"Irrefutable evidence of Kiev's responsibility in the heinous act," the Russians say
The terrorist attack on the “Crocus City Hall” concert hall, which killed about 145 Russian unarmed civilians, was a joint operation of Western agencies, the Ukrainian secret service GUR and Islamist terrorists fighting on the side of the Ukrainians, reports Pronews .
According to data recently released by Russian secret services, the leader of the Islamist terrorists who led the deadly attack in Moscow, Abdullah Shishani (Abdulhakim Shishani in the red circle in the photo), is seen in the border area between Russia and Ukraine near the city of Belgorod, during the attempt of the Ukrainians to enter Russian territory,
Shishani, the Russians say, has been in Ukraine for a long time and is the liaison between the Chief Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and Islamist terrorists fighting as mercenaries in the ranks of Ukrainian forces.
The captured terrorists were arrested shortly before they wanted to enter the territory of Ukraine after a chase by the FSB special forces and named Abdullah Sisani as head of the planning and execution of the operation,
The Russians also report that this group was funded by the US and Britain.
The fact that Moscow is directly accusing the US and Britain of this crime can only spell the worst for international security.
Ukraine will simply suffer the consequences of the Zelensky regime's actions with retaliation unprecedented since the war began.
And let's not forget the most important thing: as of yesterday, Russia has officially declared war on Ukraine and its allies... Which means it is legally targeting everything it wants destroyed or exterminated.
The TRUTH about the three City States
We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.
Gevangen terroristen geven eerste getuigenis in Rusland (Video’s 18+)
ReplyDeleteCaptured Terrorists Are Giving First Testimony In Russia (Videos 18+)
DeleteInvestigators Uncover Evidence Proving Ukraine Committed Moscow Terror Attack: “This Is Not ISIS”
ReplyDelete1. Dalerjon Mirzoev - CONFESSED - 32, Illegal Immigrant from Tajikistan, overstayed work visa, father of 4 young children.
2. Saidakrom Rachabalizoda - 28, allegedly born in Tajikistan, lives in Moscow.
3. Shamsiddin Fariduni - 24, Born in Tajikistan, factory worker, father of an 8-month-old baby.
4. Muhammadsobir Fayzov - Hairdresser, wheeled in on a stretcher to court.
All have reportedly been charged under Russia's "Terrorist Act" for their alleged involvement in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack.
The maximum penalty is life imprisonment.
Source: Tass, Ria, Sputnik
Moscow concert hall terror attack suspects brought before court (VIDEOS)
ReplyDeleteSomething: during the interrogation, the earless terrorist calmly stated with a smile that: "he shot only 11 machine gun magazines."
ReplyDeleteFor each terrorist, the Ukrainians put 15 machine gun magazines in their hiding place.
And here's another thing:
The weapons that were used in the terrorist attack were seized as a trophy by the Ukrainian side during the fighting. Which leads absolutely clearly to the main customer.
Ukraine recruited dumb Tajiks under a false flag, but ISIS does not have access to such an arsenal of weapons.
After handing over the arsenal of weapons captured during the fighting, they asked the militants to take photos and sent it to the curators, who put the photo in the ISIS media resource.
They hoped that they would leave, and the ends would fall into the water. They didn't leave.
🇷🇺🚨‼️ The fact that the terrorist attack was carefully planned is also evidenced by the fact that one of the bastards was in Crocus on March 7!
ReplyDeleteOn this day, a photographer worked there and took pictures of everyone.
Three more suspects in Moscow terrorist attack arrested
ReplyDeleteNazi EU: No proof Ukraine involved in Moscow terror attack
ReplyDeleteDmitry Trenin: The American explanation for the Moscow terror attack doesn’t add up
ReplyDeleteWest lying about Moscow terrorist attack – British MP
ReplyDeleteKolonel Douglas Macgregor: CIA was ongetwijfeld betrokken bij aanslag Moskou
ReplyDeleteColonel Douglas Macgregor: CIA was undoubtedly involved in Moscow attack
DeleteDit is waarom de Oekraïense GUR, en niet ISIS-K, de hoofdverdachte is in de terroristische aanval op Crocus
ReplyDeleteHere’s Why Ukraine’s GUR, And Not ISIS-K, Is The Prime Suspect In The Crocus Terrorist Attack
DeleteRusland gaat middeleeuws tegen vermeende Takij-terroristen met meer indirect bewijs dat wijst op Oekraïense en Westerse schuld
ReplyDeleteRussia Goes Medieval on Alleged Takij Terrorists with More Circumstantial Evidence Pointing to Ukraine and Western Culpability
Delete‘Radical Islamists’ carried out Moscow terror attack – Putin
ReplyDeleteThe Russian president still suspects that Ukraine was complicit in the tragedy
White House comments on possible Ukrainian involvement in Moscow terror attack
ReplyDeleteA farewell to decency: Prominent Western media and political haters rush to blame Russia for the horrific Moscow terror attack
ReplyDeleteTerrorism suspects came to the EU through Ukraine – media
ReplyDeleteOh SH*T, it's starting. Putin LAUNCHES massive military response | Redacted with Clayton Morris
ReplyDeleteLink met Oekraïne bewezen; Russische politici eisen herinvoering doodstraf voor terroristen
ReplyDeleteLink with Ukraine proven; Russian politicians demand the reintroduction of the death penalty for terrorists
DeleteNog meer terreurdreiging: 30 scholen krijgen onthoofdingsvideo’s toegestuurd, studenten krijgen hulp
DeleteEven more terrorist threat: 30 schools receive beheading videos, students receive help
DeleteUkraine’s top spy a ‘legitimate target’ – FSB chief
ReplyDeleteWeapon of mass distraction: Is the West scapegoating Islamic State over Moscow attack?
ReplyDeleteMoscow attack terrorists were to be met as ‘heroes’ in Ukraine – FSB chief
ReplyDeleteUkrainian ‘Caliphate’: What the West prefers not to notice when blaming ISIS for the terrorist attack in Moscow
ReplyDeleteTerreuraanslag in Moskou is wraak van VS/NAVO voor het verliezen van de proxy-oorlog tegen Rusland in Oekraïne
ReplyDeleteTerror Attack in Moscow Is U.S./NATO’s Revenge for Losing its Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine
DeleteDe verbinding Nuland – Budanov – Tadzjieken – Crocus
ReplyDeleteThe Nuland – Budanov – Tajik – Crocus connection
DeleteUS trying to cover up ‘something’ related to Moscow terror attack – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteThe US has sacrificed a common anti-terror principle to stick it to Putin
ReplyDeleteGermany had no prior knowledge of Moscow terror attack – Scholz
ReplyDeleteInvestigators establish link between Moscow terrorist attack suspects and Ukrainian nationalists
ReplyDeleteUS didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT
ReplyDeleteRussia ‘unaware’ US hid details of Moscow terror plot – Kremlin
ReplyDeleteMoscow terror attack suspects were on drugs – media
ReplyDeleteForeign state ‘obviously’ supported Moscow terror attack – Erdogan aide
ReplyDeleteWest protests too much about Kiev’s possible role in Moscow terror attack – Lavrov
ReplyDeleteMoscow reacts to US ‘manure salesmen’ insult
ReplyDeleteAnother suspect arrested in connection with Moscow terrorist attack
ReplyDeleteTerror mastermind told attack suspects to flee to Kiev – investigators
ReplyDeleteDe Russische Federale Veiligheidsdienst identificeert de VS als verdachte van de Crocus-aanval
ReplyDeleteThe Russian Federal Security Service Identifies US as a Suspect in Crocus Attack
DeleteMoscow terror attack planned and paid for by Kiev – MEP
ReplyDeleteWe know who’s behind border incursion attempts – Russia’s FSB chief
ReplyDeleteMoscow demands that Kiev surrender terrorism suspects
ReplyDeleteRussia to probe possible US links to terror attacks
ReplyDeleteCourt arrests tenth suspect in Moscow terror attack
ReplyDeleteUS seeking to distort facts about Moscow terror attack – intelligence report
ReplyDeleteWest helping Ukraine attack deep inside Russia – CNN
ReplyDeleteMoscow responds to claims US warned it about possible terrorist target
ReplyDeleteTerror and the West: Russian prosecutors demand answers from the US and its allies
ReplyDeleteThe authors of the document suggested that only Western politicians could have had an interest in such an attack, and insisted that the “international terrorism of the collective West must be stopped.”
DeleteProbe launched into Crocus City fire safety staff – media
ReplyDeleteCourt arrests eleventh suspect in Moscow terror attack case
ReplyDeleteFSB reveals Crocus City attackers’ plan to escape to Ukraine
ReplyDeleteThe evil empire = the USA was behind this attack on behalf of the Vatican and Satan
DeleteRussia claims ‘significant evidence’ of Kiev’s involvement in Crocus terrorist attack
Deletebut of course Kiev orchestrated the attack. You're in a bloody war with your next-door neighbor to stop them from installing NATO's tactical nukes on their turf to point down your throat, who else would do something so crazy?
DeleteAnd linking Ukrainian nationalists to the CIA and thus to the USA terrorists.
DeleteI think even when there's evidence that CIA planned it, Russia will not reveal that, because Russia does not want to go to war with NATO. So they can privately let known "hey we know what you did". Then proceed to beat the crap out of Ukrainians.
Dmitry Medvedev
Well, well, you respected leaders of the US and European countries! Terrorists stating that they were promised one million rubles in Kiev, and that to get there they were to go through a gap in the Russian-Ukrainian border was not enough for you? So, the terrorist attack was ordered by ISIS, right? The real employers are the ukrainian bandera bastards, your fosterlings. And the accomplices to this murder are all of you, Biden, Macron, Sunak, Scholz, and other henchmen. We won’t forget that!
TERRORIST White House responds to Russia’s Biden-linked firm terror claims
ReplyDeleteManhunt underway near Moscow to capture Crocus City Hall attack suspect
ReplyDeleteAmericans can’t tell us who blew up Nord Stream, but they solved the Moscow terror attack case in 15 minutes?
ReplyDeleteUkrainian link to Moscow terror attack ‘confirmed’ – Russia’s security chief
ReplyDeleteUkraine can use British weapons to strike Russia – Cameron
DeleteWell, he can say that because he knows NO-ONE in Russia has the b*lls to tell him that should ANY of their weapons take out strategic sites on Russian territory, then Russia WILL take out similar sites in the UK, and the carry through with it! That is why they are doing what they are - there's NO REAL consequences from the Russian side! I do not wish for a war, but a the saying goes: "you teach people how to treat you", and this is exactly what Putin's doing. Until recently he even allowed the sale of Russian diesel fuel and Lord knows what else to the UK! Something ain't right here - and as I have said many times, this all appears to be part of the "agreed" global reset planned by the WEF - of which Putin is a member! He and Klaus Schwab have a great picture together, like best friends!
This response was criticized on RT-Russia, but it is true that Putin is playing along with the 'great reset' game.
DeleteMoscow puts Zelensky on wanted list
ReplyDeleteRussia issues military ultimatum to UK
ReplyDeleteMoscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons
Ukraine using British weapons for terror attacks – Moscow
ReplyDeleteUkraine seeking to spark direct NATO-Russia clash – Moscow
ReplyDeleteNATO expansion fueled surge in Neo-Nazism – Lavrov
ReplyDeleteKiev makes first airstrike on Russian border region – Sky News
ReplyDeleteMoscow blames Washington for deadly Crimea strike
ReplyDeleteOrthodox priest brutally murdered in southern Russia
ReplyDeleteTerrorist attacks in southern Russia: What we know so far
DeletePentagon has ‘nothing to say’ about strike on Crimean beach with US-supplied weapons
ReplyDeleteRussia should destroy the PENTAGRAM = PENTAGON!
DeleteWashington took the side of international terrorism – Moscow
ReplyDeleteKremlin issues warning over ‘barbaric’ Crimea attack
ReplyDeleteRussia ‘can’t not respond’ to Crimea attack – Ron Paul
ReplyDeleteSchokkende nieuwe video laat zien hoe bommetjes neerdalen op Russische strandgangers
ReplyDeleteShocking new video shows bombs falling on Russian beachgoers
DeleteWat u niet mag weten: we hebben na de oorlog 12 MILJOEN Duitsers etnisch gezuiverd
ReplyDeleteWhat you are not allowed to know: we ethnically cleansed 12 MILLION Germans after the war
Delete‘Root causes’ of Ukraine conflict should be eliminated – Lavrov
ReplyDeleteThe 'Root causes' are Satan and the Vatican = the disguised Luciferian Roman empire
DeleteKremlin slams ‘disgusting’ Ukrainian neo-Nazi PR tour
ReplyDeleteUkrainian incursion into Russia leaves civilians dead, children injured – governor
ReplyDeleteRussia estimates Ukrainian losses in failed incursion
DeleteUS lying about involvement in Kursk attack – Putin aide
ReplyDelete‘Genocide’ in Koersk: ‘Oekraïense soldaten hebben mijn zwangere vrouw gedood, hele dorpen zijn uitgemoord’
ReplyDelete‘Genocide’ in Kursk: ‘Ukrainian soldiers killed my pregnant wife, entire villages were massacred’
DeleteEn het criminele is dat Poetin dit allemaal liet gebeuren omdat hij Oekraïne al lang geleden had kunnen overweldigen en uitschakelen, en dit toont dat Poetin het spel meespeelt en dat deze oorlog deel is van het 'great reset' plan.
DeleteAnd the criminal thing is that Putin allowed all this to happen because he could have overwhelmed and disabled Ukraine long ago, and this shows that Putin is playing along and that this war is part of the 'great reset' plan.
DeleteHetzelfde kan worden gezegd van de oorlog in Gaza en de rol van Netanyahu...The same can be said of the war in Gaza and Netanyahu's role...
DeleteGewone Russen en Oekraïners en Israëliërs en Arabieren ('Palestijnen') zijn het slachtoffer.
DeleteOrdinary Russians and Ukrainians and Israelis and Arabs ('Palestinians') are the victims.
DeleteDe media laten dit niet zien: ‘Oekraïne zet chemische wapens in, Duitsers en Polen vechten in Koersk’
ReplyDeleteThe media does not show this: 'Ukraine uses chemical weapons, Germans and Poles fight in Kursk'
DeleteOekraïense commandant klapt uit de school: westerse inlichtingen achter invasie in Koersk
ReplyDeleteUkrainian commander reveals: Western intelligence behind Kursk invasion
DeleteForeign fighters killed in new Ukrainian incursion attempt – FSB
ReplyDeleteRussian court issues arrest warrant for French reporter
ReplyDeleteAlexander Dugin
Syria was a trap for Erdogan. He has made strategic mistake. He has betrayed Russia. He had betrayed Iran. He is doomed. Now the end of Kemal’s Turkey has begun, we have supported you. Until now. From now on you ll repent.
Germany’s Scholz lashes out at EU state’s president over frozen Russian funds – FT
ReplyDeleteRussische inlichtingendienst geeft document vrij over samenwerking tussen VS en nazi-Duitsland
ReplyDeleteRussian Intelligence Releases Document on US-Nazi Germany Collaboration
DeleteKremlin rules out territory trade with Kiev
ReplyDeleteBritain threatens ‘largest ever’ sanctions against Russia