Whether it's because she speaks pro-Russian (which is "verboten" in Ukraine) or stole a roll of licorice from the supermarket, you don't tie 11-year-old children to a lamp post.
But it's about our 'values' and Russia shouldn't win, makes you want throw up, this clown.
Does Rutte have any realistic picture of the situation in Ukraine? .. apparently not.
Fast forward to the near future...In memoriam, Mark Rutte
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
President Zelensky is niet wie je denkt dat hij is
ReplyDeletePresident Zelensky is not who you think he is
DeleteNo one willing to join Ukrainian army – soldier
ReplyDeleteUkrainians abroad angry over pressure to go home and fight – WaPo
ReplyDeletePatrick LE BRETON
DeleteIt seems that the only safe heaven for Ukrainian refuzniks is actually Russia.
Oekraïne mag wapens inzetten op Russisch grondgebied: 'Belangrijk signaal'
ReplyDeleteUkraine may deploy weapons on Russian territory: 'Important signal'
DeleteRusland mag landen aanvallen die nazi-Oekraïne voorzien van wapens tegen Rusland!
DeleteRussia may attack countries that supply Nazi Ukraine with weapons against Russia!
Delete‘De oorlog in Oekraïne is een oorlog van de globalisten tegen de bevolking van Europa om ons uit te vegen’
ReplyDelete'The war in Ukraine is a war by the globalists against the people of Europe to wipe us out'
DeleteAnd....the earth is not a 'globe'....
DeleteOud-topambtenaar onthult: de overheid maakt zich bij herhaling schuldig aan complottheorieën
ReplyDeleteFormer top official reveals: the government is repeatedly guilty of conspiracy theories
DeleteUkrainians risk jail for filming mobilization
Deletemobilization ? looks more like abduction and kidnapping...
Kiev-recruited couple tried to blow up railroad in Crimea – FSB
ReplyDeleteActeur Steven Seagal noemt Oekraïne een land van ‘orgaanhandel, kindersekshandel en nazisme’
ReplyDeleteActor Steven Seagal calls Ukraine a country of 'organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism'
DeleteSATAN Rutte: support for Ukraine is about our values
DeleteOorlogsretoriek van Ollongren stuit velen tegen de borst: ‘Ze zijn aan het doorslaan’
ReplyDeleteOllongren's war rhetoric is objectionable to many: 'They are going crazy'
DeleteThe door of the madhouse opens: WWIII declaration by the Netherlands – NATO will attack strategic targets deep in Russia via Ukraine
ReplyDeleteMirjam Bikker krijgt de volle laag: ‘Het enige waar jij in ‘investeert’, als rasechte Farizeeër, is in Wereldoorlog 3′
ReplyDeleteMirjam Bikker gets the full brunt: 'The only thing you 'invest' in, as a true Pharisee, is in World War 3'
DeleteWordt dit onze nieuwe minister van Oorlog? ‘Mijn maag draait ervan om’
ReplyDeleteWill this be our next Minister of War? 'It makes my stomach turn'
DeleteOekraïne heeft een duister geheim en Oekraïense moeders EISEN antwoorden
ReplyDeleteUkraine has a dark secret and Ukrainian mothers DEMAND answers
DeleteHet is wel bizar geworden in Nederland. De meeste mensen blijken dus oorlog te willen. Die zelfde mensen hebben ook meegedaan met Russische roulette mbt hun gezondheid door vrijwillig een aantal mRNA vaccinaties te nemen. Schiet mij maar lek maar dit is krankzinnig
ReplyDeleteIt has become bizarre in the Netherlands. So it turns out that most people want war. These same people have also played Russian Roulette regarding their health by voluntarily taking a number of mRNA vaccinations. Unbelievable, but this is insane
DeleteVerontwaardiging na uitspraken Ollongren over vechtbereidheid: ‘Dat mens wil alleen maar oorlog’
ReplyDeleteOutrage after Ollongren's statements about willingness to fight: 'That bitch only wants war'
DeleteVechten voor kinderverkrachtende topambtenaren die satan aanbidden....
DeleteFighting for child-raping top officials who worship Satan....
DeleteGeen enkele fractie in de Tweede Kamer wil luisteren naar experts die kritiek hebben op de NAVO en oorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteNot a single faction in the House of Representatives wants to listen to experts who criticize NATO and the war in Ukraine
DeleteOekraïense First Lady Olena Zelenska koopt naar verluidt peperdure Bugatti sportwagen nadat Westerse regeringen miljarden hebben geschonken aan Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteUkrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska allegedly buys crazy expensive Bugatti SPORTS CAR after US government disperses billions to Ukraine
DeleteExplosieve onthullingen over oorlogsmisdaden die door Amerikaan geleide eenheid pleegt in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteExplosive revelations about war crimes committed by an American-led unit in Ukraine
Delete‘Onomstotelijk bevestigd’: Kinderziekenhuis in Kiev verwoest door ‘Oekraïense luchtafweerraket’
ReplyDelete'Confirmed beyond doubt': Children's hospital in Kiev destroyed by 'Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile'
DeleteFreedom is hard to find
Delete2 hours ago
Schoof is a dirty RAT, a much scarier guy than that criminal psychopath Mark R.
‘Russische aanval op kinderziekenhuis? Nee, Oekraïense desinformatie’
ReplyDelete'Russian attack on children's hospital? No, Ukrainian disinformation'
DeleteKijk: Journalist geeft na bezoek aan Oekraïne speech bij VN over ‘leugens die media en politieke elite verspreiden’
ReplyDeleteWatch: Journalist gives speech at UN after visit to Ukraine about 'lies spread by media and political elite'
DeletePVV won verkiezingen met standpunt dat Nederland Oekraïne niet moet steunen, nu is daar niets van over: ‘Kiezersbedrog’
ReplyDeletePVV won elections with the position that the Netherlands should not support Ukraine, now there is nothing left of it: 'Voter fraud'
DeleteExperts analyseren filmpje dat Zelensky plaatste na raketaanval op kinderziekenhuis. Hun oordeel is unaniem: fake
ReplyDeleteExperts analyze video that Zelensky posted after rocket attack on children's hospital. Their verdict is unanimous: fake
DeleteJournalist stuurt Oekraïne Huis in Rotterdam boze e-mail om komst nazi’s: ‘Geschokt en vol walging’
ReplyDeleteJournalist sends Ukraine House in Rotterdam angry email about Nazi arrival: 'Shocked and disgusted'
DeleteKolonel over het Oekraïne van ‘fascist’ Zelensky: tienduizenden vrouwen en kinderen raken vermist en worden gedood
ReplyDeleteColonel on ‘Fascist’ Zelensky’s Ukraine: Tens of Thousands of Women and Children Go Missing and Killed
DeleteBurgemeester Halsema ‘laat Oekraïense nazi’s gewoon demonstreren’ op de Dam: ‘Weer een schande voor Nederland’
ReplyDeleteMayor Halsema 'just lets Ukrainian Nazis demonstrate' on Dam Square: 'Another disgrace for the Netherlands'
DeleteEerste westerse (Nederlandse?) F-16’s aangekomen in Oekraïne: ‘Zo extreem misselijkmakend’
ReplyDeleteFirst Western (Dutch?) F-16s arrive in Ukraine: ‘So extremely sickening’
DeleteWaarom heeft oud-premier Rutte NIETS gedaan met dit rapport over terreuraanslag op Nord Stream-pijpleidingen?
ReplyDeleteWhy did former Prime Minister Rutte do NOTHING with this report on the terrorist attack on Nord Stream pipelines?
DeleteHoogste militair van Nederland sluit niet uit dat onze kinderen Zelensky’s gehaktmolen in worden gestuurd
ReplyDeleteDutch top military official does not rule out sending our children into Zelensky's meat grinder
DeleteD66’er Paternotte wil na Nord Stream-onthulling niet speculeren over eventuele gevolgen voor steun aan Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteD66 member Paternotte does not want to speculate about possible consequences for support for Ukraine after Nord Stream revelation
DeleteHorrorverhalen uit Koersk: ‘Oekraïense soldaten martelen kinderen’
ReplyDeleteHorror stories from Kursk: ‘Ukrainian soldiers torture children’
DeletePremier Schoof belooft het door en door corrupte Oekraïne nog eens 200 miljoen extra: ‘Ronduit schandalig’
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Schoof promises the thoroughly corrupt Ukraine an additional 200 million: 'Absolutely scandalous'
DeleteDefensieminister Brekelmans begaat flinke blunder: ‘Dit is nou propaganda, nepnieuws en desinformatie in 1 bericht’
ReplyDeleteDefense Minister Brekelmans makes a big blunder: 'This is propaganda, fake news and disinformation in 1 message'
DeleteUkrainian troops filmed torturing Russian soldier (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteDit zei oud-defensietopman Dick Berlijn eerder over Rusland en Oekraïne: waarom had hij opeens een andere mening?
ReplyDeleteFormer defense chief Dick Berlijn said this earlier about Russia and Ukraine: why did he suddenly have a different opinion?
DeleteNetherlands gives Ukraine green light to attack MOSCOW with long-range missiles
ReplyDeleteKijk: Jeroen Pauw vraagt CU-leider Bikker of ze haar tieners straks in een militair uniform het slagveld op ziet gaan
ReplyDeleteWatch: Jeroen Pauw asks CU leader Bikker whether she sees her teenagers entering the battlefield in military uniforms
DeleteVrouwe Bikker van de ANTICHRIST-UNIE Lady Bikker of the ANTICHRIST UNION
DeleteOekraïense ‘fascisten’ schieten in Rusland op alles wat beweegt: ‘Burgers zijn makkelijke prooi’
ReplyDeleteUkrainian ‘fascists’ shoot at anything that moves in Russia: ‘Civilians are easy prey’
DeleteKijk: Olga vertelt over de honderden kinderen die Oekraïne doodde VOORDAT Rusland het land binnenviel
ReplyDeleteWatch: Olga talks about the hundreds of children Ukraine killed BEFORE Russia invaded
DeleteUS special forces tattoo found on fighter killed in Russia (VIDEO)
ReplyDeleteA US Marine Corps member was liquidated after he and another group of foreigners were eliminated in Bryansk, Russia. They were attempting to carry out attacks as part of the Ukrainian GUR’s Foreign Legion
ReplyDeleteInteresting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)
ReplyDeleteSituatieschets van oorlog in Oekraïne ‘is volstrekte verdraaiing van de werkelijkheid’
ReplyDeleteSituational sketch of war in Ukraine 'is a complete distortion of reality'
DeleteNEP Biden opent deur naar Derde Wereldoorlog: ‘Dit is een hele gevaarlijke escalatie’
ReplyDeleteFAKE Biden opens the door to World War III: 'This is a very dangerous escalation'
DeleteNieuwe Russische hypersone raket is in 20 minuten in Amsterdam en kan niet worden onderschept
ReplyDeleteNew Russian hypersonic missile reaches Amsterdam in 20 minutes and cannot be intercepted
DeleteUkraine massacred civilians to blame Russia – witnesses
ReplyDeleteFelle uithaal naar minister van Defensie Brekelmans: ‘Stop met deze oorloghitserij’
Fierce attack on Defense Minister Brekelmans: 'Stop this warmongering'
DeleteRussische geheime dienst: ‘NAVO plant bezettingsmacht van 100.000 soldaten in Oekraïne’
ReplyDeleteRussian intelligence: ‘NATO plans 100,000-soldier occupation force in Ukraine’
DeleteWest plotting to ‘occupy’ Ukraine – Russian intel
DeleteDit kan alleen maar gebeuren met Ruslands instemming! This can only happen with Russia's consent!
Delete‘Onvoorstelbaar hoe oorlogshitsers als Jan Paternotte bereid zijn andermans kinderen te laten sneuvelen’
ReplyDelete'It's unbelievable how warmongers like Jan Paternotte are prepared to let other people's children die'
DeleteVoor het eerst in 30 jaar onderzoekt Defensie herinvoering dienstplicht: ‘Ik heb het jullie gezegd’
ReplyDeleteFor the first time in 30 years, Defense is investigating the reintroduction of conscription: 'I told you so'
DeleteBrekelmans maakt opmerkelijke ommezwaai: ‘En dan 2,5 jaar lang mensen die hiertoe oproepen voor landverrader uitmaken’
ReplyDeleteBrekelmans makes a remarkable turnaround: 'And then for 2.5 years people who call for this are called traitors'
DeleteKiev names street after Holocaust perpetrator
ReplyDeleteHorrific. ‘Ukrainian Christmas’ that features Satanic Dancers.
ReplyDeleteKijk: Oekraïense soldaten onthullen na hun overgave schokkende details over westerse proxyoorlog in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteWatch: Ukrainian soldiers reveal shocking details of Western proxy war in Ukraine after surrender