It's all about the restoration of the ROMAN EMPIRE = the satanic VATICAN in disguise = the Roman Catholic church
It's all about the restoration of the ROMAN EMPIRE = the satanic VATICAN in disguise = the Roman Catholic church
May 30, 2023
In this video, I preach during the Sunday Morning service on May 21st, 2023, at The First Baptist Church of Lowell, Indiana. FOR THE FULL LENGTH VIDEO, CLICK ON THE CHANNEL BELOW OF YOUR CHOICE:
(Natural News) Newly released data show that not a single healthy young person under the age of 50 has died from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in Israel, ever.
The Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) admitted in response to a formal request from an attorney that there have been “zero deceased of 18-49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” meaning anyone under age 50 who was not already seriously ill with a pre-existing health condition has ever died from the disease.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
Aliyev said that “Armenians living in Karabakh must either accept Azerbaijani citizenship or look for another place to live” adding that "I am sure that the majority of the Armenian population
living in Karabakh today is ready to accept Azerbaijani citizenship.
It’s just that these leeches, these wild animals, the separatists
[referring to the de facto Republic of Artsakh representatives] don’t
allow it."
Aliyev's irredentist statements have drawn criticism from EU officials
and human rights organizations specializing in genocide studies.
Belgrade’s move was triggered by the latest clashes in the breakaway province of Kosovo
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has placed the national armed forces on high alert and ordered units to move towards the administrative line dividing the breakaway province of Kosovo from the rest of the country. The move comes following clashes between police and protesters in a majority-Serb town in the region on Friday.
KFOR soldiers face off against protesters in Zvecan, Kosovo, May 29, 2023
According to the US these are 'fuzzy images'....
Deze video is deels in het Nederlands en deels in het Engels met Nederlandse ondertitels.
Zoek het Engelstalige op via de tijdlijn onder de video en op 18 minuten 19 seconden begint het eerste Engelstalige deel.
This video is partly in Dutch and partly in English with Dutch subtitles. Look up the English language via the timeline below the video and at 18 minutes 19 seconds the first English language part starts.
Dat het om het merkteken van het beest gaat, dat zegt Robert niet, ook al heeft hij dat wel degelijk diverse malen gezegd in zijn shows, ook al was dat kort, want hij draagt niet uit dat alleen het geloof in de Heer JEZUS Christus, God, gemanifesteerd op aarde als een zondeloos mens, de ENIGE redding is, omdat hijzelf niet gered is en iedereen die niet gered is, is gecontroleerde oppositie.
Gecontroleerd door wie?
Door Satan!
Satan wil niet dat mensen gered worden door zijn VIJAND, de Heer JEZUS Christus!
En de Heer JEZUS Christus wil niet dat mensen verloren gaan door Zijn VIJAND, Satan de duivel.
Robert weet dus HEEL goed dat het eindspel de implementatie van het Merkteken van het Beest is, omdat hij dat al diverse malen kort in zijn shows heeft gezegd.
En toch zegt hij dat niet in deze show en waarom niet?
Omdat Robert onzeker is over zijn eigen eeuwigheid en waar hij die zal gaan doorbrengen, en daarom klamp hij zich vast aan wat voor hem zekerheid geeft vanuit deze realiteit.
Hij besluit niet een Bijbel te pakken en daarin te gaan studeren zoals ik dat ooit wel deed OMDAT GOD DAT TEGEN ME ZEI.
God zei namelijk tegen mij 'Hans, er zijn twee dingen die je kan doen: zelfmoord plegen of de Bijbel gaan lezen'.
God afwijzen is ERGER dan ZELFMOORD!
Dat is dus bij Robert (nog) niet gebeurd en bij de mensen die zijn shows kijken en ondersteunen.
Dan zeg ik nu namens God tot iedereen die dit leest: er zijn twee dingen die je kan doen: zelfmoord plegen of de Bijbel gaan lezen.
Ofwel: wijs God af en de Heer JEZUS Christus, die Ć©Ć©n met God is en neem Hem en de Bijbel NIET serieus.
Of: wijs God NIET af en de Heer JEZUS Christus, die Ć©Ć©n met God is en neem Hem en de Bijbel HEEL serieus.
Overigens is het duidelijk dat de engerds die de wereld namens Satan regeren maar Ć©Ć©n 'religie' HATEN: het geloof in de Heer JEZUS Christus en Zijn Woord, de Bijbel!
ALLE andere religies zijn namelijk het product van Satan!
Het GELOOF in de Heer JEZUS Christus en Zijn reddende evangelie, 1 Korinthe 15:1-4 is GEEN religie, maar een RELATIE.
Satan wil vooral niet dat mensen een liefdevolle RELATIE krijgen met hun SCHEPPER God-de Heer JEZUS Christus.
En daarom is Satan's hoogste vertegenwoordiger op aarde daar op tegen: de PAUS!
Hij noemt het aangaan van een persoonlijke relatie met JEZUS Christus 'GEVAARLIJK'.
En mede hierom is de Paus de ANTICHRIST!
Robert doesn't say that it's about the mark of the beast, even though he has said it several times in his shows, even if it was short, because he doesn't convey that faith in the Lord JESUS Christ alone, God, manifested on earth as a sinless human being, is the ONLY salvation, because he himself is not saved and anyone who is not saved is controlled opposition.
Controlled by whom?
By Satan!
Satan doesn't want people to be saved by his ENEMY, the Lord JESUS Christ!
And the Lord JESUS Christ doesn't want people to perish because of His ENEMY, Satan the devil.
So Robert knows VERY well that the endgame is the implementation of the Mark of the Beast, because he's said that briefly several times in his shows.
And yet he doesn't say that on this show and why not?
Because Robert is uncertain about his own eternity and where he will spend it, and so he clings to what gives him security from this reality.
He doesn't decide to pick up a Bible and study in it like I once did BECAUSE GOD TOLD ME SO.
God said to me 'Hans, there are two things you can do: kill yourself or read the Bible'.
Rejecting God is WORSE than SUICIDE!
That has not (yet) happened to Robert and to the people who watch and support his shows.
Then I say on behalf of God to everyone who reads this: there are two things you can do: kill yourself or read the Bible.
Either: reject God and the Lord JESUS Christ, who is one with God and do NOT take Him and the Bible seriously.
Or: DO NOT reject God and the Lord JESUS Christ, who is one with God and take Him and the Bible VERY seriously.
Incidentally, it is clear that the creeps who rule the world on behalf of Satan HATE only one "religion": belief in the Lord JESUS Christ and His Word, the Bible!
ALL other religions are the product of Satan!
FAITH in the Lord JESUS Christ and His saving gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is NOT a religion, but a RELATIONSHIP.
Satan especially doesn't want people to have a loving RELATIONSHIP with their CREATOR God-the Lord JESUS Christ.
And that's why Satan's highest representative on earth is against it: the POPE!
He calls entering into a personal relationship with JESUS Christ "DANGEROUS."
And partly for this reason the Pope is the ANTICHRIST!
Learn more about the GESTAPO...
Learn more about the leader of the GESTAPO...
Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates – WSJ
You have probably heard about the World Economic Forum. It is a place where global elites gather to discuss agendas and so on. But the thing is, most people know about the World Economic Forum. Their yearly meeting is not exactly a secret.
Written by Eric Zuesse
The following news-article (along with all of its live-linked documentations so as to enable news-editors to see immediately what the documentation for any assertion in it is) was submitted on 5 May 2023 to 300 news media and published only by three, and is here being resubmitted (slightly expanded and updated) to them all, for reconsideration, because of the extreme importance of the solidly documented and under-reported facts that it contains:
‘Nooit vergeten’: Deze partijen hielden de mogelijkheid open voor het opsluiten van ongevaccineerden
'Never Forget': These parties kept open the option of imprisoning the unvaccinated
Put the page in English via the language button at the top right
Nazi Germany’s defeat in 1945 has proven to be only a pause in a longer historical struggle against fascism. We are seeing that struggle playing out in Ukraine, and with Washington’s madcap psychopathic aggression toward Russia.
This week marked the 78th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in May 1945. While the evil Third Reich was vanquished, a deeper monster had not been slain. Nazi Germany was only one version of Western imperialist fascism, a force that reemerged postwar in full strength in the form of the United States of America and its various Western clients.
It is not hyperbole to describe Washington and its Western satellites as the Fourth Reich.
Pope Francis declares that child rapists are "God's children"
I have never heard or read or watched a testimony of a 'former' child rapist who became a saved believer in the Lord JESUS Christ.
I know a testimony of a young man who murdered his own parents and before he was executed he got saved by the Lord JESUS Christ.
“Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”