Thursday, 31 March 2022

I would take your pain if I could

Mar 31, 2022

**Disdain Lyrics** (Floor Jansen live in her former band Revamp at Graspop 2010)

I need someone to blame!
Feel contempt and betrayed,
I am losing myself, my disdain takes control

Being useless is the worst, I can't do shit!

Seeing your pain
It kills me
Losing you now,
I'm provoked
Useless I stand on the side
I would take your pain if I could

Is it God or the world, is there someone to blame?
Is it fate or bad luck, who is failing you now?

Exasperating how trivial we really are


Your pain became like hell to me
Your death; sad way to set you free

Aggravation before acceptance
Scorn and hatred; a natural defence
Deepest misery before salvation
Godless suffering before redemption

Now my nightmare's proclaimed
I've found no one to blame
It's a cruel twist of life
Yet my rage can't be bound

Infuriating how I'm forced to remain calm

Original video:

"I would take your pain if I could"
Only our creator and savior can take away our pain and His name is JESUS Christ!

We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.

The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL 4 - The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture


Can a song give redemption?


FAKE NEWS: Floor Jansen has succumbed to the side effects of a certain medicine




  1. LYRICS:
    [Strophe I:]
    Ich kam kaum lo
    Die Tage hingen an mir
    Ich komm zurück
    Jetzt ist es umgekehrt
    Verteil den Sand aus meinen Schuh'n
    In meinem Zimmer
    Was mach ich bloß
    Die Erinnerung kommt immer um mich abzuhol'n
    Kann mich nicht wehr'n
    Ich will haben was sich gut anfühlt
    Und zwar für immer

    Zu schnell vorbei
    Sag mal wie schnell verging
    Schon wieder die Zeit?
    Ich genieß den Moment
    Zu schnell vorbei
    Wie schnell es geht
    Kann doch nicht sein
    Zu schnell vorbei!

    [Strophe II:]
    Ich reiß mich los
    Hier siehts wie gestern aus
    Ich muss weg
    Ich lass nichts hinter mir
    Ich will mehr erleben als
    Mich nur erinnern
    Ich hab genug geseh'n
    Wer träumt der schläft
    Heute zählt für mich nur
    Wenn was neues entsteht
    Ich will haben was sich gut anfühlt
    Für immer


    [Strophe III:]
    Es ist ein Irrsinn
    Weil ich nicht beschreiben kann
    Wie alles schneller läuft
    Nichts hält diesen Streifen an
    Will keine Zweifel haben
    Stell tausend Vergleiche an
    Wann war wohl die schönste Zeit
    Zu viel das vergessen bleibt
    Ich trau mich kaum die Augen zu schließen
    Will in Zukunft nichts verpassen
    Wachsam bleiben und genießen
    Nicht mehr an morgen denken
    Jeden Moment erleben
    Heute ist der Tag von dem wir später reden



  2. Over Too Soon - Zu Schnell Vorbei
    I could hardly start,
    Days stuck on me.
    I come back
    Now it's the other way round.
    Spread the sand in my shoes
    In my room.
    What can I do,
    The memories always come for me,
    Can't resist.
    I wanna get what feels good,
    And that for ever.


    Over too soon.
    Tell me how fast
    The time passed again?
    I enjoy the moment.
    Over too soon.
    How quickly it happens
    It's impossible.
    Over too soon!

    I break away,
    Here it looks the same way as yesterday.
    I've got to go away from here
    I leave nothing behind.
    I wanna experience more than
    Only recalling.
    I've seen enough
    Who dreams is sleeping.
    Today for it only counts for me
    If something new is generated.
    I wanna get what feels good,
    And that for ever.


    It's madness,
    Cos I can't tell
    How everything runs faster
    Nothing stops these lines.
    Wanna have no doubt.
    Draw thousands of comparisons.
    When was the best time
    Too much that remains forgotten.
    I hardly dare closing my eyes,
    Don't wanna miss something in future
    (Wanna) remain wakefully and enjoy
    Don't (wanna) think of tomorrow anymore
    Live every moment,
    Today is the day we're gonna talk about later.


  3. Floor Jansen transforms Cluseo hit into metal song - and blows everyone away!


  4. Symphony of Destruction
    Megadeth - Live at Graspop Metal Meeting 2022


    1. Rocker Joker
      11 days ago

      I'm happy because after throat cancer Dave's voice sounds great. It's a voice that many people criticize, but we Megadeth fans love it. Certainly a great rock voice in that tradition of raspy voices like Bryan Johnson and Lemmy.


    2. Cliff Barber
      7 days ago

      For a guy well into his 60th year, the legend lives.

    3. "Symphony Of Destruction"

      You take a mortal man
      And put him in control
      Watch him become a god
      Watch people's heads a-roll
      A-roll, A-roll

      Just like the Pied Piper
      Led rats through the streets
      We dance like marionettes
      Swaying to the Symphony of Destruction

      Acting like a robot
      Its metal brain corrodes
      You try to take its pulse
      Before the head explodes
      Explodes, Explodes

      Just like the Pied Piper
      Led rats through the streets
      We dance like marionettes
      Swaying to the Symphony

      Just like the Pied Piper
      Led rats through the streets
      We dance like marionettes
      Swaying to the Symphony
      Swaying to the Symphony of Destruction

      The earth starts to rumble
      World powers fall
      A-warring for the heavens
      A peaceful man stands tall
      A-tall, A-tall

      Just like the Pied Piper
      Led rats through the streets
      We dance like marionettes
      Swaying to the Symphony

      Just like the Pied Piper
      Led rats through the streets
      We dance like marionettes
      Swaying to the Symphony

      Swaying to the Symphony of Destruction

    4. Symphony of Destruction

      Megadeth - Full Concert - 07/25/99 - Woodstock 99 West Stage (OFFICIAL)

  5. Replies

    1. @O Bud That's why Eve was intrigued by the Serpent while Adam was close
      because SaTaN in disguise suggested: "I'm gonna show you things you never thought you'd see"


      Kim Fabritius de Tengnagel
      Kim Fabritius de Tengnagel
      10 days ago
      It's about a break-up filled with hate - Floor's former partner through 8 years..
      O Bud
      O Bud
      10 days ago
      Sander Gommans!
      10 days ago
      @O Bud I can't help but jam out to this one, but when Johannes did it on Sing Meinen Song it just brought more focus on the lyrics and the EMOTION behind the words that Floor wrote which if you've seen it even brought her to tears. I'm assuming with the lyrics that he was verbally abusive to her??? "This raging part of you breaks me down"
      O Bud
      O Bud
      10 days ago
      @NoOne Well, he was a dominant alpha male, that is what most women like and choose, the nice guys always comes last!


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