Saturday, 22 June 2024

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Edwin Wagensveld is tegen de islam, maar hij wil niet weten welke organisatie verantwoordelijk is voor het ontstaan ervan.

Edwin Wagensveld is against Islam, but he doesn't want to know which organization is responsible for its origins.


 Het betrof deze post van Edwin:

It concerned this post from Edwin:

In een eerdere post had ik duidelijk gemaakt dat het Vaticaan de uitvinder is van de islam, en daarop reageerde Edwin aldus:

EWagensveld VRIJHEID

De mens is ten allertijde voor zijn eigen daden verantwoordelijk, dit soort theorien om schuld af te schuiven heb ik niets mee en vindt ik meer dan ONZIN!

Hans S

Het gaat niet om 'de schuld afschuiven' maar om de oorzaak achterhalen van de duivelse ideologie die islam heet. En dat is GEEN ONZIN!

Vervolgens postte ik nog wat en dat gaf Edwin reden om mij te blokkeren...omdat hij zo van vrijheid van meningsuiting houdt...

In an earlier post I made it clear that the Vatican invented Islam, and to that Edwin responded as follows:


EWagensveld FREEDOM  

@EWagensveld · 1h  

Man is always responsible for his own actions, these kinds of theories to shift blame are of no use to me and I find them more than nonsense!  

Hans S  


It is not about 'passing the blame' but about finding the cause of the devilish ideology called Islam. And that is NOT NONSENSE!

Then I posted something else and that gave Edwin reason to block me... because he loves freedom of speech so much...



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Hoe krankjorum kun je zijn om je eigen dochter te vermoorden.

How insane can you be to kill your own daughter.

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Hans S

Zie waar het Vaticaan en de vermomde Luciferiaanse ROMEINSE KEIZER, ofwel de PAUS voor staan: FASCISME! Maar het Vaticaan vond ook COMMUNISME uit via de JEZUÏETEN Het Vaticaan zit OVERAL achter zoals ook de NEP-pandemie en Covid-19. Het Vaticaan zit achter de EU, de VS, de VN etc.

See what the Vatican and the disguised Luciferian ROMAN EMPEROR, aka the POPE, stand for: FASCISM! But the Vatican also invented COMMUNISM through the JESUITS. The Vatican is behind EVERYTHING, including the FAKE pandemic and Covid-19. The Vatican is behind the EU, the US, the UN, etc.

EWagensveld VRIJHEID
Ik verzeker u voor de volle 100% dat het Vaticaan niets, maar dan ook niets te maken heeft, met het feit dat ik nu deze onzin in mijn TL stop!

I assure you 100% that the Vatican has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I am now stopping this nonsense in my TL!

12:23 PM · Jun 22, 2024
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Tja, dat is jouw keus, maar daarmee verander je de waarheid over de achtergrond van de islam niet.

Well, that's your choice, but that doesn't change the truth about the background of Islam.

Het grote probleem van Edwin Wagensveld is dat hij niet wil weten dat de Bijbelse duivel achter de islam zit en Edwin wil dus niet weten dat hij zelf ook niet recht voor God staat omdat hij niet is gered.

Daarom wil hij niet weten wat de oorzaak van de islam is en andere zaken omdat hij dan moet nadenken over zijn eigen verlorenheid, want tegen de islam zijn is mooi, maar daarmee komt men niet in de hemel en wordt men niet gered.

Dat gebeurt alleen als men het volgende gelooft:

We dienen allemaal gered te zijn van dat we onze eeuwigheid in Gods poel van vuur moeten doorbrengen, want dat is een lot dat we ALLEN verdienen.
Dus wees GERED en geloof dat God zo VEEL van ons HOUDT dat Hij Zich op aarde manifesteerde als de Heer JEZUS Christus die Zijn zondeloze bloed vergoot voor de vergeving van onze zonden, die werd begraven en opstond uit de dood, drie dagen later, 1 Korinthiërs 15:1-4.
Als je dit gelooft, ben je niet alleen gered, maar verzegeld met de Heilige Geest en opname gereed.
Lees elke dag je Bijbel en praat met onze Schepper over alles en maak Hem je beste Vriend en deel dit GOEDE NIEUWS = EVANGELIE met anderen.

Edwin Wagensveld's big problem is that he doesn't want to know that the Biblical devil is behind Islam and Edwin doesn't want to know that he himself is not standing right before God because he hasn't been saved.

That is why he doesn't want to know what the cause of Islam is and other things because he then has to think about his own lostness, because being against Islam is nice, but that doesn't get you into heaven and doesn't get you saved.

That only happens if one believes the following:

We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Ik zei: Hans S
    Wordt WAKKER: How the Vatican created Islam

    http://www.redicecreations. com/specialreports/2006/04apr/catholicislam.html

    1. I said: Hans S
      WAKE UP: How the Vatican created Islam

      http://www.redicecreations. com/specialreports/2006/04apr/catholicislam.html

    2. Wonderlijk dat Edwin dat niet wil weten...It's strange that Edwin doesn't want to know that...

  2. “China considers lslam as mental illness.”

    China has closed down, demolished, and converted mosques for secular use as part to fight extremism

    Authorities have removed Islamic architectural features, such as domes and minarets, from many other mosques.

    1. Islam was invented by the Vatican and communism was invented by the Jesuits of the Vatican....

  3. Replies
    1. Islam was created by the satanic Vatican....

  4. BREAKING: Just When You Thought Sweden Couldn’t Sink Any Lower…

    Swedish Prime Minister Refuses to Condemn Salwan Momika’s Assassination

    At a press conference this morning, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson refused to condemn the assassination of Salwan Momika—avoiding direct questions and failing to even say his name.

    When pressed by journalists, Kristersson dismissed the execution as a “very spectacular murder” and refused to comment further. No condemnation. No outrage. No acknowledgment of Sweden’s role in leaving Momika defenseless. No mention of ISLAM!

    This comes after Sweden’s government actively vilified Quran burners on the world stage. The same government that publicly condemned Momika and Rasmus Paludan in official statements to Turkey and Pakistan, labeling them “right-wing extremists” and “book-burning idiots.”

    Sweden Didn’t Just Abandon Momika—They Marked Him for Death

    Momika was denied police protection, even while being on terrorist hit lists and receiving constant death threats.

    Swedish authorities spent months prosecuting him for “hate speech” while jihadists plotted his execution.

    He was slaughtered in cold blood while Sweden looked the other way.


    Sweden refused to protect him, persecuted him, and stood by while he was executed. They didn’t just let this happen—they enabled it.

    M*slims Can Kill with Impunity—Sweden’s Government Will Do Nothing

    The message from Sweden is clear: Jihadis can carry out assassinations while the state turns a blind eye.

    Meanwhile, other Islam critics remain at serious risk. Who’s next? I will be releasing our powerful interview with Rasmus Paludan soon...

    This is the SAME government that allows convicted terrorists and r*pists to stay in Sweden while aggressively prosecuting and demonizing critics of Islam.

    While Momika was being prosecuted for “hate speech”, Sweden allowed:

    - Jihadists to remain in the country with full citizenship.
    - Islamic terror networks to operate freely.
    - A legal system that punishes critics, not those issuing death threats.

    Sweden’s Complicity in My Friend’s Assassination Is Just the Beginning

    Sweden marked Salwan Momika as a target—now they’re ignoring his execution...

  5. ⚠️Graphic Warning:
    Congo: Islamic militants raided a Christian village and executed residents in Ituri Province.

    Reciting Bismillah ( بِسْمِ اللهِ ) In the name of Allah Loudly while Killing.

    H/T Amir Tsarfati.

  6. Replies
    1. Ebru Umar: “Every day backwardness is imported into the Netherlands”

    2. Het BEWUSTE migratieWANbeleid heeft tot doel om de aard van het oorspronkelijke Nederlandse volk te VERNIETIGEN!
      Vervolgens is het daarna een stuk makkelijker om een TOTALE CONTROLE MAATSCHAPPIJ op te tuigen overeenkomstig Openbaring 13 en het 'merkteken van het beest'. Denk niet dat dit onzin is want ook de seculiere Robert Jensen waarschuwt hier al jaren voor. Het hele gedoe van die nep-pandemie en de 'corona-maatregelen' was in feite een grote wereldwijde generale repetitie.
      Wie is verantwoordelijk voor die 'geimporteerde achterlijkheid'?
      Het Vaticaan!
      Zoek op: How the Vatican created islam.
      En de Jezuïeten van dat Vaticaan zijn de uitvinders van communisme!

    3. The CONSCIOUS migration MISpolicy aims to DESTROY the nature of the original Dutch people!
      Then it is a lot easier to set up a TOTAL CONTROL SOCIETY in accordance with Revelation 13 and the 'mark of the beast'. Don't think this is nonsense because the secular Robert Jensen has also been warning about this for years. The whole fuss about that fake pandemic and the 'corona measures' was in fact a big global dress rehearsal.
      Who is responsible for that 'imported backwardness'?
      The Vatican!
      Search for: How the Vatican created Islam.
      And the Jesuits of that Vatican are the inventors of communism!


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”