Met de zegen van deze religieuze wereldleider...
With the blessing of this religious world leader...

I want to become the next head of NATO
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
He should have asked 'when are you going to the Ukrainian front?'
ReplyDeleteThierry Baudet
He is risen. Christ is king!
Voorzitter brancheorganisatie wil recht op zorg beperken: ‘Schandalig’
ReplyDeleteChairwoman of trade association wants to limit right to care: 'Scandalous'
DeleteMiljarden naar nazi-Oekraïne is oké en de ouderen kunnen verrekken
DeleteBillions to Nazi Ukraine is okay and the elderly can perish
DeleteBizarre wending in affaire rond ‘Russische omkoping’: ‘Dit kan echt niet’
ReplyDeleteBizarre twist in affair surrounding 'Russian bribery': 'This is really not possible'
Delete200.000 jongeren kunnen vanaf nu worden opgeroepen voor dienstplicht: ‘De geesten worden rijp gemaakt’
ReplyDeleteFrom now on, 200,000 young people can be called up for military service: 'The minds are being matured'
DeleteDit was de ‘Russische spion’ die volgens de AIVD en alle media roebels uit het Kremlin naar Baudet bracht
ReplyDeleteThis was the 'Russian spy' who, according to the AIVD and all media, brought rubles from the Kremlin to Baudet
DeleteNATO faces ‘catastrophic defeat’ in Ukraine – ex-Pentagon adviser
ReplyDeleteWoede nadat ‘oorlogshitser’ Rutte wéér 1 miljard euro vrijmaakt voor Oekraïne: ‘Ronduit schandalig’
ReplyDeleteAnger after 'warmonger' Rutte releases another 1 billion euros for Ukraine: 'Quite scandalous'
DeleteHoog tijd dat hij zijn biezen pakt.
ReplyDeleteSATAN Rutte gaat voor EEUWIG branden in de poel van vuur samen met zijn held LUCIFER
DeleteHigh time he packed his bags.
DeleteSATAN Rutte will burn FOREVER in the lake of fire together with his hero LUCIFER
Zelfs de MSM kunnen er niet meer omheen: Rutte schenkt miljarden van ons belastinggeld aan Zelensky om topman te kunnen worden van de NAVO. Zie zijn reactie als hij hiermee geconfronteerd wordt.
ReplyDeleteDe door God VERVLOEKTE SATAN Rutte!
DeleteEven the MSM can no longer ignore it: Rutte is donating billions of our tax money to Zelensky to become the top man of NATO. See his reaction when confronted with this.
DeleteSATAN Rutte CURSED by God!
Rutte geeft Zelensky miljarden om NAVO-topman te kunnen worden: zie zijn reactie als hij hiermee geconfronteerd wordt
ReplyDeleteRutte gives Zelensky billions to become NATO chief: see his reaction when confronted with this
DeleteKijk: Het ‘pijnlijke moment’ waarop Rutte president Erdogan een hand wil geven
ReplyDeleteWatch: The 'painful moment' when Rutte wants to shake President Erdogan's hand
DeleteSnoeiharde uithaal naar Jan Paternotte om oorlogstaal: ‘Ik veracht dat D66-volk zo erg’
ReplyDeleteSharp swipe at Jan Paternotte for war language: 'I despise those D66 people so much'
DeleteCDA-Kamerlid wil graag dat uw kinderen worden gedwongen om als kanonnenvoer te gaan dienen
ReplyDeleteCDA MP would like your children to be forced to serve as cannon fodder
DeleteWorden jullie ook misselijk van het woord ‘sneuvelbereidheid’?
ReplyDeleteDo the words 'willingness to die (in war)' also make you nauseous?
Delete‘Schokkende interne video’ van Defensie maakt tongen los: ‘Mijn maag draait om’
ReplyDelete'Shocking internal video' from Defense sets tongues wagging: 'My stomach turns'
Delete‘Het is een illusie om te denken dat de minister van Defensie überhaupt iets te zeggen heeft’
ReplyDelete'It is an illusion to think that the Minister of Defense has anything to say at all'
DeleteDe VS is de militaire arm van het Vaticaan The US is the military arm of the Vatican
DeleteDe Jonge en Ollongren sturen Kamerbrief over de inzet van journalisten als AGENT: ‘Open en bloot’
ReplyDeleteDe Jonge and Ollongren send a letter to Parliament about the use of journalists as AGENT: 'Open and exposed'
DeleteTopmilitairen bereiden Nederland voor op oorlog: ‘Kijk ze lachen, ze hebben er zin in’
ReplyDeleteTop soldiers prepare the Netherlands for war: 'Look at them laughing, they're looking forward to it'
DeleteJuridisch adviseur wil benoeming Rutte tot secretaris-generaal NAVO via rechtszaak tegenhouden
ReplyDeleteLegal advisor wants to block Rutte's appointment as NATO Secretary General through legal action
DeleteLuchtmachtofficier na het lezen van onthutsend boek over de macht achter de macht: ‘Het klopt niet’
ReplyDeleteAir Force officer after reading shocking book about the power behind the power: 'It doesn't add up'.
DeleteDat komt omdat het Westen geleid wordt door het krankzinnige en misdadige Vaticaan = het vermomde Luciferiaanse Romeinse rijk
DeleteThat's because the West is led by the insane and criminal Vatican = the Luciferian Roman Empire in disguise
DeleteRechter doet over 2 weken uitspraak in zaak tegen Rutte: zo staan de zaken ervoor
ReplyDeleteJudge to rule in case against Rutte in 2 weeks: this is how things stand
DeleteHoger beroep in zaak tegen Rutte: ‘Hij zal willens en wetens de rechtsgang gaan belemmeren’
ReplyDeleteAppeal in case against Rutte: 'He will deliberately obstruct the course of justice'
DeleteImmediately after his installation as Secretary General of NATO, Mark Rutte added fuel to the fire. He called Ukraine becoming a member of NATO a top priority. He also wanted to "militarily support" Zelensky's regime.
ReplyDelete#FVD wants to focus on peace negotiations and stop arms supplies.
Satan can learn a thing or two from Rutte when it comes to lying....
DeleteDirect na zijn installatie als secretaris-generaal van de NAVO gooit Rutte extra olie op het vuur
ReplyDeleteImmediately after his installation as Secretary General of NATO, Rutte adds fuel to the fire
DeleteNATO country allows Ukraine to use F-16s against targets in Russia
ReplyDeleteDutch defense chief Ruben Brekelmans says Kiev has the right to strike military facilities using jets provided by his country
Minister van Defensie verwijdert bericht na stevige kritiek: ‘Wat bezielt je?’
ReplyDeleteMinister of Defense removes message after strong criticism: 'What possesses you?'
Delete🇳🇱🇺🇦 Attentie ‼️‼️ delen aub.
ReplyDeleteDe volmaakt krankzinnige Nederlandse NAVO admiraal Rob Bauer wil dat Europa offers brengt voor Oekraïne!
Hij wil dat Europa minder geld uitgeeft aan ‘andere zaken’ … zoals infrastructuur en onderwijs … maar wel geld uitgeeft aan de Oekraïne, en "risico's" nemen.
🇳🇱🇺🇦 Attention ‼️‼️ please share.
The completely insane Dutch NATO Admiral Rob Bauer wants Europe to make sacrifices for Ukraine!
He wants Europe to spend less on 'other things'... like infrastructure and education... but still spend money on Ukraine, and take 'risks'.
‘Haal die C maar weg’: CDA wil meer geld om mensen te doden
ReplyDelete‘Take that C away’: CDA wants more money to kill people
DeleteHuisarts na wel heel bijzondere kerstboodschap van Rutte: ‘Trap er niet in, niet opnieuw’
ReplyDeleteGeneral practitioner after a very special Christmas message from Rutte: 'Don't fall for it, not again'
Delete‘Bizar en ongelofelijk’: feiten en cijfers over de NAVO-top die in Den Haag wordt gehouden
ReplyDelete‘Bizarre and unbelievable’: facts and figures about the NATO summit to be held in The Hague
Delete‘NAVO wil Roemenië gebruiken als springplank voor Derde Wereldoorlog’
ReplyDelete‘NATO wants to use Romania as a springboard for World War III’
Delete🚨🇺🇦🪖New horrific details of Ukrainian WAR CRIMES in Kursk have emerged
ReplyDelete👇🧵Today we’re going to EXPOSE these BARBARIC ATROCITIES
⚠️ WARNING: Graphic images and testimony