Many who have followed this coronavirus “public health crisis” and the non-sensical response provided by most of the western nations (including the USA) have been perplexed by two big questions - how was this done (in such a globally coordinated fashion), and why was it done?
In my case, I have tried to follow the various threads of facts and logic, to confront the perplexingly dysfunctional public policies, and to make sense of what is so deeply illogical. What I have found has been layers of lies, one on top of another, which seem to require an amazingly coordinated and globally comprehensive control and shaping of information in the form of propaganda and censorship on a scale which was previously unimaginable. Total information control, and total unrestricted, all encompassing information warfare. Modern media manipulation of thought and minds without boundaries, and without any ethical constraints.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe to Impose Covid-19 Lockdown
Armstrong Economics –
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• impose “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
You're now looking at a picture of the people behind the Corona-virus TERROR
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection
The TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL 4 - The Mark of the Beast and the Blessed Hope Rapture
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
De Oekraïense presidentZelensky dringt aan op een “Grote Reset” en eist het einde van het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen in Europa
ReplyDeleteUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Pushes ‘Great Reset’ Agenda, Demands End of Fossil Fuel Use in Europe
DeleteTotale Ineenstorting: India zegt rijk te worden van Russische sancties terwijl het Westen verhongert
ReplyDeleteArts: Pfizer wil mij en andere kritische artsen laten OMLEGGEN
ReplyDeletePhysician: Pfizer wants to kill me and other critical physicians
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Pfizer Hit List: Dr. Zev Zelenko Exposes Big Pharma's Plan to Eliminate Opposition
DeleteGeen complottheorie meer? Internationale top: ‘Zijn we klaar voor een Nieuwe Wereldorde?’
ReplyDeleteNo more conspiracy theory? International summit: 'Are we ready for a New World Order?'
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Terwijl pandemie voorbij is, verlengt EU de indirecte vaccinatieplicht, zonder medische argumenten
ReplyDeleteWhile pandemic is over, EU extends indirect vaccination obligation, without medical arguments
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‘Schandaal’: Duits constitutioneel hof geeft toe dat coronaprik schadelijk & fataal kan zijn, maar plicht blijft
ReplyDelete'Scandal': German constitutional court admits corona jab can be harmful & fatal, but duty remains
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Waar is Tiffany Dover? Verpleegster die flauwviel terwijl ze tijdens een live nieuwsuitzending COVID-gevaccineerd werd, is nog steeds nergens te vinden
ReplyDeleteWhere is Tiffany Dover? Nurse who fainted while being COVID-vaccinated during a live news conference is still NOWHERE to be found
DeleteDr. Marble: Nu de COVID leugens ontmaskerd zijn, propageren de globalisten WERELDOORLOG om de wereld te ontvolken
ReplyDeleteAs the Great Covid Lie is Revealed, Globalists Shift to World War to Eradicate Humanity
DeleteAlex Jones
DeleteCatastrofe scenario: De vaccins werken als een vergif op middellange tot lange termijn van een niet te stoppen soort voor meer dan een kwart van degenen die ze gekregen hebben
ReplyDeleteCatastrophe scenario: The vaccines act like an unstoppable medium to long-term poison for more than a quarter of those who have received them
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Wat zijn de risico’s van de “Covid 19 vaccins” in vergelijking met de gewone vaccins?
ReplyDeleteWhat are the risks of the “Covid 19 vaccines” compared to the regular vaccines?
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Aantal hartdoden onder kinderen en jonge mensen neemt na elke vaccindosis toe, blijkt uit cijfers
ReplyDeleteCardiac deaths among children and young people increase after each vaccine dose, figures show
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Tenniswereld geschokt na slagveld Miami Open: ‘Wat is er aan de hand?’
ReplyDeleteTennis world shocked after Miami Open slaughter : 'What's going on?'
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Tennis world shocked after scores of players drop out of Miami Open
DeleteKijk: Australische senator laat in parlement waarheidsbommen vallen over Klaus Schwab en World Economic Forum
ReplyDeleteWatch: Australian senator drops truth bombs in parliament about Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum (video)
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Vaccinatieschade: 1100 procent meer sterfgevallen onder militairen, sterfte stijgt exponentieel
ReplyDeleteVaccination damage: 1,100 percent more deaths among soldiers, mortality rises exponentially
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Todd Callender: Genetic-altering Vaccines Could Nullify Human Rights
DeleteRobert Jensen pakt Klaus Schwab en zijn adviseur Yuval Harari aan: ‘Waarom worden ze niet meteen gearresteerd?’
ReplyDeleteRobert Jensen tackles Klaus Schwab and his adviser Yuval Harari: "Why aren't they arrested right away?"
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Globalistische elites zien hun plannen voor de “Grote Reset” in gevaar
ReplyDeleteGlobalist elites see their “Great Reset” plans in jeopardy
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Dr. Mark Trozzi: De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie moet gestopt worden! Deze schurken zijn diep begaan met het met voorbedachten rade en georkestreerd, vergiftigen en tot slaaf maken van ons allen
ReplyDeletedr. Mark Trozzi: The World Health Organization must be stopped! These villains are deeply committed to premeditated and orchestrated, poisoning and enslaving us all
Delete5 awful facts about WHO’s Tedros Adhanom
DeleteGrootste fraude in de moderne geschiedenis: Meerdere studies tonen aan dat COVID-19 vaccins geen einde maken aan infecties, transmissie, ziekenhuisopnames en sterfgevallen
ReplyDeleteGreatest Fraud in Modern History: Multiple Studies Show COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Stop Infections, Transmissions, Hospitalizations and Deaths
Delete769 atleten zijn in het afgelopen jaar ingestort
DeleteYou Will Own Nothing and Satan Klaus Will Be Happy
ReplyDeleteTopeconoom: ‘We staan aan de vooravond van een enorme verandering’
ReplyDeleteTop economist: 'We are on the eve of an enormous change'
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COVID-19 vaccins vernietigen immuunsysteem: Vaccin AIDS nog steeds in opmars
ReplyDeleteDr. Stephanie Seneff - COVID-19 Vaccines are Causing Neurodegenerative Disease & VAIDS
DeleteSatans zoon, Albert Bourla, CEO van Pfizer, omschrijft vaccinsceptici als “criminelen”
ReplyDeleteSatan's son, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Describes Vaccine Skeptics as ‘Criminals’
Delete‘Als je na vaccinatie positief test en moet worden opgenomen in het ziekenhuis heb je waarschijnlijk aids’
ReplyDelete'If you test positive after vaccination and have to be hospitalized, you probably have AIDS'
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Dit is episch: Australische senator geeft 9 minuten durende donderspeech over vaccinatieschade
ReplyDeleteThis is epic: Australian senator gives 9-minute thunderous speech about vaccine damage
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Zo kwam Foo Fighters-drummer Taylor Hawkins (50) waarschijnlijk aan zijn einde
ReplyDeleteZo kwam Foo Fighters-drummer Taylor Hawkins (50) waarschijnlijk aan zijn einde
ReplyDeleteThis is how Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins (50) probably came to his end
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Wat is de “Grote Reset” en wat willen de globalisten eigenlijk?
ReplyDeleteWhat Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
DeleteVrouwen documenteren hun vaccin-gerelateerde spasmen
ReplyDeleteWomen document their vaccine-related spasms
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Vaccinoloog en onverbeterlijke vaccinpusher Dr. Poland roept na zijn eigen COVID-19 vaccinlestsel op tot meer onderzoek
ReplyDeleteVaccinologist Develops Tinnitus After COVID Shot, Calls for More Research
DeleteArts slaat alarm: Foetale sterfte met bijna 2000 procent toegenomen sinds uitrol coronaprik
ReplyDeleteDoctor sounds the alarm: Fetal death has increased by almost 2000 percent since the roll-out of the corona vaccine
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Uitvinder mRNA-technologie over plannen van Schwab: ‘World Economic Forum bevordert het fascisme’
ReplyDeleteInventor of mRNA technology on Schwab's plans: 'World Economic Forum promotes fascism'
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Eggs hatching by the millions: Bioweapon shots contain living parasite eggs
ReplyDelete“Ze stoppen het nu in ALLES”: Grafeen nanodeeltjes
ReplyDelete‘They’re Putting It In EVERYTHING Now’: Graphene Nanoparticles
DeleteDe zwaar gestoorde Adviseur van Schwab: dit is veel groter dan alles wat we tot nu toe hebben gezien in de geschiedenis
ReplyDeleteThe severely deranged Schwab Advisor: This is far bigger than anything we've seen in history so far
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Harari = Harakiri
DeleteWhen you have ZERO self-awareness
ReplyDeleteSatan speaking
DeleteIMF waarschuwt nu dat voedseltekorten overal ter wereld golven van sociale onrust zullen veroorzaken – “Hel op aarde”
ReplyDeleteIMF now warning that food supply shortages will create waves of social unrest all over the world
DeleteKlaus Schwab in 2017: ‘Kun je je voorstellen dat we over 10 jaar een hersenchip hebben?’
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab in 2017: 'Can you imagine us having a brain chip in 10 years' time?'
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Gezocht wegens misdaden tegen de menselijkheid: Reiner Füllmich noemt namen van samenzweerders WEF
ReplyDeleteWanted for crimes against humanity: Reiner Füllmich names conspirators of WEF
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Christians and Jews unite to blow shofar outside World Health Organizations Health Assembly.
ReplyDeleteSchokkende WEF-video stelt voor senioren te euthanaseren “voor de kinderen”
ReplyDeleteShocking WEF video proposes euthanizing seniors “For the Children”
DeleteOndertussen op het WEF: ‘Corona is één van de meest winstgevende producten ooit’
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile at the WEF: 'Corona is one of the most profitable products ever'
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Davos-elites waarschuwen dat landen zich niet moeten verzetten tegen ‘pijnlijke mondiale transitie’
ReplyDeleteDavos elites warn countries should not resist 'painful global transition'
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De globalisten zijn de moordfase van de Grote Reset ingegaan; Herinnert u zich de bevolkingsvoorspelling van Deagel nog? Het is nu volkomen logisch
ReplyDeleteGlobalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense
DeleteDe wereldwijde geplande financiële tsunami is nog maar net begonnen – De crisis zal gebruikt worden om de wereld te dwingen een nieuwe Centrale Bank Digitale Valuta te aanvaarden
ReplyDeleteThe worldwide planned financial tsunami has only just begun - the crisis will be used to force the world to accept a new central bank digital currency
DeleteLukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors
ReplyDeleteThe 68-year-old president reassured Belarusian officials they will have to “suffer with me for a very long time”
IMF-directeur kondigt aan: ‘We werken hard aan een wereldwijde CBDC’
ReplyDeleteIMF director announces: 'We are working hard on a global CBDC'
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Video: IMF Managing Director Says “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”