Tuesday, 2 April 2024


Het ging niet over het Merkteken van het Beest, over 5G en meer.
Zolang mensen niet zien dat alle boze wegen leiden naar het Vaticaan en naar de Jezuïten en de Paus en Satan, zullen ze niet in staat zijn te begrijpen waar het om gaat.
Vooral snapt men het niet als men niet gered is door de hoofdpersoon van de Bijbel, de Heer JEZUS Christus, overeenkomstig Het Evangelie 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 en van daaruit de Bijbel leert te verstaan.

It wasn't about the Mark of the Beast, 5G and more.
Until people see that all evil roads lead to the Vatican and to the Jesuits and the Pope and Satan, they will not be able to understand what it is all about.
Especially people do not understand it if they have not been saved by the main character of the Bible, the Lord JESUS Christ, according to The Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and from there learn to understand the Bible.



  1. Naomi Wolf geschokt door informatie van spionnen Karel van Wolferen: ‘Dit is een heel belangrijk punt’

    1. Naomi Wolf shocked by information from spies Karel van Wolferen: 'This is a very important point'

    2. Naomi has trouble believing that her country is behind all the evil, and that's because she doesn't realize that the US is directly controlled by the Jesuits of the Vatican on behalf of Satan the devil.

    3. Naomi still believes in a number of lies such as the moon landings and that the earth is a spinning ball in space, and climate change is not a hoax, or that 'Biden' is real.
      The most important point was made by Flavio early on about the Biblical Mark of the Beast.
      Both persons still need to come to recognize the truth that ONLY the Lord JESUS Christ can save us.



En opnieuw had Robert Jensen het over The Mark of the Beast - And again Robert Jensen talked about The Mark of the Beast


We all need to be saved from having to spend our eternity in God's lake of fire, because that's a fate we ALL deserve.
So be SAVED and believe that God LOVES us so MUCH that He manifested Himself on earth as the Lord JESUS Christ who shed His sinless blood for the forgiveness of our sins, who was buried and rose from the dead, three days later, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
If you believe this you're not only saved but sealed with the Holy Spirit and rapture-ready.
Read your Bible every day and talk to our creator about everything and make Him your best Friend and share this GOOD NEWS = GOSPEL with others.


  1. Replies
    1. Watch: Doctor explains how the Covid shot is used to conquer the human mind

  2. Replies
    1. Naomi Wolf explains at Jensen what they plan to do with us

  3. Replies
    1. Watch: In Germany it is now openly acknowledged what the 'wappies' stated from the beginning

    2. Wappies = Dutch swear word for people who are against the corona measures

  4. Replies
    1. Health department must release 780,000 withheld adverse event reports, and this is what it says

  5. Replies
    1. They are now also testing the mRNA vaccine on animals, these are the consequences

  6. Replies
    1. Hugo de Jonge stopped research into face masks!

  7. Replies
    1. Letter sent in response to the suspension of general practitioner Frank Peeters

  8. Replies
    1. Jesse Klaver overwhelmed with criticism after performance at WNL Op Zondag: 'Dirty inciter'

    2. Jesse Klaver is registered in the civil register as Yasser Feras


    3. Ok , fransje van de pvda/groen links heeft banden met de WEF , een elite club die hun propaganda over ons heen stort.


      Zelf is ie ook niet helemaal clean:


    4. Ok, Fransje from the Pvda/Green Left has ties with the WEF, an elite club that pours their propaganda over us.


      He's not completely clean himself either:


  9. Replies
    1. Was April 6 an exceptionally warm day for the time of year?

  10. Replies
    1. Vaccination victim is considering taking action against RTL News: 'They messed with the wrong lady'

  11. Replies
    1. Will Klaver and Paternotte now apologize for their false insinuations?

  12. Replies
    1. Rabid Groningen psychiatrist draws a comparison between 'conspiracy thinkers' and people with psychosis

  13. Replies
    1. While Italy has banned cultured meat and France is calling for a European ban, the Netherlands wants to remain a leader

  14. Replies
    1. Thousands of medical professionals believe that the Netherlands should not agree to the WHO's power grab

  15. Replies
    1. 'Fuss' about conference where no journalists are welcome, but not a word about the WEF or Bilderberg

  16. Replies
    1. 'The tide is turning, the government is losing control! Are we going to have a revolution after all?'

  17. Replies
    1. Public health linked to climate change: 'This is a very worrying development'

  18. Replies
    1. POWER GRAB by the WHO? Fierce CLASH between Van Meijeren (FVD) and corona cartel

    2. UNCOMFORTABLE! Minister receives cheat sheet during critical questions from Van Meijeren (FVD)

  19. Replies
    1. Minister Dijkstra receives a cheat sheet after difficult questions from Van Meijeren: 'I am distracted for a moment'

    2. Dit verdrag komt er 'gewoon' want we worden bestuurd door corrupte, incompetente, hondsdolle IMBECIELEN!

    3. This treaty will 'just come into effect' because we are governed by corrupt, incompetent, rabid IMBECILES!

  20. Replies
    1. According to VVD member Tielen, Gideon van Meijeren's argument consisted of 84.2 percent nonsense, look at his reaction

  21. Replies
    1. BBB does not want to take a back seat to the WHO pandemic treaty: 'This is being rushed through'

  22. Replies
    1. Marion Koopmans is lashing out wildly: 'You are really off track with your takeover of power'

  23. Replies
    1. Harsh criticism of Minister Dijkstra's actions: 'Embarrassing is still a compliment'

  24. Replies
    1. This is what Hugo de Jonge planned for children in education during corona times: 'It's getting crazier all the time'

  25. Replies
    1. Pepijn van Houwelingen is furious: 'This scaremongering on the front page of the Volkskrant is total nonsense'

  26. Replies
    1. Thierry Baudet: a very bad time is coming

  27. Replies
    1. Empty-headed Olcay Gulsen calls parents who do not have their children vaccinated 'empty-headed'

  28. Replies
    1. Look how disgustingly Willem Engel is framed with fake news at the NPO

  29. Replies
    1. This company makes almost half of Dutch people chronically ill and makes a lot of money from it

  30. Vanavond een speciale editie van Forum Inside!

    en @thierrybaudet
    gaan in gesprek met gevierd publicist en politiek adviseur @naomirwolf
    . Een grand exposé van de internationale elites die samenwerken om de nationale soevereiniteit te ondermijnen.

    1. Tonight a special edition of Forum Inside!

      and @thierrybaudet
      will be in conversation with celebrated publicist and political advisor @naomirwolf
      . A grand exposé of the international elites working together to undermine national sovereignty.

  31. Replies
    1. We need to talk about the things they spray in the air

  32. Replies
    1. AD: excess mortality is an 'advantage' and yields hundreds of millions

    2. “The Covid poison shot. You did it for someone else and you do it for the public treasury”

  33. Replies
    1. Kees van der Pijl on TV: 'Almost all political parties are channels of the World Economic Forum'

  34. Replies
    1. Watch: a board member of De Nederlandsche Bank also doesn't really know why the digital euro should be introduced

  35. Replies
    1. Motion adopted requesting that the government request a postponement for a vote on the WHO pandemic treaty

  36. Dr Naomi Wolf

    Hi all -- so. I skipped ahead to the New Testament, with a Koine Greek - English side-by-side literal translation, and what am I to do -- so much of the NT has been mistranslated, or, shall I say, creatively translated, in addition to the OT having often been mistranslated. Is it offensive if I analyze this fact when we get to the NT? The creative translations or outright mistranslations of the NT often write out what was familiar language of a radical/reforming Jewish teacher/Redeemer of Israel, and heighten or present other language that introduces or showcases the idea of the establishment of a new (Hellenistic-oriented) religion. As in later translations of the OT, there is often distance introduced in later translations of the NT between "the Sons of God" (that is, humans) and God, that is not there in the original. I think this set of insights is important but I do fear offending people.

  37. Replies
    1. Lawyer about WHO pandemic plans: 'It's just not legally correct'

  38. Replies
    1. All patients of doctor Jan Vingerhoets have been cured, but he is still before the judge: 'Incomprehensible and sad'

    2. Men 'dient' het normaal te vinden dat men geïnjecteerd wordt namens de staat omdat het einddoel de implementatie van het merkteken van het beest is.

    3. One 'should' consider it normal to be injected on behalf of the state because the end goal is the implementation of the mark of the beast.

  39. Replies
    1. Farmer on TV about weather manipulation in the Netherlands: 'This pattern is so unnatural'

  40. Replies
    1. Many hysterical headlines about whooping cough: Prof. Capel explains how it really works

  41. Replies
    1. Gerrit Hiemstra, WHO boss Tedros and WEF lady receive honorary doctorates from the University of Groningen

  42. Replies
    1. 'Very special': Is this network in the Northern Netherlands used for weather manipulation?

  43. Replies
    1. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is looking for Cover-up Director: who will apply?

  44. Replies
    1. Shameless promotion for the 15-minute city in the media

  45. Replies
    1. Hospitals full due to many unwell during marathon in Leiden: 'We are again pretending that nothing is wrong'

    2. Door de Covid-19 mRNA-gifprikken werden veel mensen onwel tijdens de maraton in Leiden

    3. Due to the Covid-19 mRNA poison injections many people became unwell during the marathon in Leiden

  46. Replies
    1. Surprise at bizarre training: 'Climate madness leads to this'

    2. Deze gek heet Hendrikjen Antonia Alma, een vrouw die zich Hans noemt...

  47. Replies
    1. Dystopian plan: Residents of Renkum 'don't know what literally hangs over their heads'

    2. Duivelse ambtenaren besturen dit land Devilish civil servants run this country

  48. Replies
    1. Dutch people with sustainability regrets warn: 'Don't do it, you will never earn it back!'

  49. Replies
    1. Next pandemic on the way? The mRNA vaccines against bird flu are already in production

  50. Replies
    1. Doctor warns: this is what happens to patients who receive vaccinated blood

  51. Replies
    1. Member of Parliament shocks audience: possibly 100 MILLION Americans with heart damage from the jab

  52. Replies
    1. De Jonge and associates simply determined what the OMT's advice was: 'This was really the smoking gun'

  53. Replies
    1. Woman (63) dies from blood clots 5 days after blood transfusion, Sanquin 'keeps this case under wraps'

    2. Mensen worden doelbewust VERMOORD via corrupte bloedtransfusies

    3. People are being KILLED on purpose through corrupt blood transfusions

  54. Replies
    1. Notable research: myocarditis ONLY occurs after Covid vaccination

    2. The Covid jabs are POISON

  55. Replies
    1. According to the 'experts', this is the warmest spring ever and you just don't want to see that

  56. Replies
    1. Anyone who carefully reads the article by Dutch researchers about excess mortality will be truly shocked.

  57. Replies
    1. The worldwide damage caused by the jab is worse than you think

  58. Replies
    1. Co-founder Greenpeace on Green Deal: 'Recipe for mass suicide'

  59. Replies
    1. Watch: Nigel Farage explains in half a minute what the real purpose of net zero is

  60. Replies
    1. 'Shocking': government official admits that population is being deliberately REPOPULATED

  61. Replies
    1. Watch: 15-minute cities are now being rolled out in Canada

  62. Replies
    1. Economist on Dutch climate policy: 'It's tied together with insane stupidity'

    2. By the way, I did see a non-existent globe in the background...believing that the Earth is a ball and a 'planet' is just as insane

      Ik zag overigens wel een niet bestaande globe op de achtergrond..geloven dat de aarde een bal en een 'planeet' is, is net zo krankzining

  63. Replies
    1. 'Wow, this is almost conclusive proof that excess mortality is related to vaccination'

  64. Replies
    1. Moderna receives 176 million from the government for the development of an mRNA vaccine against bird flu

  65. Replies
    1. In September, the globalists try to stage a decisive global coup: 'This is such an insane plan'

  66. Replies
    1. GroenLinks-PvdA MP flooded with criticism after statement about the 'extreme weather' on Tuesday: 'Total fake news'

  67. Replies
    1. 'Brace yourself': Here's what you need to know about the upcoming bird flu summit

  68. Replies
    1. 'While we are massively distracted, everything is being prepared to impose a new monetary system'

  69. Replies
    1. No more meat at Saxion University of Applied Sciences during events: 'They are bat shit crazy'

    2. Saxion University of Applied Sciences, internationally known as Saxion University of Applied Sciences, is also a member of the World Economic Forum. Surprise.

  70. Replies
    1. ‘Corona vaccines 2.0’: Lawyer warns they are busy preparing a new plandemic

  71. Replies
    1. Lisa (15) urgently needs vitamin B12, but doctors want to give her electroshock therapy: 'This could mean her death'

  72. Replies
    1. Journalist: This is a war, in 5 years the people who got the shot will be sick, disabled or dead

  73. Replies
    1. Dr. Fauci showered with ridicule: COVID for the third time after being 'vaccinated and boosted six times'

  74. Replies
    1. Every MONTH, 'a million' people become disabled and this is the disturbing reason

  75. Replies
    1. The food industry has been bought up by cigarette companies and this is how they make us addicted (and sick)

  76. Replies
    1. Doctor fined 2,500 euros for warning about the dangers of the Covid vaccine

    2. Vuile schoften! Dirty bastards!

  77. Replies
    1. This company adds carcinogen to sunscreen and also makes the drug to treat cancer

  78. Replies
    1. How the government silences victims of injection injury (officially established): 'Intensely sad'

  79. Replies
    1. European vaccination card coming in 2026 and this is what it means for you: 'They are doing things that are not legally possible at all'

  80. Replies
    1. Investigative journalist searches for Amish children with autism and makes startling discovery

  81. Replies
    1. The Green Mafia doesn't want you to see this video about windmills

  82. Replies
    1. European Commission wants to install a spy on your phone: 'Listen and shudder'

  83. Replies
    1. Woman was arrested during corona time for filming in an empty hospital, she recently got her way


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'Putin will invade Europe' is the new 'Iraq has weapons of mass destruction'

  “Putin will invade Europe” is the new “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction”