Monday, 22 May 2023

How to blackmail someone

Learn more about the GESTAPO...

Learn more about the leader of the GESTAPO... 


 Epstein blackmailed Bill Gates – WSJ 

Jeffrey Epstein didn't like to bare his teeth while smiling because they were quite small for a grown man...

Bill Gates Worked with Epstein on a Pedophile Project Involving Children in Developing Countries

Remember that Bill Gates is an Epstein Collaborator and likely Human Trafficker
 Click on pic...

NYT: Bill Gates Repeatedly Met With Jeffrey Epstein | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC



Murdered Epstein had a painting showing Bill Clinton in blue dress and red high heels

As the public carries on with the great debate about what really happened (or didn't happen) to Jeffrey Epstein early Saturday morning in the hours before he was found dead in his cell at MCC in an apparent suicide, the Washington Post has unleashed a bombshell.

First, remember how some witnesses claimed they had heard horrifying shrieking coming from Epstein's cell in the hours before his death? Well, here's one explanation for that: An autopsy report found that Epstein had endured multiple breaks in his neck bones, deepening the mystery surrounding his death last week.

 Read more via the following

Epstein Autopsy Finds Evidence He May Have Been Murdered




Shock As It’s Revealed That Suicided Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Had A Painting Of Bill Clinton Wearing A Blue Dress With Red Heels Hanging In His Office




Epstein Tapes Emerge: Dead Pedophile Describes His Lifestyle In Unearthed Recordings




EXCLUSIVE: Jeffrey Epstein had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue DRESS and red heels and lounging in the Oval Office inside his Manhattan mansion - visitor reveals bizarre image inside pedophile's $56m lair






Mysteriöse Todesfälle aus den Kreisen der Clintons: Die vollständige Liste

Mysterious Deaths from the Clinton Circles: The Complete List 







Zweifel am Tod von Jeffrey Epstein bleiben bestehen

Doubts about the death of Jeffrey Epstein persist






The Papacy - The Throne Of Antichrist
click on pick

Jake Morphonios: Trump's Deep Connections to Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeff Epstein
This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying = This video has been removed because Satan owned Google -YouTube doesn't want you to know the truth
Who's been to Epstein's island ?
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Epstein continued socializing with A-listers despite conviction – media
    The convicted pedophile’s emails and calendars reveal he dined with artists, royalty, and billionaires even as a registered sex offender

    1. Epstein’s calendars show the financier meeting with A-listers including tech billionaires Bill Gates and Peter Thiel, music executive Tommy Mottola, artist Jeff Koons, magician David Blaine, and filmmaker Woody Allen – all after being required to register as a sex offender as part of the sweetheart plea deal that allowed him to serve less than two years under house arrest.

    2. Epstein frequently met with Gates while trying to set up what is described as a dark-money investment “club” with JP Morgan to lure wealthy investors who would be able to donate anonymously. The billionaire Microsoft co-founder has strenuously sought to minimize his friendship with the predator, claiming he regrets his many visits to Epstein’s properties.

  2. Replies
    1. “I believe that they are blackmailed. The people that would hold them accountable are blackmailed themselves. So the investigators that are investigating are blackmailed at the top.”

  3. Replies
    1. Ex-boss of military intelligence opens up: this is how politicians are blackmailed

  4. Replies
    1. Some prominent figures face 2024 with trepidation

  5. Replies
    1. Epstein list made public: this is what one of the victims said about Bill Clinton

  6. Replies
    1. 'Pedo' Peter Nygard makes bizarre confession: 'this is the missing link in the Epstein cover-up'

  7. Replies
    1. Did the government cover up Jeffrey Epstein's murder? Brother Mark reveals fiercely

  8. Replies
    1. Forget the Epstein list, this is what it's all about

  9. Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape.
    On August 3, 1977, Cathy O’Brien testified to the 95th U.S. Congress to accuse Hillary Clinton of rape, and that she was a sex slave for Hillary and Bill Clinton ‘who are bisexuals’ affiliated in an elite sex trafficking ring that abuse and purchase and sacrifice children.

  10. Replies
    1. Leaked location data from mobile phones reveal: 200 Mystery Guests on "Pedo Island" from Epstein

  11. Replies
    1. “The planet is run by a blackmail network that manipulates world leaders”

    2. And the idea that the earth is a 'planet' is another satanic lie

  12. Replies
    1. People on infamous 'Epstein list' are so powerful and influential that disclosure could 'bring down governments'

  13. Replies
    1. Musk: This is why billionaires are afraid Trump will win the election

  14. Replies
    1. Candace Owens: This Is Why Pedophiles Are in POWER

  15. FINALLY ‼️ The Jeffrey Epstein files are being released!!

    “In the next 10 days, you’re going to see the Epstein files released… Day number 1, Kash Patel walks in, by the end of the day, it’ll be released.” — Glenn Beck

    Jeffrey Epstein Victim: “I have spend the last 17 years in my own prison for what she, Jeffery & all the coconspirators did to me. I was raped repeatedly, I was raped 3x per day sometimes and I was not the only girl on that island. There was a constant stream of girls being raped over and over and over again”

  16. Replies
    1. Whistleblower: FBI Is Destroying Secret Epstein Files

  17. Replies
    1. Epstein files revealed today: 'What he did is really sick'

  18. Replies
    1. Secret Epstein List Controversy: FBI Withholds Real ‘Smoking Gun’ Documents

  19. Replies
    1. Actor on withheld Epstein documents: 'Release could bring down governments'

  20. Zelensky drama is the distraction of not releasing the Epstein files!

  21. David Icke
    The Epstein Files REVEALED. It was an ISRAELI MOSSAD
    blackmail operation to ensnare anyone they wanted to compromise and control from then on. Politicians, royalty, all those considered useful. There - that wasn't too hard was it 'right-wing independent influencers'? The truth disseminated to save you the trouble of hiding it.

  22. EPSTEIN LIST: There is NO list. Only the DOJ prosecutor, Maureen Comey (James Comey’s daughter) who handled BOTH the Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein cases knows EXACTLY who the girls were trafficked to. She declined to name much less prosecute even one of the men. If you want to know the names you have to put her under oath and force her to testify.

  23. Replies
    1. ‘Everything is coming out’: ‘Truckload’ of secret Epstein documents surface

  24. It’s been one week since Pam Blondi said a truck load of Epstein files were delivered to her… IN A TRUCK.

    We still have no proof of this truck’s existence. We have not seen a single photograph, and we don’t have any Epstein files.

    I don’t think we can trust Blondi.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”