Note: Earth is not a 'planet' and Gideon van Meijeren is not a 'kid'.
Rutte: support for Ukraine is about our values
Fast forward to the near future...In memoriam, Mark Rutte
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Klaus Schwab vertelt WEF-elites: ‘We moeten de mensheid dwingen tot ‘samenwerking’ met globalistische agenda”
ReplyDeleteKlaus Schwab Tells WEF Elites: ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’ with Globalist Agenda
DeleteRutte plaatst opmerkelijke foto na afscheidstoespraak: ‘Nog een laatste provocatie van deze psychopathische man’
ReplyDeleteRutte posts remarkable photo after farewell speech: 'One last provocation from this psychopathic man'
DeleteEU censuur gestart: Eerste hoge boetes voor kanalen om ‘foute’ berichten over immigratie en klimaat
ReplyDeleteEU censorship started: First high fines for channels for 'wrong' messages about immigration and climate
DeleteKort geding tegen Rutte en de NAVO van start gegaan: wat je moet weten
ReplyDeleteSummary proceedings against Rutte and NATO have started: what you need to know
DeleteWorld Economic Forum vertelt eindelijk de waarheid over Covid: Het was een ’test’ van onze gehoorzaamheid aan de zich snel vormende nieuwe wereldorde
ReplyDeleteWorld Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a 'test' of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order
Delete‘We lopen een verschrikkelijke val in, een Europese nachtmerrie’
ReplyDelete“We are falling into a terrible trap, a European nightmare”
Delete‘Über-Bilderberger’ Victor Halberstadt overleden
ReplyDelete'Über-Bilderberger' Victor Halberstadt has passed away
DeletePress conference Mark Rutte (NATO) 4 hours ago.
ReplyDelete"Ukraine will be a member of NATO in the future, that's what we decided in Washington."
Verbazing om riskante uitspraak NAVO-baas Rutte: ‘Dit is madness’
ReplyDeleteSurprise at risky statement by NATO boss Rutte: 'This is madness'
DeleteVideo: het autoritaire gedrag van degenen die denken ‘leiders’ te zijn wordt met de dag ontluisterender
ReplyDeleteVideo: The authoritarian behavior of those who think they are 'leaders' is becoming more appalling by the day
DeleteKarim Aachboun: inbreng stukken pedofilie Rutte-rechtszaak
ReplyDeleteKarim Aachboun: contribution of pedophilia documents to Rutte lawsuit
DeleteSchikkingsvoorstel neergelegd bij Karim Aachboun en Rutte: ‘Ik zou dan niets over Demmink-doofpot mogen publiceren’
ReplyDeleteSettlement proposal submitted to Karim Aachboun and Rutte: 'I would then not be allowed to publish anything about the Demmink cover-up'
DeleteRechtszaken tegen Rutte gaan DOOR: Karim Aachboun wijst miljoenenaanbod af
ReplyDeleteLegal proceedings against Rutte continue: Karim Aachboun rejects million-dollar offer
DeleteLancering crowdfunding Karim Aachboun ‘geblokkeerd door Rutte en co.’
ReplyDeleteLaunch of Karim Aachboun's crowdfunding 'blocked by Rutte and co.'
DeleteNieuwe ontwikkelingen rond crowdfunding voor rechtszaken tegen Rutte (update)
ReplyDeleteNew developments around crowdfunding for lawsuits against Rutte (update)
DeleteCrowdfunding geopend: ‘Bereid mijn uiterste best te doen om te zorgen voor juridische ondergang van Rutte’
ReplyDeleteCrowdfunding opened: 'Prepared to do my utmost to ensure Rutte's legal downfall'
ReplyDeleteKarim Aachboun zet alle rechtszaken tegen Rutte op eigen kosten door, crowdfunding offline gehaald
Karim Aachboun continues all legal proceedings against Rutte at his own expense, crowdfunding taken offline
ReplyDeleteKarim Aachboun wijst schikkingsvoorstel Rutte voor 3 miljoen af
Karim Aachboun rejects Rutte's settlement proposal for 3 million
DeleteAfgrijzen om uitspraken NAVO-chef Rutte: ‘Dit zijn absoluut onverdedigbare woorden’
ReplyDeleteDisgust at NATO chief Rutte's statements: 'These are absolutely indefensible words'
DeleteKrankzinnige NAVO-chef Rutte: we moeten bereid zijn om financiële offers te brengen (en hier moet het geld vandaan komen)
ReplyDeleteInsane NATO chief Rutte: we must be prepared to make financial sacrifices (and this is where the money must come from)
DeleteKijk: Zo gaat Rutte vanuit zijn nieuwe rol als NAVO-chef vrolijk verder met het uitkleden van onze sociale zekerheid
ReplyDeleteWatch: Rutte, in his new role as NATO chief, happily continues to strip our social security
DeleteHoogste Nederlandse militair overladen met kritiek na uitspraken over ‘dreiging die op ons afkomt
ReplyDeleteHighest Dutch military officer showered with criticism after statements about 'threat coming our way'
DeleteEichelsheim keek in de spiegel en voelde zich ineens ernstig bedreigd: "het was alsof de duvel me aankeek!"
DeleteEichelsheim looked in the mirror and suddenly felt seriously threatened: "it was as if the devil was looking at me!"
DeleteHoe Rutte bepaalde dat kabinet-Schoof naar het World Economic Forum in Davos moet
ReplyDeleteHow Rutte decided that the Schoof cabinet must go to the World Economic Forum in Davos
DeleteAachboun: ‘Ik heb beslag gelegd op de woning van Rutte’
ReplyDeleteAachboun: 'I have seized Rutte's home'
DeleteRutte ‘in privé juridisch geraakt’ door Karim Aachboun: ‘Eerste machtsovername een feit’
DeleteRutte 'personally legally affected' by Karim Aachboun: 'First takeover of power a fact'
DeleteTijdens de rechtszaak tegen Rutte ontstond ‘een ontluisterend beeld van de manipulatiepraktijken van de NAVO’
ReplyDeleteDuring the trial against Rutte, 'a disturbing picture of NATO's manipulation practices emerged'
DeleteNATO is the army of the POPE = the ANTICHRIST!
DeleteNieuwe actie volgt in rechtszaak tegen Rutte en NAVO: ‘Er zal gerechtigheid moeten komen voor de vele gedupeerden’
ReplyDeleteNew action follows in lawsuit against Rutte and NATO: 'There must be justice for the many victims'
Delete‘Hij zei dat Rutte geen onthullingen over Demmink wilde’
ReplyDelete'He said that Rutte did not want any revelations about Demmink'
DeleteVerrassende wending in spraakmakende zaak tegen Rutte, publicatieverbod opgelegd: ‘Bewuste aanval’
ReplyDeleteSurprising turn in high-profile case against Rutte, publication ban imposed: 'Deliberate attack'
DeleteKolonel over NAVO-chef Rutte: ‘Hij is irrelevant, een trekpop’
ReplyDeleteColonel on NATO chief Rutte: 'He is irrelevant, a puppet'
DeleteRutte vraagt opnieuw om miljarden van Nederlanders: ‘Komen we ooit nog van hem af?’
ReplyDeleteRutte again asks for billions from the Dutch: 'Will we ever get rid of him?'
Delete‘Rutte heeft bloed aan zijn handen en wel hierom’
ReplyDelete'Rutte has blood on his hands and here's why'
DeleteMark Rutte: The Face of NATO’s Delusion and Europe’s Downfall.
ReplyDeleteMark Rutte, the so-called statesman who has spent over a decade polluting Dutch politics, now finds himself desperately clinging to relevance as NATO’s latest mouthpiece.
Rejected by his own people, his party in tatters, Rutte embodies the decay of Western leadership: self-serving, power-hungry, and utterly detached from reality.
His career in the Netherlands has been a masterclass in deception, corruption, and political survival at all costs.
Scandal after scandal, broken promise after broken promise—yet he still somehow manages to wriggle his way to another high-profile position.
The Dutch people have had enough of him, yet the NATO war machine finds him useful. That alone should tell you everything you need to know.
The Ukraine Obsession: Rutte’s Path to War
Rutte is hell-bent on fueling the war in Ukraine, no matter the cost in human lives. He parrots the Western narrative of “defending democracy” while supporting a conflict that has decimated Ukraine and only strengthened Russia.
The longer the war drags on, the weaker Europe becomes.
But does Rutte care? Not at all. His only concern is securing his place in the globalist power structure, rubbing shoulders with Washington’s warmongers and Brussels’ bureaucrats.
This isn’t about Ukraine; it’s about NATO’s desperation to maintain its crumbling hegemony.
And Rutte, ever the obedient servant of Western elites, plays his role perfectly—cheerleading endless war while Europe hurtles towards economic and political collapse.
A Man Without Principles
Let’s be clear: Mark Rutte has no scruples, no principles, and no loyalty except to himself and those who offer him power.
He has spent his career lying to his own people, betraying their trust, and bending to the will of American and EU overlords.
Whether it’s domestic policies or foreign interventions, he follows orders without hesitation, sacrificing Dutch and European interests on the altar of NATO’s globalist ambitions.
NATO: A Tool of American Terror
NATO, the military arm of Washington’s imperialism, exists not for defense but for aggression. It’s a terrorist organization masquerading as a security alliance, spreading chaos under the guise of “freedom.”
From Yugoslavia to Libya, from Afghanistan to Ukraine, NATO’s history is one of destruction and bloodshed. And now, with Rutte as its latest pawn, the alliance continues its reckless march towards oblivion.
The reality is clear: NATO is losing. Russia is only growing stronger. The West’s economic warfare has backfired spectacularly.
European industries are collapsing, inflation is soaring, and geopolitical influence is slipping away. Yet Rutte, living in his delusional bubble, refuses to see the writing on the wall.
The Coming Reckoning
Mark Rutte represents everything that is wrong with Western leadership today: arrogance, dishonesty, and an unshakable commitment to failed policies.
His rise within NATO is not a sign of strength but of desperation—a desperate alliance clinging to irrelevant figures as it faces its inevitable decline.
The world is changing. The unipolar moment is over. And no amount of lies, propaganda, or NATO aggression will change that.
Rutte may bask in his newfound role for now, but history will remember him for what he truly is: a failure, a fraud, and a servant of a dying empire.
Kijk: Het gemak waarmee Rutte een draai van 180 graden maakt
ReplyDeleteWatch: The ease with which Rutte makes a 180 degree turn
DeleteRussische buitenlandminister trekt fel van leer tegen NAVO-chef Rutte: ‘Hij misbruikt zijn positie’
ReplyDeleteRussian foreign minister lashes out at NATO chief Rutte: 'He is abusing his position'
DeleteZie hier hoe professor Sachs gehakt maakt van Rutte: ‘Ik dacht dat Stoltenberg de ergste was, maar ik had het mis’
ReplyDeleteWatch here how Professor Sachs makes mincemeat of Rutte: 'I thought Stoltenberg was the worst, but I was wrong'
DeleteKijk: ‘Rutte staat ons nu uit te leggen dat wij ook in oorlog gaan’
ReplyDeleteWatch: 'Rutte is now explaining to us that we are also going to war'