Tuesday, 30 May 2023

THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS COMING! Read my comments below this post

May 30, 2023

In this video, I preach during the Sunday Morning service on May 21st, 2023, at The First Baptist Church of Lowell, Indiana. FOR THE FULL LENGTH VIDEO, CLICK ON THE CHANNEL BELOW OF YOUR CHOICE:  

RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2qxz7h-the-mark-of-the-beast-is-coming.html  

BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/2ff990c5-fea7-443f-b1a4-c8cc0f0a48b4  

BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mUWTfSriaBjS/ 



Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Snake Bite: The Serpent's Kiss SHORT VERSION

507K subscribers
Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about a snake's bite, and how it reminds us of Satan
and how he works. To view the FULL LENGTH video, please go to:
Some of the info in my pamphlet I got from brother Robert Breaker.
 The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
All vaccinations carried out prior to the rapture^^ are not the mark of the beast but preparations, and they are also intended to determine who does and who does not want to be vaccinated, but the 'tests' are already dangerous because the test cotton swabs contain nanoparticles and this can already be considered a 'vaccine'.
The current vaccinations will also contain substances with which they want to sterilize the world's population as part of the depopulation program.
The fear is kept high by the high number of 'infections' that have been 'detected' by the totally unsuitable PCR test.
Many people who became ill from the current 'vaccines' were immediately listed as' victims of COVID-19' and that's exactly what they aim to keep people anxious and many people have already died shortly after they were 'vaccinated'.
Through current vaccinations, they also ensure that people who refuse will be isolated in order to force them to participate.
And those who absolutely don't want to be vaccinated can so easily be filtered out, characterized as a 'danger to humanity' and 'cleaned up'.
Also, the pre-rapture vaccinations are meant to ridicule people who claim that the current vaccinations are "the mark of the beast."
As explained above, it is true that current vaccinations are NOT YET the mark because they have a preparatory and different purpose.
The current purpose of the 'vaccinations' is 1) depopulation and 2) the 'vaccination' passport and 3) total control in preparation for what will happen next.

Now read what the real mark disguised as a 'vaccine' is all about:

They plan to 'vaccinate' us in the context of the 'great reset' so that we're (supposedly) resistant to the Corona (crown)-virus, and that will be done in such a way by substances that enter our body that are changing our DNA (so that we turn into willing biological robots) and other substances that interact with the 5G system that they're now rapidly establishing worldwide DURING THE LOCKDOWN, and that is why we're already learning to be 1½ meters or 6 feet apart from each other, or else that system won't be able to accurately track and monitor us, and establish evidence of 'vaccination', which will be a type of tattoo that will be applied to our bodies through tiny needles, containing that 'vaccine', and that is according to Revelation 13:16-18 which is about the mark of the beast, and that says whoever does not have that mark, that evidence of 'vaccination', will not be able to buy and sell and thus won't be able to enter the supermarket or other shops or shop online ... and thus will starve because by then the food banks will also cooperate with that system. Then all the 'vaccine' refusers will be arrested and given one more choice to be 'vaccinated', and whoever will refuse will be beheaded with a modern guillotine, and the 'vaccinated' will even applaud it because it will be said that these people stand in the way of 'progress' and the 'great solutions' of the leader of the world government, who will prove to be antichrist=instead of Christ, such as against human-induced climate change and the global redistribution of prosperity through the principle of communism, invented by the Jesuits of the Vatican, and the 'threat of an 'alien' invasion. That Vatican is the disguised Roman Empire with its true god Lucifer, and the Pope is the disguised Luciferian Roman emperor and all 'great' world leaders serve him, which is demonstrably, because Biden and Putin, Merkel, the British queen, Macron etc. know WHO he is, but they don't tell their subjects, and that the Pope is the real ruler on earth. The Pope is the 'Crown' = Corona! He will lead everyone to Lucifer worship, as he does himself.
But those who are saved by the Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4* don't have to  worry, because the Lord JESUS is going to take them away to where He is before the revelation of the Antichrist and the implementation of the Mark of the Beast.
PS: the MASK TERROR is the prelude to the MARK of the Beast....Incidentally, those masks are very harmful to health.
PS 2: the needles of the 'vaccine' are made so SMALL that they fit in a kind of BAND-AID and insert 'the vaccine' PAINLESS! https://tinyurl.com/yye9ovbe "The final vaccine" is for those who are left behind. A 'quantum dot tattoo'.
That mark will be applied without injection in (optionally ) the right hand or forehead, and one will be able to do it themselves, for it will be presented as that quantum dot tattoo in the attractive and deceptive shape of a round little band-aid that barely will hurt and which can be removed after some time, because then that 'vaccine' is already under the skin and in the body by means of those small needles, after which the 'Luciferase' will do its job and will make the 'vaccinee' the property of 'the beast' and the devil.
With a special lamp it can be checked whether one has actually been marked, because soon after that tattoo has been applied it will no longer be visible with the naked eye, which many people will find very attractive.
The patent number of 'Luciferase' contains the numbers 666!

*Just believe that God became man in JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the remission of our sins, was buried and rose from the dead after three days.
If you believe this you're not only saved^ but also sealed with the Holy Spirit=JESUS in spiritual capacity and then you're rapture-ready.
^Saved from the Lake of Fire = God's eternal wrath upon sin and His created beings who hate Him or who are indifferent to Him.

^^The rapture is the Apostle Paul's revelation of the sudden removal of the members of the 'Body of Christ', which is all people worldwide who believe in the right gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Bible texts related to the rapture are: 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:50-52, Philippians 3:20-21, Titus 2:13.

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. You were the first who made the right connection between the quantum dot tattoo and the mark of the Beast!


    Pinned by Robert Breaker
    Robert Breaker
    4 minutes ago
    In this video, I preach during the Sunday Morning service on May 21st, 2023, at The First Baptist Church of Lowell, Indiana. FOR THE FULL LENGTH VIDEO, CLICK ON THE CHANNEL BELOW OF YOUR CHOICE:

    RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/v2qxz7h-the-mark-of-the-beast-is-coming.html

    BRIGHTEON: https://www.brighteon.com/2ff990c5-fea7-443f-b1a4-c8cc0f0a48b4

    BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mUWTfSriaBjS/


  2. Rightly dividing the Word is the goal of this article, and it is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible. The abundance of scriptural evidence detailed in the third section makes it very clear that Revelation is doctrine for Israel, which was written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by an apostle of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation. At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, God placed that dispensation in abeyance in 70 AD, to be resumed in the future tribulation.

    The entire book of Revelation, including chapters 1-3, is deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecy. It is doctrinally aligned with the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament.

    The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

    Source: The Seven Churches of Revelation
    Matthew McGee


    Gene Aiken II
    2 hours ago
    Ah, Revelation of Jesus Christ. My favorite Bible Book. Thank you, brother. Shoutout from Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Peace

  3. Enduring to the end is part of the Kingdom Gospel for ISRAEL.
    Are you a member of ISRAEL?
    Rightly dividing the Word is the goal of this article, and it is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible. The abundance of scriptural evidence detailed in the third section makes it very clear that Revelation is doctrine for Israel, which was written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by an apostle of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation. At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, God placed that dispensation in abeyance in 70 AD, to be resumed in the future tribulation.

    The entire book of Revelation, including chapters 1-3, is deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecy. It is doctrinally aligned with the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament.

    The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

    Source: The Seven Churches of Revelation
    Matthew McGee


    1 hour ago (edited)
    He has hidden manna for us....ENDURE TO THE END.
    He also seals His church literally IN their forehead.


  4. Because then his video will be deleted and then Robert gets a strike or may even lose his channel..is that what you want?

    You can also find this video on Brighteon and Bitchute


    Sister Pepper64
    1 hour ago
    I went to Rumble to finish watching this and it's not there. Why couldn't you finish this video here ? Not cool .


  5. 55:40 (the full length video) In Genesis 6 the fallen angels did NOT have sex with earthly women, generating the 'Giants'.

    (Fallen) angels were NOT created to be able to procreate! The 'book of Enoch' is a LIE from Satan!
    Read the RIGHT translation:
    Genesis 6:1-8
    1599 Geneva Bible

    6 3 God threateneth to bring the flood. 5 Man altogether corrupt. 6 God repenteth that he made him. 18 Noah and his are preserved in the Ark, which he was commanded to make.

    1 So when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and there were daughters born unto them,

    2 Then the [a]sons of God saw the daughters [b]of men that they were [c]fair, and they took them wives of all that they [d]liked.

    3 Therefore the Lord said, My spirit shall not always [e]strive with man, because he is but flesh, and his days shall be an [f]hundred and twenty years.

    4 There were [g]giants in the earth in those days: yea, and after that the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they had borne them children, these were mighty men, which in old time were men of [h]renown.

    5 When the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and all the imaginations of the thoughts of his heart were only evil [i]continually,

    6 Then it [j]repented the Lord, that he had made man in the earth, and he was sorry in his heart.

    7 Therefore the Lord said, I will destroy from the earth the man, whom I have created, from man [k]to beast, to the creeping thing, and to the fowl of the heaven: for I repent that I have made them.

    8 But Noah [l]found grace in the eyes of the Lord.


    [a] Genesis 6:2 The children of the godly, which began to degenerate.
    [b] Genesis 6:2 Those that came of wicked parents, as of Cain.
    [c] Genesis 6:2 Having more respect to their beauty and to worldly considerations, than to their manners and godliness.
    [d]Genesis 6:2 Or, had chosen.
    [e] Genesis 6:3 Because man could not be won by God’s lenity and long sufferance whereby he strove to overcome him, he would no longer stay his vengeance.
    [f] Genesis 6:3 Which term God gave man to repent before he would destroy the earth, 1 Pet. 3:20.
    [g] Genesis 6:4 Or, tyrants.
    [h] Genesis 6:4 Which usurped authority over others, and did degenerate from that simplicity, wherein their fathers lived.
    [i] Genesis 6:5 Hebrew, every day.
    [j] Genesis 6:6 God doth never repent, but he speaketh after our capacity, because he did destroy him, and in that as it were did disavow him to be his creature.
    [k] Genesis 6:7 God declareth how much he detesteth sin, seeing the punishment thereof extendeth to the brute beasts.
    [l] Genesis 6:8 God was merciful unto him.

    [a] Genesis 6:2 The children of the godly, which began to degenerate.
    So they were NOT 'fallen angels' but MEN.

    [g] Genesis 6:4 Or, tyrants.
    So some of them were big but all of them were WICKED.


  6. @micheal carlisle There are no prophecies for the era or dispensation of the Body of Christ.

    The unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled AFTER the rapture during the Time of Jacob's Trouble and Washington DC is the image of the Beast with its Capitol that looks like the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome with its obelisk...and...NUCLEAR WEAPONS DO NOT EXIST The Documentary By Edmund Matthews Worldwide Version


    micheal carlisle
    3 hours ago
    And yet no one seems to know of or speak of a very clear fulfillment of prophecy in our recent history. We (U.S.A.) are the ones who brought down fire from heaven in Aug. of 1945 and we are the ones that gave life to the image of the beast in May of 1948. Rev 13:13-15 (KJV).
    All glory to God. Amen

  7. Replies

    1. 1 Corinthians 1:22 1599 Geneva Bible
      Seeing also that the Jews require a sign, and the Grecians seek after wisdom.

      There are no signs for the members of The Body of Christ!
      And the earth is not a spinning ball that revolves around the sun, but God's first creation together with heaven and only after three days did He create the sun and the moon and the stars and the planets.
      The Earth is stationary with a dome-shaped firmament.
      PS: God-the Lord JESUS also loves BLIND people who cannot LOOK UP!


    2. Rightly dividing the Word is the goal of this article, and it is an indispensable key to proper understanding of the Bible.
      The abundance of scriptural evidence detailed in the third section makes it very clear that Revelation is doctrine for Israel, which was written to Jews who believed in Jesus Christ, by an apostle of the circumcision, for direct application in the prophetic "kingdom" dispensation. At the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, God placed that dispensation in abeyance in 70 AD, to be resumed in the future tribulation.

      The entire book of Revelation, including chapters 1-3, is deeply rooted in Old Testament prophecy. It is doctrinally aligned with the epistles of Peter, James, John, and Jude, all of whom were apostles of the circumcision, as well as to the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, and the Old Testament.

      The dispensation of grace in which we now live is revealed in Romans through Philemon, our Apostle Paul's letters to the Gentiles, with Acts being the book of transition between the two dispensations.

      Source: The Seven Churches of Revelation
      Matthew McGee


    3. Genesis 12:2-4
      1599 Geneva Bible

      2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a [a]blessing.

      3 I will also bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

      4 So Abram departed, even as the Lord spake unto him, and Lot went with him, (and Abram was seventy and five years old, when he departed out of Haran)


      [a] Genesis 12:2 The world shall recover by thy seed, which is Christ, the blessing which they lost in Adam.

      God did not say 'I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel'
      God was talking to Abra(ha)m.


    4. In this dispensation of grace no signs are given at all and no prophecies are fulfilled.

      That the secular state called 'Israel' came into being was not an outcome of a prophecy but that was made possible by a vote in the secular UN and the UN is a project of the Vatican and the Vatican is the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise, which is also behind the Holocaust.
      The rapture itself will be an outcome of Paul's prophecies about this and only then will the remaining unfulfilled prophecies be fulfilled like Ezekiel 38/39.
      Revelation 12 has nothing to do with The Body of Christ at all because that book is about what will happen after the rapture, except for chapters 2 and 3 which have already been fulfilled.


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