Sunday, 28 November 2021

Can a song give redemption?

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Can a song give redemption?


Lyrics Ghost Love Score


Ghost Love Score reaction




Evolution of Ghost Love Score ending | 2012 to 2018




 Nightwish singer REACTS to Ghost Love Score (Wacken 2013)



Ghost Love Score - Nightwish: THE REAL REASON FOR YOUR FLOORGASM - What reaction channels don't see



  1. Replies
    1. This band promotes the Jesuit concocted big bang theory through God-denier Richard Dawkins

    2. Of course they don't know that the big bang theory was concocted by the Jesuits

  2. Replies
    1. My mother (who's gone to be with JESUS) was also born in North-Brabant (Brabant is in Belgium)

    2. So, it's understandable she likes this song, which is VERY Catholic

    3. I also learned she's a vegetarian..well JESUS wasn't and He's God!

    4. May JESUS save her! Because she (and EVERYBODY) is totally LOST without Him!

  3. Replies
    1. En helaas gelooft Floor dat er een heuze pandemie gaande is...

    2. And unfortunately Floor believes that there's a real pandemic going on...

    3. Nou, dat is niet zo! Well, that's not so!

    4. Heeft ze haar spuitjes al gehad? Has she had her injections yet?

    5. Back to the corona-mass murder, pre-implementation of the mark of the beast-news!

    6. heuze pandemie=heuse pandemie...die stomme typos... in de eeuwigheid raak ik nooit meer een keyboard aan....

    7. reel pandemic=real pandemic...those stupid eternity I'll never touch a keyboard again....

  4. Replies
    1. View of a vinegar pisser (Herman Brusselmans) on Floor Overrated people: Floor Jansen

    2. De onderschatte Vlaamse schrijver Herman Brusselmans beledigt overschatte personen uit de wereldgeschiedenis.

    3. The underestimated Flemish writer Herman Brusselmans insults overrated people from world history.

    4. Throw the article in a translator and then you can read it

    5. Herman Brusselmans is net zo verloren zonder JEZUS als Floor, dus hij moet niet zeiken!

    6. Herman Brusselmans is just as lost without JESUS as Floor, so he shouldn't whine!

  5. Replies
    1. They believe in all the classical (Jesuit concocted) lies of this world: the 'big bang', 'evolution', 'Heliocentrism', 'the globe earth', 'the universe'

    2. I'm not a hypocrite, because I also used to believe in these LIES before God=JESUS showed me the TRUTH

    3. So, may the (former) members of Nightwish and their fans also find the TRUTH=JESUS!


  6. But what if there's no more electricity?


    6 months ago
    I love how we're slowly turning every opera, pop, rapper, country, music producer into a metal head. Slowly, but surely, we will have them all.
    5 months ago
    metal is universal my friend
    Amorphic Spirit
    Amorphic Spirit
    5 months ago
    Let it be so my friend. Gotta love these honest reactions to our Queen Floor.
    Sir. Moseph!
    Sir. Moseph!
    5 months ago
    Metal prevails! 🤘🏼
    5 months ago
    Stop sharing the plan. lol
    Nathan Adam
    Nathan Adam
    4 months ago
    There is only one true master in music. Metal shall rule the world
    M O
    M O
    4 months ago
    Reminds me of Tenacious D's "The Metal".

    Metal will live on.
    andrew hanna
    andrew hanna
    4 months ago
    @Bucephalus Why? It's not like they can stop us.
    3 months ago
    IT IS INEVITABLE! THEY WILL ALL SOON SUCCUMB! or something similar. - metalheads.


  7. Liza, Floor is from my country and she's from a Catholic background
    . Don't condemn her but pray for her and her Swedish husband and their little daughter. Listen to 'Mama', sung by her. Look up: Floor Jansen Mama reaction

    1. Jay and Liza here to post some reaction videos. We will make you laugh, we will make you cry. Most of all we want you to have fun watching our reactions. Jay is into metal/rock music and Liza is country/Christian/gospel music. We have two different opinions on music and movies. We post, you comment....lets hear your requests. Drop a comment on what you would like to see in our videos. See you in the next video, PEACE!

  8. Replies
    1. Live in the studio (in one take) is not the same as playing and singing for a huge audience

  9. Replies
    1. But it probably only worked in my case with this song

  10. Replies
    1. Ken Tamplin. He made Christian rock music and I've seen him live with his band

  11. Replies

    1. @Ross Nixon Amen, and His name starts with a J


      X Y
      X Y
      1 year ago
      I used to be an atheist. Now I know that God is a Dutch woman, 6 feet tall with a voice like no other.
      1 year ago
      Floorism is the best religion.
      1 year ago
      sonicshroom A reading from the gospel according to Toumas “where has all the feelings gone? Why has all the laughter ceased.....”
      thegrt one
      thegrt one
      1 year ago
      Yah, Floor and Tarja are great blessing..hoping Tuomas is appreciative of both
      Catarina Prata
      Catarina Prata
      1 year ago
      Now this is a religion I can get behind!
      1 year ago
      Nightwishism - what a great name for a religion.
      Joonas Pietikäinen
      Joonas Pietikäinen
      1 year ago
      1 year ago
      I made a video about nightwish and uploaded it on my channel. you guys can check it now and subscribe please.
      Douglas Canoose
      Douglas Canoose
      1 year ago
      Yes: Freya sings.
      Ross Nixon
      Ross Nixon
      11 months ago
      @sonicshroom Evolution can't produce anything like Floor. God did it. No doubt!
      John Thomson
      John Thomson
      11 months ago
      @Ross Nixon : You might want to check out The Greatest Show On Earth w/Richard Dawkins. Floor disagrees with you.
      Moottöri Pää
      Moottöri Pää
      10 months ago
      well spoken.
      Judith Kolkman
      Judith Kolkman
      9 months ago
      Lol.. I'm Dutch and 6 feet tall too.. unfortunately i don't have that voice there is only one Floor and yes she is the best💯🤩
      John Thomson
      John Thomson
      9 months ago
      @Judith Kolkman : You are beautiful as well. Stay safe.
      Mike Vercoe
      Mike Vercoe
      8 months ago
      @Ross Nixon Attributing anything to a god, it might as well be a pixie or anything else imaginary :)
      Daniel Vossbein
      Daniel Vossbein
      1 week ago
      @saintfelician4life l


  12. There are no 'little and innocent children'

    When God destroyed the entire world population through the Flood, after He waited 120 years to see if they would repent=change their mind, about 6 BILLION people were drowned and many of them were 'little innocent children', babies and pregnant women with unborn babies in their wombs.
    There was only ONE little INNOCENT child in history and that was JESUS!
    If we have been taught we were once 'little innocent children' then there's NO REASON to believe in the Lord JESUS Christ because then we can be 'redeemed by the little innocent child we once were'.

    What we can say about little children below a certain age is that they are legally innocent of crimes against God-the Lord JESUS and so they will be judged as such by Him and will come out GOOD at the Last Judgment.
    JESUS said whoever is not like little children will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    Little children of saved followers of JESUS are justified by Him because of one or both of the saved parents of such children, but as these children grow older and have developed a conscience, they will have to make a choice apart from their parents for or against JESUS.


    It's exciting and also frustrating to live in these last days, but soon we will see the fulfillment of them and we will be with the Lord forever and ever. I so want these little innocent children to be raptured soon and leave this filthy earth behind them. They are being scarred by these pedophiles that are lurking everywhere. I hope this year is the year of the Rapture.

    1. Part of the Lyrics of 'Ghost Love Score': Redeem me into childhood
      Show me myself without the shell
      Like the advent of May
      I'll be there when you say
      Time to never hold our love

      My fall will be for you
      My love will be in you
      You were the one to cut me
      So I'll bleed forever


      This is a LIE!
      Only JESUS is INNOCENT and ONLY HE can REDEEM us!

  13. Nightwish promote the 'big bang' and evolution, hobby horses of the Jesuits and Satan

    Eirik Bull
    Eirik Bull
    5 months ago
    This is my favorite Nightwish song. It is a huge anthem to evolution and the story of life. The "We were here"-part is my favorite, especially when I'm deep into the lyrics. It feels like a message to someone in the future, maybe a new form of life, discovering our planet after we are long gone. It is bitter sweet and poetic. I love it.

  14. Replies
    1. Oké, ik heb het helemaal gezien. Ik dacht eerst dat je Canadese was vanwege je accent, maar je bent een Zwitserse. Dankzij de de ondertiteling kon ik het redelijk goed volgen met mijn schoolfrans. Ik vind inderdaad ook dat Floor beter bij deze stijl van muziek past dan Tarja, al is Tarja ook een geweldige zangeres, maar ze komt nu beter toch haar recht in haar solowerk.
      Heel wat anders: als je wilt weten waarom we allemaal verschillende talen spreken dan is dat niet te verklaren via de evolutie-theorie. Verdiep je eens in het fenomeen van de Babylonische spraakverwarring.

      Bon, j'ai tout vu. Au début, je pensais que tu étais canadien à cause de ton accent, mais tu es suisse. Grâce aux sous-titres, j'ai pu le suivre assez bien avec mon français scolaire. Je pense en effet que Floor correspond mieux à ce style de musique que Tarja, bien que Tarja soit aussi une grande chanteuse, mais elle s'épanouit désormais davantage dans son travail and solo.
      Quelque chose de très différent: si vous voulez savoir pourquoi nous parlons tous des langues différentes, cela ne peut pas être expliqué par la théorie de l'évolution. Jetez un œil au phénomène de la confusion des langues babylonienne.

      Okay, I've seen it all. At first I thought you were Canadian because of your accent, but you're Swiss. Thanks to the subtitles, I was able to follow it fairly well with my school French. I do indeed think that Floor fits this style of music better than Tarja, although Tarja is also a great singer, but she now comes more into her own in her solo work.
      Something quite different: if you want to know why we all speak different languages, it cannot be explained by the theory of evolution. Take a look at the phenomenon of the Babylonian confusion of tongues.

      Hans S
      0 seconds ago
      If Floor loses her voice you can replace her.
      Si Floor perd sa voix, tu peux la remplacer.

      Hans S
      0 seconds ago
      10:07 Ha ha!

    2. "Nemesis"

      We walk this Earth
      With fire in our hands
      Eye for an eye
      We are Nemesis

      We are with you
      Countless vicious souls
      Fight! - Fighting for freedom
      United we stand

      We are legion
      Voice of anarchy
      This is revolution
      Creating new disorder

      We are enemy
      Opponent of the system
      Crushing hypocrisy
      Slaying the philistine

      One for all - All for one
      We are strong - We are one

      A malicious fever burns
      In our hearts, In our veins
      Your blood, My blood
      All blood runs the same


    3. ​ @Mirowshka - Vocal Coach I totally understand the older fans of Nightwish
      who prefer Tarja and I compare it with Deep Purple (one of the initiators of hard rock and metal), because I got to know this band with the second singer Ian Gillan, but the older fans knew this band with the original singer Rod Evans, and when Ian left the band he was replaced by David Coverdale and Glenn Hughes, and much later Ian rejoined Deep Purple again.
      I love Deep Purple with ALL its singers and even with Joe Lynn Turner who replaced Ian Gillan when he left the band again.
      And now a lot of Nighwish fans regret the fact that Marco Hietala had to leave the band due to personal issues.
      Tarja and Marco or both great on songs like 'Wish I had an angel' and I can't imagine Floor singing 'Romanticide' without Marco, but they made a good restart with their new bass player.
      I discovered that you like to growl too and Floor is also a growler and I can't imagine Tarja doing this, but I was wrong thanks to Mr. Rock N Roll and his video Operatic Growling!! | "Demons In You" Tarja Turunen (feat) Alissa White- Gluz | REACTION
      As a Dutchman I'm very interested in Floor and I also like her work besides Nightwish, singing in different styles and languages and watch the video Floor Jansen - Singing in 8 languages. I miss Floor singing in your language, French, and maybe that's coming. She even kept singing while she was pregnant.
      I also like the duets by Tarja and Floor and I've watched them talking to each other in a chat video and they like and respect each other.
      Since we both use English as a second language I didn't translate this in French.
      Keep on singing Mirowshka!! 😱 👍


      Highlighted reply
      Mirowshka - Vocal Coach
      Mirowshka - Vocal Coach
      4 hours ago
      Thank you for your comment :)
      I have to listen to what tarja is doing now. Floor is more what people like now, but that doesn't detract from Tarja's quality.


    4. 10:07 Ha ha!

      Highlighted reply

      Mirowshka - Vocal Coach
      3 days ago
      we have to laugh

      Hans S
      3 days ago
      @Mirowshka - Vocal Coach Ha! ;))


    5. If Floor loses her voice you can replace her.

      Si Floor perd sa voix, tu peux la remplacer.
      Mirowshka - Vocal Coach
      Mirowshka - Vocal Coach
      3 days ago
      ahah nooo she's too good to loose her voice :D
      Hans S
      Hans S
      3 days ago
      @Mirowshka - Vocal Coach I know but just in case.. ;))

  15. Replies
    1. Floor is so big with such a sweet high voice

  16. Replies
    1. And back then not yet covered by tattoos

  17. Replies
    1. A lot of mother F***ing going on.....

  18. Ghost Love Score has the same feel as Loneliness (Remastered) by Grand Funk Railroad 1972

  19. Replies
    1. "Song Of Myself"

      [1. From A Dusty Bookshelf]

      [2. All That Great Heart Lying Still]

      The nightingale is still locked in the cage
      The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs
      An old oak sheltering me from the blue
      Sun bathing on its dead frozen leaves

      A catnap in the ghost town of my heart
      She dreams of storytime and the river ghosts
      Of mermaids, of Whitman's and the ride
      Raving harlequins, gigantic toys

      A song of me a song in need
      Of a courageous symphony
      A verse of me a verse in need
      Of a pure-heart singing me to peace

      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angel wing

      All that great heart lying still
      In silent suffering
      Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end
      What is left for encore
      Is the same old dead boy's song
      Sung in silence
      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angel wing

      A midnight flight into Covington Woods
      A princess and a panther by my side
      These are Territories I live for
      I'd still give my everything to love you more

      A song of me a song in need
      Of a courageous symphony
      A verse of me a verse in need
      Of a pure-heart singing me to peace

      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

      now all that great heart lying still
      In silent suffering
      Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end
      What is left for encore
      Is the same old dead boy's song
      Sung in silence

      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angelwing

      [3. Piano Black]

      A silent symphony
      A hollow opus #1,2,3

      Sometimes the sky is piano black
      Piano black over cleansing waters

      Resting pipes, verse of bore
      Rusting keys without a door

      Sometimes the within is piano black
      Piano black over cleansing waters

      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angel wing

      All that great heart lying still and slowly dying
      All that great heart lying still on an angel wing

      [4. Love]

      I see a slow, simple youngster by a busy street,
      with a begging bowl in his shaking hand.
      Trying to smile but hurting infinitely. Nobody notices.
      I do, but walk by.

      An old man gets naked and kisses a model-doll in his attic
      It's half-light and he's in tears.
      When he finally cums his eyes are cascading.

      I see a beaten dog in a pungent alley. He tries to bite me.
      All pride has left his wild drooling eyes.
      I wish I had my leg to spare.

    2. A mother visits her son, smiles to him through the bars.
      She's never loved him more.

      An obese girl enters an elevator with me.
      All dressed up fancy, a green butterfly on her neck.
      Terribly sweet perfume deafens me.
      She's going to dinner alone.
      That makes her even more beautiful.

      I see a model's face on a brick wall.
      A statue of porcelain perfection beside a violent city kill.
      A city that worships flesh.

      The first thing I ever heard was a wandering man telling his story
      It was you, the grass under my bare feet
      The campfire in the dead of the night
      The heavenly black of sky and sea

      It was us
      Roaming the rainy roads, combing the guilded beaches
      Waking up to a new gallery of wonders every morn
      Bathing in places no-one's seen before
      Shipwrecked on some matt-painted island
      Clad in nothing but the surf - beauty's finest robe

      Beyond all mortality we are, swinging in the breath of nature
      In early air of the dawn of life
      A sight to silence the heavens

      I want to travel where life travels, following its permanent lead
      Where the air tastes like snow music
      Where grass smells like fresh-born Eden
      I would pass no man, no stranger, no tragedy or rapture
      I would bathe in a world of sensation
      Love, goodness and simplicity
      (While violated and imprisoned by technology)

      The thought of my family's graves was the only moment
      I used to experience true love
      That love remains infinite as I'll never be the man my father is

      How can you "just be yourself" when you don't know who you are?
      Stop saying "Yeah, I know how you feel."
      How could anyone know how another feels?

      Who am I to judge a priest, beggar, whore, politician, wrongdoer?
      I am, you are, all of them already

      Dear child, stop working, go play
      Forget every rule
      There's no fear in a dream

      "Is there a village inside this snowflake?"
      - a child asked me
      "What's the colour of our lullaby?"

      I've never been so close to truth as them
      I touched its silver lining

      Death is the winner in any war
      Nothing noble in dying for your religion
      For your country
      For ideology, for faith
      For another man, yes

      Paper is dead without words
      Ink idle without a poem
      All the world dead without stories
      Without love and disarming beauty

      Careless realism costs souls

      Ever seen the Lord smile?
      All the care for the world made Beautiful a sad man?
      Why do we still carry a device of torture around our necks?
      Oh, how rotten your pre-apocalypse is
      All you bible-black fools living over nightmare ground

      I see all those empty cradles and wonder
      If man will ever change

      I, too, wish to be a decent manboy but all I am
      Is smoke and mirrors
      Still given everything, may I be deserving

      And there forever remains that change from G to E minor.

    3. Conclusion: we're lost without JESUS Christ! Our CREATOR!

  20. Replies

    1. A friend of mine introduced me to Beth Hart some time ago
      and I shared this reaction video with Him. Beth Hart and Floor Jansen, totally different styles of music and singing, but same charisma and powerful stage presence.

  21. Replies
    1. Singing Teacher Analyzes NIGHTWISH - Ghost Love Score (OFFICIAL LIVE)


    2. @Busfan 123 Too bad for you, because JESUS is God and He created music and Floor!

      Hans S
      Hans S
      0 seconds ago
      @Robert Douglass Der Herr hat dich, Floor, mich und alle erschaffen und sein Name ist JESUS!


      Markus Radner
      Markus Radner
      2 years ago
      Und Gott schuf Musik und er sagte, es sei gut.
      Und dann erschuf er Nightwish, und er sagte, es sei sehr gut.
      Und dann erschuf der Herr Floor, und er ließ das Mikrofon fallen.

      Denn er hatte die Vollkommenheit geschaffen.


      Und ich kann normalerweise mit dem herrn nix anfangen
      Busfan 123
      Busfan 123
      2 years ago
      Ich war Atheist! Bevor ich erkannte, das ich Gott bin!😂😂😂✌
      1 year ago
      Robert Douglass
      Robert Douglass
      1 year ago
      Un dann erschuf die FRAU Floor, nichts "der Herr Floor"...meine Gottes!

    3. @Busfan 123 Too bad for you, because JESUS is God and He created music and Floor!
      Hans S.
      Hans S.
      0 seconds ago
      @Robert Douglass The Lord created you, Floor, me and everyone and his name is JESUS!


      Markus Radner
      Markus Radner
      2 years ago
      And God made music and he said it was good.
      And then he created Nightwish, and he said it was very good.
      And then the Lord created Floor and he dropped the microphone.

      Because he had created perfection.


      And I usually don't know what to make of the Lord
      Bus fan 123
      Bus fan 123
      2 years ago
      I was an atheist! Before I realized that I am God! 😂😂😂✌
      1 year ago
      Robert Douglass
      Robert Douglass
      1 year ago
      And then the WOMAN created Floor, not "the Lord Floor" ... my God!


    4. Mir gefiel, dass du Floor mit diesem hohen Gesang nachgeahmt hast
      und ich mochte auch den Klang deines Kanarienvogels.
      I liked that you mimicked Floor with that high-pitched vocal and I liked the sound of your canary too.

  22. Replies
    1. But the question is: have they all been VAXXED?

  23. Replies
    1. If you suffer from vaccine side effects you can sing I WANT MY HEALTH BACK NOW!

  24. Replies
    1. There are already reaction videos to this reaction and I'm waiting for reaction videos to reaction videos to this reaction by the one and only Nightwish singer! Best moment of this video: 2:14



  1. Replies

    1. A.F. Klauï
      2 years ago

      I swear I'm telling the truth , I am very fond of this program I watched every episode from the beginning that it was broadcast. I never heard of floor jansen but i do know a couple of the singers that are sitting on the couch. but Floor really mesmerized Me by singing this song of Samantha steenwijk which is the original according singer of this song and I never heard the original song either , but when I hear floor singing this song I was immediately Blown Away , tears were falling down my cheeks when she screamed out loud for Mama. I never heard of her and i understoud every word bycause I'm Dutch to. now the internet is exploding , because of her version singing this song mama. WOOW , unbelievable artist is what she is and , now i have to listen to ALL HER OTHER SONGS because of her incredibly beautiful voice. :-) and i'm starting to like the metal music to. this song goes viral now and believe me , NOW the dutch people know , and never will forget the name " Floor Jansen " . my number 1 winner as best singer 2019 for sure.

      Translation for dutch.

      Mama, can I talk to you for a second?
      Because life is not going well for me
      I have everything i love, but I don't feel love anymore
      I really need you now It's hurting me too much

      Mama, tell me how i should live
      Please tell me how you do that
      I lost it for a while Oooh oh mama, why don't I look like you?
      The strongest example of a mother and a woman

      Mama, where did i lose myself? At this table you have taught me everything
      Can't eat, can't talk, can't dance, can't sleep Can't smile, can't resist to be drowning in my tears

      Oh ohohoh, mama Tell me how i should live
      Please tell me how you do that
      I lost it for a while Oh ooh, mama Why don't i look like you?
      The strongest example of a mother and a woman

      Oh ohohoh, mama Tell me how i should live
      Tell me how you do that
      I really lost it now Oh ooh, mama Why don't I look like you?
      The strongest example of a mother and a woman

      These are the dutch lyrics :

      Mama, kan ik even met je praten?
      Want het leven zit me eventjes niet mee
      Ik heb alles wat me lief is
      Maar ik voel geen liefde meer
      Ik heb je nu echt nodig
      Het doet me teveel zeer

      Mama, zeg me hoe ik leven moet
      Ze me dan hoe jij dat doet
      Ik ben het even zoek
      Oooh oh mama, waarom lijk ik niet op jou?
      Het allersterkste voorbeeld van een moeder en een vrouw

      Mama, waar ben ik mezelf verloren?
      Aan deze tafel heb je me alles toch geleerd
      Kan niet eten, kan niet praten, kan niet dansen, kan niet slapen
      Kan niet lachen, het niet laten om te verdrinken in m’n tranen

      Oh ohohoh, mama
      Zeg me hoe ik leven moet
      Zeg me dan hoe jij dat doet
      Ik ben het even zoek
      Oh ooh, mama
      Waarom lijk ik niet op jou?
      Het allersterkste voorbeeld van een moeder en een vrouw

      Oh ohohoh, mama
      Zeg me hoe ik leven moet
      Zeg me dan hoe jij dat doet
      Ik ben het nu echt zoek
      Oh ooh, mama
      Waarom lijk ik niet op jou?
      Het allersterkste voorbeeld van een moeder en een vrouw

  2. Replies

    1. I had to get used to this version
      , because I missed the strong voice of Marco, but after watching this, I appreciate it more and also the 'Marco parts' sung by Floor: REACTION FLOOR JANSEN AMSTERDAM (EVER DREAM) by Kelly Deacon

  3. Replies

    1. And I like your reaction to this reaction!


      Gabriel Bardac
      Gabriel Bardac
      2 years ago (edited)
      You are truly a sweet lady, and your emotions shown were priceless :) I enjoyed your reaction in front of the huge energy of this song. It's huge, and it's good, and it's beautiful. Don't be afraid, and thank you. And don't stop reacting to Nightwish :)

  4. Replies

    1. No, I'm Hans and not the original uploader of the video
      . I made this video as an experiment with the program Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) that I discovered when I watched Kelly's video reaction on Nightwish Ghost Love Score from 2019 and see my description box. Nice to meet you! I love Nighwish too and Floor Jansen from my country the Netherlands. 😁
      I informed Kelly below her video REACTION FLOOR JANSEN AMSTERDAM (EVER DREAM) about this video and where she could download it and see my description box


      Pinned by Hans S
      Robert Sheeler
      56 minutes ago
      Nightwish Army USA (Pa) division reporting for duty . you sure do look familiar , The Nightwish Army General Gabriel Bardac will be a long to leave you info & links to get you started with the amazing band Nightwish & the Valkyrie Queen Floor Jansen

  5. Singer Floor Jansen confesses to Flair: 'I thought metal was terrible music'

    Floor Jansen (39) tours the world as lead singer of the metal band Nightwish and recharges in her house in the woods in Sweden. When she participated last year with 'Beste Zangers', the Netherlands finally got to know her. "Somehow I like that, stupid huh?"

    She initially did not know the program with which she broke through in the Netherlands, nor did the other artists who participated. She has been living with her Swedish husband Hannes - with whom she had daughter Freja in 2017 - in Sweden for five years and doesn't watch Dutch television. Why did she participate? She was impressed by the footage she saw. Besides, there was a good chance that through her this would make people curious about metal in general and Nightwish in particular. In the last episode she sang Phantom of the opera together with Henk Poort in an unparalleled way, the footage went all over the world. And now the whole of the Netherlands knows who Floor Jansen is.

    She is relaxed at one of the tables in the lounge. Denim jacket, jeans, long dark hair. Around her, people are busy making calls or working on their laptops. In between, Floor is in a calm state of being. She drinks tea, speaks softly, almost shyly. She talks about how nice Sweden is. About their remote home in the woods. It is a bit like Limburg where she spent part of her childhood.

    Had Limburg not been an option?

    “Hannes and I lived in Finland when we met. I had moved there because Nightwish is a Finnish band. Although I sing in English, I wanted to learn the language and it works best when you immerse yourself in it. Finnish is very difficult, I never learned to speak it well. Of course it doesn't help if you have a Swedish man. Hannes missed Sweden and because I was already used to the peace and space in Finland, we moved there. We now have a very nice house in the countryside. With a dog and cats, and my two horses. When we moved into this house, with a huge plot of land around it, I immediately said I wanted horses. That was my girlhood dream.”

    You were bullied as a child, you call that a dark period, was being with the horses a way to escape for a while?

    “Because we moved often, I was always an outsider. I spoke differently than the children in my class, looked different, was tall. That bullying lasted seven years. My parents often went to school, but there they calmly said that there was nothing they could do. I can still get angry about that, because you actually say: 'Bad luck for you, just figure it out'. I withdrew to my own world, to nature, to the horses. So yes, in a way that was a flight.”

    1. “So was music, by the way. At one point those were the two things I went for. My career choice test also showed equestrian sport and conservatory. I really wanted to go to the conservatory, until I understood that the vocal training was either very classical or jazz. I had nothing to do with either of them. That is why I went to the Equestrian Center Deurne, a horse training course. That was very hard. I ended up there from high school and had to work hard every day. Some muscles in my body had become so hard that the blood flow in my arms was no longer functioning properly. I had a failure in my hands, so bad that I could hardly drive because I let the reins slip out of my hands all the time. It just wasn't fun anymore. When I heard that there was going to be a rock academy, I immediately registered.”

      Were your parents surprised that you started doing this?

      "I don't think so. I was also involved in musicals at school, so it didn't come out of the blue. I think they have kept their heart, because of course it is very insecure. But they have always been behind me. They said: 'You have a talent, you have to do something with it.' My father plays the guitar and sings. He's more in the blues corner. My sister Irene also sang in a metal band for a while and we also performed together. But I'm the only one in our family who made it her job."

      Were you immediately into metal?

      “I didn't really like it at all. A friend of mine was listening to it and I thought, what kind of horrible music is that? I was a little late developing my own taste. In the first school band I sang in, we played pop and rock songs. I also really liked grunge, but more to listen to. It wasn't until I moved to Limburg and made friends who listened to different metal bands that I saw the beauty of it. It's not just loud screaming and screeching guitars. The music we make with Nightwish has so many nuances, it's pop, folk, rock, symphonic passages, it's very accessible and melodic. For me, this kind of metal music is the ultimate combination of heavy music, pure feelings and female vocals.”

      Metal music is a man's world, do you thrive on that?

      “I don't really know any better. I stepped into this life from school. I actually don't realize that I work almost exclusively with men. It works well for me, I like it too. Men are very direct, there is no hassle. I never think: what is your hidden agenda? I do notice, now that I'm getting older, that I miss female company. Just because women look at things differently and that's sometimes a relief when you're only surrounded by men. That's why it was nice that at the time my female friend went along on tour as a nanny. I had very different conversations with her. She also saw when I was not feeling well and immediately asked how I was doing. Men don't ask that quickly, or don't even notice."

      By joining 'Best Singers' you hoped that more people would listen to your music. Did that work?

      "Yes. Our concerts in the Netherlands were immediately sold out. The nice thing is that it went both ways. A lot of people who listen to my music have also embraced Henk Poort. What I'm especially happy about is that I was able to show that metal isn't just satanic music, sung by screaming angry men."

      Do you also think: finally known in the Netherlands?

      “Haha. Somehow I like that, stupid huh? It bothered me that we are known all over the world and barely got a foothold in the Netherlands.”

      Translated from Dutch:

  6. Replies
    1. Reaction #1: Shudder Before The Beautiful (Live at Wembly)

      Reaction #2: 7 Days To The Wolves (Live at Wembly)

  7. Replies

    1. I just discovered you yesterday when I watched your reaction to Focus
      - Hocus Pocus and I love it and I just watched your reaction to Floor Jansen sings Mama for Samantha Steenwijk Beste Zangers 2019 (eng Subs) and that was still in your home and now you live in a van.
      That's always better than living on the street as a homeless person.
      Yes, everything's about to change, and I was an atheist in the past, but not anymore and now my best fiend is JESUS Christ. Check Him out and when He came into my life He told me to read the Bible. Everything that's happening now is foretold in the prophecies of the Bible.
      I'm praying for you.
      Love and greetings from the Netherlands.


    2. I can't put a link in my comment, but check this out and use DuckDuckGo
      : Thomas Renz: Everything about the plandemic is based on fear and manipulation

  8. Replies
    1. Conclusion: people are insane animals and lost without their maker JESUS Christ

    2. It's fun to watch this after 'Christmas' because 'Christmas' is a load of BS anyways...

    3. 'Fun' fact: the '1st world war (and the 2nd) was organized by the Jesuits, so the CATHOLIC 'Christmas' truce totally fits in it.


  9. Replies

    1. In de chat zag je er veel jonger uit dan op deze foto
      , maar je staat er wel fraai op moet ik zeggen!
      In the chat you looked much younger than in this photo, but I must say that you look beautiful in it!


    2. Floor gelooft niet in God..nee dat deed ik ook niet toen ik nog een atheïst was.

      Floor doesn't believe in I didn't either when I was still an atheist.


    3. En het ging natuurlijk ook even over de ellendige pandemie
      even kijken wat Tuomos daarover zei: Interview Tuomas Holopainen - Nightwish (hier op YouTube)
      And of course it was also briefly about the miserable pandemic, let's see what Tuomos said about it: Interview Tuomas Holopainen - Nightwish (here on YouTube)

  10. Get the vaccine people, and go to hell!

  11. Replies

    1. Randy Marple
      Randy Marple
      1 month ago
      "I don't know if the vocals are working for me though." Gotta say, that is the first time I have ever heard a reactor say that. Wow.
      For Whatever Reason
      For Whatever Reason
      1 month ago
      I think the operatic style just isn’t for me. But from what I’m gathering, Floor can do kinda anything, and I’m definitely open to exploring them further. Thanks for watching!
      1 month ago
      @For Whatever Reason I really appreciate your honesty.

  12. Replies
    1. Floor in 2013 WITHOUT tattoos...because tattoos are for stupid people....

  13. And another one under the SPELL of this song (making the satanic hand sign, sticking our her tongue): Nightwish - Ghost Love Score Wacken LIVE!!! REACTION!!!

  14. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score (Live cover by Scardust)
    Premiered Jul 28, 2022
    From our Nightwish tribute show on Dec. 23rd, 2021 in Tel Aviv.


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”