Since when have we ever seen an athlete collapse on the field without it being due to a collision with another player or an object. Once? Now 769 in a year? Those are the ones we know about.
No government, no administration, no mainstream media that even cares.
It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID vaccine, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
The so-called health professionals running
the COVID vaccine programs around the world keep repeating that “the
COVID vaccine is a normal vaccine and it is safe and effective.”
A report at shows a
list of athletes who took the COVID vaccine and later went under cardiac
arrest. The report shows that a majority of the athletes listed later
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The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages
We all need to get saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So get SAVED and believe that God manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible everyday and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
These injections are so effective at what they're supposed to do that even the strongest people succumb to their deadly force.
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Dr. Vernon Coleman: Beseft u wel hoezeer u de afgelopen twee jaar door de propaganda van de regering gemanipuleerd bent?
ReplyDeleteDo you realise how much you have been manipulated through Government Propaganda over the past Two Years?
DeletePfizer moest 2400 medewerkers aannemen om alle meldingen over bijwerkingen te verwerken: ‘Schokkend’
ReplyDeletePfizer had to hire 2400 employees to process all side effects reports: 'Shocking'
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Bombshell: Pfizer Saw So Many Adverse Events, They Had to Hire 2,400 NEW Employees to Process Them
Epidemic: German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are'Suddenly and Unexpectedly' Dropping Dead
ReplyDeleteTopdokter: ‘We zien dat de vaccins een invloed hebben bij een significant percentage van de atleten’
ReplyDeleteTop doctor: 'We see that the vaccines have an influence on a significant percentage of the athletes'
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Triest record: al meer dan 1000 sporters in elkaar gezakt, veel doden
ReplyDeleteSad record: more than 1000 athletes have collapsed, many deaths
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Vaccin-Epidemie: Jonge Europese politici vallen “plotseling en onverwacht” dood neer
ReplyDeleteEpidemic: German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are'Suddenly and Unexpectedly' Dropping Dead
DeleteEmeritus hoogleraar: ‘Waarom laten jullie je vermoorden? Jullie worden vermoord door de overheid!’
ReplyDeleteEmeritus professor: 'Why do you allow to be murdered? You are being murdered by the government!'
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"You're Being Murdered!" - Pharma and Government Is Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Kijk: Chinezen knielen op straat voor de autoriteiten terwijl hun inentingskaarten door Chinese ambtenaren gescand worden
ReplyDeleteWatch: Chinese kneel on the street for the authorities while their vaccination cards are scanned by Chinese officials
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Video of Chinese Citizens Kneeling as Vaccine Passports Scanned Goes Viral
Senator doet boekje open over nanotechnologie in coronaprik: ‘Dit is genocide’
ReplyDeleteSenator reveals about nanotechnology in Corona jab: "This is genocide"
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NEW ROAR NETWORK SHOW: Maria Zeee Uncensored
DeleteMaria Zeee delivers hard-hitting investigative journalism from Australia, the epicentre of the testing ground for the New World Order in the West. Fearlessly exposing the plans of the elites, she warns the world of what is coming if the masses don’t wake up to the reality of the incoming technocratic totalitarianism we are speedily progressing towards.
DeleteArts klapt uit de school over vaccinatieschade: ‘Het is een verschrikkelijk probleem’
ReplyDeleteDoctor is speaking out about vaccination damage: "It's a terrible problem"
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Dr. Lee Merritt: Wij zijn in de vierde fase van de DNA-oorlog tegen de mensheid
ReplyDeleteDr. Lee Merritt: We are in the fourth stage of the DNA WAR against humanity
DeleteSchokkende video: Duizenden in lockdown opgesloten bewoners van Shanghai schreeuwen vanuit hun appartementsgebouwen
ReplyDeleteShock Video: Thousands of Locked Down Shanghai Residents Scream From Their Apartment Buildings
DeleteGetting crazy in locked down Shanghai
ReplyDeleteGeen twijfel meer mogelijk: Hoe meer vaccins u neemt, hoe zwakker uw immuunsysteem wordt
DeleteThe more vaccines you take, the weaker your immune system becomes
Het grote sterven gaat door: Mainstream media censureert informatie over stijgende COVID-vaccinsterfte
ReplyDeleteDIE-OFF CONTINUES: Mainstream media censors information about rising COVID vaccine deaths
Delete833 Hartstilstanden en ernstige problemen bij atleten, 540 dood, na COVID-19 injectie
ReplyDelete833 Athlete Cardiac Arrests and Serious Issues, 540 Dead, Following Covid Injection
DeleteVoor het geval u het nog niet wist… U moet om de 30 dagen een booster krijgen om “beschermd” te blijven
ReplyDeleteICYMI: You need to be boosted every 30 days to stay "protected"
DeleteThe reason: because Satan knows just as much as we do about the moment of the rapture: nothing.
DeleteAnd he knows he can only implement the Mark of the Beast after the rapture.
The plan for the introduction of the Mark of the Beast is in stages.
Many in China jumping off balconies from the “zero Covid” lockdowns
ReplyDeleteChinese Citizens Are Starving, Jumping From Balconies To Their Deaths After Weeks Of ‘COVID Zero’ Lockdown
DeleteSo many tragedies! A couple in #Tianjin City in #CCPChina chose to jump to death together during the #COVID19 lockdown. #CCPvirus
DeleteBruce Willis ontwikkelde afasie na gevaccineerd te zijn: “Afasie is een taalstoornis die veroorzaakt wordt door beschadiging van een specifiek deel van de hersenen”
ReplyDeleteBruce Willis Developed Aphasia After Being Vaccinated: “Aphasia is a Language Disorder caused by Damage in a Specific Area of the Brain.”
DeleteVerbijsterend: Arts blaast het vaccinatienarratief aan flarden – ongelooflijke cijfers
ReplyDeleteStunning: Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative—Incredible Statistics
DeleteEpidemioloog trekt aan de bel: coronaprik ‘maakt meer slachtoffers dan oorlog’
ReplyDeleteEpidemiologist sounds the alarm: corona jab 'causes more victims than war'
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Schwab: ‘Niemand is veilig totdat iedereen gevaccineerd is’
ReplyDeleteSchwab: 'No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated'
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Dr. Coleman: De “Dodenfase” (Twaalf feiten)
ReplyDeletedr. Coleman: The “Death Phase” (Twelve Facts)
DeleteProtesten, plunderingen, vermoorde huisdieren en massale zelfmoorden in Shanghai, China: mensen verhongeren tijdens lockdowns – Waarschuwing! Schokkende Beelden
ReplyDeleteProtests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns
DeleteSchokkende taferelen in China: ‘Ongelofelijk wat daar momenteel gaande is’
ReplyDeleteShocking scenes in China: 'Unbelievable what is currently going on there'
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Autopsies bevestigen: ‘We zien de vingerafdruk van het vaccin overal in het lichaam’
ReplyDeleteAutopsies confirm: 'We see vaccine fingerprint all over the body'
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On the invalidity of the Sacrament of Matrimony with certain DeathVaxxed Spouses
ReplyDeleteResearcher sounds alarm after finding PARASITES, nanobots and graphene in COVID-19 vaccines
Delete“ARRESTEER BILL GATES! Bill Gates stuit op massaal “Super Protest” vóór toespraak over hoe de volgende pandemie te voorkomen (Video)
ReplyDelete‘ARREST BILL GATES!’ Bill Gates Met With Massive ‘Super Protest’ Before Speech About How To Prevent The Next Pandemic [VIDEO]
DeleteWereldwijde pandemie van de gevaccineerden wordt erger naarmate meer mensen dodelijke injecties nemen
ReplyDeleteGlobal pandemic of the vaccinated gets worse as more people take deadly shots
DeleteGrote studie wijst uit dat ongevaccineerden gezonder zijn dan gevaccineerden
ReplyDeleteBig Study Finds Non-Vaccinated are Healthier than Vaccinated
DeleteThomas Senzee: LGBT-journalist bespotte de ongevaccineerden met dat de ongevaccineerden “geestelijk… moeten genezen”, overlijdt plotseling en onverwacht
ReplyDeleteThomas Senzee: longtime LGBT journalist mocks the non-vaccinated with the regurgitated “faster download speeds” trope, dies unexpectedly
DeleteZorgminister Queensland ‘kan niet verklaren’ waarom meldkamer ambulance overspoeld wordt met telefoontjes
ReplyDeleteHealth minister Queensland 'can't explain' why ambulance control room is flooded with calls
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Bill Gates vindt het ‘nogal vreemd’ dat ‘gekke mensen’ tegen zijn vaccins protesteren
ReplyDeleteBill Gates finds it 'rather strange' that 'crazy people' are protesting his vaccines
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‘Meest iconische stem in comedy’ overleden aan hartaandoening, haalde kortgeleden de boosterprik
ReplyDelete'Most iconic voice in comedy' died of heart disease, recently took booster shot
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Hebben de volledig gevaccineerden meer kans om aan COVID te sterven?
ReplyDeleteKijk: Uur durende video toont een tsunami van slachtoffers van COVID-19 injectie
ReplyDeleteHour long video of Covid vaccine effects
DeleteVaccin bijwerkingen treffen blanken
ReplyDeleteVaccine blood clotting could be result of genetics