARRIED and He happens to be GOD ALMIGHTY and He's so incredibly RICH...I mean..He OWNS EVERYTHING!
And He wants and GETS a 'WOMAN' who OBEYS Him and He DIED for 'her', after 'she' had MURDERED Him!
He created a SPECIAL kind of 'man': a woMAN.
This woMAN was NOT satisfied with all the WEALTH of PARADISE...NO she wanted MORE!
And you know something?
She got SATAN!
Adam was so STUPID to listen to her and he became SATANIC too!
Tom Leykis (of the vdieo 'Proof Women Marry For Money') thinks he's SMART....
Well, he's NOT, because he's a FORNICATOR and on his way to HELL because JESUS is NOT His Lord, unless God will save him.
The point is: without the fall of Adam and Eve there wouldn't have been PROCREATION!
They were so very HAPPY in Paradise that they never even thought of having sexual intercourse with each other, yet God, aka JESUS, had given them a COMMAND to procreate and to FILL this world with their offspring.
Even the ANIMALS in Paradise were TOO HAPPY to be interested in procreation!
Procreation MUST HAVE a REASON, and the REASON is DEATH!
There are people who think that Adam and Eve were sexually active before the Fall, but the EVIDENCE to the contrary is the FACT that Eve didn't get PREGNANT!
This happened AFTER the Fall and after they were driven out of Paradise by God.
So, something HAD TO happen in order to make Adam and Eve procreate.
Now people might say: so God knew beforehand what would happen when Satan tempted Eve and through Eve, Adam?
The STUNNINGLY simple answer is: YES!
Does this make God and accomplice of Satan and a CRIMINAL too?
Adam and Eve could have remained in Paradise WITHOUT SEX, if they would have OBEYED a VERY SIMPLE commandment: DON'T EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF GOOD AND EVIL.
Just: DON'T DO IT!
But no: Eve didn't want to obey and neither did Adam.
So who's to BLAME?
Exactly as it is written in the Bible: Adam, Eve and the Serpent=SATAN!
The REAL WAR is between God=JESUS and His adversary=Satan, and He wanted to PROOF Satan He was WILLING to be TORTURED and MURDERED by His OWN 'wife' (Eve is the MOTHER of ALL human beings) because He LOVES 'her' SO MUCH!
Satan had hoped that JESUS would be a man like any other man, but he/she was UNABLE to tempt Him in ANY WAY.
Satan is the WHORE of BABYLON, and JESUS wasn't interested in this WHORE!
This WHORE was DEFEATED when JESUS gave His life for His TRUE 'woman': the BODY of CHRIST, consisting of SINNERS who wanted and who want to OBEY Him and LOVE him until DEATH!
JESUS has TWO 'women' the body of Christ and the REMNANT of His chosen people Israel, and in eternity these two 'women' will MERGE into ONE in the NEW JERUSALEM.
The WHORE of BABYLON wants to THWART God's plans, BUT SHE WILL FAIL!
SATAN WILL FAIL!Conclusion: what would this world be without WOMEN?
In ETERNITY they will be SONS of GOD TOO (provided they are saved) just like FORGIVEN MEN!
THERE ARE NO "DAUGHTERS OF GOD": read your Bible and see that it's true.
God-JESUS FOOLED the devil through the creation of the feMALE!
Satan thought he had WON after he had first persuaded Eve to DISOBEY and through her had accomplished that Adam would DISOBEY too.
BUT STUPID SATAN wasn't aware of the ENORMOUS POWER of PROCREATION that BROKE LOSE, both among humans, animals and plants, on the ENTIRE earth!
This INCREASED the chance that NOT ALL humans would become LOST, but that a MINORITY would be SAVED, thanks to JESUS' sacrifice on the cross, which is the OCCULT symbol for the SATANIC 'sun-god'.
In the churches of the BABYLONIAN ROMAN CATHOLIC CULT JESUS REMAINS HANGING on the CROSS, BUT the cross remained empty after he DIED and ROSE from the dead.
The FIRST HUMANS who discovered this AWESOME FACT were WOMEN!
And the first person who told others that JESUS is the Messiah, the Christ, was a WOMEN too.
The first person who acknowledged the IMPORTANCE of JESUS' DEATH was a WOMEN:
Mary, the sister of Martha, who knew that without His death she could NEVER be FORGIVEN!+Annie Oakley +TONY COSTANZO
We all need JESUS: men and women alike!
Satan corrupted the FIRST marriage and we can't expect from men or women to be better people than Adam and Eve.
So you even start to call me a liar...
You're not a follower of JESUS, but a follower of your own FLESH!
JESUS loves you and Satan hates you!
Men are like Michael and Gabriel and women are like LUCIFER: more beautiful and more gifted.
God wanted to show Lucifer-Satan that it's possible to turn a 'natural ally of the devil' into a good SERVANT.
Why do you think Eve was the first human who wanted to obey SATAN and to DISOBEY God=JESUS?
They worship Lilith and femininity!
They DETEST men!
They think they are SUPERIOR!
Why do you think JESUS is a MAN, who happens to be GOD?
Biologically speaking men are another type of WOMEN!
They don't have a WOMB, but they have nipples, but they don't need to feed babies with their breasts.
They are created to LEAD.
And THUS they have a BEARD and other facial hair, and they are generally physically stronger, and they have a LOWER voice, just like a male LION.
Women who don't accept this are REBELS without a CAUSE!!+John S
MAN, the way you're twisting my words is incredible!
And why do you call me 'brother'?
I'm not your brother if you go against basic Biblical truth.
I've never said that women are more evil than men, but you're referring to Eve's attitude, AFTER she had sinned = deliberately disobeyed, and of course she played the victim, as if the Serpent had been responsible for her crime!
Satan is allowed to tempt us and it's up to us how to react.
JESUS = GOD in the flesh was tempted by Satan and he showed us that even under the most difficult circumstances it's possible to go against him, by staying focused on God's word.
11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15 But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.
1 Timothy 2:11
If you dare to go against this Biblical truth it's clear you don't really know JESUS and you don't really love Him.
This is really incredible what you stated: "Jesus being a male Gender has nothing to do with anything"
From what universe are you?
JESUS is the SON of God!!
ALL angels are SONS of God!
There are NO 'daughters of God'!
All feMALE Saints will be SONS of God too!
When God created the first feMALE, He created another type of MAN with the ability to bear children.
For this purpose they look like children themselves, having a 'baby face' without facial hair and being equipped with a higher voice than men, and with softer body characteristics, which is also attractive to men, in the context of reproduction.
In Germany there's a feMALE Chancellor in a position of the highest power, and I ask you whether this PUBLIC presentation of this woMAN is respectful toward God and men and fellow women and also children:
I have a wife and she's not my subordinate, and she's just as important to God-the Lord JESUS as me, but she knows what the Bible teaches and she will never want to go against it.
Hans S
10:59 AM
+John S 11 However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12 For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God. 1 Corinthians 11:11-12
All men are being born from women, and JESUS was no exception, because he had to become our perfect intermediate between Himself and God the Father, His alter ego who is VERY STRICT.
But if a man is being born from a Muslim women or a Catholic woman, the changes are high their children will become Muslims or Roman Catholics too, and both religions are false and they are also inter-connected, because Islam was created by the Vatican.
I just call it Roman Catholic Islam!
I knew a Catholic woman who raised her two sons on her own after her divorce.
BOTH sons have committed suicide when they became adolescents !
Now I won't say this was mainly because she is a Catholic, but she thought she could fulfill the role of both the mother and the father, which is a LIE!
Boys and girls need mothers AND FATHERS!
A good father is an image of God!
It's also not natural if a father is the only parent.
Hans S
11:02 AM
+John S
Who is John S?
My name is John in English, so my username would be John S in English.+John S I wonder whether you really are a man, or are you a homosexual?
Preaching the gospel is an assignment given both to female and male believers in JESUS Christ, but preaching to a congregation ('church' is a Roman catholic word) or assembly of both male and female believers in JESUS is NOT an assignment given to female believers.
If female believers in JESUS want to SERVE God=JESUS, then they obey this divine principle.
Let them preach and teach to UNBELIEVERS, CHILDREN and FELLOW, FEMALE BELIEVERS (Sisters in Christ JESUS), but when they start to teach and preach toward male believers in Christ JESUS they are in rebellion to God.
Male believers in JESUS who allow female believers to preach to male believers are in rebellion against God too!
Rebellion against God=JESUS is the original SIN=disobedience.+John S 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 1 Timothy 2
THIS is the reason why female believers in JESUS have no assignment to preach to a congregation of male and female believers.
Eve was NOT a 'victim', but a TRANSGRESSOR and she persuaded Adam to sin too = to disobey.
Adam wasn't a 'victim', but a TRANSGRESSOR, but NOT the FIRST human transgressor=CRIMINAL.
In order to COMMEMORATE this CRIME and God's answer to it, it is absolutely undisputed that a woman may never have authority over men in a congregation of believers in Jesus Christ.
Female believers who RESPECT this divine principle will be blessed and be a blessing to all believers, and female believers who DISRESPECT this divine principle are DESTROYERS of the Body of Christ!
Are you a man and are you not a homosexual?
In case you're a man and not a homosexual, I ask you to forgive me in JESUS' name for having suggested it.
"I wonder if you're that retarded like a fool"
No, I'm not retarded like a fool.
I forgive you for having suggested that, because you don't know me personally.
I'm an ex-atheist who couldn't stand any kind of religion in the past, because I thought ALL religious people are INSANE.
Now that I've become a person of faith myself, I still establish that many believers don't know what they are talking about.
Important question: do you love JESUS Christ?+John S
I didn't call you names.
I said: Are you a man and are you not a homosexual?
You still haven't answered these simple questions.
When Eve DISOBEYED God, she became the first CRIMINAL.
Is that so hard to understand?
And BECAUSE OF THIS female believers in JESUS have NO RIGHT to usurp authority over men.
12 But I don’t permit a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in quietness. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1 Timothy 2:12
The World English Bible says 'a man'.
But it's obvious you don't want to listen to what God says and you listen to your own heretical teachings.
You come across as a Roman Catholic.+John S
Yes, thanks to my Lord and Savior, JESUS, who's also my creator, because He's GOD.
Now, are you a man?
And something else: Satan's top 10 "Christian" female ministers Beckwith I love all people and I love all women, but if Satan was able to get the first female on his side, it's no surprise he's still using women on order to deceive.
Of course there are also many MALE deceivers, and Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn are prime examples, and not to forget Billy Graham, but Satan still LOVES to use women, as it was in Paradise, so long ago.
A simple first glance at her picture shows me she doesn't respect men, because her blouse is open and it's showing part of her breast.
The color of her hair is FAKE as if she wants to say: 'JESUS, you have given me the WRONG hair color'.
But this is important: women have NO authority to teach to a mixed gathering of male and female believers, and the moment a woman is proud enough to do so, it's time to confront her, or walk out of the gathering.
I once went to an assembly where this happened and at fist I thought the woman was only telling the gathering things concerning this assembly, but she kept talking and then I knew she was PREACHING.
I stood up and LEFT this gathering, and my wife and my sister, who's also my sister in JESUS, joined me.
Outside we talked it over and they agreed with me that I had done the right thing.
Of course I could have said things, but I was not in mood for a FIGHT.
Afterwards I learned that this action lead to discussions among the elders of this assembly, and it caused quite a row, but the result was that from then on this never happened again.
The problem arose because some elders thought that it was okay to invite a female 'preacher'.
JESUS in me said 'NO WAY!'.
Female 'preachers' (and I don't mean female evangelists, who preach to male unbelievers) are in REBELLION against God's word, and THUS in rebellion against God Himself.
The simple reason: the first TRANSGRESSOR in history was a woman, and to commemorate this CRIME it's a GOOD thing when female believers acknowledge this by not wanting to have authority over men.
This is their SERVICE to God and their fellow, male believers.
God wants MEN to be like JESUS, so this is their SERVICE to their wives and their female believers.
Both angels and humans were created to serve God and each other.
The former angel Morning Star was the first to REBEL against this DIVINE principle, and his BAD example set a precedent.+TONY COSTANZO Adam was a certain amount of time without ANY human companionship, yet he NEVER felt LONELY.
The only problem was that God had given him the assignment to procreate, and though he didn't know anything about sexuality, he knew he couldn't do this on HIS OWN.
And so God gave him a PARTNER with the ability to bring forth NEW life, and Adam was very happy and grateful.
He had NEVER seen a woman before, so to him she was a different kind of MAN, and he called her a WO-MAN.
In my language, Dutch, the female word for MAN, Adam used in order to name Eve, is MANNINNE or MANNIN: a feMALE version of a MAN.
Genesis 2:23 Toen zeide Adam: Deze is ditmaal been van mijn benen, en vlees van mijn vlees! Men zal haar Manninne heten, omdat zij uit den man genomen is.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
In eternity we will ALL be like the ANGELS and SONS of God and ALSO the feMALE believers in JESUS.
There are NO daughters of God!
Of course the females will retain their female looks, but their STATUS will be that of SONS of God.
Now, that's REAL eMANcipation!
Dumb woMEN want to have this status in this dimension, but this is VERY UNWISE, and that's the cause of FEMINISM, and this is DESTROYING MARRIAGE and SOCIETY.
The Jesuits and Satan LOVE feminism!+Steven Ben-DeNoon "If Jesus commissioned a woman to first deliver the message of His resurrection, why then are they being silenced by pastors in churches today?"
They are not being silenced by pastors but by God, and the reason is that Eve was the first person who had listened to Satan.
Female believers in JESUS are allowed to preach to children, fellow female believers and unbelievers, and the first evangelist (messenger of the good news that she had encountered the Messiah, Yeshua-JESUS) was a woman: the Samaritan woman at the well.
Being a MESSENGER isn't the same as a teacher or a preacher!
I don't read the words 'pastors' and 'churches' in the original manuscripts of the New Testament.
The right words are ELDERS and ASSEMBLIES.
The word 'church' is ROMAN CATHOLIC!
In order to commemorate the FACT that Eve, being a woman, was the first who had deliberately disobeyed God, female believers aren't allowed to preach and teach to a congregation of male and female believers in JESUS.
Why is this so hard to understand?
A MALE believer who has a BAD reputation toward the unbelievers also has NO right to teach and preach, even though he is SAVED by JESUS. Eve gave all women a BAD NAME through her CRIME! And Adam too by listening to her, after Eve had sinned=deliberately disobeyed God, but he wasn't the first, but Eve, and so in order to commemorate this sequence of events, the female believers should NOT want to be in charge.
Because Eve had been so STUPID to have taken the LEAD, JESUS had to SUFFER and DIE for her, and all of humanity!
Every female believer in JESUS who doesn't WANT TO understand this principle is just as bad as Eve.+YeshuaisShekinah I've read several of your posts, and what I've heard you say so far is true to the Word of God. You know, it was Eve who brought the fruit to Adam and persuaded him to eat it. So in all seriousness, I wonder if Mrs Ben-DeNoon has influenced her own husband into believing these doctrines of demons. It just seems too coincidental that Mr Ben-DeNoon is suddenly preaching these doctrines that are not only contrary to Scripture, but sound almost word for word like feminist propaganda.
YeshuaisShekinah+Steven Ben-DeNoon
Brother, you have chased sister +jusss m3 away, because she's AFRAID of you!
I've talked with her and that's how I know.
You may know what I wrote her: "I've also had the experience with Ben-deNoon that he can be very different when he's being confronted with Biblical truth.
But understand that he's a JEW, and I have experience with real Jews who believe in JESUS, and they are...DIFFERENT."
"I'm glad you believe in the Biblical truth that female believers in the Lord JESUS Christ are EQUAL to male believers, BUT that GOD (not man!) gave them DIFFERENT ROLES within marriage, and withing a Holy gathering of male and female believers.
The role of women is already IMMENSELY important because they give birth to children and they are in most cases the ones who INFLUENCE them the most, and children are the future ADULTS."
I've also DEFENDED you:
Elizabeth Butcher 3 weeks ago
Looks nothing like him! Look at mouth and ears and the nose is not at all similar.
Hans S 1 second ago
+Elizabeth Butcher You are RIGHT! This is SLANDER!
Anthony Pope Shared on Google+ · 1 month ago
Steven Ben Denoon AKA Charles Hockdnbarger Is A Fake Jews Exposed A Member Of The WBC Church
· 1
Hans S 1 second ago
+Anthony Pope They are two DIFFERENT MEN! This is SLANDER!
Hans S 14 minutes ago
+Anthony Pope I warn you Anthony, because this is a BIG FAT LIE!! The men in the video are DIFFERENT PEOPLE! This is pure SLANDER!
Anthony Pope 8 minutes ago
Everyone has a opinon Hans i don,t go on your channel and acuse you of anything it,s a fact Steve teaches Jesuit Futurism.
· 1
Hans S 1 second ago
+Anthony Pope No, YOU are the accuser, and I don't give a DAMN about territories on SATAN'S internet! STOP SLANDERING a FELLOW BELIEVER in JESUS CHRIST! And STOP calling the Biblical pre-Times of Jacob's Trouble-rapture 'Jesuit futurism', because the SATANIC Jesuits have HIJACKED this BIBLICAL teaching in order to change it into something VERY different. THREE HUNDRED YEARS they did NOTHING with this LIE, but when the time was ripe, they injected it into the hearts and minds of people, who were being used by the papacy to tell the WRONG version of the pre-Times of Jacob's Trouble-rapture, and they came up with the CONFUSING term 'the pre-tribulation-rapture'. The Pope/the Papacy is the Antichrist, but the pre-Times of Jacob's Trouble-rapture is ALSO TRUE! Israel is still God's chosen people, whether you or others like it or not.
Your brother in JESUS-YESHUA,
+Forever Forgiven in Christ Jesus The Holy Ghost is JESUS in spiritual capacity, so HE can't be female. But this is the point: feMALES or woMEN are in fact a very special kind of MEN, with the ability to bring forth new life for God-JESUS. The first human was a MAN: Adam. JESUS is called the 'Last Adam'. He's the PERFECT man! Adam FAILED, because he listened to the SECOND human being, who was created to SERVE him and she 'served' him by listening to Satan/the Serpent and by DECEIVING him. But Adam was just as bad and he also wanted to obtain this FORBIDDEN knowledge, so he took from Eve and he ate from the fruit. But because Eve was the first HUMAN BEING who transgressed against God, and because she was the SECOND human creation, she wasn't allowed to have authority over her husband and over men, except when they are children. MOTHERS have an ENORMOUS INFLUENCE on people, when they are children, and this can be GOOD or BAD. What is Satan doing? He/SHE is always trying to TWIST things! He/SHE is always attacking God's creation ORDER. I say he/SHE when I mention Satan because he/SHE is the spirit behind the worship of WOMEN and especially 'MARY', who is Semiramis from Babylon, the so called goddess. She has also been exposed as VENUS. This is the true god of the Roman Catholic CULT and Semiramis worshiped the SUN, hence the SUNday is so important to this CULT, and the Lord JESUS was being crucified on the symbol for this 'god': the CROSS. Think also of the SWASTIKA: it's the symbol for the SUN. The ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZIS used it! Satan also make people worship the MOON! The MOON'god' is the original identity of 'allah' of Islam. It's just as BABYLONIAN as the worship of the SUN. Witches and other occultists also worship the MOON. Women/females are meant to be like the ANGELS, just like MEN. They are JUST AS important to God=JESUS, BUT He gave them a DIFFERENT ROLE. Female SAINTS will also be SONS of God, though they retain their female appearance and characteristics. There are NO daughters of God! Look it up in the Bible. So your are my SISTER in JESUS and my future FELLOW ANGEL and SON of GOD! Servants of the LORD JESUS = GOD and each other!
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Forever Forgiven in Christ Jesus I'm Dutch and in my language and in German I believe we have a better word for 'human (being)': mens (Dutch) or Mensch (German). It derives from the Germanic word 'man', which is also an English/Germanic word. A woman is a 'mens' or Mensch and a man is a 'mens' or 'Mensch' in my and the German language.
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Hans S 1 second ago
+Forever Forgiven in Christ Jesus Conclusion: if women want to be TREATED WELL by MEN, then they'd better raise their SONS as GOD FEARING people who LOVE the Lord JESUS! All men who don't treat women well DON'T fear God and don't love JESUS! It's THAT simple! Women are in fact VERY POWERFUL! But when they ALSO want to have authority over ADULT men, they are OVERSTEPPING their position within God's creation ORDER. Eve was the first who did this and many women followed, creating TWISTED and DANGEROUS MEN. Adolf Hitler or 'Obama' (Frank Marshall Davis jr. or Barry Davis) could have been GOD-FEARING, JESUS WORSHIPING MEN, but their mothers turned them into MONSTERS and also because they choose the wrong kind of MEN as fathers for their children. All the ISIS-monsters have had MOTHERS and what did their mothers teach them when they were children?? My mother made many mistakes, but she also did many GOOD things. The BEST thing she did in my case was sending me to a Protestant kindergarten, where I heard for the first time in my life the Biblical stories from the children's Bible, because she wasn't allowed to teach her children about God, from her Catholic background by her ATHEIST husband (my dad). Thanks to her POSITIVE REBELLION against her husband (he was at sea for months, so she had to take decisions on her own) God, the Lord JESUS was able to enter into my life, despite the fact that it lasted only throughout one school season, because I had a teacher who could read so well aloud from the children's Bible and because I was fond of her. Later, I went to a public elementary school and a public high school, where they taught me the evolution LIE, which made me VERY CYNICAL and an ATHEIST (God denier), but thanks to the 'groundwork' of my mother and this female teacher at kindergarten, God was able to SAVE me when I had just become 24: without this grave incident, there wouldn't have been DEATH and the answer to death: PROCREATION through SEX!
Adam an Eve were completely UNINTERESTED in sex BEFORE the Fall, because they were so INCREDIBLY HAPPY! Nita Moniz
Of course you may disagree, because people do it all the time, since the fall, and I know for sure that people will NEVER agree 100% while they are here on 'Concentration Camp Earth, under the rule of Satan, ALLOWED by God=JESUS'.
I didn't say that Eve was 100% happy.
I said Adam and Eve were so INCREDIBLY HAPPY!
They were happy as CHILDREN, though they had ADULT bodies and were very intelligent.
But we know that INTELLIGENCE is NOT the same as WISDOM!
Did you know that an earthworm dies of BOREDOM, even when it has enough food, and did you know that human babies die due to LACK of LOVE?
I know this from my lessons in Biology during High school, and the fact that babies die due to a lack of LOVE (cuddling and talking to them and giving them positive attention) was proven shortly after ww2 in Germany were there were THOUSANDS of orphan babies , because the so called 'good guys', the Americans and the British, had MURDERED their parents during the CRIMINAL bombings of ALL German cities, and to think that 67% of the German population did NOT vote for (Vatican controlled) Hitler in 1933.
These babies were taken good care of by nurses, but they had NO TIME to give them the much needed love and affection, and they couldn't grasp at first why still so many of them DIED!
EXCEPT on ONE section, where an old fashioned motherly type of nurse took the time to cuddle, kiss and talk to every single baby, even though she also had to take care of MANY babies, and she was going against the 'rules' of the strict time schedule.
NO babies died on her section!
Don't you ever think I'm accusing God, my FATHER, but I know Him, and I know WHY he allowed former Cherub and former highest angel Morning Star to entice Eve and Adam into sin, because I'm ABSOLUTELY SURE they were NOT interested in sexuality, and they had never observed sexuality among the animals, because there was yet NO NEED for it, due to the lack of DEATH.
Death is a FORCE, created by God=JESUS!
It's NOT a satanic force, but a phenomenon which serves God's purposes.
Read this:
Rev 20,14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. KJV-W.E.B.
The KJV is a GOOD translation, but it doesn't make a distinction between the REALM of the DEAD and HELL=the lake of fire.
One cannot cast the lake of fire (hell) into the lake of fire!
But DEATH and the REALM of the DEATH are both creations by God=JESUS and He will cast them into His 'trash can' (hell=lake of fire=second death) when He doesn't need them anymore.
Eve was very clever (which most women are) and she was made in order to CHALLENGE Satan!Satan was a VERY BEAUTIFUL angel and he (but he's also a she) observed her and he couldn't understand why this naked, 'failed angel', Adam, who looked a LOT like the animals, though with a lot of intelligence, had been given such a gorgous feMALE, a woMAN, even though she also was a 'failed angel' in the eyes of the SERPENT.
And they also had been given the authority over ALL the earth!
And they had been given something VERY INTERESTING which angels DON'T HAVE: the ability to have sex and to procreate.
Remember the time you were a CHILD: any NORMAL child is TOTALLY UNINTERESTED in sex.
I remember it VERY well.
I had a girlfriend when I was at kindergarten and I was very happy when she allowed me to kiss her on her CHEEK, or just look her into the eyes in order to see whether she liked me, which she did, and vice versa.
Her name was Nancy.
I believe Adam and Eve were just like CHILDREN, even though they were NAKED and the MOST beautiful humans in history, and even though they could observe each others genitals, but they weren't 'triggered' to have sex.
Something had to happen, or WE wouldn't have existed and I wouldn't have been writing this, and JESUS would have never arrived on the scene, being God, manifested in the flesh, because there wouldn't have been a REASON for SALVATION and a SAVIOR.
So, God=JESUS ALLOWED 'Morning Star', aka 'Lightbringer' to ENTICE and TEMPT Adam and Eve.
Morning Star knew that Adam wouldn't be tempted by him, but he noticed that Eve was VERY interested in the fruit of the tree of good and evil.
This was his chance!
Like a SPIDER in a WEB he waited, and then one day Eve came close enough, and the rest of the story is known.
But WHY did God=JESUS ALLOW this to happen and WHY didn't He intervene, LIKE a GOOD FATHER/PARENT is supposed to do?
Humans are created in a VERY SPECIAL way, being half angelic and half animal.
He can't save ANGELS!
More on this (of course you don't have to agree): Thank God for the creation of ANIMALS
Is this explanation wthin the Bible?
Then how do I know this?
That's something between me and God-JESUS, and I DON'T EXPECT anyone to believe me!
But I tell you that we're here in this DIMENSION, between heaven and hell in order to make a CHOICE between God and Satan, between LIFE and DEATH, because we're in the MIDDLE of a WAR!
This WAR started in Paradise and NOT earlier!
It's a SPIRITUAL WAR, which is also often being fought out in a PHYSICAL sense.
I hope I have made myself clear in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE, because I'm Dutch and I know you're from Romania.
More on this: A sickly jealous morning star
Hans, ex-atheist. Jane Mcilroy
Thank you Pamela, and you know that JESUS loves all women, because He created them, but He gave men and women different roles within HIS(!) Body.
We are all called to serve each other, and the original sin was disobedience to this principle, because when Eve ate from the forbidden fruit she was serving herself, and Satan was laughing...
Then Adam did the same and since then we're in BIG TROUBLE, and God had to become JESUS in order to fix this problem.
Thank God He did and thank God He's coming back i order to restore Paradise and JUSTICE.
In eternity we're all SONS of God and like the ANGELS.
Our Lord JESUS is with us!+John S
The great and magnificent John S to JESUS: "now listen, you tiny creator: I'm the great and magnificent John S and you'd better listen to me, or else you'll stay as dumb as a rock.
You have no right to make a distinction between a man and a woman, and when you commanded through Paul that a female member of the Body of Christ has no assignment to preach to a congregation, you were dead wrong!
Who do you think you are?
God?"+John S
I'm not blaspheming the Lord: I'm responding with IRONY, because whatever I say, you want to be the 'WINNER'.
I've asked you this before: do you LOVE JESUS Christ and is He your Savior?+John S
If I were God I wouldn't be here on stupid Google+YouTube!
I don't know which Bible you read, but in my Bible I don't read about female believers in JESUS who preach and teach in a congregation/assembly of male and female believers in JESUS Christ.+Kronk the Kaveman Proverbs 31 woman? Good point, because I do believe they exist! I believe the key to a successful relationship between a man and a woman should be the 'manual of the maker of sex and procreation and creation in general'. Both the male and the female should take these instructions very serious, and they should have a personal relationship with their own creator. It's no use to call certain kinds of women or women in general, 'whores' or 'bitches', because men are just as stupid in case they don't know and respect the instructions of their own creator. I believe that knowing our maker and loving Him and respecting Him is the best form of emancipation for both men and women. Btw: I'm an ex-atheist and a former adherent of the theory of evolution from the Netherlands. Maybe this will interest you: Why Satan LOVES to use WOMEN
ReplyDelete+Kronk the Kaveman
I've got more about 'Mary, Queen of Heaven' on my site:
Btw: I love women, but I don't put them on a pedestal, and I want to be friends with them, just like I want to be friends with men, acknowledging the difference between the soul of a woman and a man, but in the first place we're all HUMANS and our real being is our BRAIN.
The internet is in fact a good medium for communication, because when it's done in the form of text only, it's without BODY LANGUAGE, so without all kinds of possible manipulations.
Contact from BRAIN to BRAIN, and then it's not important whether we are male of female.
Greetings from the Netherlands!+Sjúrður Højgaard
Correct and this is also true:
1 Corinthians 13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
13 1 He showeth that there are gifts so excellent, which in God’s sight are not corrupt, if Charity be away: 4 and therefore he digresseth unto the commendation of it.
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and Angels, and have not love, I am as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 And though I had the gift of prophecy, and knew all secrets and all knowledge, yea, if I had all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and had not love, I were nothing.
3 And though I feed the poor with all my goods, and though I give my body, that I be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.
4 Love suffereth long: it is bountiful: love envieth not: love doth not boast itself: it is not puffed up:
5 It doth no uncomely thing: it seeketh not her own thing: it is not provoked to anger: it thinketh no evil:
6 It rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth:
7 It suffereth all things: it believeth all things: it hopeth all things: it endureth all things.
8 Love doth never fall away, though that prophesyings be abolished, or the tongues cease, or knowledge vanish away.
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect, is come, then that which is in part shall be abolished.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child: I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass darkly: but then shall we see face to face. Now I know in part: but then shall I know even as I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope and love, even these three: but the chiefest of these is love.
I'm not a 'Christian': I'm a JESUS Christian, and JESUS loves sinners, because He wants to save them and keep them forever.
He even loves you!
Isn't that wonderful?
Do you love Him too?+Sjúrður Højgaard
Here's something for you to study: Israel's Kingdom Gospel and Our Grace Gospel
More links to interesting info under your video:
Hans S 1 second ago
Gospel of GRACE ·
Hans S 1 second ago
Mysterious Body of Christ ·
Hans S 1 second ago
Rapture and prophecy ·
Hans S 1 second ago
There is no Apostasy or Falling Away
Hans S 1 second ago
Discerning The Trumpets (Revelation 1:8-10) I think he's just a normal guy who can't imagine his mother flying a WAR MACHINE like a F-16, invented by MEN, that's all....
ReplyDelete+EF2000CanFly Remember that the first feMALE listened to Satan? And that a sinless MAN had to die for her sins and for her offspring?
Hans S
Hans S1 second ago
+Clarissa Webb The first CRIMINAL was a woMAN and we're all her offspring, whether we like it or not. Thank God for the sinless MAN, called JESUS! When He's coming back He doesn't need stupid fighter jets in order to DESTROY all of His enemies.+John doe Sexy eyes? I want to see those eyes without the make-up. You never see male pilots with make-up. I know there are already transgender pilots, but when will we see the first transgender fighter pilot? O wait: they already exist:
ReplyDelete+EF2000CanFly Get over it! The first woMAN wanted to be MAN and take the LEAD, and then a sinless MAN had to be born out of a woman He Himself had invented, in order to DIE for her offspring, which is all of humanity. So give Eve a bit of credit, otherwise JESUS couldn't have become her HERO and SAVIOR. PS: Adam and Eve weren't interested in sex in Paradise, because they were just TOO HAPPY, so the Fall of Man was inevitable, otherwise they wouldn't have had the urge to be willing to procreate, and the incentive was DEATH!
ReplyDeleteFemale IDF soldiers banned from removing bras, smoking & wearing white due to religious soldiers
ReplyDeleteNTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Women Ruling Over The People And Children Disrespecting Their Elders Is A Sign That God Is Judging A Nation
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Captured Soviet Female Soldiers - How Did the Germans Treat Them?
ReplyDeleteThey fell in love with them and wanted to marry, they killed them.
DeleteExecution of Elisabeth Volkenrath - Brutal Nazi Guard at Auschwitz & Bergen Belsen - Holocaust - WW2
ReplyDeleteElisabeth Volkenrath, one of the many female criminals that walked this earth.
DeleteOne of the most satanic females in history was Semiramis of Babylon, the 'Queen of Heaven', whom the Catholic church calls 'Mary'.
ReplyDeleteJinjer Pisces reaction
ReplyDeleteJinjer - BUS INVADERS Ep. 1386
ReplyDeleteJinjer - BUS INVADERS Ep. 1527
ReplyDeleteJinjer on War in Ukraine, Rejecting Popularity + 'Macro'
ReplyDelete“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”
ReplyDeleteGod had not told Adam not to touch the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!
This was what Eve brought up when she was talking to the Serpent, and in fact this was the first LIE in history!
After that, it was very simple for Satan to deceive Eve, for he KNEW that God had NOT said that to Adam!
Standing Naked Before God: Eve
ReplyDeleteHow KC Got Her Battle Damaged A-10 Home
ReplyDeleteOf course they don't talk about the fact that the US was totally illegal in Iraq on behalf of the pedo-Pope of Rome and Satan...
DeleteGerman FM plans ‘feminist’ blitz
ReplyDeleteRocking for Satan
ReplyDeleteWikipedia: Rockbitch
We are not Wiccan, and we are not Satanists though we do get seen as both sometimes.
DeleteNonsense! All unsaved sinners belong to Satan!
DeleteAnd it started with Eve and then Adam and then ALL of US!
DeleteEXCEPT JESUS, of course!
DeleteI've been called 'worse than Satan' a FELLOW BELIEVER in JESUS!
DeleteThat's because I'm a former ATHEIST....and atheism is SATANISM!
DeleteBut many believers in JESUS don't realize how SATANIC they still are if they don't believe
Deletein the ONLY GOSPEL that saves: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4! The Gospel of the FORMER PERSECUTOR of JESUS, Paul.
DeleteAre you saved from the lake of fire = God's eternal WRATH? He LOVES us but He HATES sin!
DeleteFirst Time Reaction to Stryper - To Hell With The Devil
DeleteThey started playing for the devil and then started playing for JESUS....yeah, why not?
Pinned by Bisscute
7 months ago
Why is everyone Hating on Christian Metal? This is my first time ever reacting to something like this But I mainly focuse on the vocals and Instrumental . What am I missing?? <3
7 months ago
There are many reasons. One i wrote in the live chat. Then there was mention of the taking sides too.
Also, the metal community can be very rigid. So if something isn't "metal enough" they are gonna hate on it. And.... while i hate admitting to it, there was a time (decades ago) when i was like that too in terms of some genres. But having gotten older, i can at least respect what a band has done, even if it's not my exact type of thing
Gerard Teijken
Gerard Teijken
7 months ago
I do not understand either. Great band! They are still around and will release a new album later this month. They already released a new video of the song Transgressor. Maybe you can do a reaction 😊
Palladin Odessa
Palladin Odessa
7 months ago
It was seen (by a lot of people inside and outside the industry) as a feeble attempt to infiltrate the "metal" scene - which back at the time was mostly dominated with less Christian projections and imagery. Motley Crue was putting out Shout at the Devil and looked the part. The metal scene seemed more intrigued to let people be more evil looking and the popular bands all seemed to fit the "devil music" imagery. Christian bands singing about god wasn't received at the time as well - right or wrong, agree or not. The rebellious nature of hard rock/metal lent itself more to wanting to see the more satanic appearing bands. You have to remember, at the time, there were different genres as well; thrash, speed, black, death, hair - you name it. Everyone was trying to stand out and promote their own bands - maybe Christian bands seemed more meek or timid.
7 months ago (edited)
They can hate all they want. Stryper was around before most metal bands. I’d put his voice up against any one. And this whole entire album was excellent. Funny part is when they were in their prime, hardly anyone knew they where singing about God. I’m a Metallica Slayer Man o War Exodus old head.
7 months ago
@Sean Herskowitz I’m a Italian Catholic born and raised in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. Come tell me this in person. Remember, the Christians in the Mid west are nothing compared to what we will do. Call me a bigot? Don’t let your freedom of speech get carried away because you’re gonna say something to the wrong one one day. Say grown up things to a grown man and you should expect to be responsible to get grown man results.
Palladin Odessa
Palladin Odessa
7 months ago
@jimmyb524 I am old-school thrash dude as well. Hair bands were cool and trendy at the time. Some were harder, some were softer. Slayer/Anthrax/Megadeth/Metallica just didn't care to glam up and their music was better. I would say maybe Dokken would be near the top of my hair band list with Crue. Michael Sweet has an awesome voice - on par with Sebastian or Slaughter.
michael büttner
michael büttner
7 months ago
In German : Heuchler , in english : Hyprocrisy - i don' t need Religions in my life , but i got this Band at home , i love the voice of Michael Sweet
Sean Herskowitz
Sean Herskowitz
7 months ago
@jimmyb524 ah conservative Catholic ? So Michael Jackson and his ilk must be up your alley 😝🤘🏻
Marc Baur
Marc Baur
Delete7 months ago
I dont hatte them, i had the Album back then. But i'm Pagan, i believe in Odin/Wotan, Thor/Donnar, Freya and all other germanian Gods, so i'm not a Friend of Christianity and the opposite called Satan. Hail to our ancient Gods. 🙂
Tim Thomson
Tim Thomson
7 months ago
@jimmyb524 threats and aggression are not the tools of a grown man, more a child - especially over such light hearted/clearly humorous comments. You can't bring yourself to the point of discussing valid points about theism and arguing your stance without resorting to anger - perhaps because your thinking only goes so far. I'd try and loosen up a bit and try thinking for yourself outside the box, perhaps you'll be able to come up with a cohesive statement instead of idle 'big man' confrontations. My take on things? Open your eyes and try to see the world from a different perspective, and if you think for a second that there might not be a god, that we're all just accidental random space dust shaped by evolution and not designed, then the whole universe becomes far more wonderous and amazing! :)
Tim Thomson
Tim Thomson
7 months ago
As already said in other comments, there is the whole 'snobby' side to metal, and christian rock is seen as lame and the subject a bit weak. Not all their songs are religious, just like the Misfits songs aren't all about horror, but the stance they are coming from, the ideology they bring to the table, is that of far right, closed minded, preaching christians. Most metal speaks about fun things or serious topics like politics and war etc, and makes the listener question the world they live in - whereas much christian metal is simply saying "this is our viewpoint and it's right, and if you don't agree then you're evil and need saving by jebus or chastised for being a non-believer" Shame, because like you say the vocals and instrumentals can be amazing, just shame about the content!
late knightr
late knightr
7 months ago
studio version of this song is great...stryper kills it..another good christian band is will really like skillet..awake and alive is one of their hits
Robert Bergström
Robert Bergström
7 months ago
@Sean Herskowitz ah.. you mean Rob Halford. The same Rob Halford that said that Stryper done some really good covers (when they recorded a cover of Breaking The Law) and that the thing he liked about Michael Sweet was that he really respected other artists and their work. Interesting 😉
Robert Bergström
Robert Bergström
7 months ago
You’re not missing a thing. Some people are very small minded when it comes to things they don’t like. Stryper is a great band and is still putting out new music 40 years later. It was a great reaction!
Randolph Reazor
Randolph Reazor
7 months ago
I got to see them during the To Hell With The Devil tour in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA! Just a great group to see live and get the most needed message of our lives!
Bill wicket Vogel
Bill wicket Vogel
7 months ago
80% of metal is Christian. People are shallow and stuck in their own little box. that's all you're missing! Keep on rockin" !
7 months ago
Because people can't just let other people enjoy things. I'm not a Christian or religious at all, and I have great respect for the talent of Stryper.
Delete7 months ago (edited)
Reminds me of a funny TV skit I saw once. A guy, alone in his car, is switching radio stations, looking for something good, then hears a Christian metal song, and likes it. By the time he gets to the next stoplight, he's singing along loudly, wildly doing the "Rock Star" gestures. Suddenly a car pulls up alongside him at the stoplight. Immediately, the guy switches off the radio as fast as he can, and tries to look cool :)
I rate bands based on their talent, and Stryper was a good band in that genre (like you said, "What a voice!").
On the other hand, the preachy, holier-than-thou sameness of the lyrics of some artists in this genre, does (for me) detract from the good music. I'll still listen if the music is good, but I try to tune out the lyrics (or interpret them in a more secular, symbolic way).
Aaron Schimmel
Aaron Schimmel
7 months ago
The way you are talking is hateful. Stryper are good guys with faith. Not perfect by any means but they try to be. More than can be said of most musicians who live destructive lifestyles
7 months ago
@Aaron Schimmel Wtf was hateful about anything she said? You need to re-read what she wrote dude, and stop accusing people who have been nothing but respectful.
7 months ago
They’re are some really talented Christian metal bands especially from the early 90’s that never got the credit they deserve simply because of their message
jarrett finney
jarrett finney
7 months ago
I'll be honest. I always just thought they used the whole christian angle to sell albums and tickets, and I wasn't s fan of that. But at the same time they look so cool time and time again, they do have a cool sound. The entire thing is just hilarious to me. Like all of the cheesy super 80s song and album titles, their awesome album artwork. It's just so funny
jarrett finney
jarrett finney
7 months ago
@Mikeman I don't see anything wrong with it. Endless metal bands sing about Satan and hell and evil all of the time and most of them aren't satanic. Plus I honestly just think they were using it to sell records and tickets. I mean they used to like throw bibles our into the crowd and stuff. The whole thing was so ridiculous I just like to appreciate it for the whole big crazy thing it was. I mean they look cooler than most 80s bands. They have the funniest album and song titles. Plus seeing where music is today, it's funny seeing some Christian band with all of these gigantic sets and helicopters and stuff. It's just hilarious
Delete7 months ago
@jarrett finney i have no definitive answer to why.
Cap Howdy
Cap Howdy
7 months ago
I am an athiest and not a fan of any religion, but I absolutely love Stryper.
Diamond burn
Diamond burn
7 months ago
Wow a striper reaction! Loved it!
Steven Beall
Steven Beall
7 months ago
I really never cared what they were singing about or even if they were doing it for attention. Back in the day I could go from Slayer to this in a second with no hesitation. They were a great band and rocked hard. People get too caught up in messages and image, when it should be about the music, not if it challenges your silly social insecurities.
Eric Minton
Eric Minton
7 months ago
most people hate them mainly for the "Christian" part of what they are...not their music.
D. Dieguez
D. Dieguez
7 months ago
@Palladin Odessa No, their music was not better,
G Demolished
G Demolished
6 months ago
This was the rock music your grandma wanted you to listen to. I think that was the main reason the scene labeled them as corny.
Jon Fazzone
Jon Fazzone
5 months ago
You didn’t miss a thing
Great Vocals
Solid Musicianship
Solid Guitar Solo
The Yellow & Black Attack
The Spinning Drum Kit
And they are Still Making Solid Music Today 30 Years Later
React to “Calling on You” or “Free”
Sean Dobson
Sean Dobson
5 months ago
The yellow stripes on their clothes serve a purpose. It comes from Isaiah 53:5which reads, “But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inequities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.
SuprChickn 77
SuprChickn 77
Delete5 months ago
@Gerard Teijken Transgressor is as metal as anything you will ever hear!
SuprChickn 77
SuprChickn 77
5 months ago
The thing is that real metal music lovers have been giving Stryper respect for decades. Their talent level is hard to beat and having a vocalist, Michael Sweet, who is also an amazing guitarist puts them in a very small list of bands. Great reaction!
sirt3z on Instagram
sirt3z on Instagram
5 months ago
Who's hating on Christ metal show me who they are ,,, let me at em let me at em I'll give him a 1 2 3 and then a 345 and then it's Bing !!! lights out sucka fish
sirt3z on Instagram
sirt3z on Instagram
5 months ago
In the '80s you name any thrash metal band and I saw them live I was like too deep into that type of music and in the early 90s I met Christ King Jesus and I start getting into bands like tourniquet Deliverance Petra mortification etc etc and nowadays it's like demon Hunter impending doom the gfm band and the list goes on and on as far as all the Christ metal bands I listen to nowadays
4 months ago
Such amazing awesomeness. I've only seen Stryper once, and that was on this tour with Loudness opening it up. What an amazing band, and what an amazing time to see such fantastic musicians do it the way it should be done.
And yes... The message
By his stripes we are healed.
Terry Vogelaar
Terry Vogelaar
4 months ago
I'm a Christan and I love metal. Superficial people seem to see a juxtaposition between these two because metal sounds "demonic". Some metal fans hate God and some Christians see metal as Satan worship. But for me, metal is "screaming on my behalf" and Christianity is about finding forgiveness and healing for the soul. Both my music and my faith are ways to cope with my traumatic childhood. And I know several other Christian metalheads.
Joseph Unis
Joseph Unis
4 months ago
@Marc Baur I'm an Ancient Alien Theorist who grew up solid Pentacostal. Mike's voice is absolutely top 10 all-time period.
Hoosier Daddy
Hoosier Daddy
3 months ago
Jealousy. It's great! I'm not a Christian either!
Shawn Eldridge
Shawn Eldridge
3 months ago
I've been a big fan of stryper ever since they're in God we trust CD came out in 1987 I believe it was. Love the the band and music. These guys know how to Rock
Jason Willett
Jason Willett
11 days ago
@Scott With TnT?? If so, I saw that tour as well. My first concert in like 88??
11 days ago
@Jason Willett yes TnT and Loudness opened.
Bisscute is RRRomanian and she smokes the hookah and she is not saved yet
DeleteMay it happen soon!