Monday, 6 December 2021

FAKE NEWS: Floor Jansen has succumbed to the side effects of a certain medicine

Original title:  
Friday, November 5, 2021

FAKE NEWS: Floor Jansen has succumbed to the side effects of the 'vaccine'

Song for the Antichrist - Won't take the mark or bow down to the beast!



  1. Replies
    1. Why vaccine injured people are afraid to speak out

    2. Sadly, Warner said six of the people suffering from adverse events committed suicide in the past month; with the current government narrative silencing and censoring those who speak out about COVID-19 shot risks, those injured have no opportunity to speak out about their experiences. Even now, Warner said, being unable to work and carry on with his daily life the way he did pre-shot, “I just feel so worthless.”

  2. Replies
    1. It's interesting to see how pretty women age similarly:
      When she sang in Tokyo in 1993 Gigliola was 46.
      When the Dutch singer Sharon den Adel sang this she was about 44:
      Sharon den Adel knalt met 'Just what I need tonight' | Liefde voor Muziek

    2. Liefde voor Muziek (Leefduh fore mu seek) means Love for music and it's a Belgian TV program
      'Knalt met' means something like 'explodes with'

    3. May JESUS save them, because one may be pretty or handsome and have talent, but we're all lost without the Lord JESUS Christ.

  3. Replies
    1. I remember it well when she won the Eurovision Song Contest

  4. Replies
    1. Shame if this gal will scream in hell, so JESUS, do something about it and save her and her fans. 




  1. Replies
    1. Slovenia's highest court declares vaccination obligation unconstitutional: 'The house of cards is slowly collapsing'

  2. Replies
    1. This division could turn into a civil war

  3. Replies
    1. Population pressure too great: Australian state wants to abolish mandatory vaccination - due to 'high-profile' incidents


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