Monday, October 9, 2017
There was no ice wall going around earth before the Flood
Depiction of the earth as a supercontinent on a FLAT and ROUND earth with an impenetrable DOME-Firmament which also is the edge of this world, based on this...
Only God knows what the earth exactly looked like before the Flood, but I believe it used to be one supercontinent.
Now the question is whether there was an ICE WALL surrounding the round and flat plane of this world?
Genesis 8:22 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
1 Chronicles 1:19 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)

The entire system (flat and round earth with a firmament and what's below the flat earth) exists within WATER!
Still think the Bible isn’t a Flat Earth book? vico How NOT funny!
Watch this video and wise up: They Hide GOD With The Biggest Lie EVER! Flat Earth clues!
Or don't and remain IGNORANT.
PS 2: Everything you believe in (big bang, evolution, solar system, the earth as a spinning globe, the 'universe' etc.) was concocted by the Satan and the Jesuits, so the devil is on your side. vico Not yet, because Niko made a positive comment.
Hans S's profile photo
Hans S
+I smoke The Oral Cigarettes everyday Correct, our ancestors were Adam and Eve, and from our vantage point the world isn't flat when we are in places on earth with a hilly or mountainous landscape, but when we're in the middle of an ocean or sea or in countries with a flat landscape, it's clear the earth is as flat as a pancake, and when we perceive ships or cars or trains 'disappearing over the horizon' it's due to perspective, because our eyes aren't super telescopes who can still see the ship or car or train when normal human eyes are giving us the impression the ship has 'disappeared'.
I've read a comment on this site with which I almost totally agree:
"There is a curvature from space because you are looking at the edge of a disk. What other shape would you expect to see?"
I don't agree with the word 'space'
The higher we go the more we see that the world is round and flat.+john vico I've got better things to do than talking to God-deniers and flat earth deniers, like talking about salvation through faith in what JESUS Christ has done for us, or checking out the latest world news.
My convictions are rock solid, but I don't want to waste my time on people like you who refuse to unchain their brain from the system.+7HΞ LθЯΔ θF LθЯΔS This map is accurate: and of course it's round.
ReplyDeleteI’ve been a flat-earther for over two years now and am so because of the clear scriptural testimony. What started me on it was a realisation that when sun/moon/stars are referred to in scripture many of the references use the language of movement, while earth is associated with the language of stability. I know that a lot of the descriptions can be interpreted figuratively, as you’ve pointed out above, but the general impression you get from scripture does suggest that earth is still while the heavenly lights move. One incident from Joshua illustrates this where it says specifically that the sun stood still and the moon stayed: now if it had been that the earth stopped spinning then it would have said so without any injury done to truth.
Read more in the comment section: Ark didn't look like a BOAT but like a HUGE BARGE and in this documentary you can actually see a part of Noah's Ark from above.
ReplyDeleteWetenschappers ontdekken verloren continent onder de jungle
ReplyDeleteScientists discover lost continent beneath the jungle
DeleteNice fantasy, but the Earth is not a globe and has only existed for about 6,000 years since creation.
Delete22 - Les Feldick Bible Study Lesson 3 - Part 2 - Book 2 - Noah: The Ark of Security
Delete20:56 Exactly: most people don't want to know about the FLOOD=God's JUDGMENT
7 hours ago
Delete17:28 Man NEVER went into 'space' because 'space' doesn't exist and they knew the earth is FLAT.