Saturday, 13 May 2023

Pope Francis declares that child molesters are "God's children".


Pope Francis declares that child rapists are "God's children"


I have never heard or read or watched a testimony of a 'former' child rapist who became a saved believer in the Lord JESUS Christ.

I know a testimony of a young man who murdered his own parents and before he was executed he got saved by the Lord JESUS Christ.

But I have never heard or read or watched a testimony of a 'former' child rapist who became a saved believer in the Lord JESUS Christ.


The greatest weakness of man is sexuality...


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Pope Francis declares that child rapists are "God's children".

  2. Replies
    1. Actor: 'Epstein Island is not the only island where children have been hurt'

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

    2. Unfortunately Jim Caviezel is a CATHOLIC....but ALL reformers were radical FORMER CATHOLICS

  3. Replies
    1. Huig Plug asks State Secretary Erik van der Burg a question about the 360 disappeared asylum children.

    2. The Netherlands is a dictatorship of top civil servants. Unelected people with shady connections who survive multiple administrations.

    3. The Netherlands is a dictatorship of top civil servants. Unelected people with shady connections who survive multiple administrations.
      However, the worst unelected figures in the Netherlands are the members of the 'royal house'.
      The Netherlands was once a radical Protestant republic with power spread over the seven provinces.
      Now power is central in The Hague and that is the core of the problem.
      It will not happen, but power must return to the provinces and be closer to the citizen and this will not happen either, but then the Netherlands should certainly leave the EU, because this monstrous construction interferes with everything and through (also ) unelected people with shady connections.
      Those connections always run to the Vatican because that is the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise that has never ceased to exist.
      Thanks to the Reformation and the 80-year war, the Netherlands were able to temporarily break free from this diabolical Roman Empire that ruled the Netherlands through Catholic Spain, but through the Jesuit-backed Napoleon Bonaparte, the Netherlands returned to the misery of the Roman Empire, and that Napoleon made the Netherlands a 'monarchy' again on behalf of Rome.
      Monarchies are undemocratic by definition!
      And all European monarchies work together with the emperor of Rome = the Pope in the guise of leader of the "greatest Christian church on earth".
      But the Roman Catholic Church has NOTHING to do with the God of the Bible, but with that other 'god': the devil!
      And that has everything to do with child abuse and child rape and even with the sacrifice of children to Satan!
      And that is why those children 'disappeared'!
      Who can stop this, because both in the Netherlands and in other countries, the 'pedophiles' (which is far too nice a name for these devilish bastards) are very dangerous and very powerful?
      Only one person can do that who truly loves children because He is their own creator: the Lord JESUS Christ.
      Now on earth: if a child abuser repents because then as far as he is concerned this abuse will stop.
      And later when the Lord JESUS Christ has returned, because then the devil will no longer be able to incite people to such monstrous crimes, even though those people also have their own responsibility.

    4. The greatest weakness of man is sexuality.
      Plants and animals and people reproduce when a male being and a female being come together, and very specifically in humans that can only happen when a male individual and a female individual come together in love and respect for each other to sexuality within a marriage because that is as God intended with Adam and Eve as a model.
      We all descend from these TWO people!
      We are not the result of homosexual or transgender sexual relations, but the result of the sperm donor = the male and the receptive egg-bearing female, who is also equipped with a uterus, and does not lay or excrete eggs like a bird or a reptile or amphibian or a fish or other animals such as insects.
      This human sexuality IS SIMILAR to that of the animals and in a technical sense there is not even a difference.
      But people are NOT animals and that's the problem: under the influence of the diabolical 'Big Bang' and 'evolution' theories, people have started to think that they are animals, and then everything is possible, because then there is no God and no devil and no good and evil.
      In short: only when people become God-fearing again will anything change for the better.
      However, Satan will always try to prevent that.
      And then there is the hope of the godly who trust in the LORD JESUS Christ that He will one day eliminate that devil and evil!

  4. Replies
    1. MEPs ask questions about alarming disappearance of children

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  5. Replies
    1. Woman Recounts Horrors She Endured When She Was Sold To An Elite Pedo Network When She Was 6

      Put the page in English via the language button at the top right

  6. Police bust global pedophile ring after fatal FBI shooting
    Illicit material was shared through a “technologically sophisticated” network, the Australian authorities have said

  7. Replies
    1. Debra Legorreta
      Pope should start by telling Catholic priests to stop molesting children.
      22 m

      Steve Watson
      ...and Catholics tell the Pope to stop fiddling with children...

    2. Pope Francis’ Instagram page, which is managed by the Holy See’s media team, made headlines in 2020 after ‘liking’ a racy photo of bikini model Natalia Garibotto. The papal office launched an internal investigation into the incident, the Catholic News Agency reported at the time.

  8. Replies
    1. Archbishop accuses Pope Francis of frequent sexual abuse of boys

  9. Replies
    1. Video: Member of Parliament makes horrific revelations about child sex trafficking, government does NOTHING


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